Cup cakes for birthday


ya... will let you know...

if din receive, will need you to give me info so can write to singpost...

if they also lost this parcel too, I will be very mad... lost two parcels in two weeks??? I better buy toto.... such luck....

my question is:
that mean muffin or butter cake can used waxed papercup & aluminium cup. Sponge cake or cheesecake must use no waxed papercup. Am I right?
hi eileen,
yes you are right.

for jap cheesecake, yes u can use aluminium tin/pan.
but not the aluminium cup, coz i found out the aluminium cup still like waxed cup.
the aluminium cup is like those tiny cup for egg tart kind.
oh i see, i tried tis recipe before, with the big size cake.....
Hvn't got chance to pass the baking tin to her.
she super busy, then muz arrange pick up wor, her place no bus no mrt, hahaha!
perhaps next week....
fondant cake.... give it to my neighbour...

edible rose
using MMF
AY stay at nim green wor.. i think nearest bus stop is 25mnts walk? i mati leh.....
tat's why when she invite me to go there, i very hesitate, coz i dun drive mah...
u clever leh! change to cupcakes. i love banana cakes.

hahahaha...i feel consoled...hahaha u got FIVE!
today ah lao panicked when he saw the scales, ask what i doing. i say upgrade lor! hahaha....buying the digital one of ep soon.
Eileen, keng & pink. thanks!!! I don;t know what virus/bacteria I kana. on antibiotic for few days liao but throat still very pain. Worst part got very thick phlegm..cough till chest pain!!! Super tired plus da yi mah visitng me at the same time...wa kor!!!! But after going thru the thread with all the nice nice 'fruits' hor.....ah.....
use the china medicine watermelon powder for sore throat, very good. That day someone mention use honey plus lemon can cure phlegm & cough? can't recall clearly.
i ever cough for 1 month. the old folks says 100days cough...char lak.

ite..saw specialist, took x-ray n turn out phlegm in the lungs...after 2 days of his antibotic...everything ok.
u got THREE measuring cup leh.... i got 2 only... kekeke!
your measuring cups looks like me leh......
before, during, & after preggy.... wahahaha!

u sound terible leh.... gotta rest well, if not, very difficult to recover wor...
after dark, dun keep going to disco lah.... skali mas selamat kidnap u and ask for ransom... hahaha!

dunno wat good for thick phlegm leh, if someone give u the remedi, i oso want leh.....
u going to jakarta? My sil is telling baking tin is good & cheap there. Jakarta always traffic jam, u must tell pink where u stay then she can recommend u.
fatmum, angie, eron, pink, - u all still not addded to the msn right? want to join in, post yr addy here n one of us will add u.
Eileen, I think i got tat in my kitchen will try out. Have been taking logenzes but no effect liao.

keng, heard b4 i hope mine won;t last tat long ah.... I was thinking by monday still pain then I go back to doc for stronger antibiotic liao.

Pink, the cake is nice yeah!!! Izit normal sponge cake covered with fondont? Got one for me not...'Speedy recovery'
kekeke! next round i practice fondant then give u okie?
so sorry tat time at vivo, i gotta go round and round and round with me, i "too good" with direction mah....

u muz let me know where are u staying, then i can advise u.
jakarta v big leh.....
if u stay i.e at pasir ris, no point i advise u the bakery mart at tuas rite?
jakarta traffic is super jam......
Hahahahha.....u funny..come to think of it.. i got the skinny one before married, after married bought the fat one...then when kids came along the huge one..from then on everything is BIG BIG BIG.

Like your fondant cake very much, very nice, a lot of skills involved too.

Can u pls post link to the archive for it but hard to find lah! Tks.
me can't login to msn wor... blocked by company..
i'm using office laptop, coz all my data store at office laptop.
hm.... okie, i'll shut down the office one and use my own one.

hm... perhaps your phlegm need fondant? cos logenzes no effect liao mah...kekeke!
ON lah....

nope, fondant can't use sponge cake, 'cos fondant tend to show the inperfection of the cake..
and sponge cake is too soft, not suitable for fondant.
ang moh usually use fruits cake, i like to use madeira cake which is less crumb, solid yet buttery and not dry.
pink, nice cake leh...I will be in Tampines every Sat morning till noon. Call me if you need someone to finish the cakes for you. Don't always give neighbour mah...I think your neighbour had enough liao...share it with us..hahaha..fatmum waiting too...

fatmum, pls take care..I think manuka honey will help.

keng, me very sua gu one. No MSN and also don't know what is that..heard pple mentioned before but din pay attention....that's why i like to chat here and I learn't a lot of things from you mummies here..
fatmum & eron,
i also mountain tortoise but ling intro me to it. She is sick now but i see if eileen can help u. When Pink got flamed we migrated to MSN and chat to keep this thread clean lah?
Not me going this time, getting my relative to help me to get the items I wan. heehee They stay at Kelapa Gading. Is it near to the Jakarta Bakery Mart, JL. Rs Fatmawati 22A, Jakarta Selatan? If not, how far away. Far no prob (cos can ask driver go get), as long as can get those cute n cheap stuff that Sin dun have. heehee I thinking to get my relative to bring the mickey waffle maker that Eileen bought n those cute figurines. hee Wat other good grabs? Besides this bakery mart, anywhere else?

Those figurines u bought, r they edible? Thanks.
those figurines not edible, I think so. U want me to try a bite? haha! The mickey waffle maker already no more stock, u may call them before go. Pink said the icing flower i bought is cheap.
Thanks Eileen, will try set up tmr. Hopefully ah lao don't make noise!!!

Medicine is taking effect. Going ZZZ liao. Sweet dream!!!
Eileen, the icing flower hor... u bought is really cheap la... i just saw that i got some sl sometimes ago.. they selling it @ $4 eh
aiya, i tot the figurines edible, made of fondant or sth. heehee the icing flower ya i noe cheap, but as sin can get, i tot to get my relative to buy the one here dun have. kekeke Oh no, mickey waffle maker no stock. Wonder they can order now. Cos my relative onli coming in 12 June. Dunnoe enough time or not. kekeke
pink... if u doing mmf... can i go watch??? hmm... it looks terriblyyyy.... nice!!!!

U going AY no transport arh? ... can i volunteer myself wor? ... hahahahha... want to meet idol session leh... I'm green with envy... green can go with pink hor? ... fashion statement!!! see her collection of bakewares, see her baking skills... see her bakes... see her true self... and last but not least (important)... satisfy my taste bud? ... :p :p :p

*sure kena humthumb by lotsa people here liow* :p

hahahahahah.... ....
yr cake so pretty!! give yr neighbour?? wahhh.. so sweet of u .. can i preorder from u?
i can give u a lift there to AY if i can be invited hee hee..

still no sign of scale tdy?? yr address correct bo? posted all at the siglap post office at 2.15pm on 17th april. all the staff there know i hv 9 huge parcels sent out.. they put in the bag for me.. must be complaining so heavy to carry..

my msn [email protected]
y no one add me?? hee hee..

Giant sellinga digital scale $29.99- 3kg.. with bowl. looks ok but material feels very flimsy & light.. doesn't look accurate ha.. if anyone getting it, pls feedback quality.. Go chk it out!
Morning all,
wow, yesterday so happening, all elephants come out liao.

Aiyo,ur fondant cake very "Sui" le.

Oh ya, our baker mummies Kathy give birth liao,yesterday she sms me,say her bb come out early.
Lim, gd morning....thanks for sharing the gd news. Congrats to Kathy!!!!! Welcome our 4th bb in this Baking Thread!!!

Finally managed to create one msn account but not sure how to go abt it liao. my msn is [email protected]
i hv hotmail addy, but it wouldn't allow me to go into MSN. Nevermind, will ask for help when got time. thanks.
How is yr new job?
I have the same thinking as u, hehe. Pink, Catika need anyone to carry baking stuff for u to ay's house?

Hi all
hubby coming back tomorrow morning. Just finish preparing the mee suan kueh for tomorrow lunch. Hope the taste is good & he likes it.


if I still din get it by moday evening, i will drop them an email asking them abt my two parcels. If no reply, hee... go to STOMP...
