Cup cakes for birthday

Shifu Pink say these 2 weeks she cannot make it as she is veri busi.

shall we go ahead and meet this Friday?

Date: 10 Oct, Friday
Time: 1200 hrs
Plc : Harbourfront, infront of Breadtalk.

1. Hammie & icelim
2. Sally & boi
3. Shers
4. Dearie_e


Just rx an email from boss got meeting at 10am on fri. Dun think can make it as he is a long winded and like to drag thru the lunch time... Agrrr.....
Cat, Missyling,

I like to drink the soup make by "ants" but market not always have. Searching for sometimes liao. Can spare me some? heee...... now recall the smell n taste of the soup, yummy yummy... saliver droopling liao... miss the taste... hahaha

Hope ur hb gets well soon... Now even man can get it... must ask my hb to go chk oso liao as he also not a healthy diet man...
wow so many nice fruits.

shall we postpone than to later where shifu pink, cat n rest can make it? As long as not thursday, I m okie.
hope yr hb gets well soon and you also take care.
I like the sesame street character.

sesame street character will be my next target! Hope I can master it by end of year for my boy's 1st birthday.
ok ok...then we postpone it when shifu is available. will check with her 2 weeks later cos she say she is gg to be busi...

anyone hv shers mobile? can sms her? else later she turn up on Fri and sees no one.. hahaha...
nice chocolate strawberry cake there! early in the morning see tis, makes me more hungry.

your macs actually is a good start, AY 1st macs oso like tat, no feet, but oso no crinkle.
oven temperature, for mine, i adjust in the half way, when i saw the feet comeout, i lower it down from 180C to 160C, so that can bake longer to ensure inside will not too "wet".

for bahulu recipe, perhaps you can search AY blog? i remember she make it before.
i never try wor.

apple pie like mac donald? never tot of trying wor, coz they sell so cheap, so i prefer buy from mc donald, hahaha!

your muffin sound not enuf butter leh.
possible to post the recipe here? will try to see is it ingredients cause your muffin dry or your oven temperature.

kak zainab,
you are most welcome.
it's a very simple cake
, at first i scared you don't like it.....
i missed my hari raya life style in indonesia, visit frens from morning till late nite, makan makan and makan, laugh and laugh and laugh.
bring empty and hungry tummy out from home, but comeback home not only full tank, also pack back wor...whole family can enjoy the goodie.. hahaha!

a very nice castle cake, i believe i saw tis kind of pan before, it cost 100+ rite? AY show me her collection for tis series, i almost faint.
i'm still not tat level lah...haha!

ANT vege !!!! hahaha! i loves it. since young!
i loves the smell, especially when my mama fried it with eggs and add red glutinous rice wine... i can finished a super BIG bowl.
now i have a big bunch of ANT vege inside my fridge.
can't cook it cos i got visitor, my big aunty come. my mama said if big aunty come, dun eat 1st.unless i dun cook with wine.
but after big aunty go away liao, then very good to eat.
two more days, then can eat liao ! yipeee !!!

talking abt big aunty visit.
u got receive my sms lastnite?
i can't meet u all today, my big aunty makes me not mobile to go leh..... i usually juz "guai guai" didn't go anywhere, i don't like to walk too much.

nice spread there!
cheesecake, princess castle and cuppies, all looks beautiful. very well done.

glad tat your ah lao is recovering ! i was so worry also.
hm.... no need to say xie xie lah.... tats what fren shd do

praying and encouraging words cost nothing for me
it's freely give away... just shout out.... then we all here for u.

gotta thank to u oso during my upside down time.
it's very tough if you have your love one diagnosed with cancer.

talking abt cancer, no joke, gotta takecare our self... KL148 is rite, go for fresh food as far as possible, they said organic one is the best.
pay attention and drag no more if you find something wrong......
ice lim, i don't have the ant veg lo.. you got to ask meow if her mil got extra to spare...
hehehe i just cooked mine few days back... shiok!
thks for the info!

I'm very busy tis two weeks, so hvn't got chance to call her.
gotta faster throw away my poppy seed liao.

hope here no police or CIA, otherwise they will come and search my house!
Peng, can check where u bought the 桂花 , always want to make 桂花 agar agar but dont know where to get the flower.
ya lor, the castle pan very expensive, coming to $100, hehe! Didn't let my hb see n know the price yet, later kena scold by him. So only try to use it 1st time when he was not around, hehe!
Dearie...certain chinese medical does sell all types of dried flowers like lavender, rose, guihua...i bought those at PP Bee Brand Medical Hall。。
I got the sms this morning..cos I sleep early last nite..hahahaha...we have postpone our date to "xx" when u are available..hee hee...

btw, when u free to teach me fondant?? hee hee... I just love ur creation!!

Dearie_e, Thanks muchie.
hammie, dearie, icelim, cat, sally, SHERS,
if wanna meet, perhaps 3rd week of oct. i'll inform all of u again.

u bot the pan from pantry magic?
do you have to grease the pan? but very costly hor?
actually no need to do deco, i'll say it would be nicer, juz bake it to bit more brown color, that would be very nice.
u see AY bake for her daughter bday cake? the bees hse? she is using the same series pan.
Hammie...i use dried one leh...wat make u think i use fresh one kekeke....i steep the flowers in a big pot of boiling not boil the flowers as it will 'destroy' the frangrance...then i pick out the nice flowers for deco! then use the liquid to melt the agar agar powder and sugar :D
no, I bought from Chong trading. At 1st bought the car mould but too big for my oven. So went back to change castle mould lor. Yes, I grease the pan n it come out easily. I saw AY got the same pan also, hehe!
I just read about your posting on your ah lau. <<<hugs>>> hope all will be well and keep us posted. Will say a little prayer for you... and take care ya. If organic food not so expensive, I would feed my whole family with it. Now... I only give to baby.

The macs taste nice and I'm glad my son loves it too. Just too bad cannot get feet! Yours are so nice, better than the ones selling outside! How do you make the other flavours? Do you just substitute choco powder with other flavours? Are those in powder form too?

Your fruits are so interesting. The Chrysanthemum with boxthorn fruit jelly looks beautiful and I bet its healthy too!

Poppy seed is not allowed as they are afraid people might plant them and make opium. Actually, in small quantities, like all other "Drug" related plants, they are used for medicinal properties. Due to some greedy people who misuse and produce illegal drugs, they are all banned!

Good idea to postpone the "makan" session. Now got more time to think of what to bake and bring over ;)

"ant" veggie.... is this what they use in the hakka dish called "lui cha"? I love it! Never seen them around tho
can share the recipe for your castle cake. I also have some small silicone baking ware, but try a few recipes, all will stick to the pan.
yr castle cake is excellent. Ya the pan price freaks me out when I saw it at chong. hee

hugs to u. Glad yr hb is better now. Wishing him a speedy recovery. I noe how u feel cos few weeks back, my dad also underwent another major operation. Take care ya. Realli admire u, so stressful n still can bake so well.

Both yr "fruits" always amazed me. Super lei.

U dun wan my cake order ah? No reply till now. :-(
Let me noe if u cant take, if not, I will find alternative. No prob ya.

we will arrange again once Pink lets us noe the date for our lunch appt. :)
thanks for the link. I baked this butter cake before but in cupcake. never thought of using it on silicone ware.. silly me.

Will try to bake it n let u know whether it work on silicone ware when time allow.

I've tried making cupcakes.

however the cake comes out dense..

I wonder how we know if we have over mixed the mixture?

or is there a foolproof recipe i can try again with .
Anyone bake barbie doll cake before? Any link for recipe?
If I dun have the wonder pan, can I still make?
Where to get the doll pin?
I dun wan to pay to buy the pan lah. Can I invent n still make the barbie doll cake if no wonder pan??? hee The base should I use butter cake or madeira? What is the difference in taste? I din try madeira before. Tinking to make the base n let my niece play n decor for her bday party, so no need realli pro pro kind of pan to make. kekeke

Ghees fold in flour using whisk?

anyway do we need to mix in the flour till its well mix or even small tiny lumps of flour is ok?

will try on the recipe provided.


I have plain flour... if recipe calls for self raising flour.. how should the mixture of plain flour + Baking powder be?

and does fine sugar and castor sugar gives different texture to the cake?
I have emailed u on the MMF workshop.
I cannot make it as i'm changing my maid and hence cannot leave my gal alone with her.
Please reply me ya.
sally, you don't need to buy the pan. I made one without the pan and it was not so bad. I can't remember the excat size, but it should be a 4inch and 3inch pan that I used. Than after stacking I trimmed it to almost like a dome shape. As long as you do nice frosting, no need to worry liao.
Hi, ladies
here is my oreo cupcakes from Aunty Yo's blog but the top crack.. is it butter overmix?? can someone give me advise..i like the taste and texture..very nice.



