Cup cakes for birthday

ling, better than me... dun ask me to roll... I oni eat nia... eh, I tot you "busy mode"? still can keep up here... haha...

recently, got so sick of eating bread everyday that yesterday baked choc muffins again... hb was like "huh? why you make cake again?" used the daiso cups, slightly bigger, waxed and quite strong... but ex - $2 for 17pcs...

ok, gotta work!
fatmum, saw ur mochi, at first tot is durian..haha..think can replace it with durian hor..can share the recipe for the mochi & roast pork?
Hi fatmum,

For my passion fruit cake, I make it into small cups so I used 170deg for 20mins.My girls and boy likes these small treats.
Hi Jojo,

Yes, my round donuts were diff to come out. Need to grease with butter/oil. Even after grease, some of the donuts still refused to come out... no choice...use tooth pick to force. The heart donuts was easy because of the shape.
Ya, I remember, the reason may be because of I reduced the amount of oil in the receipe. I normally try to reduce the oil and sugar, hope to bake some healthy food for the family. With that, my fruits will sometime not successful.
My swiss roll is finally presentable. Luckily the chocolate i put alots den can cover the lobang that i didn't rolled tight enough.

Nutella swiss roll

Since on oven liao... i did a no sugar chocolate cookies.... not enuff sweetener is added... using the cookie cutter... pooh pooh... mickey & minnie....

u meant u used sponge cake recipe n roll like swiss roll? Which sponge cake recipe u use? The cake texture is veri good lei, I can never achieve that. Sigh.
sally, mine is shared from a frd. so i can't share hers recipe. Paiseh ...but all sponge cake recipe can do that.... to get the "skin" muz bake longer and muz be fast when u roll... if not, u will get the skin sticked onto the paper instead.
Nice swiss roll.... Ling... the skin of the roll look so smooth... like those bot in shop.

cat... ur wordings seems like in horrior movie leh...
Can teach me how to fried the pomfret? I'm hopeless when it comes to frying fish coz I'm scared of the hot oil that 'fly' in all directions.
cookie, juz fry like normal fish lo fry fish... oil sure till fly ard de. den add black pepper sauce n abit soya sauce to taste.
Thanks. Looks like there is no short cut way to fry a fish, heehee...Forgot to mention in my earlier post, I'm impressed by your disney cookies and swiss roll too.
CL, i hv done all the recipe spreadsheet u emailed to me last weeks...catch all alignment..can print out nicely...u wan me to send u a copy?
cookie, maybe u can add some salt into the oil den will lessen the oil to fly ard ba... i usu do tat.... hehe i fry fish... put in liao.. i will run away de...
Ling, ur swiss roll so yummy yummy leh...
ask u hor u roll from the length (the long side) or the width (the short size)?
Then the nutlla must faster faster spread on the inner size izzit? u use nutella on the sponge cake also or coco powder?
jo: it depends on indivdual method of rolling... if u r not comfort with making one without confident... take a towel and try rolling... before u start to bake one ba

i used coco powder... only spread the nutella...
*nod* *nod*.... *KOK* *KOK*.... hahahahaha...

okie okie... if meet up say these two days??? can can can... this time round... successful wor... the inside is so soft and fluffy!!!
on top, very little makeup too... very thin layer only...
jojo, i am not taking tat as a joke ( in case u tink i am) coz last time during F & N... my teacher made us rolled towels before rolling our cakes...
Cat, i dunno hw to use the oven leh...the manual nv stated the instruction properly leh...
i dunno wat is the first knob for? hv 4 turns, each turn represent wat?
Ling, during my school day i did swiss roll b4 during my home econ class, can roll but the cake tune out always abit hard...
joanne, 9 oclock, no turn no fan. 12 oclock, turn only. 3 oclock, fan only. 6 oclock, turn and fan ON.

2nd knob is temp. but don't trust it completely. must gain experience. normally i set between 150 - 175 enuff. its morries brand... cannot trust the marking versus temp.

3rd knob - no heat, top heat only, bottom heat only, both heat ON.

4th knob - timing button... so far so good... but baking u need eye power and stick power best...
different ovens work differently with temp and time control... so... u got to know ur own well... by trial and error first!
cat, the temp normal the recipe put hw many then our oven less by hw many?

for the 3rd knob, bake cake, puff & pastry normal must on which heat? must on fan also?
Roast chicken must on 6 o'clock direction, turn & fan ON huh?

Then for baking, normally u put the metal rack at which level? must i take put the bakibg tray given?

Wow the manual nv put anytin wan leh, hw to knw..
joanne, no standard one.... U've got to KNOW ur oven WELL...

u go trial and error first bah... somemore, my temp might not be ur oven's temp... (like bros and sisters... all same papa and mama... all differnt temperament too... ) ...

some cakes need on fan, some not.

roast chicken, yes. but better bake cake first...
otherwise chicken... will.... hehehehehe...

for baking, for differnt cakes, u need differnt levels.

paisay to ask...but can i know if anyone of you have the heart shaped mould to t-loan to me for 2 weeks? I work in Science Park so if u stay near and can loan me...i go and collect from you.... pls...
Hi Mummies..

this morning check my boy mouth inside his throat got 2 ulcers!! cry n scream when feeding dunno wat to do now..afraid he dehydrate manz..

Grilled Spicy Lemongrass Chicken
