Cup cakes for birthday

lollie (lollie),
arrowhead muz check wif xiau ling, she is expert in deep fried stuff...

xiau ling,
any advise for lollie?

thks for the answer

'cos u expert and pioneer in shrimp roll, everyone paging for u lor....

i bot shrimp floss same brand with eileen one... i copycat her.
GLORY chilli shrimp floss, got it from NTUC simei.
ah yes, u muz cough till they said:
wah piang, u better stay at home, dun spread the virus, your cough sound like the whole lung jumped out... wahahahaha!

fishes are gummy candy, from sunlik.
elephant, giraffe & hippo are fondant.

it's buttercream & fondant...
i.e: the grass is buttercream, then hippo is fondant.
yr Q abt: Can use the whip for mixing cup cake or not?
you mean hand whisk? i hvn't try yr recipe :p perhaps tis sunday
will get back to you after i try.
xiau ling
no la, my stardard sell to who? Bake 60pcs for my hubby to bring to his china colleagues. The balance will be for tomorrow family gathering. Tomorrow will be very busy, morning must cook curry, pineapple rice, veg.. for praying. At night still got wedding dinner.

very tiring to roll the prawn roll. I didn't roll for 1000pcs la only 800pcs!
ice_lim, hammie, you both same company, same cock eyes ar? See post by pink at Posted on Friday, January 18, 2008 - 2:50 pm:


Hammie, you so busy meh? Thot your boss go overseas.. Come chat chat here ler..
xiau ling,
i wanna leh.. i forgot wat issit call leh...
but i know bengawan solo is selling.

yr hubby colleague at china so lucky leh...
how i wish i stay near to you... then no need to bother make all CNY goodie, just order from u can liao.
but you really drive me to make the shrimp roll
never log on a while so many post.

Got your pineapple liao. Uncle says this is 3rd batch liao. This mon n tue oos. Just came in only. If not fast hand fast leg, later oos again.

Very nice and alot. Ha ha I look at your fruit and drink my kopi.
CL !!!!
*muack muack* thks so much!
pls pass it to hwee, then i'll get it from her.

pls help to pay ya? later we settle our bang gali siau.... kekekeke
read the mention post but ???? nothing relate to my Q for pink leh... Me only ask shrimp floss brand mah... me eat snake till blur liao lor... now waiting to knock off and back to have hair cut n maybe highlight my hair... after seeing u change hair style lor...

Rdgs to the egg rolls,

I never really count leh... cos bake & snack at the same time..hahaa..
i fold the egg roll into triangle easier cos can't master the rolling well..maybe abt 1 medium size plastic container ba. I usually double up the ingredient to do more...kinda tiring, cos it took me more than 3 hrs to finish neh.
Wow pink, must act till so chaim wan, still got to cough till lung wana come out...

xiau ling,
Saw my mum bot some of these arrowhead... hmmm... thinking later ka po 1 n fried. Dunno my mum will struggle me anot after she saw her arrowhead 1 missing which suppose to be "pu pu gao sheng" plant

Thanks. I stupid hand stupid leg dunno can be fast or not...keke...btw, any reason behind?

Oil splash? Haha, i will ask my hubby to put it into the wok then i won't be the one kanna splash...keke...

Xiau ling,

Yes, this is the one! I emailed you few days ago but no reply leh...probably in your junk mail box...

btw, u use a slicer or knife to cut into this thin piece?
Alamak Pink didn;t kn u want get things there else sms u liao. I lug my ger there jst know after daiso. Jst get a pkt of pineapple filling & cocoa powder. dare not buy much cos plus a 13kg baggage with me.

augustmum, I seldom visit the 1 at NBH 4 unless got last min stuff need to get. Find it too small leh! I like to go to the 1 at NBH 8 or NTUC Xtra at AMK. So u stay near there?

mamato5Js. actually I refer to another one leh. But I know which 1 u mentioning. Yap saw the news her bf pass away after some shortness of breath.

catika how cme tat machine scared them izit? temp wise ok leh. GOt many slot to place the tray so can controlled better mah.
Pink...i try out the baked doughnut with yeast cos i din have the doughnut mould so baked on baking sheet...dun laugh hor...becomes like 'hum chee peng' whahahah....dun look like doughnut liao...but i like the texture n taste!!

Peng one suggestion. why don;t u used the back of the handle of a wooden spoon and make a whole in the centre. Then it will have a hole liao.

cookiepie. U better than me still can read jap comics. My jap cannot make it liao!

Pink next time if i go I sms u k!

My ger snooze early today. Tired after go shopping with me. I intend to bake eggless choco cake for my sis birthday tmr. Wish me luck here!!!!
xiau ling
serious ah your grandpa is suharto, i thot pink pulling my leg
thot your putri salju is kueh makmor. I love kueh markmo but can't find nice 1 sold outside

(HUG) I once dropped fisherman pie I baked 4 my son. I wz v annoyed. Hubby cleaned up the mess 4 me
wow your huuby v gd to his china colleagues. hand carry so many goodies to them

I hv a hand held Braun mixer. It's actually blender dat comes wif the whisk. Wonder can use as mixer to mix cup cake or not
Is the flat n smooth coating for flower design fondant?
I can go on next wed or Fri. I stay in Pasir Ris. oops chicken little bot for u liao. U want anything else?

xiau ling, n2inpink
next time u go back jakarta can help me buy the cracker dunno how u call it (is it seed of tempay) or not? Normally tempay coat wif chilli n sugar (or is it honey). Taste bitter on it's own. I like the seeds.

wat design u 1? If u want mice n fish design, NTUC selling @ a cheaper px than Sun Lik.

I can't stand the pain of rolling egg roll. I made once only. Use spoon to fold into triangle shape

ice lim
better dun steal your mum's arrowhead. My mum told me the no of arrowhead plant got meaning one. Dunno your mum will count her arrowhead or not
The tarts I made in advance on wednesday n about 70pcs. Want to do chocolate fillings & suddenly dropped, half of them broken. So angry & sad, have to redo again.
There r mice n fish gummy in NTUC Tiong Bahru. I will ask my hubby to check NTUC Rivervale tmr or Sun
If u can't find n want me to get for u, let me know. 280g @ $3 @ NTUC

3 wks+. Pei fu. I started bathing n wash hair fm 10th day onwards. Thx to the massage lady
U engage the same confinement lady? Can share how much u pay for the confinement svc?

1/2 of them broken. OMG, can understand dat angry n sad feeling. All hard work feed the flr.
peng, when i see the pix, i was thinking, wow, got someone know how to bake hum chee pang...hahaha.....sorry huh, no offend, cos really look like one....BUT most important thing is - it taste good...

maruolin, you see me so up ah...speak jepun-wei...i only know how to eat jepun zan..hahahaha...
oooooh now i know which one u referrg to! that AW wwoman right!! yah idy cant stand her, everytime got free things first u see her name oredy!!
maybe cos that time is december, weather is cooling. i used the dry shampoo to "wash" my hair and will use those herbs water to clean up myself. think this time round cannot tahan so long liao, cos i still have to take care of my no.#1, wait she will say "mummy so smelly"
yup, getting back the same one. last time, when i engage her, if i am not wrong is $1800. this time round, she increase price by $100 liao. this exclude the hongbao which have to give her b4 she start work and after the confinement. oh.. btw she only work for 28 days. How about you? you also intend to engage one? and who is taking care of your no.#1?
Share my fruit here. Looks ugly but its the thought tat counts la hor!!!! Baked last nite, frost jst now!!!!
Eggless Chocolate cupcake with blueberry filling. When its out of oven look like huat queh, huat like a mountain. I baked 12 but last nite my 2nd boy took 1 kosong. He say nice so I think I pass liao la! Hope my sis like it.

Today I used freshcream to do frosting. Think buttercream is easier to manage. this one must really fast leg fast hand!

mamato5Js, yap u hit the jackpot.

3rascals ur cuppies looks ok to me leh.

ppp: finally can use the 1 and only 1 box I made.




Very nice to your sis leh. I am sure she will be touch. Hee Hee when I did a frame scrapbook for my sister with childhood photos, she was so touched hee hee
today going jw there... going to check out their homemade pineapple tart fillings... see good or not... hehehe... super lazy mode ON.
I remember one of my instructor told us if buy ready made pineapple tart fillings can add one more fresh pineapple to cook together. The taste will be better n not so sweet.
xiao ling,

When you deep fry the arrowhead, other then slicing it, any other steps involved or ingredient you add?

Thanks in advance
Fatmum...did u add icing sugar to ur fresh cream or juz whip up plain fresh cream only? easy to pipe or not? after frosting must immediate put in fridge? paiseh ask u so many qn...cos i was thinking want to try using fresh cream instead..
Hi, anybody knows where I can get 3 tier cake stand??? The cheapest ones...
I need it quiet urgent, for my baby gurl 1st birthday... But ofcoz not that champion like all mummies here... I will bought the ready to eat Donuts hahaha... Or maybe any kind soul willing to lend me...? Please let me know. Thanks... Angeline 9764 6286
bake some sugi cookies and almond cookies at MIL place...
but forget to bring camera!!! so no pix...sorri...

All say very nice
can make and sell next yr..hahahahaha....
have 2 type.
1) U can soak arrowhead with salt 1 tbsp about 2-3 hour after tat u sliced after dry u deep fry. But mine is to long fry.
2) u can cut sliced then frying. FOr oil u can put abit salt.
dec raining season, weather cooling
Some cl chrg $1,900 for 2nd birth coz hv to take care of no 1. Your cl doesn't help u take care of your no 1?
My cl search ..... 1st 1 only interested in getting deposit fm me. Asked me to TT $ to her sis's a/c iso of meeting me mths later. Asked her duties in detail raised voice @ me. 2nd 1 abt to confirm, my x colleague recommended her MIL. 3rd (my x colleague's MIL) can't help me due to family matters 4th 1 feel like rejecting her n request my 3rd cl to help me 1/2 day as 4th not really keen in doing hse chore. I m a clean freak. Long story hor. Do u know wat's the mkt rate for day time cl?
My no 1 in cc

Xiau Ling
"i think here call melting moment melt in mouth" sorry wat u referring to?
arrowhead i think only can be frying.

i mean putri salju u call kue makmor rite? Here call melting moment or snowball. The taste if u eat

I know tat, it's called kueh makmur "ma po bing". The fillings are peanuts?


Wow, this year you are really very busy with baking of all various CNY goodies hor. Must be real tiring on you. Peifu peifu... Wan to sell some? My fren looking for homemade cookies in your area leh.


Ya, perhaps we hv met 30+ yrs ago at KKH hor...hehe.

Hmm..quite a few mummies here are planning for Japan trip this year too leh..but cannot bring all kids along...very siong one. Oso got to see if hb's leave is approved or not. Can update me where to go for baking ware shopping in Osaka?

tried your chocolate chip cookies recipe, taste very nice
but i got one problem, my cookies expand until very big, cover almost my whole baking tray leh, one overlap another. izit like that one? you used the disney biscuit cutter, but seem like your cookies does not expand until so big leh and it looks very nice.

my cl will not be taking care of my no #1 leh. i am thinking of at least asking my cl to help my girl to bath, but maybe need to pay her extra. my cl only do very minimum household chores like sweeping the floor (alternate days) and washing my hubby clothes (just throw them into the washing mashine). exactly i find my cl abit expensive. not sure abt the day time cl. if you engage day time cl, den at nite you got to wake up to feed your baby, no time to rest leh.
