Cup cakes for birthday

yr puff look so nice n make me feel like trying again. What is yr recipe for the puff? My hubby said cannot put banana in fridge so we tried to finish it by today, hehe!
1-o, my recipe is in the blog but this puff texture is more for those that ice cream filling wor... it's not really soft kind...
To share with you my donuts:

My 2nd round of passion fruit sponge cake. Full of passion fruit smell, very nice..
ling, sngiam73, sweetie_hamster, pink, fatmum, eileen tan, chicken little, keng, sally,
THANK YOU all for the kind words

sngiam73 and sweetie_hamster ,
you both can do it too as long as don't give up trying ok?!

share how your yam rice turn-out next time ok?

u can do it too.
believe in yourself and more practise makes it perfect.
to me, everyday is a learning experience exploring new things.
Congrats on completing your Wilton course #3.
Your fondant flowers are very nice..
I can't bear to eat it at all..
You look good in the picture too!

I am using Black fondant colouring. I only mix small portion of buttercream to just do the lining. I normally add till greyish colour only, put in the fridge after frosting, it may look bit darker I find. Will try use chocolate next time, thanks!

Did you go for all the Wilton course from course 1 onwards or only course 3?
I am keen to join the Wilton course too but don't know which level to go?

May i check with you, when you said you need to prepared the fondant from home, so be it using wilton or non wilton fondant, it's nolonger in the new brand packaging, why can't you use MMF? Also fondant to me what. I am just curios. Thanks in advance.
catika, ling, eileen tan , js'Mum, chicken little,
what a nice looking spread of "fruits" there..
so yummy!!

is that bowl silicon type fm Daiso?
congrats on your baby Dana 1mth old.
she is so adorable..

thanks and you are welcome for the tips to dressed-up your cupcake.
what a nice varieties of cupcake and muffins you have baked there..
I love the chocolate filling type too..

mama to 5Js,
I don't think that is Mong as have seen Mong in her website before.
Mong also teaches Wilton courses in b-i-y.
thanks for yr encouragement, will try again on cuppies during the school holiday when I m not that busi. got to finsh my FIL bd project first..hee hee...
your puff looks good!
soft and fluffy.
nice presentation after the filling.
makes me feel like having durian puff now..

lovely donuts you have made and with different shapes.
I love the mini heart designs..

I just baked some banana cakes for consumption using heart shaped mould, rectangular loaf mould and cupcakes sized for kids.
Will upload the pics if have the time later.
good luck on your fil b'day project and do share your "fruit" here..
you can do it well!
super stressed!! there will be so many ppl around that day....and i m freaking now.... what if the cake cannot make it? worse scenario i will pop over to the shop to buy one..hahahahaha....
don't worry be optimistic and you can sure to make it.
follow the recipe step by step.
baking the cake ourself somehow makes the cake extra special with our added love.

worse come to worse, then get outside if fail but trust you can do it!
here, just finally uploaded the pics after finished baking..

banana cupcakes and mini cakes (silicon mould bought from spree), my family all time favorite..
We like it bake longer to have the brown fragrant top with a bit of crusty taste..



Oh ya, forgot to mention, I am using "Pisang Raja", which is more fragrant and sweet than the normal bananas.
The taste is exceptional!!
Jsmum..thanks for showing ur dessert pic! suppose to make it yesterday but alas my son suddenly develop high fever and fits in the morning! rush to a&e and admitted to hosp for 1 at home recuperating...
we didn't managed to join spree...closed by the then.

delicious looking dishes.....hungry..

Is he ok now..hope he gets well soon.
Pink, congrats on completing u Wilton course. Very nice roses n designs.

Ling, your puff looks very good! Makes me feel like eating ice-cream puffs now....Can share the recipe?

Kim, u donuts looks very appetising with diff shapes too! Do u encounter problems when getting them out of the mini donut trays? What do u put to "grease" the tray?
Hi Angel

Congratulations on passing thru the 1mth with your new found love.

I think we attended the Pink's workshop together in Dec, right? Were you the one who won the Cupcake Idol with Js'Mum?

JJ - your cupcakes and muffins all so nice. My banana cake still got crack on top whenever I bake and not firm
Really need make practice but scare my family eat till sian. Ha!!!

Dana is so sweet, she must be your most precious present for Mother's Day gift liao. Congrats n advanced Happy Mother's Day to you.

Sure, here's the thai tapioca dessert receipe I hv posted in the archive dated 3rd May :-

<font color="0000ff">THAI TAPIOCA LOW FAT DESSERT</font>

1.5kg of raw tapioca - peeled and cut into approx. 6cm long
1 tsp of salt
Abt 10-12pandan leaves

A: Sugar Syrup
400g of sugar
1/2 cup of water

B: Coconut Toppings
1 cup of coconut milk }
1 tsp of salt }
1 tsp of cornflour }
2 pandan leaves

* Pandan leaves I based on the big ones...crushed them before steaming/boiling will give out the flavor more.

1) Add salt into lukewarm water and soak tapioca for 15-20 mins.
2) Put abt 5 pandan leaves into a pot of water to boil for steaming the tapioca later.
3) Lay abt 5 pandan leaves onto steamer and let the tapioca sit on it. Steam for 15min or til cooked. (See tips below)
4) Remove tapioca and place into the sugar syrup (see #5).
5) Boil Ingredients in A till sugar melts. When thicken, put in the tapioca to soak.
6) To make coconut syrup in B: Add coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves n boil on very low flame. Once you see bubbles, stir in cornflour to thicken. Off fire and leave aside for serving.
7) Before serving, some like to pour the coconut syrup over the tapioca but some like to dip it. So depend on your preference and serve them.

Tips to share: When cooked, the texture of apioca should be soft and translucent in appearance. If not sure, take a spoonful to sample.

Happy Trying...

Nice blueberry must be in the cloud when u heard their comment lor..kekeke. Must be yummy...mmmmm...

Understand you hv a time table for your maid, could you email to me? My new maid is coming in end of this week so nid to prepare myself first. TIA!


Wah, tat's the steam cupcake you were talking abt in the msn..nice n fast... Sori for my blurness, tot could use over the stove type..hahaha. Paiseh..

Jen jen,

Your fruits are so nice n yummy...esp the chocolate cupcakes with the choc melting out...drooolll


YOur puffs look good n yummy...I LOVE DURIAN PUFFS..esp D24...know what to do lah hor.


Wah..your donuts hv heartshaped one..nice leh.

U r welcome.
Oh dear, hope your son ok now. Once fever shoots up suddenly is very hard to control..end up gets fits. During the fits, did you turn his head to one side? After a while the fits should stop liao...normally abt 2-5mins durations. He nids to rest well to recuperate ya. Take care!


Let me kapoh abit..yes, angel is the one who won the Cupcake Idol with me..hehe. We were all in the same workshop tat time mah.
take care of the little ones

Congrats. Enjoy ur motherhood.

wat temp u bake for the passionfruit chiffon &amp; for how long?

Show my fruits tat i have jst completed 1/2hr ago
Roasted pork belly &amp; mango mochi.
yes yes glutinous + rice flour + i play cheat i used custard powder to replace santan powder which i dunno wats tat!
fatmum, ytd i mentioned santan powder is coconut powder but you said convert to chinese is what cheese powder right?

I did a word search online and the pix show its made of coconut.. so should be coconut powder ba
Good morning Mummies!

thanks for all your greetings and well-wishes for Dana. Saw from Pink's blog and realised I missed the baking mum's April gathering, are we going to have a next one soon? Perhaps I can bring Bb Dana along for all aunties to 'sayang'.

Dearest J's mum, haven't gotten in touch with you for a while, how's things? Miss you! I have also drafted out a time-table for my helper, let me find it and send to you. I'll try to find time to make the steamed tapioca, you know lah, with new baby, I also wish each day has 48 hours!

Sngiam, yes. we attended the same cupcake class in Dec
glad you remembered me.

Fatmum, you're a classic, always inspiring us with your new and interesting bakes. Continue your good work ya?
haven't log in for a day... so many to read...

angel, hows it so far? feedings n interacting?
u must have enjoyed cuddling her seconds and minutes and hours! esp. every morning after shower, their skin is so delicate and smooth and smells so baby-ish...

last nite baked marble cupcakes... later doing decorating... yesterday mood no good... filled up the batter to almost the brim... the cupcakes overflow... quite disgusting... but taste nice!

will up load pic when done decorating (if mood permits)... hahahhaah...

ling, ur puffs looks good... i LOVE durians...
so next time meetup, maybe we go ur place see u do puff??? :p :p since u can fast hand fast leg too... hahahahah...

fatmum... mochi and roast pork at that hour!!!
but they look nice!
meow: hahahaha come my place? u will faint.. i trying to pack stuffs to get ready for some reno...

I juz rolled a nutella swiss roll... *sighz* 2yrs dun dare to touch such a chim cake.. i am asking for trouble... nw dunno become wat roll liao.

fatmum, ur roast pork belly looks shiok! how to make? easy or not?

cat, I also wanna try to make marble cupcakes next... the last time I tried to make marble cake I overswirled the batter... then got fed up and make the whole thing chocolate cake... wahaha... u must post ur pic ok?

ling, u r so funny... chim cake... haha...
