Cup cakes for birthday

Wow... gd wor... hehe

bake potato wif mince beef steak

my dinner
Today's house got pray pray. So early in morning cook soup, veg curry, mee hoon & chicken wings. My hubby made a dessert too, hehe!
Hi Ling, Cat
All used the soup bowl already, hehe! Money used worth hor! Thanks Ling for bring us to Daiso to buy it.
ha ha
subject for this thread can change liao. Baking & Cooking Fan club

Nice food Eileen and Ling
Ha ha next time i do remote shopping. Tell Lim everything you buy, buy 1 set for me.

Then Sunlik you all tompang me. I ichiban nearest
Hi Ladies,

FYI, I am not dealer for Tupperware or Rubbermaid but just in case some of u miss this article in MSN Health & Fitness today's article abt 4 common kitchen myths one of the four):

Simple safety step: Nuke only containers labeled microwave safe; others can break down or melt when heated, Blanc says. Even better, choose Rubbermaid and Tupperware bowls. These were deemed 100% safe in a Consumer Reports study — no trace of the chemicals was found in food after heating.

Very delicious looking....yummy..What's the dessert?

Quite a few members cooking mushroom soup with prata cover hahaha...don't know whether Cat's boy is wondering what's a prata doing over a mushroom soup hahha
thanks for the compiments. Me still not as good as the rest of mommies here. Still a long way compare to them lei.

all yr fruits so nice, make me drool.

I dun bake n cook as well as u lah. Yr skills much more better than me. Me still far from success. Yr creations always so nice lei. Yum Yum.

My God, yr fondant skills superb lei. So nice n pretty.

Wah! you & hb really enjoy "world of 2" served in "restuarant looking" plates, add in need to dine out already...every nite also candle light electricity some more..

Wat a feast for your lunch...dun eat too full then go swimming good leh. Must swim more frequent to burn out hor...urhh...or are you just playing water with your kids? Hehe.

Ling, Eileen,

Wah, now the in thing is soup with the pastry on top? Looks so yummy leh.


Yes, think should change the title liao more just sharing on baking but cooking as well...haha. Btw, I hv passed your kid's swimwear to pink oredi. Thanks!


What is that dessert your hb has made?
Eileen, Lim, Ling,

How much did you buy the soup bowl? Anyone gg again can jio jio me...if not...tompang also can. We are like one big family here hor...kekeke.


Here's the tapioca thai dessert I made today.

keng: hehehe i not romantic person eh.. cannot tahan heat la... put candles.. i will sing bday song and blow it off... lol

Eileen: hehehe good things must share mah... *wink* now we won't get nag liao... cause the bowls are in gd usage. If not, next time ur hb ask u who u goin out with... he heard its LING... he said u stay @ hm liao... :p

Cl: lol gd idea hor... ask lim everythings oso get one share for u... but she is bz putting back things coz we are stopping her to get more elephants...

Js: heehehe come come.. join us shopping next time...
just a quick note here

all the food pictures posted all v yummy!!! so the in thing now is the puff pastry soup huh! ok i go make soon also!
reporting strength! *salutes*

keng, no lah... me using puff pastry... hmm... boy initially 'dunno' how to 'dig' and 'eat' ... then he finds it fun and nice lor!
enjoyed his meal today!

nope... i didn't use mushroom soup. I used the Chunky Campbell Chicken and Corn soup thingy... after eating that cup... actually felt VERY full liow... the wholemeal spaghetti was yummy... so all of us managed to stuff in lor...

jsmum, hmm... i played a bit of water as well as swim swim abit lor
but surely no effect one lah... not those 'training' style of swimming! hahahahah

by the way, the thai tapioca dessert is so so so so so so so yummy!!! thanks lots! my mum and dad loves it too!

Pink... *slurp*... boy and niece... targets the flowers and then the cake!!! they both finished a quarter of the cake! then after bbq... the whole cake gone! ah lau says cake nice.

u know what... my dad and mums and sil and bro and all present this afternoon when i went in with the cake... all say WAH... what occassion? then mum says, must u bake again... on second tot, u can't bake such things *sigh*... then dad says... must buy such nice cake for what occassion? ... then when i say my shifu do one... all say... how??? hahahahaha... it's really really really a feast to the eyes!
must really go see how u roll ur marshmallow! *winks*...

ling, lim and eileen... guess what... just now ah lau packing in spoons and such into the cutlery drawer... then says, whatz this TILE doing in here (holding up the 6 unit saucer thingy).... i *peng* .... pek chek arh!!!

wait till i think of some fanciful fanciful pattern liow liow thingy to impress him... grrr...
oh ya.... chilli not fully mature yet... cannot pluck but i pluck some for hb to bring to mil but she dunno how to appreciate it...

the mee sua kueh too... *sighz*
Never mind lah. You have the heart very good. One day sure she can appreciate

Your hb so cute. Ha ha actually go shopping with you all so fun hor.

Wanted to bake something for my gal. But after the storeroom set was happily packing my scrapbooking things inside. Then doze off with the kids. So no choice have to steam cake with my tupperware. All in 15 mins. Steam only 5 mins.

This is my completed 5 mins cupcakes and also the tupperware used.


Morning all,
Wow, yesterday so many yummy foods.

Steam cupcake? Mmmmmm, next time steam some for me hor, ha ha

Yesterday nite i went Daiso to exchange the soup spoon plate & silicon penguin le, intend to exchange with 2 more bowl.

When i go to the rack display only saw 3pcs of bowl, wow, very laku le.
SO i quickly take all for CL, ha ha.She numpang me buy.
Ling, i exchange 2 of tis plates (intend to use bake rice)
lim: wow... do bake rice ar.... 2 enuff anot? den u and ah lao eh? hehe nvm la... save $$$... use ur bowl to bake oso can...

CL: that thing so amazing ar... only 5min to steam.. really very fast...
Hi Mummies!

It's 5th May and <font color="ff0000">Baby Dana turns 1 month today!</font> Sorry have been MIA for a while as I've been busy taking care of baby Dana. She's growing really fast and is demanding more human interactions now. Sang her a 'Happy Birthday' song and cuddled her before I left for office just now. We'll only be throwing her a simple celebration this weekend to coincide with Mothers' Day. It'll be the 1st time in 9 long years that I can officially celebrate being a mum (last year this time, I was warded at KKH fighting for my twins' lives) so this Mothers' Day will be a major milestone for me indeed.


Wow, this thread has progressed to include sharing of cooking tips too. How nice!
<font color="0000ff">Catika</font>, can you share your puff pastry soup recipe and <font color="0000ff">J's mum</font>, your steamed tapioca recipe? I would like to improve my repertoire of dishes too
<font color="0000ff">Pink</font>, <font color="ff0000">CONGRATS</font> on completing the L3 Whilton course! Your finale cake looks AWESOME! Now you must pass on more skills to us ya?
Btw, I baked your Japanese cheesecake on Sat night but failed leh - the cake didnt't rise and wasn't light and fluffy to taste (very dense). I guess I either dunno how to whip egg white to soft peak or could be due to when I poured the egg white mixture into the egg yolk mixture, I stirred a little. Can enlighten me?
I also intend to get that plate to bake something for my boy, why don't tell me u going daiso, hehe!

Anyone know what type of bowl or plate can use for baking? I have some at home don't know which can be used. I still have some WMF plates (heavy &amp; thick) at my mum's place, can use that for baking?

Yesterday evening we went to restaurant to celebrate mother day for my mil. My relatives thought the blueberry cake I baked is bought from cake shop. So happy when heard that, hehe!
peng, lim, ling, cat, ur pics are sooo yummy! I can't believe it's just simple meal at home! haha...

jj, ur cupcakes very pretty! Thanks for the tip!

pink, congrats on completing ur course! ur creation looks lovely as usual!

Finally managed to download some pics. Sharing my amatuer fruits previously made.

cannot catch up lah....the thread really moving too fast for me liao..

i normally go on sunday late pm... weekend morning kids got lesson..hee hee..

looking at all the food posting really make me hungry..

angel, Dana veri cute and Adv Happy Mommy Day to u.
The dessert my hubby made I don't know what is the name. It is made of Gula Melaka, shredded coconut &amp; saigo. Usually malay used banana leaf to wrap it. Taste quite nice but he didn't put enough gula melaka so not so sweet.
wow wow...2 days nw read thread only so many post &amp; food posted liao huh...actually wan to try my new oven on sat but my ds2 sick so no time to serve net...he nd to inhale neubulisor somemore nd to rent back the sad to c him so breathless &amp; suffering...

Cooked chicken curry yesterday wan to take pic but camera no batt...haha...then nw sore throat after eating the curry...

Muffin, i wan the mini chiffon tin leh...still hv anot? i wan leh...

cat, ask u abt the oven hor, the first knob wat is it for? i can figure out the pic leh...wat is the function for each turn?
jen, wow ur chocolate cake... inside got chocolate ar... how to make tat... yummy wor... i wan i wan

eileen... can use the bowl as well... no nid to juz buy for the sake of doing bake rice la..
U want the mini chiffon pan? If not, then I will let go to joanne.

Sorry, but hammie asked 1st so I ask her 1st ok? Your DS2 sick? My princess also down with fever without other illness. Now zombie from taking temp in middle of the night. Will just have to observe her for awhile.
was just thnking abt u last nite! congrats on achieving her first mth milestone to Dana! and for u, a blessed mother's day!!

wah i just love to see the choc melting out from ur choc cupcake!

who is ur wilton instructor ah? mong? ur roses look too beautiful to be eaten lah!! so now u r qualified wilton trainer not? must teach us some lah!
Muffin, it ok i qill q behind hammie. If she dun wan then let me hv it..hw many pc u hv?

Ya lor, my ds2 hv sensitive lung, so always kanna cough &amp; flu easily...the $$ spend on him for doc very siong..he like knw when my pad day like tat, always sick when i get salary...haha
Hi Eileen,
Thks for ur plant, i cut ur plant into half so that can plan in 2 plots cos my mum said in the middle of the stalk grow some buds can grow from there as well. Hee... had tried 2x. taste nice leh even when warm. Feel much better liao.. or just that i take western med plus this???

All nice nice n yummy yummy fruits n dishes here...
Congrats on your graduated Wilton course. V sweet n nice roses.... Reallt cant bear to eat them...

Happy 1st month to Dana.... So cute n simply love her chubby cheeks.... so rosy...
Understood your feeling, pls take care!!
Is you son sensitive to any of type of food. Heard from friend that her son sensitive to chicken. With chicken, all the problem come( flu and cough). Some sensitive to cow milk. Do look out for that as well.
Think you also can consider to let him go for swimming lesson. Swimming is good for lung.

I loved your cake. What type of whipping cream you used( how much?)? How you slide your cake to put the cream in-betweem? For the cream in between, how do you mix the blue burries topping with the cream? Wanted to learn from you so that I can do one for my girl birthday at the end of May....Thanks in advance...
ice lim
hope u better after drinking the mint leave.

Kim Tan
I used the 'pride' whip cream n I think I whip about 400g so still have balance. I slice the cake into 2 layer. Then apply the whip cream n half of the blueberry fillings (about 180g). Then put another layer of cake, cover the whole cake with the whip cream. Then put about 180g of blueberry in the centre(use 1tsp of gelatine mix with 30ml of water n double boil till mixture is clear. Then pour the blueberry into it). Then u can do yr own decorating.

Did send my ds2 to chinese physician for tui na, was told nt to give him egg white, prawn, crab, bird nest, cakes..think doof tat high in protein &amp; too sweet nt suitable for for milk recently hv change him to goat milk (karihome)..yet to c the improvement. Hope he will overcome his sensitive soon...think is due to he born at 35 weeks, lung nt fully development yet..haiz...
Swimming? but nd hv HFMD so dun dare to bring him go swimming, somemore water in the swimming pool very cold, afraid will make it worsen...also dunno wat to do...
keng, finally lo... after failed for 2 times ar... i oso sian liao...
hehehe now tinking what to put inside.... custard? ice cream? or durians???
Ling, wah, ur puffs solid leh! Next time I dun order cream puffs leow! Order from u can leow! hehehe...

Ling, M5Js, my recipe very easy one... too complicated I sure cannot make it... haha... just one scoop of batter then one cube of choc then one scoop of batter. Bake oredi become like that lor. I think is too sweet for those who dun like sweet stuff. But for choco lovers like me, wah... heaven!
jen, oh the cube of choco will melt and become like molten choco ar... hehehe interesting.. will try tat next time.

order from me? better not... i don't have such good luck everytime.
keng: heheh i cannot eat durian wor.. eat le.. cfm go see hansome doc. Lol
but still i made some durians one for my cousin who gave me durian juz nw and filled some with ice creams for myself and hb

sally, u can check with ep but i tink she said leave 1 only... u got to check with her.
