Cup cakes for birthday

Hi everyone,

My first time sharing my baked products here. Qing duo duo zhi jiao...

Passionfruit cupcakes


hi malcheri,

Cold Storage Tampines ONE selling korea strawberry $2.90 for one box:
banana split with icecreams

chocolate icecream with crepe and strawberries for kids dessert:
Had Cha Soba with Roast Duck for lunch on Friday... last min. when boy tucked in... then realise forgot the seaweed... hahahaha... ganished it but no take 'final' pic.... HB had it cold... verdict: I think cold one is nicer!

Thanks for the flower biscuit link again... I use 1/4 of the recipe and yields 8 biscuits... and I have no more mooncake fillings... used Daiso canned red bean... too watery... very messy to wrap and cut... thus this ugly flowers... BUT they are flaky and nice!

Below is the recipe for Chawan-mushi. But I lazy to cook the stock just use plain water, haha! And I also din put so much ingredient.

150g chicken bone
2 bowls of water
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp lighty soy auce
2 tsp mirin (sweet cooking wine)

4 eggs
5 fancy fish cakes
10 gingko nuts
5 fresh mushrooms
60g cooked chicken meat (cut into cubes)

1. Cook chicken bones in water over low heat, strain for soup then add salt, light soy sauce n mirin.
2. Beat eggs n add into soup to mix well
3. Strain the egg mixture into a steaming bowl, place into the steamer n steam over medium low heat for 10min
4. Add fish cake, gingko nuts, mushrooms n chicken. Continue to steam for 5 min then turn off the heat.

Note: for 1 egg is added about 1/2 cup(125ml) of liquid. Use fine sieve to strain the egg mixture for smoother custard.
depend on what u r going to cut.
the pressure u r using to cut tart, cheese cake, b'day cake with sponge base, etc, is different.

i've diff knife to cut diff cake.
perhaps i'm too amateur :p
for my fruits tart, i'm using daiso S$2 flexi knife.

my latest creations:

mr men & little miss:

simple disney cupcakes:
thanks alot.
will try out soon, my gal loves chawan-mushi.
actually u can cook stock in large quantity, say like 1 stock pot, then put in fridge, and take out bt batches if u want to cook, more practical this way
Good job lah! Not ugly, pui pui nice..

No wonder ZL is grinning from ear to ear...I would too with this yummy lunch..haha

Your cake is as fabulous as ever.
dear friends,

Just sharing for those who yet to know, carrefour is having sale on the waffles maker(bluesky) at $9.90 only & while stock last as told by the staff there. So hurry & grab one if u're looking to buy

Anyone has v.nice waffle recipe to share pls? i'm looking at those really taste like selling from bakery shop & oso the crispy type..thks ^^
Looks good.

My lunch at Raffles City ochacha is oso cold soba. But it is without tsuyu. Dried kind with sesame dressing very nice.
Hi All, I'm looking for a temp admin job to work till end of Sep as i'm pregnant N due on Oct. I was kanna retrenched & nd an income to support my family. Kindly do help me to keep a look out if any of u happen to come across any Admin job. Pls contact me at 96808579...
hwee did her self lar.... i supply some fondant only.. she like u mar... too busy entertain boss, no energy do fondant...kekekeke!

I kpo abit, for frosting, you can do it your self.
many type of frosting, cream cheese, chocolate, buttercream, fresh cream.
i've buttercream recipe at:

you can go phoon huat to buy whipping cream, then whipped it using mixer with the highest speed.

Happy trying

sorry to hear abt your retrenchment, 1've sms u robert half (job hunter) contact number, look for jeremiah and tell him you are intro by me.
Hwee nice HK cupcake! better dun let my gal c cos she will request for her birthday!! She already change theme like a dozen times, disney princess, winx club, latest is animal mechanicals which gives me a big headache cos no bakery as far as i know makes them!! How to do a stencil beforehand and transfer to cake? Any idea? R they made of buttercream?
hi hi...

i am a silent reader of this thread for quite some time. i like to bake but got no oven and no good mixer at home to do it proper.

anyway, i would like to ask you experts if you know where i can get ready-made mini fruit tart shells? and wat kind of custard powder should i buy? i wanna make some for my boy's 1st birthday party.

bleh... no idea where to get ready made mini tart shells... but it's ez to DIY... try? ... custard powder... use Bird's Eye brand...

hope it helps...
Ok... this picture might look gross... like Fried Worms... BUT these are delicious... tried them before with egg... but this time... coat with flour and then fried them... not totally crispy... only outside... inside still pretty 'fleshy'... Fried (Large) Silver Fish...

Did some Raisin Rum Muffins... turned out very nice and fluffy and soft... from recipe, i UP the amount of RUM... it's sooooo... alcoholicious... hahahahaha



Some time back you post the prima deli kind of waffle recipe...I lost my pc data..can you sent me or post here again...Many thanks..

Hi Ladies,
I MIA very long already...did not have time to log in...Miss all the nice recipes and pics...
ometimes try and log in then see all th yummy food but no time to try making it feel so when no time then cant lock in..

Peng, You are forever so good!!! So many interesyting recipe. Really envy you and Pink got so much time...Like got 48 Hrs in 1 day...hee

This is my Mother's Day creation.
Hi Kathy,

Phoon huat selling ready made tart shells? Hmmm... think I also wanted to buy liao, make some mini fruit tarts... Thks a lot for the info
Today went to sil's house to help them make bak chang(dumpling). This coming wed need to help my mum make again, tiring.....

Oh my...eileen, the bak chang looks yummylicious!


May I know where can I buy the alphabet cutter set? Poon Huat is out of stock. Can't find it in NTUC either. Thanks!

Thanks Eileen!
Heard that Poon Huat's set is cheap.
What about Meringue powder? Besides Poon Huat, where can I get it? Bought my last can from Poon Huat. Thanks!
