Cup cakes for birthday

Below is wat i've found... dunno is it pink's or not?? comes with the attached picture...


110g all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
30g castor sugar
2 eggs, separated
100ml coconut milk
120ml of pandan juice (blend 5 pandan leaves with about 140ml water, strain)
2 tbsp butter/margarine, melted and cooled
1 tsp pandan paste (optional)

1. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together into a mixing bowl. Add egg yolks, coconut milk, pandan juice, and pandan paste. Use a whisk to mix the mixture well. Add melted butter or margarine and mix well.
2. In a separate clean mixing bowl, whip egg whites at medium speed until egg whites represent bubbles. Add sugar and continue to whip at high speed until stiff peaks form.
3. Use a spatula to fold egg whites gently into the flour mixture in Step 1 until well blended.
4. Preheat waffle maker until the indicator shows that it is ready to be used. Pour some batter onto the waffle iron. Cook approximately 6-7 minutes until brown and crispy.
5. Serve while the waffles are still hot with Kaya, butter, peanut butter, honey etc…… yummy!!!

if you want to eat it plain, no kaya, peanut butter, honey etc, you might concidered to increase the sugar amount to 45gr
last try...

Hi all, may i know wat is the different between Bicarbonate of soda & baking soda. I saw this 2 on the baking section, i normal use Bicarbonate of soda whenever recipe request baking soda.
Joanne...the compound is different i think...extract a simple explanantion on both :D

from Wikeapedia : Sodium bicarbonate is primarily used in cooking (baking) where it reacts with other components to release carbon dioxide, that helps dough "rise". The acidic compounds that induce this reaction include phosphates, cream of tartar, lemon juice, yogurt, buttermilk, cocoa, vinegar, etc. Hence, sodium bicarbonate can be substituted for baking powder provided sufficient acid reagent is also added to the recipe.[3] Many forms of baking powder contain sodium bicarbonate combined with one or more acidic phosphates or cream of tartar.
Hi Joanne

I believe Bicarbonate of Soda and Baking Soda are the same thing. However, Baking Powder is totally different.........i did a search on this topic previously......
Wow Peng, ur explanantion very ciam leh....
Sometime i use the bicarbonate of soda to soak the prawn, after cook the prawn very chewy leh, like those selling Har Kou in the tim sum restuarant. very Nice but juz wan to know will it harm our body? Coz saw that it can polish teeth, like very acid, scare will rotten my stomach...hahahaha
WOW seh... nice nice... can sell to earn more milk powder for meimei le... :p

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all....
Blessed yr with lots of cooks & bakes....
Dear Maummies,
Wish u all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! May all your wishes come true & may all of you & family be in the best of health in 2009.
happy new year to all!!! huat arh!!! be it $$ or cake or kueh kuehs... huat huat huat arh!!!

0, no lah... a new hobby cos ordering from overseas site so exp... do liow can match her wardrobe...

if sell, not worth the effort.

there is a difference between art and commodity... if become sales item, then no passion liow...

If cannot see passion in piece, become not so lively piece liow...
If wan to sell, of coz must practise more... make chio chio one then sell... if just for sake of making to sell... no point olso...

we got so many "models" for your clips hor..
it be cute to see meimei putting on all these...
some people see it AS A POINT to make for SALE ...

for me, it's a handicraft/art ... to make for people i care and love... esp my J!

Actually, my HP-camera and my photography skills do not justify the real product... when we meet, i show u REAL McCoy... nicer than pic... *promise - somba* hahahahahaha...
happy new yr!! juz got back fm east coast park.. went countdown wif my parents, youngest bro, jovi n hubby.. see those ships shoot flares.. :D

meow.. i like the green ribbon.. very kawaii..

bought 8 pairs of chopsticks today.. 5adult set, 3 kids.. chio! lol.. (3 set kids cos 1 set is for my hair..)
chicken little & TL: at the end i didn't buy the $120+ tefal oven coz it's 16L only. the 26L is selling $299. i shall wait for better offer. haa..
Very lovely. I oso want to learn. Look at it I see like I have a lot of scrap ribbons and stuff from my scrapbook can use leh. Now my gal short hair liao but I think pin something oso nice.

Dear mummies
Happy new year to all.

You are right should get something bigger.
Good morning mummies! Happy new year to all.

Cat, yr blueberry cheesecake looks yummy. If cannot finish, let me knw ok** wink wink**

Difficult to make or not?

Think most pple travelling, must be back only recently, thats why so quiet in this thread. But the upcoming CNY will boost this thread again. Cant wait to see all the yummy goodies. Was trying to write out a list to bake. This year must achieve what i want to bake for CNY. Anyone got the receipe for the champagne cookies. Bot one tin frm the taka CNY fair, got excellent feedback from all the guests so wanna try baking it.
wah... today whole day no posts... hmm...

tomorrow back to chauffering J to and from school... MoRnInG SeSsIoN !!! HELP ME!!! - argh...

CL... wah... do u sell ur ribbons? ...
want to start 'collecting' ribbons to have an assortment.
Niece saw the pieces and 'ordered' ah-yee must make for her liow... hahahahah...
I do not sell mine but check out Textile centre, cheap cheap. I wll try to dig my stash to see if there is any I doubt I will use for sb and pass to you. I have one whole box of overflowing ribbons ha ha
today first day of school... phew... woke up as planned... i HEARD the alarm!!! hahahahah...

after marketing and cooked lunch, decided to do this Thai Tapioca Dessert (recipe posted by Jsmum LONG TIME AGO). After dinner, we had this as dessert, yummy!

Tapioca pieces soaking in sugar syrup and served with coconut milk!

could anyone advise me which type of cream topping can stay longer in the room temperature and won't go out of shape?
and other than MMF, what other choices i have to deco the cupcake?
Hi Mummies,
Happy New Year!
Busy Busy Busy..... Din bake.
Here is the cake for my sis' gal that I ordered from Pink few days ago:

So gorgeous n pretty, right?
Its chocolate sponge inside. :)

Thanks for accommodating this last min order. Mwah.
Sally, very nice cake. The piggies look so cute. Are there some wordings by the side?

Peng, finally see you in here. Busy baking?

Fatmum, nice bread. Looks very soft. Like breadtalk ones.

Haven been baking coz my bb dwn with fever. Hope to start my new yr resolution soon --- more baking!

Cat, saw parkway parade selling hairclips like yours at $3.90. I bot 2. Is diy going be cheaper?
Very cute cake.

Your cake is getting very pro.

Me again up at wee wee hours to prepare baking stuff and baked. Baked this simple teddy bear and heart cake for my gal's recess. Thanks to Peng's recipe in her blog. Hope she eat it since she skip the recess last friday and yet breakfast not eating much. Also prepared the fondant for practice to decor a cake for my son's bday on friday. If failed, my shifu Pink has to be my backup.

kathy, think so leh... per alligator clip is only about 20 cents... and ribbons by metres/yards... so per clip is about 30 cents to 80 cents? ... but then again, if you buy lots of ribbons and clips, the initial start up cost is there lah... gotto do many to justify that it's worth it... hahahahahah... for me, it's for my niece and DD ... so i find it worthwhile lor...

CL, if you are able to find some here and there pieces of ribbons, pass to me hor! hahahaha... thanks in advance!
Peng, I also intend to bake all my CNY cookies this year, dun want to buy frm outside liao, every year buy the same, so sian.

Xiauling, how's yr preg? Hope you are well.

Cat, wa didnt knw the cost per clip so low. I thot $3.90 is already inexp. Hmm...maybe I can try it out coz my gal love hairclips. I buy until bankrupt liao. Also, I got a collection of ribbons. Daiso got a gd range of ribbons during xmas period, dun knw still hve anot. You can go chk it out.

Mummies, i intend to bake my mum a cny cake this year, do you all knw where i can buy those Gong Xi Fai Cai to stick on the cake? Phoon Huat has?

Peng, chk w you... You ever use those clear gel to deco the cake? Must buy or we can whip up ourselves?
