Cup cakes for birthday

does any mummies making love letter? Can I chk abt the love letter maker. Is it good to use cos I am thinking to buy one tonite. I need comments. If I am not wrong shld be takada brand.

Thanks mummies for your comment.
It is hard work so I pei fu Pink to do so many cakes and other mummies who has done so before.

Without help from Pink and Hwee, I cannot achieve this result. You should ask Pink when she see my practice cake, I think she very worried I cannot make it. Ha ha. I got lots of encouragement from Hwee, always ask me to be confident and can make it one.

Yap, rocket self baked. But it is not mould, just using 2 baking bowl of different sizes. Cannot mould properly so need to find substitute. Hee hee
Hi all
Baked blueberry cheesecake for today pray pray but the cake taste nice but look ugly, hehe!
Finish wrapping 400pcs of shrimp roll n now pork floss is in process. Hope can finish by today then I can start prepare the flour for kueh bangkit.

I have 1 love letter maker but forget what name. It is not easy to make love letter as need to roll it when it is hot and must be fast. So I give up of making love letter only buy from outside, hehe!
Hi! Can someone help me with the cupcake qns, pleassssse... My cupcake texture is ok after baking and cooling down but it will turn very hard if kept in fridge? Is this normal??
where got ugly. You never see my black lu lu oreo cheesecake meh. Yours looks good lah. Ha ha I love shrimp roll got the hint ???? ha ha . You are oso a power woman can do everything
chicken little

Tks a lot for replying. If I bake one day b4 celebration and put the frosting , can still leave outside?
Shers, Joanne selling pineapple tarts. You can pm her.

CL, very nice cake. How to achieve the red color for rocket. Need to add lots of coloring?

Peng thks for the receipe. No worries will look for it in yr blog.

Eileen, yr cheese cake looks yummy, like the coffee bean one.

Pink, tmr can pickup the pan frm you?
Hi Pink,
Include me for the wheel pan. Kum xia!!

1. Cat
2. CL
3. 1-0
4. Ixorarred

Wait list:
1. Kathy
2. Pink's coll
3. MDL
4. yewyen
5. Mo2
6. Eron pork floss! i wanting to try making that also! but too many things to do, must finish baking my cookies then see how heee....
Hi all great bakers and cooks here,

Long time no 'see'. Wow all CNY goodies are popping out here..drooling.

Managed to bake some butter cookies and Japanese light cheesecake on 2nd last day of 2008 but forgot to take pics.
but..was happy cos no crack in the cake and all were snapped up very fast...hehe.

I haven't started baking CNY yet but will try squeeze out some time in midnite bah. Just want to contribute my first attempt in 2009 on home cooked laksa...sedap!!!

Ok I went to get the Takada love letter maker and have started making the love letter. The Machine is quite good and easy to use and none stick too. I got it at Parkway NTUC, cost $33.90 for those interested.
this round I used fondant I left in room temperature. For buttercream, I oso remembered last round I oso left in room temperature if I am not wrong

Ha ha the red fondant is from my Shifu, Pink. She says needs a lot and 5 days in advance to do have the colour set in. That day for other colours she posted as 2 days in advance. So I did the blue and yellow in advance.
CL, thks for sharing. I heard for bright red very difficult to achieve. So i better do my red fondant in advance for CNY.

I've made my pineapple tart pastry, nw resting in the fridge. Gonna attack later.

I am trying to make some fondant covered cupcakes. Made a batch of MMF yesterday night. For mixing it with colour, is it a must to mix it 2 days in advance as mentioned by chicken little or can i mix in the colour just a while before the cupcakes come out of the oven? For dusting, do i use cornstarch or icing sugar? Lastly, after i coloured the fondant and covered my cupcakes, can i leave them in the fridge? How long can i keep them if i leave them outside in an airtight container? Sorry so many qns at one time.
wa.. nice KB peng.. gona try wif sago flour oso.. btw.. ur recipe got use butter or not? my 2nd recipe use butter.. but mom say butter taste abit strong..
Sharing my pineapple tarts



I'm trying very hard to collect the complete HK figurines from 7-11
Do beep me if you have extras ya.. Thanks!!
Kendy....heee yah i just find out some recipe do add butter :p is it difficult do knead with butter? i realise if the pastry is not roll smooth got lots of cracks on surface, will break easily after baking, do note that for those who are going to bake KB
<font color="aa00aa">hello mummies...
wow...i been so busy with my new work to drop in this thread and here i saw all the nice CNY goodies coming up.

your KB looks nice leh...
can order or not?
if can pm me hor!

your tarts look good.
u make your own pineapple paste or the ready made one?
my mum always makes her own pineapple paste..
she will grate and grate and cook over small fire..
very tedious but very nice..hehe</font>
wah seh... 2 days no log in... nice nice!!

I'm still trying to find/squeeze time to do CNY goodies ... already did the pineapple fillings only.. siong! I'm 'flying solo' for the next 1 week... HB won't be around... siong!!!

CL, nice cake!

1-0... yummy!!

muffin, itz super easy, just marinate with oyster sauce and other normal sauces... overnite, then stew for a day...
ingredients are as listed.

peng, just when i was looking around for the nestle corn flake cups... u posted recipe! ... will try that out!

REGARDING KB, so please advice which recipe you use for the melt in the mouth? Thanks! (otherwise, i'm thinking of using the tapioca and sago mix one)
Hi all
today baking kueh bangkit n making 2 shares. Lucky my hb helping me or else don't know must make till what time. My hb said it tastes nice n my boy keep asking more for it, hehe!
This batch the pineapple is bought but my mom just made some so gona start another batch.
Nothing beats home make pineapple tarts!

Your kueh Bangkit looks yummy!!
Peng, Eileen, Eliz,

Your KB very nice. I've just managed to fry the flour today, hope can by this week.


Your pineapple tarts look yummy too.

Cooking the pineapple is really a tedious job, from grating to cooking them took me at least 4 hrs bah. I did a batch, now sitting in my fridge, waiting for me...


Long time din see you liao. You can do it lah, your kids so 'guai' can give a hand too.
Oh, before I forget...want to share a good lobang with you gals for this CNY.

Just received this from my friend over the weekend...

Annual tent-age seafood sales all at wholesale prices (Guarantee at least 15% cheaper than Supermarkets)!

Weekends (10th 11th, 17th and 18th Jan 2009)
Time : 9am - 6pm.
Factory Location:
Blk 27 Defu Lane 10 #01-176

Products include:
Chinese Pomfret, Grouper Fish Fillet,Scallops (USA / Canada),Premium Sea Cucumber,Shark Fins,Crab Meat,Tiger Prawns,Pink Leg Prawns,Steamboat Products (Tofu fishcake, sotong balls, lobster balls),Tempura and Breaded Products.

I bot some to try out this week before deciding to stock up for CNY. Yet to cook all though, but the tempura fish cocktail and breaded prawn are nice and cheap. Can drop by for those staying nearby. PM me for the pricelist if you want.

Fyi, I am not promoting for them hor, nor do I hv a share in it. Just want to share this lobang for all to save $$$ for CNY.

wah, your cupcakes and the cake look so pro!!! thanks for lending me the cutters, else, i don't know what time i could complete my cupcakes deco. :D

share with you my 'fruits'. the 2 doll figurines bought from sunlik. don't know how to make. haha...

btw, is the fondant supposed to be very soft? after i cut to the shape that i want and going to put on the cupcake, it goes out of shape. I didn't use MMF, got another recipe which didn't need marshmallow to do fondant.

sunny, take the pineapple paste, go grate another FRESH pineapple (choose those 'greener' ones - sour) and then drain juice and cooked it together till MERGE...
Peng, can email me ur KB recipe? tat one melt in the mouth type??? my son love it so thinking to bake for him after baking finish my pineapple tarts order.
morning all,
wow... many CNY goodies.... yummy!

the hello kitty pineapple so cute! very creative.

here is the updated list, if i missed out some one or the collection point is incorrect, pls amend ya?

Muffin pan S$8.00, product info &amp; measurement/dimention at:
1. Cat - alexandra technopark
2. Kathy – Tampines st 33?
3. Js'mum – tampines st 33
4. Joanne - ???
5.elaine77 - tampines st 33
6. icelim - alexandra technopark (cat)

Wheel pan S$12.00
1. Cat - alexandra technopark
2. CL - alexandra technopark (cat)
3. 1-0 - alexandra technopark (cat)
4. Ixorarred - ???

Wait list:
1. Kathy - Tampines st 33??
2. Pink's coll
3. MDL - Tampines st 33??
4. yewyen - ??
5. Mo2 - ??
6. Eron - Tampines st 33??

collection at my office next week ya?
this whole week i need to bring laptop&amp;documents to&amp;from office, no extra hand to carry other barang barang liao.

WOW ! cakes looks very pro! very proud of you leh!
perhaps next time we can do partnership liao! haha! i supply fondant, you do the cake

your son must be very proud of you and keep telling his fren: my mummy bake one leh! etc etc... bake with love

yes, bright color (MMF) need to prepared days ahead.

you not using MMF? if ready-use-fondant, you can try wilton, texture is very stable, but taste no good.
PH fondant no good... very wet..

beside Marshmallow, you can use gelatine to make fondant from scatch... but hor... much more work... and after do it, many utensil need to wash, so i prefer MMF... taste nicer and easier to handle... my two cents worth

Thanks for taking my order. My husband works @ HarbourFront. I'll either make a trip there 1 day for lunch or get him to collect it on my behalf. U need me to TT the $ to u 1st?

Thanks again
here's my recipe of fondant:
• 1/3 cup softened butter
• 1/3 cup light corn syrup
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 1/2 tsp salt
• 1 lb sifted powdered sugar

'cos i am vegetarian, can't take gelatine/marshmallow, so got to do it my own. haha... i think it's too wet... how to make the texture more 'firm' so easier to do the deco? add more salt and sugar?
hi sunny,
you may reduce the corn syrup &amp; replace the butter with shortening, and throw in abit of agar agar powder.
i did it for my vegan consumer

butter is non vegan rite? shortening yes, it's from vegetable fat.
agar agar powder oso vegan
method is the same....

hi aliz,
will check yahoo mail tonite, office can't login to yahoo mail :p
i hv tat kitty mould, now can open ceremony liao... i never use it..haha! u so creative!
I also got that kitty mould ... still thinking what to do to impress my 4yr old gal.

Now tempted to buy the vege cutter since it is smaller than kitty cookie cutter.

I have difficulty searching for the recipes here. Can someone tell me where to find the recipe for the MMF.

Do you here have a facebook group?

No one have kueh baula(bulu) recipe?

the 300gm sago flour is weight after fried? and the coconut milk is packet form or from fresh 1? Intend to make by this wk so must make sure i use the correct method...
thanks! i will try it for my boy's b/day which is next month.

could I also check, how come some of my cupcakes does not stick on the cup cake paper after it's cooled?

icelim...should be no prob this time lah hopefully ! hahah..i accidentally drop one of the cookie and its breaks into pieces loh hahaha this shows that the cookie is very delicate ...
