Cup cakes for birthday

yve (syen27),
from yr pix, seems you are using the other type of paper cup? not like the one i'm using....
this one is the expensive type, the inside like have nonstick coating one....
if u using the nonstick coating paper, then the soft cuppies will shrink away from the side.

Very nice cpcakes leh.

Anyone sells steam carrot cake here ? I want to order or any good recipe and idiot proof one ?
i've hired tis little girl to do the shrimp roll, she loves to put the shrimp floss ( I HATE it), and i loves to roll it....

so... tis little girl put the shrimp floss, then i do the roll part... we achived 600pcs liao

wanted to make b'day cake using whipping cream.
but one of my church member called me on saturday morning and told me church's fridge spoiled.
in the end, i made rainbow b'day cake for monthly b'day celebration

the white cups that we used at your cupcakes session is not wax inside? Yeah, my white cups are wax inside.. maybe that's why.. I got the white pleated cups from phoon huat.
yve (syen27),
mine not wax inside.... soft cuppies not suitable for wax cups....
yes phoon huat one is wax cups, arr S$5 /50pcs.
mine is S$12.50 for 250pcs
Hi pink
my cups also got wax one, that means cannot use it to bake cupcake? I used to bake muffin before, is it ok? Where can get the cup without wax?
I need your help and advise!!! I know u make very nice kueh lapis, my recipe is different from your in quatity, but I would liket o find out how to whip up 20 eggs?? And how to make sure it doesn't cuddles? I've tried making once, but the mixture cuddles and the cake is not soft.

hee, me not hardworking lah, I just need to bake to find excuse to "escape" from my kids for awhile. I've got maid to help me during weekdays and my hb to look after the kids at weekend, so can bake and bake lor.
u asked just the right question! i face this problem sometimes even though my mixer speed is v slow oredy my eggs sometimes will curdle
mine only occurred to kueh lapis. If your cuddle with other cake, try adding the eggs slowly and make sure that it's mix well before adding next, but also take care not to over mixed the batter.

Where to buy paper cup S$12.50 for 250pcs? I wanna to buy.


I love your full mth cupcake!!!....n your bb is cute.

Sweet colour of your fresh cream cupcake!
Hi mummies, long time never log in liao. Had a bad start to the new year. Everyone in family take turns to fall sick, even my maid got the bug. 1 mth later, my gal still haven recover. I haven baked for like more than a month. Last week tried to baked the crunchy sugi cookie, but everything turned out chao da.
So sad...
I add eggs abit at a time and make sure it's well mixed before adding the next bit. If you are adding slowly but continuously, that's the problem.
ppp, those paper cups are from sunlik. Much more cheaper than phoon huat.

n2inpink, like your rainbow cake. Simple and nice. I heard that your lapis cake very nice too. Do you bake and sell? If yes, i want to buy..can?

maruolin, thanks for coming all the way to my house to share with me how to bake donut. If you didn't show me the steps, I don't think I can get that kind of texture. So I agreed that Pink has to video it to show us. If not, tried many times also will fail. Very disheartening one....
no worries, eron. I think it's more fun to bake with friends rather than baking alone. But half the time will be chatting.

if you got video camera, i can help. Please don't expect professional video recording standards from me, play play one can. And best to do it without kids around.
When you want to do it?
kathy (kathy),
oh dear... hope everything is ok now.... u need any help? juz shout it out okie?

eron & maruolin,
can i subcon the donut task to both of u?

ok ok.... will video it then.
maruolin, beside friday nite, which day you can make it? saturday after lunch?
friday i have cell group meeting.... can't run away wor...

eron, mama5,
thks for your kind words.... the rainbow cake is chiffon cake, jus devide it to 3 portions and add the essense and food coloring.
you can get the chiffon recipe from my blog:

get the paper cups from sunlik. i always get it from them.

cookiepie (cookiepie),
for my oven, i'm using top bottom fire with fan...
if you never try it before, half the recipe first.
i always half the recipe when i try new recipe, or new method or test my oven function.
maruolin (maruolin),
i got video camera but dunno how to use :p my hubby job mah.....

we can use my handphone to video it, result quite oke one.
eeeerrrr... lapis cake.........
i need to make for hubby subordinate leh, got 7 wor.... then hor.... i got another 3 customers wait list liao

i've indonesian fren selling lapis leh... her lapis oso very nice, but i'm not sure how much she is selling.
if u want, can help you to ask her.
saturday after 2pm ok with me. handphone video also can but shaky wor. I can offer my digital camera but need to clear 1 of my SD card, to ensure sufficient memory for the video.

you want to subcon what doughnut task to us, pink?
blessed mum,

Looking for me? yah, what a waste we din get to talk much. However, kat was really very entertaining.

ha... still can't get over the fact you have so many children. You hv yet reached 30s right?
van & mama5,
not sure which recipe you are using.... if you don't mind to post the recipe, i can help you to analyzed it.
but i never experience cuddles wor.
basically, cream the eggs white & sugar till fluffy, then drop the eggs yolk one at the time, then beat till fluffy, then mix it with the creamed butter. then fold in the flour... muz shieved the flour before you fold in to the batter.

the cake is not soft for the first 24 hours, so leave it first, let it set down.
i usually cut the cake the next day.
Hi, n2inpink

I balik kampung to Jakarta lah... to bad we're not in the same timing, so I have to order Dunkin Donuts or J.Co for my baby girl's birthday. By the way, the Cake stand that i borrowed from Angel behind the board got cross marked, do I have to cut it?


Any Idea where to get Ice blender i Singapore (the portable one please) My hubby want to make Ice chendol (buy the ready to eat chendol lah) but we wanna mixed with fruits etc... so must have Ice blender at home hahaha... anyone have?
angeline (nglnreia),
u oso indonesian ??

yes the cross marked behind the cake board have to cut it so tat u can slot in to the cake stand mah....
hey... dunkin donuts nicer than to me lah
wah! so many beautiful fruits!

3 rascals, you really good lei! still can bake for 1st month. you must have had a good confinement.
and yes, baby is sooooo pretty! yes, very alert too.

yve, very nice cupcakes too! i'm sure your gal and her classmates enjoyed themselves.

pink, wa, make me drool again lor! and how dare you use underage labour. i'll report to MOM then you know. haha!

cl, thanks for your special delivery. i wasn't feeling well on sat. maybe too much drinking on fri so i slept throughout sat.
Eileen Tan (bktan02),
yes, wax paper cups not suitable for soft cuppies.
you can use it for muffin.
get it from sunlik, 33 seah street. S$12.50 for 250pcs.
ah yes, CL,
thks for your help!! received the pineapple tart filling liao....

dun report leh.. then if they log me to jail, you takecare my baking thread okie? wahahaha!
no worries, you got share for the pork floss roll lah....

for the ice blender, are you referring to those type used at the bubble tea counters?

If i'm not wrong, at chinatown, along that stretch of shophouses with the hindu temple at the end of the road, there are 2 shops selling kitchen equipments. The shop nearer the temple i think they have those blenders. Not sure of the price.
angeline (nglnreia) ,
where u stay @ jakarta?
wanna go bakery mart togather? there are few bakery mart i wanted to visit in pancoran kota china town.....
Hi, n2inpink...

Yes I' am another indo mummy hehehe, I become active in this very useful thread although I never bake a cake hahaha... But all the picture posted here really made my saliva dangling. I'm active in BP thread as The Nachos n Cheese Dip seller.

If you got time n wanna spent time with your family to spent the nite near the beach You can come to my family bungalow in Pelabuhan Ratu 3+ hours driving from Jakarta. I'll be there until 7th Jan 2008. Will definitely give you discount price... and can eat IKAN BAKAR (Charcoal Grilled fish) every day... ehmmmm yummy...

Hi, Maroullin

I'm sure my hubby would love to go there n check it out, thanks for your Info
I din't know tt using wax paper cup will make the sponge cake and chiffon cake shrink. All my paper cup are wax type that mean I got to spend $$ again to buy the non wax one and test again to see is it my skill bad or the wax paper cup fault..

By the way, I haven't received your cupcake price list. Have you PM me?

angeline (nglnreia),
oh no! me flight back only 5feb, reach there nite time liao...
then 6,7 & 8 Feb is family day... kids collect "ang pow" mah....
then i can start shopping & meet my fren only 9,10,11..... by tat time, u comeback to s'pore liao

IKAN BAKAR.... yummy yummy! u make me hungry....
