Cup cakes for birthday

Hi all
Make chocolate chip walnut cookie yesterday.

Make chocolate cake for my dad birthday but endup the cake like a mess. Try to deco to make it look better and hb make the peach fondant, hehe!
Just to share...this is the Mango Mousse Cake I baked for my fil's birthday. The cake turned out bigger than the tray and OOPS!!!..I mis-spelled..but no one noticed and all went well...


Thank you for viewing.
hammie and ladies... ok ok... i ON arh... 10 oct... friday... me going!!! eat anything ok... but hmm... maybe choose some place more 'baby friendly' one...
and NO MORE KFC hor!!! seems like cat+mouse='always' KFC! hahahahahah...

sally... yeah... my gal is my package... u see me, u see gal.
maybe can request your boy's help to entertain her while we eat? hahahaha... *child labour* :p
1-0, Thanks. Actually, cake ugly nevermind (yr deco will improve with time..*wink**), because your cake always taste very good

See mine, also messy, can't decide what to do with border.
My friend from Australia gives regular supplies of herbs whenever she comes back.

She just gave me a bag of Rosemary. I can spare u 50g if u like. Pls pm me.
rosemary is very lightweight... yeah? *blur*... then... 50g is a LOT LOT LOT ... can roast a small lamb liow... muahahahahha...
actually hor.. i remember reading somewhere saying that taking such medicine is no good.. can cause side effects such as cervial cancer blah blah..
that day is referring to yr ROM day??

i remember my da yi ma visited me for my ROM and Actual day.. damn suay...

but doesnt really affect too much..
Aiyah!!! i "lao" already...maybe it was the green tea/barley drink mixture that I packed...sorri...will pack some herbies when we next meet.
what herbs is nice for making bread?? i wanted to make bread with just herbs instead of putting in raisins, fillings..

wanted more healthy bread for my little gal..
I forgot to update my email. Pls pm once again. Going to post office now..

Along with rosemary, giving u some chives, parsely, oregano. Hope u can find uses for them. Happy cooking??
mixed italian herbs.. will have nice smell like rosemary? or similar? if similar, then i will get it from keng..

i think some herbs and some cheese is good snack for kids..
*yawn* *yawn*... lazy afternoon... want to check if anybody knows where to get this kind of 'umbrella-stroller' cheaply? Approx. how much is it in neighbourhood shops? (therez no such thing in my old town)...

if you have information or wants to sell or give, please PM me... thanks!

I don't want to spend 100++ or more for this to be thrown inside car boot and to be used only a few times a year; plus gal might not use it once she 'stabilizes' walking. ... *sigh*... another dilemma to splurge or not...

You are looking for those stroller with adjustable height or not? For non adjustable one, ToyRus are selling at 30 plus. For adjustable, I think they are selling at 60 plus.
Dearie, toyrus tot they carry the esprit kind (green/orange) for 149 ... no need adjustable height lah... i so short... no handles will be too tall for me!! hahahahahahaha... i go their website see see... thanks for info!!!!
hee yr package same as me. hahahaha
u plus gal, me plus boi. k both can entertain themselves while we yak.
I bought my umbrella stroller, the one u posted, brand lucky baby, from carrefour that time having offer at S$29.90 onli. The one from toysrus is good too, my fren using for her 3 yrs old gal too.

can decide the place first? cos I going to bring my boi from school n head down direct, then must feed him first cos he will be hungry. So if u all can decide where, I can go to the place n wait for u all. :)

wow u veri pro liao lei. So nice the cake.

Taste good can liao. At least u have the courage to do a cake, me till now still cant do one. hahahaha me veri lousy.
sally! serious??? wah seh... thatz a steal!! must open my eyes wide wide and keep staring at carrefour advert liow... muahahaha... thanks! Toysrus that one is budget but more loogi at the design, considering that it's really China-LV material lor...
so KIV that first... hope carrefour got that 30 dollars steal this weekend!
hahaha, you know lor! Like having to alight at the wrong bus-stop 3x before getting it right.

Then want to go Raffles City but end up in Raffles Place MRT all the time.
kendy, ok. thanks

(actually this pix i take from WTS thread one... scarly is your friend! still waiting for her reply on pricing...)
I not big...cannot decide lah...let shers decide.hee hee.. u call my mobile when u reach. :D

Date: 10 Oct, Friday
Time: 1200 hrs
Plc : Harbourfront, infront of Breadtalk.

1. Hammie
2. Sally & boi
3. Yany
4. Shers
5. Dearie_e

Shifu Pink...WHERE ARE U??? Can join us?

Date: 10 Oct, Friday
Time: 1200 hrs
Plc : Harbourfront, infront of Breadtalk.

1. Hammie
2. Sally & boi
3. Yany
4. Shers
5. Dearie_e
6. Cat & gal
