Cup cakes for birthday

peng: WOW look gd eh... but the fat fat skin ... i dun wan... Even sick oso got tempted by u la...

Keng: thanks. *wink* i got it le.
Hi Peng, can i hv the receipe for the Kong Bah? My ds love to but i dunno hw to make can teach me? I like those put inside mouth, the fatty part like can melt imside mouth...
I oso received the scale today & he he, the postman oso bring up to my door, but tat time i go out, sent my girl go Piano lesson then luckly my neighbour take for me.

have everyone received theirs? Now, I'm a bit worried cos last week, i bought something from another mummy but din receive.The mummy sounds sincere and thus I think lost in mail.


the postman let yr neighbour collect on yr behalf???
CHOY!! so big can get lost!! then singpost must close down..
maybe yr area tmrw..

pm me so i can send u pictures n details.. i hv extra 3 sets.. pls pls ask ard who wants it..

wah. u take pics so shiny i go blind

no need so many scale unless open shop la.. u make me so gian to take another set too.. hee hee.. how? 2 scales for wat? 1 weigh flour another to weigh butter?

Hello there!!!!. this thread is very addictive.. make u work hard to bake n cook! ;p
hihi mummys, missed u guys so much!
finally caught up w/e posts!!!

started working damn bz, ofc no int access for me! haiz... aft work bz w/chores, not much time to read n post...
king seth showing true colours in CC ord thou still whinning & crying during hello n goodbyes...

stupid kpos, i saw e thread...
pink god-ma!! go go!!!
angel! go go!!

any gathering soon? any open hse on sat? =)

i got a whole shelf of new & used once elephants!
shall we have a sharing/exchange library?

i'm collecting giant stickers btw, willing to barter trade, pls text angi98480341..

Pink, i missed baking & makan.. i missed ur fruits! how's macs?

Catika, u lagi pro w/ur baking ord ya kekekke...

CL, i gotta rtn ur cds! sorry i hog on it...

EP, i want e scale pls? angi98480341 thx!
seems like alot of new mummys on e thread..

a belated warm welcome! happy baking & sharing!

i'll resume my duties kekekeke...

<font color="ff0000">*****
RECALL = pls email [email protected]
Mummy Name / DOB:
Baby Name / DOB:
Home area: </font>
EP: Hehehe the WM so shiny wor... take with flash then blink blink lo... chio la...

Angi: welcome back. Glad ur little prince is coping well in the CC.
me &amp; my neighbour very close, we always help each other to collect on behalf of parcel, my neigbour told postman tat i got ask her to accept on behalf , he he.

Hi Angi,
Welcome back.
So how is ur new job?
Joanne...i got this recipe from one of the mummy here...

Kong Bak Pau


1.5 Kg ‘3-layered’ pork
4 garlic (remove skin)
3 star anise
4 slices ginger
3 spring onion
1½ tblsp oil
80g melted sugar - “Pearl River Bridge” Brand
6 tbsp light soya sauce
4 tbsp dark soya sauce - “Red Dates” Brand (Thick)
½ tsp salt
480ml water - less if use pressure cooker
2 ½ tbsp hua tiao chiew


1. Cook the pork in boiling water for 10 mins, then soak it in cold water for 5 mins (then meat is springy and nice). After that slice the pork.
2. Heat the oil, fry the pork. Then add in the other ingredients, cook with a small flame until the pork turn soft. Then add in the hua tiao chiew and cook for a while.

Lim...where u stay? i choose less fatty pork so after cooking looks ok not oily...btw i scrap the fats away when eating also :p but the skin looks so tempting so jelly like so i slurp down loh, later i post the after cooked results..
Hi all
Upload my today fruit, banana cupcake.
Welcome Home! miss u welcoming new members leh! but catika did a great job singing them the "Barney" Song - official jingle hmmmm...
Hope yr work will not take u away from us too long.

How r u feeling, hope success in chiffon cake speeded up yr recovery hehehe..BTW u huh! go n post such a blink blink photo of the w/scale until i cannot tahan, got to buy one also hor!

Wah! Now hv super duper w/scale, the pork seller better not play play....or else..hehehehe

Aiyo! yr pork dishes always make me drool. Recipe from me lah! Luckily u stay so far from me, otherwise sure gate crash for lunch!
keng, hehe not my fault... its the ting really bling.. u noe my hb said its a pity its not pink.. if not, i will hug it to slp...

ytd was a terrible nite.. my doc isn't ard till next week so i seen another doc today.
whatever eat or drink... 10min later.. i am in the toilet. He said its stomach virus...

So ke lian... now i got the fear to eat or drink and worst is HB isn't ard till tml again.. *sighz*
looking @ the pix of kong ba bao and the banana cake... my heart is telling me eat eat eat but my mind is telling me... die and u can stay in the loo...
augustmum: your parcel is under reg mail or wat? if its reg, can track on it. If not, you can go to your nearest post office and ask them to take note of the mail. ( they will ask u to fill up a form)
augustman, yes the reciever can fill up the form. It be better if you know how the parcel look like so that they can keep a better track for u.

peng: Now i only drink water.. even drink water oso go loo.. doc said its like that... dun drink later get worst dehydration...
yr parcel in brown A4 envelope. address written big big with a few FRAGILE words all over.. weight 850gms cannot be lost la...
let me know when u rec.. i also kan cheong
W/Elephants - Lesson #1....what type of weighing scale not to buy.....pic of my Ah Tom, Ah Dic, Ah Harry...hahaha

Ah Tom from the Japanese Cookery Teacher..min. weight 25gm.

Ah Dic from another cookery teacher...not bad min. wt. 10gm....

Ah Harry when i try to diet n must measure food in 1-2grams...think i lost weight more from exhaustion measuring the food...

bought these two since December to make killer sauces for turkey &amp; ham but then....hor....DH says dunno how!!!....die lah

anyone knows how i can make use of these? Tks. otherwise white elephants yet again!!!

Hi ladies,
I have 6pcs of table mats (use once only) bought from Ikea to give fil cannot tahan the prints...makes him giddy...just send postage stamps of $1.50. pm me.

I also have one of those weighing scales and you actually have 3!! I weigh until I v pei chek, cos the needle not v sensitive. hahahaha
Keng...hahaha u so funny! makes me one to show my Mr Tom also

My best Fren!! Philip handheld mixer

The huge scale stash inside cabinet, now only use the digital one
I also have 3 weighing scale &amp; now got another one, so total 4 weighing scale. I also have a lot of table mat but lucky most of them have been used.
Hi Ling And Ethel

Thanks for the warm welcome...

Bake and bake and cook...will make me eat and eat and put on more weight right...

My boy loves to eat pandan sponge cake...anyone here wanna share your recipe?thanks
i won't want to 'show off' my mr orange.... hahahaa... it's hand me down from mummy... totally like a man... not sensitive at all one!!! A next is my handheld philips mixer.. also another chap who kiam-pa one... must on electricity, smack and hit a few times to concuss him and he works...

luckily now got two mixers... good... sometimes need to seperate egg white and yolks... one give by eileen and another one is my cheap from carrefour akira brand

hmm... not much elephants in my house lah... otherwise my ah lau will make kong ba pao out of me liow... hahahaha...

keng... see ur mats just in time... still available? BB starting to learn how to mess around with food...
... the shops selling only those obiang fruit/vege designs!!!

can pm / sms me ur addy? I tt 1.50 to u? or i pick up from u? (dunno where u staying leh..., near me?) ... thanks hor!

hmm... haven't been to ikea very long liow... wonder if they still have these if yours have been booked.

the design cool and retro... it's just me... i belong to the 50s coca cola age... ahahahaha... love those bright funky big prints!
keng... i think u can fully utilise ur ah harry (the transparent holder scale)... it's good for weighing messy stuffs like egg white, milk and other liquid thingy...

what if u want to bake very balance cakes in differnt tins... also can use that to weigh ur batter before u pour into ur tins... ?

just a suggestions...
I also the medium size &amp; small size measuring cup. Because the med one start from 100ml, so many items cannot measure. My mum wants to give me a big glass one but I rejected.

yr big weighing scale look like those old provision shop using one. The small one very cute.
WOW all the elephants are coming out... bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom....

Hehehe Keng, i got ur ah ah tom &amp; Ah tee oso... ah tom... i gave to my mum... eh tee... once in a blue moon.. i will use it...

peng: hehehe i got mr tom olso.. nw slping in my store room.
Wah so many weighing scale &amp; measuring mugs. I guess with the introduction of electronic scale all this become white elephant liao.

Have been sick for the past few days. Really do re mi taking turn to fall bake for this few days....hand itch liao.

btw any1 got remedy for clearing thick phlegm at the throat? TIA
Dearie_e &amp; Ling, thanks for the comments. Yes,it's the oreo &amp; raisins.

Kim_tan, sorry i didn't do any design on those oreo raisins. I baked just to try on the texture of the cake. Also don't intend to do fancy design, just a very simple one by writing their names on it. My artwork is also not very good, also no confident. Maybe copy designs from pink.
take care hor! My boy running nose also not recover yet, taken the medicine for more than a week still not cure. I also coughing for these few days.
Hi Maruolin,
your muffin looks yummy. I have not been baking recently, too tired to do anything for the moment. Keep me update if something BIG happening, ok...Just read the archive and realised Pink was being accused...Luckily, pink can still sign in here.

Pink, wo yong yuan zhi chi ni!!!!!!
so many posting? did i missed out anyone Q?
bomb me again okie?

thanks!!! hope tis thread can long life lah...
how is yr kids exam preparation? stress hor? hahaha!

WHY ??..... WHY ??...... WHY???......
why ALWAYS makes me droll ??? i LOVES tat prok belly leh..... still have? oh oh... my saliva dripping!
i had yoghurt for dinner wor, coz just now had very heavy lunch....
now my tummy play drum liao leh.....
the pork looks super yummy leh.... SIGH! can't tahan.....

yummy oreo &amp; raisin cupcakes.... kids sure loves it ! *jia yeu*

very yummy banana cupcakes, looks very pro.... my office ang moh loves tis kind cupcakes... especially for their b'fast with cup of kopi.... yum yum!

u alrite? u gotta takecare ya? not easy when kids take turn to sick leh....
hand itchy? then bake bake bake...... hahaha!

read your posting &amp; saw your w/elephant, makes me laf laf laf till my hubby come and asked wat happend... wahahahahaha!
me have 5 weighing scale, same with PENG &amp; muffin, now i stick to digital one...

missed u so much wor! how is my king seth?
u need help juz shout out ya?
yes yes, when can meet and have chat and eat eat eat?
pink, I really enjoy this thread and wish it can last long long...WAN SHUEI....
Now busy with kids exam...will start to bake once its over...Shiong ah....

u v hor miah......
u so young then kid P5 liao..... good life....
me oso stress with kid exam, but u more shiong leh, u got 2 kids for exam, me one only.... kekeke!

my weighing scales
i like white color oso...... tat's why tat time grab the white one from EP.
EP weighing scale is the best, up to 5kg, my kendwood only up to 3kg.
for the manual one, the centre (orange color) is the most accurate, till now using it oso.
the white one is the most jia lat.... super not accurate, then the blue bowl is tupperware, my collection

