Cup cakes for birthday

Thanks. Pls help me to see this recipe:

Plain Flour 130g
Baking Powder 1 tsp
Mixed Spices 1/2 tablespoon

Butter 150g
Margarine 150g
Condensed Milk 1 tbsp
Icing Sugar 240g
Vanilla Essence 1 tsp
Brandy 1 tbsp

Eggs 4
Egg yolks 6 (And I find this alot of eggs liao, urs lagi many 20 yolks *faint*, what do you do with the white? Bake Egg white cake?)

Cream butter, condensed milk, icing sugar, vanilla essence and brandy till creamy
Whisk eggs and yolks till fluffy
Add into butter mixture, then fold in flour, mix well
Baker every layer at grill for 6 mins, after that bake 180 deg C for 3 mins.

angeline, ikan bakar?! yummy yummy! i love that!

pink, go and tabao some back la!
if not i sure go and report you! yes, this is a threat. i got picture here as proof! haha!

dearie_e, bus service is 100,107. you alight one bus stop after raffles hotel. its a shorter walk.
your lapis egg yolk too little liao

you said 20 yolks too much? you have not see the original indonesian recipe... 30 yolks... 500 gr butter....*faint*

perhaps you can use all butter instead of butter&margarine.
use the golden churn (CANNED packaging) brand. this is the most suitable butter for lapis.
golden churn oso have block packaging, dun use tis one.
NTUC on offer, one canned S$5.95 if i'm not wrong, usually is S$6.30
your eggs is:
10 yolk & 4 white...
try to increase it to 15yolk if you wanna soften the cake texture.
and try to cream the eggs white & sugar first (this method will make the cake softer), till peak form, then drop egg yolk one at the time.

ah yes,
your baking method:
Bake every layer at grill for 6 mins, after that bake 180 deg C for 3 mins.
is it for EVERY SINGLE LAYER have to grill 6mins then 180C for 3 mins?
this method oso will make the cake dry.
my advise, juz grill every single layer for 6-7 mins, then the last layer grill for 3mnts then turn the oven function to the normal baking method, 180C for 15mnts.
this 15mnts to ensure every single layer is cooked and can last longer.
my lapis can last for 5 days in room temperature and after that muz go into fridge liao.
i don't use preservative. so fridge is the best place to store lapis cake, thaw it before serve.

the eggs white? i make zebra cake lor.... sometime oso make chiffon cake which purely from egg whites
dun like tat lah... pls pls dun report lah.. i bribe u using pork floss roll can?
btw, thks for your help to send the pineapple filling *muack muack*
and thks for the lunch!

xiau ling.......,
dun like tat lah.... hungry liao...
Hi van
For yr kueh bangkit recipe, can replace fine sugur with icing sugar & reduce the sugar? U are using fresh coconut? Do u know 1 fresh coconut will get how many ml coconut milk? When mixing the coconut milk, sugar & egg yolk, need to beat the egg first? Need to whisk the mixture? Thanks!
not from city hall. if go until there might as well walk. if you're coming from someplace that has those bus service it will be more convenient.
I haven't tried replacing my icing sugar with fine sugar, but I feel that with fine sugar, the texture maybe rough and may not have the melt in the mouth feeling. I'm not using fresh coconut, I'm using coconut cream from Kara, cos lazy to squeeze the coconuts.
I will put the icing sugar in a bowl first, then put the eggs and coconut milk in then whisk and make sure the items are well mixed.

Thanks for your advise. In this case, I will try your recipes.... hope can succeed, cos 20 egss!!!! I still got leftover egg whites from yesterday's kueh bangkit and now another 14 whites, think hb will kill me :p

btw, when you say mix butter and the egg mixture, do you just put into the machine to continue the whisk or how do you mix it?
sorry, for to address the earlier posting to dearie_e.

pink, dun so loud announce we went dating just now hor.....shhhhh.....
Thanks! I just found sago flour in Fairprice & will try yr recipe if my mum buy the fresh coconut tomorrow. Another question, can fry the tapioca flour & sago flour together? Need to fry them one day in advance?
Not advise to fry them together as you won't have the actual proportion of each item as the weight will be different after frying. I fried it many days in advance and store in air tight containers.
smart Q, i have 2 mixer bowl. so....
1st mixer bowl, i creamed the butter & condense milk (high speed)... put aside.
2nd mixer bowl, i creamed the egg white & sugar, then follow by egg yolks (high speed).

then put back my 1st bowl in to the machine, pour the eggs batter in to creamed butter, then cream it again till smooth and mixed well (medium speed).
then take it out from machine, fold the flour into the batter.... DON'T pour all the flour at one time, perhaps devide it to 3 times.
pour flour, fold, pour again, fold again, last pour, then fold again.
if you see bit lumpy, use your thumb & pointer to pinch it. don't stir leh, will flat.

eggs white, you can try my zebra cake recipe... kids loves it.....
then you will not feel guilty see the eggs white in the fridge
U are saying the weight will be lighter after frying, so roughly we must increase how much flour before fry? Sorry for the stupid question, just want to get it clear before start. Thanks.
oh.. i put the dough outside for awhile, den i start to use my hands and roll it into a ball. think by den the butter already melted. thanks for your tips, will tried it out again. thanks!!!

congrats to your girl's full month, your girl looks so sweets
looks more like daddy or mummy? the cupcakes look very nice, must have spend alot of time doing the cupcakes, red eggs and packing. btw where did you get the pink box? cos seems like everything can be fix in nicely into the box. you bake on the actual day on your girl's full month? wah.. really peifu you..
I'm sorry I can't answer ur question leh, cos usually I will just fry 1 packet of 500g tapioca flour and since I will only need 30g sago flour, I will fry mayb double that amt. I know I will do it again, so I just keep the remaining for next batch lor.

hee, then how much is 500cc of white? Ur zebra cake seems to be like muffins and your method is different from what I know, so need to study abit, incase the cake is a failure to me :p Very unique method of mixing, I will try to do it either tml or next week, now I've got 9 egg whites in my fridge *faint*

I hvn't try tat before leh, you may try out though..should be ok bah.
Btw, silicon mould can be used both in freezer and oven. Baking time will also be reduce by abt 10min, again must depend on your own oven and the behaviour lah.


Ya, now log in at MacDonald lor. My hse is in a BIG MESS now. Painting works have just started this morning...hv to bring all kids to stay outside..poor us...homeless liao. Wan to take us in? Btw think you can sub con your cuppies and donuts liao many experts ard. Congrats!


Think forgot to answer your Q. Painting works are done by HBD designated contractors so we dun hv to pay them a single cent. They did the re-roofing at our blk and end up my walls all cracked like nobody biz... Headache oso on my wall tiles leh. Haiz....

Aiyo..I forgot to bring out the low batt liao. Gtg...bye.
No choice leh.. I need to go to suntec to buy the maternity tight so thought can just pop over to sun lik. Just treat it as window shopping the "street and building" lor..
from suntec, u take the overhead bridge that is linked to the second floor of suntec, near the thyme shop.. then cross over, walk along the shaw building, cross to the opposite side of the juntion towards raffles hotel. When u reach the corner of the raffles hotel, turn into the small road beside it. Sunlik is along this small road next to raffles hotel..
sunlik address.
Sun Lik Trading at 33, Seah St, tel: 63380980
they open at office hours.. call to check their exact hours.
Thanks Pink. I'm so tired after all the sleepless nights, so no mood to bake these days. But see all the bakers here summon my energy to take out my mixer again
Very keen to try out your rainbow cake leh, but scare dun have yr skill. Everytm I failed, I very heartpain.

Jsmum, tried your choc chips cookies just now. But they did melt a lot leh, end up my cookie looks like a ball with just the top a bit flatten. Also my 1st batch was burn at the bottom after only 10mins. So my 2nd batch I adjust the temp to 160C and bake for 13 mins only, then they turn out ok.
Pink...i bought the cups at hougang PH loh cos no chance to travel all the way down to city hall... u are the 'lover' that Pink mentioned hiak hiak hiak....
chicken little
are u the one looking for steam carrot cake? Is it the chinese style one? I have the recipe for steam radish cake as follow:

Ingredients A:
1) 350g radish (slice)
2) 150g chinese sausage (dice)
3) 80g dried prawns
4) 6 small onions (chop)
5) 5tbsp oil

Ingredient B:
1) 400g riceflour
2) 700ml water
3) some pepper
4) 1tbsp sesame oil
5) 1 1/4tbsp sugar
6) 1 3/4 tsp salt

Ingredient for decoration:
1) chilli slice
2) fried onion

a) Mix the riceflour with water, mix well
b) Add in the other ingredient B, prepare it 20min in advance. Then leave it aside.
c) Heat the oil & fry the onions, dried prawns, chinese sausage. Then add in the radish to fry.
d)Add in the (b), cook till half thick.
e)Pour the mixture into a 9 inch tray(steam hot first & apply some oil) & steam for 30 to 35min.
f)Put the decoration
Thanks for the clear direction. Then I dont need to walk one big circle to sun lik. But I hope i can found it cos me (same same as pink) street direction idiot.

I LOVE your rainbow cake! So colourful and attractive!! Is it a sponge or chiffon cake? (I don't even know the difference, very suaku a not?) Can you share how you do the 3 colour layers? I showed my hubby the cake photo and he was very impressed! Say I should learn more from how? When free to teach? hehe
Also, did you make those tiny present toppers using fondant? So exquisite and suitable for cake decor. Now this thread moving like rocket, quite difficult to follow the topic of conversation sometimes, got 'cross-fire'. Must trace back to who asking what question...

yve (syen27), I like your classic Pink and White cupcake designs too. Well-done. And oh, your daughter has a beautiful name
dearie_e, where you stay?

in fact, I just went there today. was a last minute decision too. If i go town again, can drop by there to help any mummies to get their stuff, but got to collect it from my place at pasir ris.
I heard v bad comment of cl fm TMC fm a friend n ppl in the forum
Do u 1 me help u to get stuff fm Sun Lik?

V sweet looking cuppie

Ay! u use child labor orh illegal
V colorful cake
n2inpink, too bad..cos heard from maruolin that your lapis cake very thought of ordering from you if you baking. Nevermind, I have another friend also baking. will order from her. Just thought of trying something new and see any difference....
Your chiffon cake in blog is orange flavour. And it add 110ml orange juice. So to make this rainbow cake, does it mean I replace orange juice with water only?
Actually, what is the purpose of having the empty hole on the chiffon pan? Can explain?

I saw the same chiffon pan that you going to get for us selling around $6+ in AMK. And they left about 3 on shelf...
Sorry I missed out ur order. How many u need? I will be going down this wkend to get for MDL. Let me know.

I will email u the details.
Van, do you use special mould for the kueh bangkit? or can use cookie cutter?

maruolin, if you going to be the video man on Sat at pink house, i also want to be kapo...go pink house to see see look look, maybe got lapis cake to eat....hahaha.....

pink, can we go and kachiaw u? We have tons of question to ask....
May, can get for me 6 peach and 1 SHOU? You staying at the west, and I think I need you to post to me.Is it too troublesome? It is fine if you do not have the time to do the posting. Then I will try to search around...
maruolin, ya kids love it too. Since like to eat better don't learn how to bake. Cos, too many egg yolks liao....hopefully, can get pink show us how to do the rainbow chiffon cake that, Pink? hahaha.....
pink & Eron,

went to sunlik just now n bought the paper cups lioa...


your rainbow cake very nice!!!

Can email me the donut recipe using yeast? I save toooo many recipes unill I can't find this one.
wanna to try when free.
the texture of this type of donuts like bread??
I use those flower mould, but it's up to you, but my advise is try to use something round, or else they can break easily.
Thanx u all for the compliments. Indeed very encouraging.

Shook: Spend a whole day but the baking & deco only abt 6-7 hrs. rest of time "crossing hurdles"

Angel/ Apple: Cant tell yet. Looks like daddy better. Tall & slim. Mummy the otherway round. Bght ready boxes (white from Phoon Huat, Pink from Sun Lik) to redo. Don fit well, So we added base & egg holders. All done 1 day b4 distribution. Hubby do boxes. I bake.

mamato5J: my gal is quite small size abt 3kg+ only. Camera trick : )

Pink: Very colourful cake. Is coated with white choc? Chiffon must be baked with a hole in the centre? normal pan can a not?

yve: yr gal is born 2005? same as my boy. may b doing cuppies for his bade in Oct. So got time to practice. cuppies very sweet looking.
pink, can use liquid eggs if those lapis or chiffon which need lotsa yolk? thx heaps...

3racsals, wow u power le! no maid still can spend whole day baking n deco! muz have had a great party! congrats on ur pretty girl! is ur boy better adapted ord?

is sunlik e shop featured on tv? stuff expensive?
<font color="ff0000"> Update of Disney Cookie Cutter Purchase</font>

Pooh &amp; Tigger - 6
Pooh &amp; Piglet - 7
Mickey and Minnie - 2
Chip and Dale - 4
Anpan Man - 1

<font color="119911">Anpan man is more expensive at JPY 924 before 5% GST, the rest is JPY 472 before GST, gotta to wait for my colleague to charge me to know SGD </font>

How shall I allocate the stock ?
Last list was like that

1. hwee (hwee00) chip and dale, pooh and piglet and aristocats.
2. Shers (shers) : ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
3. n2inpink ; ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
4. chrilee ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
5. Eron (eron) : ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
6. PENG : Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie, An Pan Man if have?
7. gunjan : All design each!!
8. nikonnet1 Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
9. Eileen Tan: Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie (or any 4 well-known characters if these not available)
10. apple: Pooh &amp; Piglet, Pooh &amp; Tigger, Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
11. augustmum All design each
12. cookiepie mickey &amp; minnie, and chipmunks
13. blessedmommy: mickey &amp; minnie, chipmunks, winnie &amp; piglet
14. Maywong : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Mickey &amp; Minnie
15. Catika Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
16. Tulip - Piglet n Pooh &amp; Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
17. choko_latte : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Mickey &amp; Minnie and chipmunks.
18.mama_mya:first four designs of the pic (not the last piglet one
19. fatmum: Chipmunks
20. Michelle : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Pooh &amp; Tigger, 21.Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
22.ppp- Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie
23. Hello Kitty: Pooh &amp; Tigger, Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
25. daniellegoh: Mickey, Minnie, Piglet, Pooh
CL !!!
early in the morning !!!

lucky i'm number 3 in your list :p
Can I have:
Pooh &amp; Tigger
Pooh &amp; Piglet
Mickey and Minnie
Chip and Dale

i'll give away the POOH (one only huh) for mummy who didn't get any thing.... ofcourse go according yr order list.
Good morning Pink.
Ha ha last nite i work till peng sang so never update.

So I go down the list for allocation hor.

1. hwee (hwee00) chip and dale, pooh and piglet and aristocats.
2. Shers (shers) : ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
3. n2inpink ; Pooh &amp; Tigger, Pooh &amp; Piglet, Mickey n Minnie, Chip and Dale
4. chrilee ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
5. Eron (eron) : ALL DESIGN EACH !!!
6. PENG : Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie, An Pan Man if have?
7. gunjan : All design each!!
8. nikonnet1 Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
9. Eileen Tan: Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie (or any 4 well-known characters if these not available)
10. apple: Pooh &amp; Piglet, Pooh &amp; Tigger, Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
11. augustmum All design each
12. cookiepie mickey &amp; minnie, and chipmunks
13. blessedmommy: mickey &amp; minnie, chipmunks, winnie &amp; piglet
14. Maywong : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Mickey &amp; Minnie
15. Catika Piglet n Pooh, Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
16. Tulip - Piglet n Pooh &amp; Mickey n Minnie (Tigger n Pooh as backup)
17. choko_latte : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Mickey &amp; Minnie and chipmunks.
18.mama_mya:first four designs of the pic (not the last piglet one
19. fatmum: Chipmunks
20. Michelle : Pooh &amp; Piglet, Pooh &amp; Tigger, 21.Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
22.ppp- Piglet, Pooh, Mickey and Minnie
23. Hello Kitty: Pooh &amp; Tigger, Mickey &amp; Minnie, chipmucks
25. daniellegoh: Mickey, Minnie, Piglet, Pooh


Pooh &amp; Tigger - 5
Pooh &amp; Piglet - 6
Mickey and Minnie - 1
Chip and Dale - 3
Anpan Man - 1 ( this should be Peng's}

U juz put the shrime roll into the oven to bake? Do u need to coat the tray wif oil? How long u bake n how many degree?

Who look after your kids when u n your hubby worked on the full mth gift set?
Both of u v fast hand fast leg. All done in a day
