Cup cakes for birthday

Wow dana realli veri veri cute.

wow u look so young!!!!
okie, i kapo, taken from web, Ovalette is a stabiliser used in baking sponge cakes. It helps the eggs to rise rapidly and stiffly. U can get from shop n save, ntuc, or PH.

You look so young! The photo is very, very nice. I think when she is older, two of you would look more like sisters

Baby Dana is so pretty... but hor... the flower so big. Saw the flower first before seeing Dana... hehehe. Love the way she pose.... very nice

You ladies talking about maids.... I don't know how to survive without one. Mine has been with me for 8 years... and took care of all 3 kids. So... more like one of the family than a maid
Dana looks so cute in this photo. U took it yourself or studio photo? If latter, which studio? I'm thinking of bringing my children to take some nice nice photo as well.

Last time always say want to bring my gal go to your house to swim. Till my boy come out still haven't go yet.

I like your photo as well. Which studio did u go? Can share.

I same same as you. I think I cannot survive w/o my maid. I also treat her like own family even though she only w us for 3 yrs.
This thread is moving just too fast... didnt come in for few days and I'm lost!

You are always giving me surprises...just like Cat say...I'm also very near you so anytime u call...i will fly over to collect anything you want to feed me with...hahahaha...

Cat, paisay..everytime fight with you for choice..we are "cat & mouse" hahahaha...

Angel, Dana is a real i wish my gal is like her.. :D

You look so diff in person compare to photo.. ur gal also very cute.
Dearie_e and Yany, we treat our helper like a family too, bought her and her daughter presents, allow her to call her family every Sun and read this - we even allow her to check her emails and <u>MSN her hubby</u> who's posted to work in Dubai every Sun! She has her own room, watches TV in the evening, reads the papers before we do, can order anything from the menu when we eat out, sleeps at 9.30pm - wakes at 6.30am (9 hours) etc etc. Yet, she is not contented and ungrateful. She says her idea of coming over to SG as a maid is to walk dogs and live in big houses. So we've to let her go. Sometimes it's not a matter how we treat them. Some are just not ready/mature/humble enough to be domestic helpers. Btw, mine's a Philippina fresh from Philippines.

thanks for the explanation?? is that yellow in colour??


wldnt be la.. i will be less than 50 yrs old when my little gal turns 20.. so i will be blessed!


ya lor.. u said want to come.. we swim every sunday..

i went to foto-u.. photographer is benjamin.. very professional.. my gal warmed up within 5 mins.. so we got 100plus of photos.. u keep a lookout for their promotion.. very worth it
Shers, what a coincidence, that photo of Dana was also taken by Benjamin! Dana won the August Photogenic bb Contest organised by foto-u and we got a free 1 hour session but have to pay $100 to get the high-res soft copies back.
Nothing's free in this world...

i agree totally with what u said!

i gave my helper a room, even can switch on air-conditional at nite, by 9pm can rest and relax, 7am then wake up, she just do basic housework, no need to take care of my little gal, no need to cook, every sat shopping with me.

yet after 3 months, she said she worked very hard and want to transfer. gosh!

we let her go.. ended up in another employer doing alot of things (that employer is a friend of my mum! the world is so small). within 3 months, she ran away from the house!!! The employer was so scared that she called my mum.

i guess sometimes it depends on luck..

if u r fortunate enough, will get a good 1.. else, u get shit lor.

i'm more photogenic.. so look better than in person.. whahaha... so better dont see me in person!!


the promotion i got from foto-u is the last few where they gave away free high res soft copies.. so luckily me.. got a cheap deal plus all softcopies..

Here is my 3 colored eggs:
1 salted egg,
1 century egg,
2 chicken eggs
1 packet of unsweetened soy bean drink (gets from market &amp; asks them not to put sugar)

1) Remover the yolk from the salted egg( uncooked) &amp; cut into small cubes
2) Unshelled the century egg &amp; cut into small cubes.
3) Pour 1 packet of unsweetened soy bean drink
4) Beat the chicken eggs &amp; sieved into the mixture( soy bean + salted yolk + century egg). Mix all.
5) Add some light soya sauce( 1-2 tsp more or less depend on you liking ), you can also put some pepper if you like.
6) A few drop of cooked oil/sesame oil. Garnish with parsley
7) Stream for 15-20 mins.

I used a stainless steel plate so to cut short the streaming time.
u so gd to ur maid. Can MSN her hubby. I agreed it all depend on luck. The first one i got, dont even know how to carry bb, some more she has 2 kids leh. My 2nd maid is very mature and experience. I suppose it because she is 44 yrs old liao and work in HK for 8 yrs.

Swim on Sat can a not? Can PM me your hp, so I can sms you for a small gathering btw us?

By the way, yes, Ovalette is yellow in colour.

usually sat morning, i need to be at home coz part time cleaner is around.. then around 3plus, i will bring my little gal out for shopping.. so sat abit difficult..


that dish got soy bean?? tot its pure vege and eggs dish?
No problem. Sun is fine for me as well... Can bring my boy go swimming also. I even bought the swim diaper for him already.

i have PM-ed u my no already..

this week maybe wed will go for a swim.. we sms each other to confirm again bah..
Shers...use soya bean milk as base to steam egg taste very nice one..u should try it...sometimes i jus make soya bean milk egg custard for my son as snack also. Remember to strain the egg mixture for a smoother chawamushi :p
ep, i think i know which dish you are referring. And i always order this dish whenever we eat at the zi-char stall here.

This is the way i did this dish.
1) Prepare the soup base. I use 'yin yu' to boil the soup base but i will fry fry it abit. Pour in the desired amt of water and boil about 20mins. I tend to put more water compare with zi-char. I also drop in some drops of the chicken stock to enhance the taste.

2) The 3 type of eggs. The chicken egg and century egg no need to explain la. The salted egg :- you can pre-cooked it or handle it like the chicken egg but the yolk has to be cutted into smaller pcs. If pre-cooked, just dig out the content and cut into smaller pcs. "Throw" in the 3 eggs after the veg is done in the soup.

3)Vegetables. Besides spinach, you also can use kow-kei or the hiong-cai(in teochew).

Enjoy the dish!
<font color="ff6000">Pink</font>
Your fondant cake is SO cute! And the macaroons looks SO good! =)

Your photographer retiring? I thot he was just promoted? Kekeke.
My photos look professional? Hee. Thanks! =)
Sure sure, I'll definitely help where I can.
kim tian, maroulin,
THANK YOU soooo much for yr recipe.. will try both

wat is yun yu? ikan bilis?

i also didnt know need to use soya bean milk..
its the egg part i dunno how to combine to the vegs.. so i must cook the salted n century egg first? issit cooked alrdy when u buy from supermarket.. paiseh..

i thought they use raw egg, beat up n pour over vegs n steam. :p
Baby Dana will be fine in the infant care. My 2 gals grow up in infant care centres, been there since they are 2 months old. They are now 6 and 2 yrs old. Find a centre that you feel comfortable with and you can go to work with a peace of mind ...while they may not receive as much personal attention, you dun need to worry about them being abuse by maids.

I try making pineapple tarts over the week end using auntie yo's recipe. (Know CNY is very far away but got craving for the tarts, hahaaha....) The pastry turned out fine but the pineapple jam is very chewy, like bubble gum. Anyway to improve the texture?
'yun yu', is the small white dry fish, slightly different from ikan bilis.

the salted egg if buy from market, is raw. however, some sellers do sell cooked salted egg. if you buy from supermarket, definitely it's uncooked.

You can cook the salted and century eggs together with the veg. Lastly then stir in the chicken egg.

Hope this will help.
Nice yummy noodles woh. Your dishes always make me drool

I use a grater for the orange skin. Dun do till you see white white part. I think that part will be bitter
I kapy and answer for CL...

orange zest is actually the skin of the orange. You need to wash thoroughly to get rid of any traces of pesticide. Then just a scraper and scrape the skin. Use the orange part and turn the orange as you go
bbgirl, cl

hehehe i craving for claypot noodles but those i had b4, very thirsty after eating... so tried my own... the taste is there... hehe look like i must invent in a claypot...
Checked. Spar SP-800 is selling for $800 &amp; an extra bowl from $60 - $80+ at Lau Choy Seng. Phoon Huat is costlier. AY also uses one to make her breads
Am considering getting one or perhaps the SP-500.

Am thinking of getting a built-in oven. What are the basic functions should I look for? Self-cleaning important? I read from forums that Mayer's after-sales service sucks. What's your advice? Me also a "chor lor" person so I dun think KitchenAid suits me. It's a nice kitchen deco though

i love claypot noodles also.. i found that not only because of the MSG that made us thirty, partly its because of the hunger that made us eat fast.. so burn your tongue that made us thirty..

how u make the gravy?? oyster sauce??
pink, my HP is on 24hrs one wor... hahahaha... can hear u ring ring soon hor? :p

hammie, nvmd lah... i love you, you love me mah... you one mouth, i one mouth lor... :p hahahaha...

so... niko has popped and will be out of action for few mths... when are we meeting for lunch??? are we still meeting for lunch? :p
sher, yes i used oyster sauce with some veg stock that i made. Hehehe must hot hot eat then shiok.. once its cold ar... not so nice liao hor. That's why must put in claypot.
ling, thats y lor.. hot hot eat then will burn tongue.. so will be super thirty.. hehehe.. anyway i love the taste of noodles.. some pple do not like the taste of noodles.. its so fattening and i love it!!! yummy.. will try tml!
sher, i don't like such noodles oso .. i will go market and buy those without so much "JI" one BUT for the sake of eating... hehe dun care la.. not as if eat everyday.
sooo cute!! dunno if its glass or plastic?
u can order n send to vpostjapan.. i was told 1000yen is $13.. so its abt $26 excld shipping..
yany &amp; CL,
thanks..shall try tomo..hope I succeed!

hmm..claypot noodles..throw me some if you got extra..

you also very pro hor..the cake texture look so yummy..
ha ha within Japan i know it is JPY 556 if not above JPY 10,500 for total amount. But I dunnno how much it is going to cost for international leh. Me no vpost japan account so i scare scare
hammie super busi..seldom come in now..but sure free to lunch with you &amp; all.. how about next week? Pink can? I jio icelim... how about the rest? Sally? Sher? Hwee? BM? ...who else har...

Date: Next Friday? (cos Cat can make it)
Time: 1200 hrs?
Plc : Harbour Front?
