Cup cakes for birthday

for topping pride, must whip how long? got such thing as under whip a not? : )

pink: yr cuppies will hv oily base after bake?

anyone has recipe for the pastry part for pineapple tarts. I just bought my fillings from ntuc. dunno can make it or not but just want to try for fun.
I think you missed my posting..
I repost again.

My donut always taste chewy even though I didn't stir very long. I just stir till all the dry ingredients are mix into the wet one. And my donut always have a shiny coat on top and it's flat leh.. not as huat as your.

hmm.. have you found the sponge cake recipe? (I'm thinking of practising it so I can bake it for my gal b'day in May)

I just buy a bottle of chilli shrimp floss as well at Clementi NTUC. Will try it tomorrow if got time, cos got to do pineapple tart as well tomorrow.
pink and vanessa
thanks! i figure that i over whip too. do i need to add icing sugar to the whipped cream? and whisk at high speed or medium. normally i do butter cream i tot use whipped cream less troublesome esp since i saw ur MIL cake also can do so nice with whipped.

i tot need to whip till firm peak? like the egg white? i saw the peak still soft mah thats why i whip longer who knows become curd and watery.
oh so u r nlh! yah lah never see ur nick appear anywhere else only the july babies thread! haha... u know abt that "free woman" i think her bf the lawyer passed away leh. so young, what a waste!
ok, Later I go sneak out buy kopi and buy 2 packs for you. Pass to Hwee tomorrow then.

Very nice cupcakes leh.

Ok next time send me to more shopping trip at sun lik then I can learn what are the stuff there before i embark on baking journey. Otherwise buy all the wrong thing to bake
Your cupcake so nice, if I fail in my cupcake, I think I'll just buy from you for my gal b'day in May.

I'm thinking of giving the cupcake as full month cake to colleague in June, you got free delivery anot? or must collect from your house? How much is one cupcake? Must order how many days in advance? Can PM me? Thanks.
pink....what is the most number cupcakes you have made at one time so far? like for a party. your biggest order is how many?
Dairy cream are very tricky, it's either under whipped and not stable enough to hold ur deco or over whipped that u will need to throw it away. That's y I always use non-dairy cream.

I've nvr add icing sugar to whipping cream, cos it will be tooooo sweet!!! I will jsut whip up the cream as it is and use medium speed. Whipping it at high speed will cause ur cream to be unstable and melt faster then cannot hold ur deco.
Hi Dearie_e,
Here's the recipe from pink, I got it from her think 2 or 3 weeks ago... it's in one of the archive. Shd be the same sponge cake recipe u wan rite?
Pink shi-fu, pls confirm hor, sorrie if i k-po abit... :p

Traditional Sponge Cake
7 small eggs (50 gm) or medium eggs about 60 gm. each or 5 triple "A" size eggs (85 gm)
185 gm. castor sugar
185 gm. plain flour
40 gm. cornoil

(1) Whisk eggs and sugar till fluffy and pale in colour.
(2) Fold in flour and cornoil lightly...taking care not to deflate the eggs. Preferably use your palms to do the job and you can feel some rough flour, press them into the eggs with your fingers.
(3) Pour into a 9" round cake tin and bake at 175C for about 40 to 45 mins.
(4) Remove from oven and leave to cool before slicing.

For chocolate sponge cake, add in about 25 gm. of cocoa powder and cut down the flour to 160 gm. Increase your sugar to 200 gm. If the colour is not dark enough, add in 1 tsp. or more of chocolate emulco. Each individual cocoa powder gives out a different colour.
Dearie_e (dearie_e),
sorry sorry, tis thread too many posting liao... one day oso archived 3 or 2 times...
I've two sponge cake recipe, the simple and the traditional one, i always use the traditional one.

Simple Sponge Cake
4 eggs
120 gm. sugar
100 gm. cake flour
65 gm. melted buter or cornoil
1 tsp. vanilla essence

(1) Whisk eggs and sugar till light and fluffy.
(2) Fold in the cake flour, preferably use your palms (open up like a claw) and fold lightly taking care not to deflate the eggs.
(3) Pour in melted butter and vanilla essence and stir lightly.
(4) Pour into a 9" round cake tin and bake at 175C for about 40 mins or till a skewer comes out clean.

** for chocolate sponge cake, use 80 gm. cake flour + 20 gm. cocoa powder but increase your sugar to 130 gm.

Traditional Sponge Cake
7 small eggs (50 gm) or medium eggs about 60 gm. each or 5 triple "A" size eggs (85 gm)
185 gm. castor sugar
185 gm. plain flour
40 gm. cornoil

(1) Whisk eggs and sugar till fluffy and pale in colour.
(2) Fold in flour and cornoil lightly...taking care not to deflate the eggs. Preferably use your palms to do the job and you can feel some rough flour, press them into the eggs with your fingers.
(3) Pour into a 9" round cake tin and bake at 175C for about 40 to 45 mins.
(4) Remove from oven and leave to cool before slicing.

For chocolate sponge cake, add in about 25 gm. of cocoa powder and cut down the flour to 160 gm. Increase your sugar to 200 gm. If the colour is not dark enough, add in 1 tsp. or more of chocolate emulco. Each individual cocoa powder gives out a different colour.

both recipes adopted from my shi fu, aunt yo.. THKS!
Hi christine,
Thanks for ur encouragement... also trying hard to understand and "tame" my new oven.

Hi Pink,
think the oven brand is Iona... I put between 170-180 degree indicator, cos the oven don't have 175 degree indicator. Lousy oven? Hee, cannot hiam cos it's a xmas gift from hubby, so have to impress him with edible food...
Will definitely try to bake again soon, now tat I've remembered wat's wrong with my steps...
Dearie_e (dearie_e),
for donuts, i use hand whisk to mix it, not stir, juz gently make all combine and even.
you use milk or yogurt?
chewy taste, hm... i suspected over mix and over bake?

chrilee (christine) & mommies,
thks for your compliment.....
yes those can eat one.
the fish is gummy candy.
the elephant, giraffe, hippo, are fondant.

dun like tat lah... my boss hire u as a spy issit? :p

Snowyin (snowyin),
yes, tats the one
thks for your help to post it..

doink (doink),
my record for highest cuppies production for one day is ard 160pcs... but hor, no need to sleep liao leh... cos i do it after work...
baking is perfectly alright, spent time for decorating lor.
thanks thanks and many thanks to Pink...

the cuppies were wonderful....all the kids rush to the cuppies placing their orders.....the fishes were more popular among the kids....the teachers were singing praises about the spongy they were and not sweet
they asks if they can order from you if they have functions or party?
anyway thanks so much....
Snowyin (snowyin),
not true leh, mine is ARISTON, spent more than S$680 leh, oso dun have all degree there, cos mine is not digital one....

if digital hor, muz top up another S$200 leh.. heart pain.

3rascals (june06),
under beat whpping cream? have oso, tat's mean not ready lah

you need to get the texture like the buttercream texture.
use the highest speed.

my cuppies, not oily at the bottom leh.
next rd when u try still oily, can take pix? so tat i can try to find out what's wrong.

Dear Pink

I like your cupcake decor, so colourful and inviting! No wonder all snatched up by the kids at the party
Thank God mummies can order from you for special occasions.

For the sponge cake recipe, can I
1)use normal vegetable oil or must cornoil?
2) use the spring-form cake pan (with detachable base) which I use to bake cheesecake? cos that's the only cake pan I have. hehe
Need to grease the pan?
3)I don't understand the step about not deflating the egg. So we use our bare hands to mix the flour into the egg and sugar mixture gently issit?
I've never baked sponge cake (and many other things) before leh...very 'sotong' rite? sorry :p
I know her office near to my office.. I dont mind to pick up from her office as well and then straight away can deliver to my office.. hee.. But I dont know whether she drive a not.. if she is not driving how to bring so many boxes of cupcake to office.
Oh, she got shuttle bus service. Don't worry about her lar, she always big box small box carrys to office one. Hehe.. You want to order A LOT ar??!!
pink, Thank you for the recipes. sorry hor.. me very stupid leh.. what is cornoil? does it = to Corn oil?

Oh, remember to PM me the pricing lor.
If a lot of ppl contribution to the bb shower gift then must order a lot lor.. if I deliver cake to my office maybe my hubby also want.. cos his office very near to mine. at delta house.

If pink charge me cheap cheap, then order more for bb shower at home also. hee
Pink for donut must whisk, I thought stir that y do 3 times, 3 times also fail.. will try to do it again. but maybe after CNY.
maruolin (maruolin) ,
every friday I've cell group meeting.
last week 'coz our sell group hvn't start...

Dearie_e (dearie_e) ,
yes corn oil

kids are like tat, see cakes sure rush to it one

1. yes you can use vegetable oil, but try to do not use KNIFE brand, 'cos the smell is strong, will spoiled the cake flavour and hv a funny smell...
2. is your spring form pan non stick? or the normal one? if non stick, it's not suitable for my sponge cake recipe.
if it's the normal /aluminium/ stainless steel material spring form, that's the best!
no need to grease the pan.
3. haha! tat's step#2 rite? yes i'm using my palm to mixed it, i wear the plastic glove
, when i feel some rough flour, i'll use my thumb and pointer to pinch it.

not sotong lah.... step#2 is kinda difficult
Dearie_e (dearie_e),
not whisk using machine leh...
i'm using hand whisk to "combine" the ingredient.
no beating at all, juz gently mix it..
tis is what i use
Muz put the shrimp roll in the fridge or sun it (even better) so dat the shrimp roll will b crispy

BB got previledge over the liquid restriction. The liquid restriction is to prevent terrorist fm making bomb. They let go when they c u check in wif bb. Feed your gal during take off n landing. Tis will relief the air pressure in her ears
Some ppl drug their young child to make the child sleep. Definitely out for me. My son doze off but enjoyed the SIA in flight games when landing n the way back. Well, he is 3 yrs old. Perhaps can cope better
The scientific approach is bb dance on ovulation day coz Y sperm swim faster but shorter life spend
The experience proved mtd I heard is hubby to eat more red meat. My hubby meat eater. I blame on him for getting boi agn

Ai say man, u took rocket to visit Suharto?
If u not in a hurry, I can help u get pineapple tart fillings fm Sun Lik. Can go only on next wk. How?
I add clove to pineapple fillings oh yes n the pineapple juice. Long time since I last bake for CNY ......
Beautiful cup cake. Is the frosting fondant or buttercream?
Can use the whip for mixing cup cake or not?
Aye, can email me your cuppie px list too. I may order if I m unable to bake for my bb full mth

I prefer the seaweed roll. More healthy as compared to shrimp roll

Anyone tried deep fried arrowhead? I need some tips...

Do i just cut up and deep fry it or there are other steps involved?

Thanks a million
Next time i oso want to tell my boss, office aircon too strong need to work at home instead liao...heh heh heh......

Gd idea hor, seaweed roll my favourite. yum yum yum...

For shrimp floss which brand is gd? Later go bt timah ntuc search for it... Use egg white better or starch better to seal the tip huh?
Today i just try bake cookies but not bad leh on top not burn

about 1 week only baking the same thing chiffon cheese only.

me & n2inpink just come back from jakarta visit my grandfather suharto. Hehehe
lollie, i hear from my mil that you have to slice it and immediately drop into oil and fry lei. so mus fast fast hand. always kena oil splash too!
Just log on saw u paging me for me. Busy baking from morning till now. Sorry for the delay in answer. Yes, I roll the prawn roll in advance & kept in the freezer till fry. I don't know can keep how long but I think 2 to 3 weeks shld be no problem.
Thanks for yr recipe. May I know it can make how many love letter?
Today bake cookies. Indonesia call putri salju. But i dont know here call wat for this cookies.
n2inpink putri salju english call wat? it is snow ball. Hehehehe....

Before bake in oven

Just come out from oven



Hi all
These are my whole day "fruit", coconut tart & chocolate tart. When I want to do the filling for the chocolate, the tin of tart accidently drop on the floor. Half of them broken so have to bake again. Totally bake more 100pcs so tired.
