Cup cakes for birthday

Hi Pink,

Can i have 2 muffin tray please..collection at Harbourfront / vivocity weekday lunch time
Let me know ya...

one silly question to ask mummies here...if the pineapple tart recipe call for 2kg of pineapple..the weigh with the skin or without the blur now.......

Kathy, me is i cant sleep leh, recently always untill 2am plus then sleep, lie on bed eye big big tired but juz cant sleep, then when gng to sound sleep, alarm clock ring, got to work dun waste time, i might as well bake some CNY goodies to earn $$$$....hahahaha
Thanks Pink

Wheel pan, S$12.00 :

1. Cat
2. CL
3. 1-0
4. Ixorarred

Wait list:
1. Kathy
2. Pink's coll
3. MDL
4. yewyen
yesterday nite try baking Bak Gua, turns out not bad!


Joanne...i will try another recipe on kueh bangkit..last yr that recipe too difficult to achieve the right texture.
Wow PENG, really peifu u leh.... Now even bak gua is homemake....

If u manage to achieve an easier recipe for the kueh bangkit, can share? Me last yr bake oso cant get the rite 1. Not melt in the mouth.
You are realli onz. Ha ha my gal's school was asking for PV to do kueh Bangkit. Told them haha I never even do any CNY Cookie before so sure cannot do it one
for kueh bangkit, do you all use the same proportion of sago flour versus tapioca flour or More tapioca than sago? I've got 2 recipe now... *blur*... please post your recipe to share or advice me... thanks lots!
Pink, i'll swing by alex. techno park to collect from you. I'll collect on behalf of 1-0 as well. Can? hmm... Think best timing is either 1pm or 1.45pm... on weekdays except wed., please advice which day you are going to lunch in.
Also, C.O.D. ... thanks!

Ice, can collect after I collect? Then I can tompang Pink your SMALL pkt of ribbons to be passed to you at Tampines? hehehehehe... pink, can? Thanks!
peng, thanks... hmm... tot i did that as well... got another one from some blog i think... in a dilemma shud try that or not... but need lots of flour! hahahaha... which one u using this year?
Hi Ladies
I'm new to baking and would like to take it up as a new hobby. Bought a hand mixer and it died on me. Now searching for a stand mixer. I heard kitchenaid mixer is good but very expensive. Any other recommendations, or you know of someone who is selling off their KA mixer?

Catika, wan to ask u sometin on our oven. If i wan to bake lot of pineapple tarts in 1 time round, like 2 trays on the same time, hw to bake or put the tray? scare wait the top tray top cook liao bottom uncook, & the below tray bottom cook & top uncook. Dun wan to waste time & electric to bake only 1 tray on 1 time
meow n peng.. kueh bangkit got use sago flour? the recipe i have only state tapioca flour.. err.. sorry to ask.. sago flour not same as tapioca flour? diff flour loz...tapioca flour extract from tapioca, sago extract from sago hahaha...yah i saw some recipe purely use tapioca flour only...i want to try the purely sago flour one to see the texture!
rgd: kueh bangkit... duh??? so now got 3 different version... the malay notty kueh! hahahaha... the more i read, the more i'm confused! *juz like initial stage of mac*... hahahaha... ok ok... think i stick to safest mixture of flour... last year got melt in the mouth... so shud be ok i guess...

joanne, last year i tried pineapple tarts top and bottom two trays, turn out fine. you've gotto watch your temp and i'm using two wire trays instead of the given black tray.

kendy, yeah... different flour... but maybe in your hands, all become same? Just like u did mac... anyhow piak also can... *sigh*... *shake head*

CL, no problem! But I dunno when meet her leh?!?!?! You NOT in a hurry hor? ...

Pink, so i'll collect mine, 1-0's and CL's ... and I'll need your help to pass to Ice Lim - her small pkt of ribbons. I'll pass to you when I collect the loot. Thanks in advance!

Ice, DON'T collect before me at Tampines hor... going to pass PINK your SMALL pkt of ribbons! *winks*
Cat, wat is wire tray? must i swop the tray like after 10 min baking, like the top put below, the below tray put to the top? The wire tray izzit the given metal rack tat one? if yes, tat mean hv to line baking paper on top then put the tart, will the oil leak thru the paper & dirty the oven???

Was gg to ask u help me collect the muffin tray wor... Then when i bypass ABC market for lunch den look for u. Me this stage pantang glue this n tat. So not urgent in making the clips yet.... Can???

a crazy working mom who loves to bake as a hobby reporting here ...

Anyone knows where to get the KAI mickey and pooh cookie cutters now? Or anyone wanna sell their do PM me. Thanks.

Share with you what I have bake last nite with my gal.
ok, wait for ur experiment on the all sago flour bangkit. but i tot the small amt of sago is to let it had the "melt-in-mouth" effect?

now oso as blur as cat liao.....

so u help me collect the tray hor? U COD? then u titi toto to u...
icelim...yah i understand the sago is to make it melt in the mouth...there are so many recipes around so have to trial n error loz hahaha....
eh.. sago is made from tapioca flour leh.. n gona try it tonite.. test run.. wif canned coconut cream.. here no fresh.. have to ask neighbour to ask her sis help me buy frm tpy..

meow.. i wish loh.. mac easier den some of the cny stuf.. very waste time to roll each one..

bluey.. nice bread n cookies
Peng, i really peh fu you leh. Bak kua also homemake. Is it very nice? Worth the trouble to make or buy outside?

I want to try your deep fried spicy peanuts. Is it in yr blog? It looks very crunchy.

Joanne, nowadays i also cant sleep at nite. Keep thinking abt lots of things. End up morning also like zombie. My hubby said its a passing phase. But i still not so hardworking like you.
How much you selling yr tarts? Can help you promote.
Juz done pineapple fillings from scratch... Phew... this year quite satisfied with the result.

Peeled and hand grated 4 pineapples and cook till become pineapple jam/paste... I will include part of the core of the pineapple for the crunchiness every year... HB and me can't stop pinching it... must stop! - If not, pineapple tarts not enuff pineapple fillings liow! hahahaha...

Did some penguin waffle on Sunday - result no good... first time using the waffle maker... gotto brush up skills first!

From the penguin parade, can see the shape getting better - but still ample room for improvement!

On Sunday did a simple dinner... stew oxtail with beef, tendon and beef stomach with radish, potato, onion and carrots!

Just cooked some spaghetti and drenched it with the pot of stew!

(End product has got thicker sauce as compared to picture)

Last night did Spaghetti Aglio Olio ... with Grilled Pork and Celery pieces... yummy yummy...

J&J ate w/o chilli flakes and me and HB LOVES lotsa chilli flakes!

your aglio olio so different from mine. Looks good got any recipe ? Mine hb says a bit tasteless.

Me not baking CNY cookies but busy with my 2 boys birthday. Yday ah Lau birthday Cream O Cheesecake from AY's blog. Ha ha mine look like charcoal

Hello All,
Just came in to say hello and admire all the fruits here. Have not been baking for almost 2 months ..... been busy settling my gals in P1 & new childcare/student care. How have mummies with kids in P1 been coping?

Envy you leh, still can try out so many new fruits with your gal also at P1 ....think I will take a while to get back the momentum & start baking again....
how is your gal coping ? Mine got used liao and quite enjoyed school. Every day auto 8.30 - 9 pm need to knock out and 5.30 am will be woken by the alarm clock. First day no appetite to eat breakfast now can liao. Then she now will finish the lunch box I prepare for her then will go buy snack. Otherwise always buy snack.

I only wake up earlier to prepare what to pack for her recess. Then after sending her in school bus, come back part 2 prepare son to leave home with us for childcare.

Me got fruits because ha ha ah lau and son's birthday very close mah
Hi kathy, wat ur hubby mean by passing phase? i'm nt pregnant leh....Thanks for helping me to promote huh...hahaha, me selling the tarts at $15 a bottle (45-50pcs)lor...
CL, use olive oil, fry fry fry the garlic and a bit of shallot... till crispy... scoop out and dish aside.

in a BIG wok, take an amount of the crispy garlic and add in cooked spaghetti... toss toss quick quick a bit... so that the spaghetti can absorb the flavour... (be careful dun chao tar the garlics)... then almost done that time, sprinkle some herbs (and chilli flakes) to it and toss quick.

Scoop out liow, top with crispy garlic and also herbs.

For this Aglio Olio, Olive Oil is a MUST... cannot be stingy with oil...
(Psss... also not too much lah... spaghettis can't be dripping oil!)

Hope it helps.
Hmm... so now who tompang me to get items from Pink at Alex park?

1. Cat (muffin + wheel)
2. Eileen (Wheel)

Please add on name and item.

If you want to titi-tutu $ to me, it's at POSB Savings 245-92551-4.

I'm not urgent... just some people maybe pantang say dun owe over CNY... hahahahaha...
Thanks Meow
Ha ha I oso did that. You ask LIM the taste. Ha ha my olive oil is good good one but me no skill ha ha

Me need to tompang
Hmm... so now who tompang me to get items from Pink at Alex park?

1. Cat (muffin + wheel)
2. Eileen (Wheel)
3. Chic Lil (Wheel, already transfer money to Pink directly)
Cat, Me too lah...

1. Cat (muffin + wheel)
2. Eileen (Wheel)
3. Chic Lil (Wheel, already transfer money to Pink directly)
4. icelim (muffin)
CL, ice, noted.

CL, got taste leh... my boy and HB very fussy eater... eat noodle must go here, eat swiss roll must go there kind... *sigh*... can pass their test... phew! maybe ... hmm... what garlic u use???

For my cooking, I always buy those 'loose' garlic, that is a bit purpurlish/pinkish in colour one... then want to use, then chopped finely on the spot... Josh loves garlic! I tried the 'cloves' kind as well as the pre-chopped kind... he say no taste...

Ur Spaghetti Aglio Olio ... with Grilled Pork is minced or chop into small cubes when it cooked? Looks v delicious and 1st time c got pengiun waffle v cute.

Wow, have to wake up so early to prepare lunch... v good mummy wor for me Err... dun think i can make it.
Grilled Pork... buy Wu Hua Rou... marinate (normal sauces used) overnite... put on grill pan and grill each side about 5 mins - as in doing steak...

when your kid need to go P1 you see them so poor thing you will one lah.

ya I lazy use those peeled and washed kind. Ok I will try again.At least that day my hb still give face eat most of it and then say can cook again. ha ha
