Cup cakes for birthday

eileen, job's damn bz... very tiring also, no time to steal snake hahahaa... no internet access lagi jialat....
i'll try e mee suah kueh next sat... any tips?

pink, see got so many escorts wanna tag along to ay's hse, she can open party lo hahahha....
yes most reply say recd scale liao.. maybe yr postoffice on strike ZZzzzz.. will chk on my side cos i doing post office tmrw to send out 1 more scale.
hi all,
for those who can't install msn oso can't go to the msn webmessenger,
i mean for those who CAN NOT GO TO:

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">like me lor</font></font>,
here is the way to cheat:
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but you muz have hotmail ya?

can help me to list down this forum addy list?
I'm going to add ALL OF U !!!!!
me very angry with office mah, so revenge lor... wahahaha!

so many mommies volunter to go AY's place? hahaha!
dun let her know, later she dun dare to answer my phone call liao.....
scared i bring whole colony.... wahahaha!
U fast hand fast leg!!! THANKS !!!

me going to add it within 10mnts, gotta takecare ah boy, he keep crying, no want to sleep without me... sigh !!

ssshhh...... baby is sleeping !!
my little gift for u...

pink........ wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *eyes pop out*....

edible??? MMF arh? amazing... really must honor gal guide honor liow hor!!! *winks*

how to eat??? jia lang, jia xiong, jia chia???
Hi, n2inpink
May i know you have mentioned fondant cannot use sponge cake, what other cake other than fruit cake can use with fondant? and may i have your receipe of madeira cake please. Really like to try it on my FIL's birthday cake..Thanks alot..=)
wow...didnt login over the weekend only...having hard time catching up.

Kathy, congratulation!!

SOOOO impressive creation...when can teach me?? :p

my fruit over the weekend...Marble Butter Cake.
Thanks Ling. still got long way to go to achieve Pink Shi Fu standard... :p

Kendy, Catika, Pink, Hwee, Niko?, Sher?
is our early lunch still on this Friday @ Anchorpt?
ling, eileen,
ha ha! cars &amp; kitty? sweat lah..... v diff wor...
me juz beginner only leh.... still practicing.

hammie &amp; EP,
thks for your kind words!
me still practicing....

marble cake looks yummy!
how i wish can get a slice for b'fast, now v hungry!

i've reserved tis friday to meeting all of u liao.
if wanna cancel, let me know by wed leh......

yes, sponge cake not suitable for fondant.
madeira is much better then fruit cake.
for madeira recipe, no problem, can share with all of u.
which pan/tin are u using? square or round? and how many inch ?
i think i'll post the complete recipe, i've a table of madeira recipe, it's content both square and round tin for many sizes.
will scann my recipe book and post it tonite.
pink...the whole cake @ CCK wor...:p next time k...paisay..

Friday date shld be on...dun want to cancel again...miss u all leh...

Niko...where r u?...long time no see liao...sms u never reply
wat happen har?
yew yen,
oh dear..... wat happen?
have to becareful wor, sprain is no joke one, hope u recover soon!
we missed your "fruits" and your pro photography lei.....
u dun scared me leh.....
i juz called niko office number, the voice mail said "the extention is invalid"....

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">niko,</font></font>
where are u ? hope everything fine with u....
we all missed u leh....
ha ha! we are here to share mah.
how i wish my baking skill oso like her......
need to practice EVERY DAY for 30yrs i think...

check the thread again perhaps after 10:30pm ya? need to settle 2 monsters before i hv my own time..
Hi...Long time no come in...the long post make me so blur....but I've been reading.... all your fruits are soooo nice..... Great Jobs Ladies!!

Hi EP,
I also haven't receive my scale yet leh....see if today got or not....waiting....

If you all don't mind, can add me in msn : [email protected]
