Cup cakes for birthday

Kathy, yeah... I've been to Daiso, not much selection. Thanks!
kendy, yeah yeah... hahahaha... had simple dinner that nite and I used handmade Ramen from Malakka and just PIAK this dish onto Ramen and serve! hahahahaha... nice when hot hot... with some 'crunchy heh bee hiam' ... maciam like Crystal Jade style. hahahahahah...
Kathy, the clear gel u referring to is it those 'flavoured' kind? Like Mango, Lemon, Strawberry, Kiwi kind? ... I saw those in Lee Bee... maciam like our schoolday hair Gel.... hahahahaha... Coloured in tub form, see thru... exactly like Gel!! :p
Let me do a spring cleaning for my ribbon box and will pass you any extra. hee hee

What "gel" you talking about ? Is it paste ? Saw many types of paste at Sun Lik
for fondant, must it do it on that day when we wanna deco or can be the night before? the fondant need to store in the fridge?

how abt the buttercream? can store in the fridge overnight before doing the deco on the cake?
for fondant have to do 24 hours before. I did mine on Monday morning and another one tue pm. So will practice tonight.

Buttercream can store too. 1 hour before deco can bring out otherwise will be hard. Me too just did the buttercream yday pm.

Dunno how my cake will turn out in tonight practice. Ha ha the actual is friday
that was my first challenge in Aug 08 last year. Now I move on to the not yet walk want to fly. Trying to decor a fondant cake for my son. ha ha. See if I can fly tonight
Thanks for receipe

Now 25 week about 6 mth plus. Very tired & my bach very painful. Feel like want to massage whole my back.
Hi gals! Yummy...

Missyling, I like the look of ur spagetti!

Peng, ur snapper looks delish!

Yesterday I made pizza... but dunno why after eat, 1 hour later like kanna asthma attack! Keep sneezing, eyes tearing, then like cannot breathe... I got so scared... maybe allergic reaction? used fresh white button mushrooms for the first time... but I cannot confirm if it is due to that... oh dear...
Peng/Cat, i see those outside bakery they use the clear gel to draw picts and deco the cake. Its edible but like what Cat said, looks like our hair gel.Got a lot of colors, wonder did they add the coloring or it comes in colors and flavors. Not sure you get what i mean.
Xiauling, so fast 25 wks liao. See pple like very fast, but when cums to ourselves, takes ages to pop.

Ask yr hubby to massage for you. Thats the least they can do for their preggy wife.
Kathy...hee i know wat u mean after Catika description

Jen..oh dear so serious...wat else u added to ur pizza? maybe u should rinse & blanched the mushroom b4 cooking..

Starfruit & Pork Salad
Hi Eileen, how much u bought the 3in1 Waffle Maker? I tot of getting one aso..

CNY is ard the corner.. anyone bake any CNY cookies?
hmm.. baking green pea cookie tonite.. haven got pineapple so never made pineapple tarts yet.. =)

juz went toyogo to get the container n non stick baking paper.. cheaper there
I bought at $79, thanks lim for helping to get so good offer.

I want to bake kueh bangkit, shrimp springroll n pineapple tarts. But no time to do it yet n CNY coming soon, very stress lor!
Eileen...this yr I still not sure want to do pineapple tarts or not :p i fried the flour for the kueh bangkit liao, but still lazy to start baking!
Hi all, these are the cakes for my girl 4 years old birthday. Same doll for both cakes and after wash can play some more. Hee.. Burning midnight oil to bake these, panda eyes lor..


Hi All,

many thanks for the sms & e-mails i received, apologies didn't manage to reply all as i'm "hostage" by office tasks lar..... :p
even 1st january oso working from 8am-9pm...

I'm glad your sis like the cake

thks for your kind words.

u new with us? welcome onboard.....
peng's is rite, you can use buttercream to deco cake.
you can get the recipe in my blog if you keen to try mine:
for MMF, CL is right, you have to rest it atleast 24hrs, you can't use it imedietly....
to achieve the strong color, put aside for atleast 2days after tinted it with food coloring..
my 2cents worth

yup, the Pandan waffle is my recipe

this is the pic:

pls note that the coconut pandan waffle is not the crispy type, it's more like the one tat selling at prima deli.

i've the crispy waffle recipe, but in bahasa indonesia, no chance to translate it, if you keen, i'll try my best to translate it by next week, after this friday report deadline, if not, i don't have a "clear" brain to translate the recipe.

here is the crispy waffle type i made ard 2 mths ago:

my little sharing:

prepared the above foods and cakes within 6 hrs...
last friday, after comeback frm office, rushing to buy tis and tat, my sis' hse warming.
ah yes, she allow me to use her pl, infact, the keys is with me... haha!
let's hv party... perhaps feb?
Hi pink
pls share yr crispy waffle recipe but not in the hurry la, I can wait, hehe!

very nice cake n very well done!
ya very beautiful cake

you realli cooked a lot. I want the wheel pan leh.

Oops colouring must put 2 days in advance ah. then I need to quickly put colour tonight liao
niko! wah seh... long time no 'see' ... u getting better and better liow!!! *wolf whistle*

pink, please email/post recipe of the crispy to me as well... thanks! Translated one hor... saya tak-da-wu bahasa! hahahaha...
Pink, hw much you bot the cupcake stand (the 1 in yr pict)? I saw in chicago, selling at offer USD29.90. So tempted to buy but in the end hubby said too bulky and so drop the idea.

Peng, so you knw hw to use those? Do we add colorings ourselves and pipe straight? No need to further beat or processed?
I just bake my pandan swiss roll. Tried to cook kaya, but when add eggs, everything just curd and bcum maciam steamed egg like that. Dun knw what went wrong....
kathy, the ones i saw in lee bee... is ready and can be used straight. Got colour and flavour liow. think just scoop onto cake or into piping bag and use as it is.
kathy, you must kept stirring it. its ok if it curd up. In order to get a smooth texture, you can use your mixer and give it a whisk. it be smoothen after that.
MissyLing, really huh? Aiya...I threw the whole pot away leh. My maid kept saying so sayang...
After i added the sugar, the cocomut milk become like transparent. Is that correct?

Cat, where's lee bee? I wanted to buy to deco the CNY cake for my mum. Wanted to give her a surprise. She kept saying my cakes not pretty enough to see people.
kathy, lee bee is at jurong west... u check with phoon huat whether they have or not... but i didn't see at HV branch though...

wah seh... ur maid tonite OT arh? hahahahaha...
kathy: yap the coconut milk will become transparent and you got to kept stirring it. Then it will curd up. No worries about that. You can always whipped it during mixer or use blender to blend it.

or you can steam it.. it will end up abit like steam egg but after whisking it... it will be ok.. but do not not water drip into the mixture.
I oso want the wheel pan.

Ha ha I think i need course for fondant. Not so smooth when I decor and ha ha I think I need to attend a course for rolling fondant out too ha ha
morning all,

wow... didn't know the wheel pan is eyeing by many mommies? haha!
my sis bring 10, i chop 2, my shifu 4, tats why got 4 extra. ok, i'll check with my sis wether she can help me to get more as i'm going back to jakarta during CNY.
the wheel pan is not available in singapore, last time i saw ng ming huat at JB selling 37+ , now no more liao.

if you using AY recipe, her method totally diff from the normal kaya, give her a call and she will guide u. she is teaching tis kaya, i've to respect her.
oho.... u nvr pay attention during her workshop? hahaha!
for the cupcake stand, i gotta check with my aussie fren, she gimmi as xmas present

Muffin pan, product info & measurement/dimention at:
1. Cat
2. Kathy
3. Js'mum

wheel pan, S$12.00 :
1. Cat
2. CL
3. 1-0
4. Ixorarred
wait list:
1. Kathy
2. Pink's coll
Bake some Pineapple Tarts last nite untill 2am, tired. Packed in container for my family & my colleague to try. Hope to recd order from them...hahahaha

Peng, after lazy for so long, finally bake my pineapple tarts liao...hey, the kueh bangkit easy to bake anot? my son love to eat tat.
Think my digital weighing scale gng to die liao, when weighing my flour & stop at 450g, awhile the number keep jumping up 450, 451, 452, 453 454....untill 470 plus, using another empty bowl, pour my flour over still the tat hw to measure accurate...haiz...


hi joanne,
wheel pan is for bread or those cake bread texture.... not suitable for soft cake.
muffin pan not suitable by post cos the material is quite good, the pan it self already 530gr.

Collection points:
1. Tampines st 33
2. Alexandra technopark weekday, 9am-5pm
3. Harbourfront / vivocity weekday lunch time

Muffin pan S$8.00, product info & measurement/dimention at:
1. Cat
2. Kathy
3. Js'mum
4. Joanne

Pls note i'm extending a helping hands only, not running BP or getting profit.

wheel pan, S$12.00 :
1. Cat
2. CL
3. 1-0
4. Ixorarred
wait list:
1. Kathy
2. Pink's coll
3. MDL

Cat, wah jurong west soooo far. Then i chk out PH 1st.
Yah lor, my maid OT last nite. Bo pian, she also gets to eat
But not only my maid OT, Joanne OT until 2am!

MissyLing thanks for advice. I'll try it again tonite.

Pink, i got pay attention lah, but hands on different leh. I panic when the thing curd. Later i give you a buzz.

Yeh, start to see CNY cookie liao. Waiting for more to comes in. Like that feels more motivated.

My kueh bangkit failed last year, taste like rocks. Dun knw want to try again this year. Feel so disheartened.
