Cup cakes for birthday

peng... HFMD... ??? drink cold fruit juice!!!! hydrate n vitamins!!!!

Catika..but he seems to be coughing! so dun dare give cold juices loh...

Hammie..been forcing him to drink..whenever sees his bottle will cry and 'siam' loh
if u hydrate and vitamins enuff... easier to recover HFMD...
... then cough... cure later lor

last time gal sick and refuse water (not HFMD though)... doc prescribed 'ice lolly orange ions thingy'... hahaha... she suck suck suck... then finally hydrate enuff...
Peng, if really kanna HFMD, then must c doc leh..if really dun wan to eat or drink anything then hv to go hopsital for dip liao

Your cuppies are nice leh..what size arh?


You can boil some 'leng yang' for him to drink first, will reduce his heatiness. He should feel better.

Your food always made me drool leh...yummy chic.
Ladies watch this video and u will have a better idea how it works. Happy trying. Too bad i don't understand cantonese so can;t really figure out what she said.

Can yield 15-16 pcs

140gm glutinous rice flour (糯米粉)
10gm rice flour (粘米粉)
10gm santan powder (if no santan powder can replace additional 10gm of Glutinous rice flour)
Sugar 80gm
Oil 1 tbsp
200gm Coconut milk
200gm water
40gm desiccated coconut
1-2 mangoes

1) sieved all flour into a big mixing bowl
2) bring all other ingredients to boil
3) pour (2) into (1)
4) Pour dough onto a slightly grease plat and steam for 15-20 minutes.
5) Cool the dough by placing the plate above cold water/cool water. Sit for abt 30 mins and ready to use the dough
6) Filled it with cut mangoes. Sealed the dough and coat with desiccated coconut.
7) Served chill

* remember to wear a plastic glove when handling the dough to prevent from sticking on ur hand

* I replace the water with mango juice. I oso replace the satan powder with custard powder

i tried passionfruit but cannot cos too juicy and got difficulty to seal them up when the dough have water.

Ur cuppies oso getting pro liao!

nice swiss roll. like Polar. Will try one of this day!

Can use watermelon powder for ulcer?
yes give him plenty of water. I gave my son h2o or 100+ add water to dilute the sweetness. hope he recover soon
Delicious pizza hut's chicken drumlets..

Wishing your boy a speedy recovery.

orni home-made? tasty looking..

U sure that's me meh? I only in charge delivery niah leh.


Dun worry, no competitor lah...hahaha


Yes, I made today but find nt smooth enuff cos only use hand power. Taste n texture is quite good lor, I gv myself 90%...hehe. Paiseh..
wait!!!!!!!!!!! isn't that eating in public??? look at that giant's huggies promo behind... aiyo aiyo.... our SMH baking mum's image gone liow!!!! argh.... hahahahaha

Eat while it's hot mah...tat's why on the spot lor...hahahaha.

I not worry abt image lah....tat one not me mah..haha. Got your msg liao...mine dun hv tongue lah...
the watermelon powder got one type have a tube n u press the powder can go to the throat. I tried once my mum put for me directly shoot the throat. Cool cool one.

I have replied your email. Sorry, today was a busy day for me, did not manage to sit down proper at my laptop till now.
my mouth still open bigger lor, u can even see my breakfast down my throat if u look carefully :p

oh no hfmd? ur boy is not in cc right? where could he have gotten it from? but u need to confirm it with a doc lah. catika is right, its v impt to keep him hydrated. in fact, doctors allow kids with hfmd to eat ice cream, ice cubes etccc cos it cools them down. drinking hot soups may aggravate the pain of the ulcers.

but then again it may just be harmless ulcers. the weather been v hot recently maybe its heaty. even i had a v painful ulcer few days back. keep us updated ok. wish him speedy recovery.
BM...i think should be harmless ulcers cos his blood test din show any virus related to HFMD. His throat too painful too swallow even his own saliva he will hold them in his mouth dun dare to swallow! then when he open his mouth to talk all the saliva will flow all over his body, if no choice he swallow he will cry n scream loh..
Hey all,

haven't been baking for a long time...

Finally restarted my baking mode, here's my Hokkaido Milk Loaf using my bread machine...

augustmum.... it looks very pricey... like an art piece (stone sculpture) in some museum.... the lighting and the setting.... :p

can show us the internal/texture... then can visualise that it's bread. :p

Thanks for your comment.


Yummy n yet simple dinner...steam meat with dong cai n salted egg...quite appetising.


Well done, looks yummy leh. How's your dessert? Nice?


Really looks soft n fluffy leh. Nice loaf.
hihi mummys, super happening here lor! finally caught up w/e posts!!

well done 2 all who post e pix of baking n cooking! nvr fail to make me drool kekekke....

pink god-ma, got apr gathering nvr jio me sobz sobz....
congrats on ur grad cert from wilton... so whats next? back to macarons? hahhaha....

so when's e next gathering?
good work to all mummies
Ha ha i too busy "entertaining" the helper. Enjoy looking at the fruits

Yes yes can send to me
Hi all, dinner for yesterday & my first time baking using my new oven..nt very clear coz using my hp to take the camera no batt.

Xiao Bai Cai


Curry Chicken


sweet corn & lotus soup


First time baking banana cake but fail, inside rubbish bin nw...haha


Anyone can teach me? hw come my banana cake look wet like uncooked inside. then hard like stone leh..wat is the problem?
This is the recipe i use for my banana, think portion went wrong liao

Prune cake

225g butter (hard)
200g fine sugar
4(60g) eggs
200g plain flour - sieve together with baking powder
1/2tsp baking powder
1tsp rum
150g dried prune (chopped) - add into the flour

Preheat oven at 160degree, grease & line paper on a 9" round baking tin.
1. Cream buter & sugar till pale white (for mixer -used slow speed first then turn to medium speed, about 15min)
& add in eggs one at a time (medium speed).
2. Add in rum, flour & baking powder
3. Bake at 160degree till golden brown

I take out the prune & rum, replace with 4 banana, add plain flour to 250g...
Morning all,
Wow, so many nice & yummy dishes.

Dear all baker mummies,
Just to info tat i will going back Batam on 25May for a week.
But got thing to do on 26 & 27may, after tat will be free.

If u r still interesting to Batam, suggest u r come on 30May (Fri), the next day is Sat no working so will not tired mah after shop for 1 day.

I will arrange book ticket & wait u r at Batam terminal ferry.
try this recipe, i always use this and the texture is soft and fluffy. can up amt of banana by one more 'stalk'...

125g flour
135g white sugar
35g butter, softened
3ml vanilla extract
3g baking soda
2g baking powder
2/3 egg (I'm using normal eggs, 30s tray, i'm using 1)
2 very ripe bananas (i'll use about 3)

1. preheat oven to 175 degrees C. Grease and flour a 5x9 inch loaf pan.
2. Mahsed bananas and add flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, baking soda and powder and egg. Mix well. Pour into loaf pan.
3. Bake at 175 degrees C for about 55 mins , or until toothpick inserted into centre of cake comes out clean.

Joanne, don't need to follow temp so closely in recipe. The morries not accurate one... and the timing not so long also can... use the toothpick test.

I'm also just using any pans available on hand.

I'll always do double portion to get two cakes or larger cake... it's delicious.

Hope it works this time round... !
try out Cat's recipe and show us the fruit ok?

Recipes posted on this thread are proven n good...Also, ingredients very expensive nowadays, wish u good luck!
Joanne, i'm always using brandless flour weighed from my Econ minimart downstairs... sieve ALL flours before use.

baking soda is not baking powder... we seldom use baking soda though...
baking powder is a 'must' in cakes.
Joanne, no i nt telling abt the brand leh... i mean flours in recipes should refer to PLAIN FLOUR lor... somemore, mine is brandless... confirm plain kind!

hmm... since i've got baking sodaSSS at home, i'm using it always... so dunno can omit or not lor...

by the way, can decrease the amt of sugar. if not too sweet.
(i less about 20g since i UP amt of banana).
Cat, thanks..will try again since i still hv so many banana at hm.....
wow c ur recipe like so easy leh...dun nd beat in mixer one...yesterday i still go mix untill face green green...haha..
BTW cat, u hv recipe for those pandan kaya cake...the top later n in between cake like agar agar type one...
joanne, i have. but ... maybe u try this banana cake thingy first... to know how ur oven behaves and what temp can correspond to the 175 degrees as posted...

that pandan kaya thingy... very complex.
cat ask u hor ur oven when heat up the 2 metal bars on the top & bottom all will light up huh no matter wat temp u set rite?
Mine only 3 light up nia...dunno is it spolit or wat...


YH kenna HFMD hah?? btw, can teach me how to Grilled Spicy Lemongrass Chicken? I feel like eating leh..hehe
