Cup cakes for birthday

me too, hungry...i like mushrooms too.

Buy digital scale u will not regret, i post pic of scale i bought from ep later.

Hi all,

Can a new member join? You guys are hilarious! I was reading some of the older threads... and laughing my head off. Wish I could read more... but exam coming.

I too love to bake... but with 3 kids and time. Oh.. don't misunderstand, I'm not a full time student... lol. Will be free in about 2 weeks time... and hopefully, will be posting regularly too!

Till then....
joanne, me not NTUC supporter... but NTUC really has got everything wor... somemore can shop slowly... got air con and trolley... hahhha... dun like Giant and others... feel very messy leh...

keng... timer? oven got timer wor... aga aga lah... most of the time judge by how tan the cake face looks and depends on toothpick test most.

joanne, one thing to note, morries the temperature adn timer cannot be trusted hor... recipe says 175 example, u turn to about 150 a bit more can liow...
*from experience*
Thanks Fatmum for your passion fruit chiffon receipe. Yummy.....
But I reduced the sugar further:

Set A
4 egg yolks
50g sugar ( i used 40g)
1/4 tsp salt
50g veg oil
55gm passion pulp (i top up to 85gm, soely pulp, drain the juice frm the shell)
20 water (i used the juice if not enuf top up with water)

Set B
100g low protein flour ( i used cake flour)
1/2 tsp baking powder

set c
4 egg whites
100gm sugar (i used 35gm)
1/8 tsp cream of tar tar

If you like passion fruit, you must try this passion fruit chiffon. Just tried, taste yummy, the passion fruits smell is strong. No chance to take a photo....all gone.
I am working and staying in Tampines area most of the time.

Thanks, will search for the waffle mix.

Thanks for the welcome.. this thread moves very fast. I will have a lot to learn from all the cooking and baking experts here...
My oven from the dinosaur era, no timer gadget, no front row view leh!

Once put cake in...pray pray very hard...bite nail..hope it comes out cute cute and baked...or else hor *paik forehead* good luck.
Hi all
Tonight eat western food, pork chop & mushroom soup. Cannot find pastry puff in Giant so use roti prata to replace it.
Keng...u so funny!! can imagine every time must pray in front of ur oven hahaha

Eileen...wah looks so tasty!! especially ur soup got resturant style!!
eileen, the prata version nice anot?

Hehehe i happily shop den forgotten to buy the coconut... end up got to change to Tom Kha Kai

Hehehe also make some mee sua kueh... this time.. reduce more chicken stocks and add water instead... no seasoning olso... so that can eat with the chilli which is saltish....

wah... eileen... u fast hand fast leg... bought liow u baked liow...
goody!!! so prata works as well!!!

which soup u used? the chunky one or the heinz one?
personally, i'd prefer the chunky one, can be a meal itself liow!

KIM, yeah... love passion fruit... it has got this faint yet strong smell/taste... nice.
the seeds are crunchy!

Keng, so farny... can show me ur oven picture? can't picture what kind of oven is that?!?!?!

Ling, whatz tom Kha Kai? ...?
Hi Keng, Cat as per requested :D

Steamed Tapioca Cake


1/2 grated coconut
500g grated tapioca, excess liquid drained
200ml thin coconut milk
180 sugar (can reduced to 150g)
1 small egg
pinch of salt
1 tbsp pandan juice
few drops of green colouring (optional)

1. Steam the grated coconut with a pinch of salt for 5 minutes. Keep aside.

2. In a bowl, mix well the grated tapioca, coconut milk, sugar, egg, salt, pandan juice, and colouring.

3. Then pour the mixture into a 18cm shallow square tin. Steam over boiling water for about 40 minutes.

4. Leave the cake to cool completely before cutting into pieces. Then roll the slices in the grated coconut to serve.

As per your request since you hv so much tapioca left..hehe.

<u><font color="0000ff">THAI TAPIOCA LOW FAT DESSERT</font></u>

1.5kg of raw tapioca - peeled and cut into approx. 6cm long
1 tsp of salt
Abt 10-12pandan leaves

A: Sugar Syrup
400g of sugar
1/2 cup of water

B: Coconut Toppings
1 cup of coconut milk }
1 tsp of salt }
1 tsp of cornflour }
2 pandan leaves

* Pandan leaves I based on the big ones...crushed them before steaming/boiling will give out the flavor more.

1) Add salt into lukewarm water and soak tapioca for 15-20 mins.
2) Put abt 5 pandan leaves into a pot of water to boil for steaming the tapioca later.
3) Lay abt 5 pandan leaves onto steamer and let the tapioca sit on it. Steam for 15min or til cooked. (See tips below)
4) Remove tapioca and place into the sugar syrup (see #5).
5) Boil Ingredients in A till sugar melts. When thicken, put in the tapioca to soak.
6) To make coconut syrup in B: Add coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves n boil on very low flame. Once you see bubbles, stir in cornflour to thicken. Off fire and leave aside for serving.
7) Before serving, some like to pour the coconut syrup over the tapioca but some like to dip it. So depend on your preference and serve them.

Tips to share: When cooked, the texture of apioca should be soft and translucent in appearance. If not sure, take a spoonful to sample.

Happy Trying...

<font color="aa00aa"> you make me crave for this dessert liao. Jia liat... Never mind, I go market buy tapioca in the morning.</font>
Hi Peng, u yummy strawberry ice cream looks fantastic. Can use other type of vinegar instead? (I've apple cider at home)
U baked tapioca cake looks delicious. Can share the recipe pls?

Hi mummies, can anyone teach me how to get the mini donuts out of the tray easily? Mine always got stuck and breaks off when I got them out!
I use oil to lubricate the tray b4 putting the batter inside too.
i grease tin with butter. u can also spray oil to coat tins

how many stk of mee sua u use? u by those in bundle or pkts?

who lookin for scale? pls pm me for details. 1 pc only

i found the Mmmm shop,, gd deal

how u make the puff soup?

my fav.. tapioca cake!!
remember to keep some nana cake for moi. hee hee...i drop by sun lik yesterday...looking high and low for it....hee hee

I love mushroom too
&amp; just look at your tapioca cake...I faint of hungry liao.... quick..give me some...hahahah...can share the receipe cos my MIL love tapioca cake!!

ur western food look like those fm resturant.. *Li Hai*

wat is tong kha kha>? initally i tot it was Tom Yam soup...
Jsmum...thanks so much! will try out see what is it like ;P

Jojo...cannot replace balsamic010 vinegar with others vinegar!!

hammie...the steam version is posted as above..baked version can find at my blog
EP: i buy the mee sua by packet. I only used 1/2 of the ingredient so is around 2 pieces of the mee sua.

hammie: i oso dunno what is that called but it tasted like tom yam as well. Juz that its white rather den the normal ones.
The soup is mushroom pastry puff soup. I bought a can of mushroom soup, add 1 n half can of water, some chopped mushroom, salt then some milk n boil it. Brush some egg on the side of soup bowl, put the roti prata on top. Brush some egg on top on it. Put in oven to bake till golden brown. Very simple.
Lim said she also want to bake the soup for lunch today. Hehe, suddenly all of us hot of the soup. At least the soup bowl not wasted, worth the money.
1-0: hahaha nw we will wait for meow....
ytd HB saw the bowl... he went... buy bowl again! then i diam diam.... after tat, i told him... make u nice puff puff soup ok... den he
My "fruits" yesterday.

Almond &amp; Cinnamon Cookies.

Got this from a book borrowed from library. Got no picture so don whether this is correct/ok or not. However, the book asked for 120gsm of flour but I find it sticky when making the dough, so I add some more flour myself base on judgement.

sngiam...ur cookies looks ok in the is it taste like? crunchy or chewy? normally drop cookies dough tends to be sticky dun worry abt it :D if add too much flour certain cookies will taste too tough.
Hi Peng

Hmm... taste like .... crunchy cos got the oats &amp; almond inside but overall kind of soft cookies. Not those hard type nor chewy lei... long taste nice ok liao kekeke...tempting to bake choc chips cookie, oatmeal cookie...arrgghhhh so many recipes waiting for me...
u mean the prata will automatically be pong pong? i wan the pong pong effect,. hmmm i dun hv soup bowls
yo... last nite moved and repotted some of my plants...

my orchid which was 'always' blooming; few times want to throw it away liow... but the thought comes into mind, it blooms!


1-0 and LING,

dunno like that can survive or not?

mint, partly shaded by my leafy plant, will be pretty sunny leh...


chilli plant... since growing from seed, i put it behind 'sun shade' ... will be bright and partial sunny...

cat, can't view the pic. For orchid maybe u want get some fertilizer which promote growth, I got mine frm a nursery. a bottle @ $5 can use for other plant too
fatmum, heheheh... the orchids i really bo-chap one... it can survive even under the toughest of the toughest condition!
everytime want to throw them away, it will bloom one... weird...
and everytime got about 8 - 14 stalks at one go!

the small pot orchid bloomed two stalks and all finally 'wilted' last week, i cut off the stalk liow.
wah seh!!! fatmum... i used to have planted aquariums ... used to keep cherry shrimps and wood shrimps and lobsters too!!!

u maybe can set up an enviornment for them and keep them... it's goign to be fun!!!!
orchids really can gd can plant at balcony. Mine have to be on the corridor which is very narrow... I used to buy frm daiso those hangers that hold the pots at the railing but got warnig letters from the town council so now buy those tat holds onto the wall type very x per pcs $25. Can hold abt 3 pots the most. where can get cheaper one?

can see ur orchid got many stalks!! mine oso purple colour
mine is at corridor wor.... threw away 6 pots last nite...
to clear up space for kids to 'see bus and lorries under the block' hahahahah
now they start to fight for territory liao. the big one go giam giam the small one. Hope by tmr can still see the same no inside the tank.

I tried make har kao jst now. cannot make it. throw the whole lots of 'skin' away. I was telling myself this one no fun...ah lao say baking more fun hor.....hee...
i c its corridor...ya now I c the pic can c ur dorr frame. my corridor very narrow so cant have too many. Else got problem walking
fatmum... hahahahha... har kao... u caught fresh prawns last nite arh?

hmm... u got bigger tank? want to take my wood and branches for ur setup? i'm still keeping them... shud still be able to sink... otherwise can just soak inside a pail of water overnite.
my woods can provide adequate hiding and climbing place for them

yes ah lao put the log inside for them to play hide &amp; seek too. thanks for the offer!

The prawns i bought last weekend. Very fresh so today try the recipe. but guess i'm not into tim sum and eat easier.
