Cup cakes for birthday

Keng...hehehe...looks very nice hor..too bad u all can only see it:p i think is the proportion of the ingredient that make is lava cake...very little flour is added..actually AY's blog got this recipe but i compare mine and modified a bit :p
i did yam cake today.. 1st time making it.. still soft soft de.. hopefully by tml.. it be harden and can pan fried it...
Hehehe my mum said i "crazy" put so much ingredients in it... inside got Yam, mushroom, dry shrimps, dry scallop & lup cheong.
Dear all,

sorry MIA for many days.
a very busy and hectic week for me... HAIZ ! really wish 1 day = 48 hours... haha!

haven't read finished the posting, will catch up again tis two days.

i've appointment on friday, you all go ahead.
if u want wednesday, then i can make it.

ah yes,
i was thinking to celebrate the baking thread 1st year CUM chrismas party? perhaps mid nov? weekend?
i'm more than willing to open my house, however, my pl is at tampines, seems too far for the westerner to come.
anyone in the central area can open house? or perhaps can borrow the condo function room?
if you not convinience to post here, can PM me, i will keep the secret and will not tell anyone who is the rich person living in the central condo

forgive me for my nonsense talk

but really appreciate if you all can give an idea how we can get this party done?

my little contribution, today "fruits", a simple spread for workshop tea break.

from top left (clock wise):
salad with italian dressing, bunch of roses from attendance, glutinous rice, strawberry swiss roll with buttercream filling, sarawak seri kaya cake, poppyseed orange swiss roll.

the simple spread:

forget me not macarons

macarons used to be my favourite cookies, but hor, since i bake it my self, i lost my appetite for macs, now i'm inlove baking it only, tried half or a bite for the sake of testing the texture only.

when i make this coffee, my maid talked about you. she still remember the coffee queen !

ALL macs gone ! hahaha!

thks for viewing ;)

me brain dead liao ! goodnite!
wah seh.. pink.. ur macs realli very mei mei already! all so chubby! saw dono where selling small ones.. so cute!! u got mac class anot?
Good Morning Pink,
Arrh... the dreamily delicious cream puffs, pizzas and the kopitiam coffee makes me want to "chiong" to your workshop.....
Wa Pink, yr spread make me sad cant make it to yr workshop this tm round. You must open another one soon. I'm very keen on yr macarons too. Will you be opening a class on that?

Mummies, any of you going to AY's workshop next Sun?

pink, i am so happy.. managed to pluck these "ant" veg from granny's mini garden... For those who are wondering WHY we eating ants... hehehe its not the ANTS... tis veg is called "ant" if you know how to speak hakka.
these are 'ant' vege? ... my MIL's back garden got lots... hmm... she used them to fry with egg... and it gives a kind of smell when rub in finger... like herbs... is it huh? that time asked me to go pluck some go home eat ... i run away... hahahahah .... *blur*

this is a hakka plant arh? ...
No idea what dialect it belong to but its very good to us , women. It can be used to make kueh olso. Very hard to find... hehe go kapo ur mil's one... own home one is good.. it won't have the kind of bitter taste like some who are selling and some are very dirt .. esp when they used Chicken facees as fertilizer...
A special hari raya gift from pink:-


Everyone loves the beautiful cake. Thank you so much and may God bless you !!
Wow pink,
Your macaroons looks delish!!! You expert liao...too bad(or lucky cos I am still trying to lose weight) I dun have a sweet tooth.
I wish I can go for the gathering. The ladies here are all so nice! Gwen will still ask me," mama, U meeting your friends? I like the aunty (Cat) who give me sweet!"
Hi! I kapo. The "ant" veg can make "Green Colour - Ang Ku Kueh".

Need to mash up the leaves, stir into the Glutinous flour and add in old ginger juice into the green been paste too.

Yummy... any mummies here can spare me some to plant please? Want to try planting. This "ants" plant is not easy available in market. : >
Hi all
Bought a very expensive castle bundt pan n today 1st try to bake using it. Didn't do any deco n shld bake it a little bit to get a nicer color, hehe!
muffin... hahaha... karihome arh? ... i love the sweeties too!

eileen... nice!!! ... but decorating it will be a BIG project... lots of details...

hammie,ladies and pink... i anyday shud be fine... except wed i will be a bit later.
friday i no 'govt' ... hahahahah... suka suka meet 10am also can!!!
Just want to share the project I did with my sister for my niece. We baked a eggless cake but find the texture very hard. Nonethless my niece was so happy and keep jumping up and down.

Also baked a orange baked cheesecake based on alex goh recipe. The top pic is taken from the book. can see the diff tat the chocolate colour is not dark enuf but Overall still ok.

1-0, Good leh! The castle turned out well!!!

Fatmum, Castle in "vogue".... The colour is so sweet..

Ling, Fry it with sesame oil, ginger & eggs, it's beneficial too for ppl with constant headaches or migraine...
meow: hahahaha when young tat time.. i will run far far when my mum cooked that.. i dun like the smell... but after that.. get used it to.. and find it nice...

Just now, "forced" hb to drink.. he went ,,, really must drink? He said abit ok and must drink it hot.
Shifu can only make it on you all prefer Wed, ie tomorrow or stick to Friday?

Date: Either Wed or Fri...????
Time: 1200 hrs
Plc : Harbourfront, infront of Breadtalk.

1. Hammie
2. Sally & boi
3. Yany
4. Shers
5. Dearie_e
6. Cat & gal
Hi....hehehe if tomorrow then i can make it! if is on fri then u all go ahead dun bother abt me :p

Date: Either Wed or Fri...????
Time: 1200 hrs
Plc : Harbourfront, infront of Breadtalk.

1. Hammie
2. Sally & boi
3. Yany
4. Shers
5. Dearie_e
6. Cat & gal
7. Peng & boi (wed)

I m just a newbie to baking bread. wonder if ant mummy can give advice. For white bread, what type of yeast must I use..Active dry yeast or dry bakers yeast? Must I proof it first with warm water?

Any difference on the type of dough for white bread or pizza? Thanks
Hi, I need some advice with baking muffins. Everytime i bake muffins, my muffins turned out to be dry and hard, what is the trick to bake soft and moist textured muffins? Anyone can share their tricks?
i am selling an almost new mini donut tray at $4 exclude postage. Use only 3 times. i can meet at Woodlands mrt or Tanjong Pager tis Thursday. Pls call me at 90307513 as i seldom check the forum.

0, 1-0 & keng
The castle is good to see oni. My sister told me its very hard ho...ho.... Think cos no egg so very dry ba!!! I can never get a eggless recipe right!

I baked this cuppies and used fondant this time round. only 14 1/2 pcs took me 4 hrs plus to complete...By the time i finish its already 2am+. I really got to salute she go abt doing so many!!!!!!!!!

Packed them in box and ready to go.....

My ger took the bumble bee and the mini face. She look so cute when she ate the bumble bee can;t help but laugh at the time I want to take my hp to snap a pic on her she already swallow the bee!
About the gathering this Friday.... afraid I cannot make it
. I am not feeling well, cough and my baby is having a cold & cough (hence hardly get to sleep). Then hubby confirmed business trip and left early this morning and won't be back till Sat... sigh. So, I have to take my name out for this one and join the next outing... on a Wed perhaps?

Date: 10 Oct, Friday
Time: 1200 hrs
Plc : Harbourfront, infront of Breadtalk.

1. Hammie
2. Sally & boi
3. Yanny (cancelled)
4. Shers
5. Dearie_e
6. Cat & gal
Noted, do take care and see you in the next outing.

The rest of the Mommies, I didnt get any reply from Shifu about tomorrow, so I think we better stick to our earlier Fri date. Hope it is ok?

Date: 10 Oct, Friday
Time: 1200 hrs
Plc : Harbourfront, infront of Breadtalk.

1. Hammie
2. Sally & boi
3. Yanny (cancelled)
4. Shers
5. Dearie_e
6. Cat & gal
7. Peng & boi (Wed)
Hammie, 0, keng & Peng
Am having fun with fondant so far. But must wait for my rascals to ZZ then can do. tat explains Y i end ard 2+ cos they slp @ 10pm yest. With them around i got no place at the workstn but they will be taking all my fondant away.

Yap yap! The box I handmade too. My girl choose the colour of the vancard sheet. She's crazy with pink colour! As for the concept, its the same as what we do the donut box the other time. My lao say machiam giving out xibing...ha..ha.

Actually this cuppies are meant for the doc & nurse who operated on my lao recently. Really appreciate that.

Also like to thanks PINK on her encouragment during this period. PINK Xie Xie ni!!!!

Me going back to work tmr after a long break.... The past week bake is for me to release stress ha...ha...Baking is FUN!!! Am also glad to be able to 'Meet' so many bakers here!!!

I learn from this clip. I think i can only mould this so far. The rest still got long long way to go.

I like this blogger Glad who mould her sesame street charater. All so cute!!
really peifu u under such stress still can make so beautiful cake. So yr hb is better now?

When I trying on fondant, my son also wanted to play with it. So I make playdough for him to play with. Their colors is similar to my fondant so a bit confusing for me, hehe!
Fatmum...oh gosh hope ur hb is alright now...nowadays pple ganna cancer very easy maybe becos of more stressful life
now breast cancer is top among woman...
fatmum, hope ur ah lau is alright...

hammie, won't be attending this friday... something on.
sorry... still love love love you lah... :p meet you another time!
1-0, peng, cat
thanks for the well wishes. He will be going for radiation therapy for 2 weeks to ensure the bad cells are eliminated.

That period before being consulted by the specalist is the most stress ....the mind jst can;t think right. I cried but I can't cried infront of him!!!!The main relieve came only when results show that the cell did not spread. I don;t know why I still can bake but guess its a way for me to destress ba!!!

u r right!!Other then work stress & diet plays apart too. We like to eat ham & saugages which have high salt content and perservatives. Now will cut down to the minimum. According to insurance agent, the definition of cancer in more recent policy is more define i.e it required the cells to spread etc cos more & younger ppl are getting it.

Anyway think this month is breast cancer awareness month tot share with mummies on this TC thingy so as to create some awarness for man too.


My husband have that 2 years agao. Same here, really relieved when the results showed cell did not spread. He did not go radiation therapy/Chemo as we scared of the side effect. Instead we look for chinese doctor to rebuilt his body. Until now we tried our best to look out for our diets and stress level.

Pls take care.
