Cup cakes for birthday

Morning mummies, many food pics
Drooling **

Didn't know that CL is so expenisve.. #2 I didn't have any CL also.. just got MIL to come to help to cook and play with Ryan. As Roy is 100% TBF (still TBF now).. I personally don't think a CL is useful unless she is able to do all the Maid duties(cleaning/cooking) + help to take care of the baby + other kid while you are resting.
Anyway..for my case.. wash hair alternative day..never bother about dry shampoo etc.. everything as usual..which is doing the marketing/housework + bathing both boys and taking care of all their needs from 3rd day back from hospital. Actually the faster you get back to your normal routine you will feel better and prevent you from being depressed etc. Also get back your shape faster


Oic...cos the one I had before was with peanuts inside it. Taste very nice.


Did you spread enuff spacing for the cookies to expand? You make the cookies in a ball form or using cutters? I did both types; it will expand depending on the size of the ball you hv made. So nid to have enuff space for expansion. If use cutters it won't spread much. If not enuff spacing, it will overlap each other.


I had CL for my first boi, she did everything for me and even cook for my hb. #2 my mum did for me...suffering cos can't do many many stuffs...haha. #3 got CL but only do cooking for me (no washing) and look after my bb in the day - lousy CL. #4 - I cooked my own confinement food, bathe my newborne while maid helped me to look after the other 3. Rite, getting back to the normal routine asap will be good for you and oso slim faster.
HI angeline (nginreia)

what a coincidence, we have the same name
I've the 3-tier cake stand which Pink made for us at her workshop. Am willing to lend it to you as I've not used it before. You may want to add some decorations as it is made from cardboard. Hope it's in time for your girl's birthday. Pink and XiaoLing are Indonesian mummies too, you should get in touch with them and join us more often
Peng, I did not add any icing sugar cos the whip cream (I used redman) itself taste slight sweetness. Furthermore inside my cuppies got blueberry jam so sweetness is jst right. I'm not too sure if u add icing sugar u may have difficulty in whipping up.

Personally I find buttercream easier to handle cos it won't 'melt' so fast. So when I find the freshcream too soft I put it in the fridge again before used. I oso don't add the colour before whipping instead I whipped the whole lot of original colour then seperated into bowls & add colour. I'm not too sure if this process is correct but during the mixing of colour into the whipped cream it tends to turn watery. So i refreeze them b4 I start piping. Another things to note if u used those hundred & thousands sprinkles on whipped cream it will cause discolouraton so best to sprinkles before serving time.

Pink sifu anymore advise on fresh whipped cream?
just now tried baking donuts. end result is not good. don't know what's wrong. very chewy and hard. any advise?
J's mum
I still haven't try to bake the CNY cookie, how can get order?

Nice fruit. My sil told me kueh Bangkit not easy to do n they never succeed. So I am a bit scare. Can tell me anything to take care when doing? U bake total 4 bottles? 2 times of your recipe?

i did leave some space in between the cookies. but didnt expect it will expand so much. i make the cookies in the ball form, but end up all become very fat. izit because my dough is too liquid, that is why the biscuits cannot stay in shape and spread alot? should i add somemore flour? btw i didnt put brown sugar, just put normal sugar 80gram. the cookies taste very nice, let my girl tried, she likes it very much
xiau ling
I dunno if putri salju is kueh makmo. Can share the recipe?

Wat is it dat u like abt your cl dat u engage her agn?
$1,900 is x if she doesn't help u to look after your no 1
I tbf leh. No need cl @ 9

ruffy, Js'mum
Precisely I will tbf, dat's y I need cl to do hse chore. I m not particular abt food as long fish n veg for lunch n dinner can already. Dat's y I dun mind 1/2 confinement svc. More freedom too. My hubby n my parents esp want me to rest more. So I won't do hse chore n bathe bb

will 100s n 1000s b discolored on buttercream? Do u need to mix the buttercream in the mixture agn if u keep in the fridge n use on another day?
can you please describe your steps and methods?

I only got my doughnuts right when i visited the 'shifu', then I realise my method went wrong. Corrected my method it turn out well now.

Wow...drooling over your kueh bangkit leh.


Did you forget to put baking powder and baking soda? I had one same experience like you before...did it in a rush and so forgotten to put them.


U made the shrimp roll and pineapple tarts mah...tat's what my fren looking for leh. Remember Brenda who passed you the tupperware sift? She's the one lor...hehe


It could be becos you hv left the cookies dough outside too long tat it has kinda melted. You can try to put the dough in the freezer for a while first to harden it. Just before baking, take out and roll them into balls. I normally takes a teaspoonful of dough to roll into bite size. Btw, was the butter melted oredi when you do the dough? Perhaps other mum can advise too.

Happy baking!!!
i follow the steps in pink's recipe, mixed all the liquid ingredients and added dry one.... just that, i find that the batter is quite watery, i added more flour. :p then, instead of lemon juice, i change it to orange juice. and i added some coco powder, too. is it because too much flour? the batter supposed to be watery?
the batter supposed to be quite sticky/watery one. maybe too much flour and plus you added cocoa powder. maybe that's why. by right should be "fatter" than what you have.
Hi apple,

i used the chocolate chip cookies receipt also.. mine also flatten.. hahhaa.. become those '6-1' bread.. joined together.. hehhee...

i follow the receipt strictly.. found that kinda sweet.. maybe got to reduce the sugar amount.. i guess got to place the cookies into 1 tsp then by the time it flattened, quite nice liao.. me going to try again tmr if got time and let u know again
Yesterday was a "BAD DAY". Was preparing to bake for my gal's 1st mth. Took out my new phillip mixer then it got "hang", cant operate. Borrowed one from my MIL. Her mixer cause circuit trip, power failure. Hubby & I got a shock cos a loud pop follow by smoke. Luckily we were not holding onto it. Guess she didnt use it for many years. Spend 5 hrs trying to "unhang" our mixer, went ard borrowing but cldnt find one. Almost wanted to give up.In the end went to buy a new one.

With the new mixer, started on my cuppies.Hubby make boxeswhile I bake. Make 70+ cuppies. 1st attempt to make more than 1 batch. Feel really happy cos we did it!

But cuppies not soft & nice. With some "make up" still can "fake it". some pics to share.

Hey pink if got chance must go see how u bake yr cuppies again. I try some many times but still don get the "soft" cake lei.

Some pics to share.


Try to put them at least 1 1/2 cookies apart from each other before baking. You can still reduce the sugar abit more.


Congrats to your princess' full month. She looks so sweet and just look at her eyes. She knows she is in the camera leh..."CHEESE"...haha.
Wow, so happening arh yesterday but at least you hv finally make it just for her. Very nice cuppies and full month packaging for friends/relatives. I am sure they will love it. Well Done!!!
Js'Mum: very tiring cos too many hiccups. Then last min got to rush. No feedbac yet. hope they don dump into the bins.

Shers: i don follow confinement practice. When no one ard I will take cold drinks too. cant resist.
Can silicon pan/cups be used for non-bake cheese cake?

If use silicon pan, does it shorten baking duration?

Jsmum: I wanna try yr choco chip cookie receipe. But w/o the chips & use cocoa powder instead. U try b4? Cos wan hv "pimpleless pooh bear". cant wait to use my cookie cutters
morning mommies,
woke up early to do my office work actually, but can't resist to visit tis thread

nice kueh bangkit !! are u using the recipe tat u posted?

ha ha! when i read yr sms regarding yr mixer saga, i'm smiling, dunno suppose to act what :p
but lucky you managed to deliver those 1st mths goodie on time.
from the pixs, not as bad as your discribed leh, actually the cuppies looks very good before & after dressing.
yr princess looks very alert and seems like she know mummy wanna take pix huh? nice photo! thks for sharing....
js'mum !!!
finally meet u here ! missed you leh, especially after dark topic.. wahahahahaha !

come come! juz sms me if you wanna comeover....

xiau ling,
wan me to translate the recipe? can...
BUT..... in return u muz pay me 2btls layang layang and 2btls of putri salju. hahaha! i very tham ciak mah....

seaweed roll, i'll leave it to niko to answer ya?
i'm not sure abt it.....

can help angi_wee?

i know which crackers you are talking about.
in indonesia we call it: EMPING ....
so you like tat spicy one huh?
will buy it during my CNY trip okie?

nice cuppies there!
yes you are rite, whipped cream more difficult to handle compared to buttercream.
i usually put the food coloring BEFORE i whip the cream....
actually you can mix with the coloring after whipped the cream, BUT you muz "fast hand fast leg"... if not, will turn watery, pls note put the coloring AFTER whipped the cream will definietly change it texture, there is no way to have the original texture liao... even 'tho u put into the freezer, did u notice this?
it's quite tricky playing with whipped cream... especially if you use hundred and thousand, or even between two difference color of whipped cream. or those star shape, love shape sprinkles.
it tends to discolor even between two difference color of whipped cream. i.e: white base with fuchasia stars drop pattern (like your strawberry gummy candy pattern).
this is how the whipped cream "behave", no choice...
i used to "play cheat", combine it with buttercream
hm...... from the pix, your donuts batter seems over beated & the baking time seems too long also....
try to cut down the baking soda, put 1/2 tsp instead of 2/3tsp.
baking powder remind the same.
you use 180C ? 13mnts? yogurt or milk?
perhaps it's time for me to take video when i do my donuts huh? let me "persuade" my hubby 1st.
if he willing to help me, I'll post the video at my blog.
forgot to take sugi cookies pix??
punish u !!! the punishment is: to make the sugi cookies again and gimmi :p

really looks like "hum chee peng" leh.....

but as long as nice & yummy.. dun care lah...
if i try tis recipe, will give u feedback okie!

did i missed out anyone Q?
if so, pls pop me tat Q again....
need to log off now.....
Hi, angel(babymaybe)

Thanks for the cake stand... will complete my mission soon and pass it back to you
Yesterday can't meet your hubby in person bcos still raining, so I ask my hubby to collect from him. I must cut the board isn't it? It's still brand new. Is that okay?

Hi, n2inpink

You going back kampung for this CNY? When n where to?
Is this my luckiest day? Can oreder the best cupcakes fro you??? hehehehe, very tempted lah. My daughter 1st b'day is on the 2nd Feb. Will celebrate with something different (I don't wanna use normal b'day cake
) When is your trip? Mine is on 31st Jan by emirates (me, hubby, my 2.7yo boy n my almost a year princess)
Fatmum..thanks for sharing the whip cream frosting.

Pink...kekeke taste nice loh cos my bb n hubby finish them up!! besides sunlik where can get doughnut mould hur??
dun like this still not recovered from my bad shoulder plus got sore throat for 1 week liao...veri poor thing liao. :p bake another round of sugi yesterday as my MIL say veri nice and want to give to our uncle...
manage to take some pix only cos digital cam no battery...BLUR ME!~!!
Did u use milk or yoghurt? The batter is sticky for the 1 using yoghurt n watery for the 1 using milk. I replaced lemon juice wif orange juice. Guess u used too much flour

Your cuppies look great n the box too. U made it regardless of the hurdles. Excellent!!
Did u bake 70 cuppeis n decorate them within a day?

I like the seeds. Small n doesn't expand like the spicy ones. It's honey coated (I think) not spicy. I can't find them in Singapore
Your gal look v different fm the 1st pic u posted
When u leaving to I'sia? Nice long wk n tis CNY
Hi <font color="0000ff">angeline (nglnreia)</font>

glad your hubby managed to meet up with mine to collect the 3-tier cakestand. It is brand new but if I'm not wrong, Pink has cut all materials already, just need to fix it up. So need to consult her. <font color="0000ff">Pink</font>, for the cake stand that I collected from your workshop, do we need to cut any of the boards ourselves? I've lent it to angeline for her baby's celebration.

<font color="0000ff">3rascals</font>, congratulations on your princess' 1st month. She look so adorable and alert indeed! I salute you for putting in so much effort and dedication into the full month gift-pack, your relatives must be so impressed. You pink box is lovely, did you make them yourself or buy them?

<font color="0000ff">mamato5Js</font>, of course I remember you. You are the only mummy here who already knew me from the other thread (and so the only one who knew my story as of now). So glad to see you here {Hugs}. So you're also into baking huh? I'm a total novice at baking so must always check in here for tips and tricks from 'shifus' like Pink and J's mum. I'll PM you soon to tell you something exciting that's happening in my family.
yes, pink, you should video your doughnut baking process long time ago. so that so many of us won't have this problem. I can help if your hubby is not 'willing'. I can do the video but not the posting hor. If you want music behind it, i also can ask my hubby to put it in.
js mum
now i look back the recipe, oh dear, i forgot to put baking soda!!!

luckily my hb is willing to help me to finish the failed 'results'. haha.... then, suppose to be sticky or watery?

ya, if got video, that will be great! hehe...
over beaten ah? hmm... i tried to mix the dry ingredients well into the wet one. i use manual leh.
and use fresh milk leh.

i use milk. hmm.... so it should be watery har... ok.... next time i don't try to be smart too creative and add flour, should follow recipe. haha.... :p
son't worry, after a few more tries you will get the perfect doughnuts. I also got to bake a few times to get my 'right' doughnuts. and thanks to pink's help too.
dun be disheartened ok. like what the rest say, practice make perfect. my donuts also not perfect leh, tasted like huat kueh, hahahhha....

augustmum, vanessa,
i tried kuih bangkit again over the weekend. beta this time round coz not burnt but still doesn't melt in the mouth. imagine i accidentally dropped a few pieces on the floor and they actually landed intact!!!!! hahaa...can you imagine how hard the thing is. since this is my 3rd try...think i will give it up for the time being.
I also dunno what thing to take care when baking, I jus follow the recipes &amp; method. I'm making 2 batch for 4 boxes, but mine mould is bigger.

Yes, I used the recipe I posted.
Can share how u mix whipped cream n buttercream to make frosting that can will not melt easily? Very difficult to maintain the shape after piping with whipped cream alone. Thanks!
You can get CL from TMC, parentcraft. Although their price are more expensive but the CL are all train by the consultant, Mrs Wong.

you very good lah. Confinement still got time to bake for your little one full month. Peifu. She sure look alert like tt e other mummies mentioned.

Can I check anyone know if I can put in 2 trays together in the oven if I want to bake cupcakes or cookies? Currently I only put in one tray at a time but found it time consuming so thought of putting 2 together. Can it be done?
wow! something exciting? im excited to read! yah this is a great thread where everyone learn from each other! and each time i post a Q, the answer comes so fast!

salute ur hard work and love for ur baby! during confinement im just too lazy to do anything, let alone baking so many cuppies! ur decor is so sweet, perfect for ur sweet lil gal! and ur gal looks big for a mth old baby leh!

wah u another hardworking mom! so many kids yet still can find time to make 4 tupperware of bangkit. i hv not tried my hands on baking cny goodies. easy not?
here's my cuppies on the cupcake stand from Pink. I made the marble soft cupcakes using a mix of strawberry and plain batter with pink and white buttercream.

yve (syen27),
very well done! i love the classic look! pink &amp; white... my favourite color

kids muz be very happy!
thumbs up! keep the good work... very proud of u !!
2 trays together in the oven if I want to bake cupcakes or cookies shd be no problem. i always do that... but you mus know well your oven....
try half recipe first, but seperate it to two trays to test your oven.
angeline (nglnreia),
i got numeric candle (#1) if you want... can give it to you....
u take emirate go where? balik kampung?

thank you thank you.. but hor, the cupcakes very strange.. they really shrink when cooled.. even the bottom also whrink upwards and become a hole inside.. my trial batch also like this, this batch also like this.. btw, i used strawberry paste to make the strawberry batter and buttercream.. i baked these from 9pm to 11plus at night.. the frosting took a long time..
