Cooking Tips & Recipe

I put cinnamon, think this usu goes well with apple. BTW, i add about 1 tbsp of water only as apples will sweat anyway. Or according to your likeing.

Choc delivered her little princess at 2+ today without any hapidural!

3 cheers to choc!!!



No lah...just do my best for my gal and so reward for the trip...think this year, may not have chance much set back right from the start of the papers...
Congrats!!! Steady hapidural! No wonder you're my idol.

Just purchase colostrum for my boys

I latch directly, no extra to pump hee...
I think shld be correct abt 15-20mins each side but sometimes even longer cos bb refuse to let go hee...he need a pacifier but I don't to give scare later he difficult to give up.
Wah your friend baby good leh...5mins enough already...but really enough?? or your friend latch more frequently??
I went out a few times view houses so will ask my maid to help, she will feed bb formula if bb can't wait for me to return.
yah...shld take a break to go out once in a while.

Gotta go crying now
No epidural... Well-done!!!

Yes, iherb accepts int'l credit card. I've used it before.

Yep, I did enjoy Darwin - hee, paiseh to say this, but I felt much stronger after 5 days of hiking... haha, it's like I'm so frail before right?

Wow, your friend's baby latch only for 5 mins? Maybe her letdown is faster?
I used to latch 15mins each side, and letdown very slow plus low supply.

Hee, I also didn't wanna let go of latching baby if she didn't wanna let go... haha, I simply enjoy the feeling of bf and bonding, although it comes at an expense of dark circles!
You must be tired with all the night feedings!

re. Tiffin Room high tea, I've only been there a few times, but that was many many years ago. I remembered it was the serve you type of English High Tea i.e. when you finish as much as you want of the first course, then they start you on the second. Not sure if they still do it this way now though.
Hi mums,

Was discharged today! Thanks for the well-wishes

Phew! Almost died from no hapidural! Was caught unprepared by the SUPER INTENSE Pain.. Almost wring off my hb's neck! Was hanging on to his neck until he couldn't cut the bb;s cord..drama! And left teeth marks on his
t shirt

Before that, on monday morning,10.30am went for checkup and was told 4 to 5 cm dilated. So gy gave pessary to further dilate cervix..

aft that, pain was intense, but could still walk around in my right mind until 2 pm.. Doc checked 6 cm, burst water bag and MAN! the pain was terrible.. didn't even prop up legs to deliver, 1 and 2 pushes, the baby was out

Hee.. didn't mean to frighten you all.. but those that didn't have hapidural, you are really super super!

Jeng, my kids are dd1 8yr, dd2 6yr, ds 2yr and new addition dd3
I love the age gap bet dd2 and ds.. dd2 is independent and at same time close to dd1.. so not much sib rivalry.
Holding on a newborn is still so so overwhelming

My CL will be here tomorrow.. there goes another chapter of my life.. see you all soon

Hi Choc06

Welcome back...

I know what is meant by epidural when I read what you have described.It brought back my memories...cos my two kids are without epidural...almost dead man...
Welcome back!

Wow, then I must really peifu my mum and grandma kind of generation!

Post a pic when you are more free!

I had both with epidural and I remembered the pain before the epidural was administered. Don't think I can take any more intense than that.

So how many mums here have newborns or near newborns besides Choc06? Guess that's why you were all sharing about drumstick leaves.
been mia for so long....... how is everyone?

Congratulation..... wow u are super mum lei, pei fu pei fu.

meant to ask you, did u still flash card with sophie? how is she progressing?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Hi all,
May I know if there's any good confinement cook book out in the stalls?</font>.
hi hi everyone
wow i have not been here for a super long time. thanks to cookie who dropped me a PM to remind me that this thread still exists!

busy with poppy lor cos i recently quit my job then now just very tired and trying to find a schedule
it's better now cos poppy's timings are more routine. i just have to cope with the demoralisation sometimes. when people ask me 'oh so what do you do?'.

oh i see that choc has delivered! well done, girl! no epi some more! i am kowtowing to you!!!!

ok so here's what's keeping me busy:
Hi Xue,
I have the confinement book by Patsy Cheong... I like it cos it's got lots of pictures.
But if you don't mind a book without much pictures, then I think the one by Ng Siong Mui is better.
Can get either one at Popular.

Hi Cecelia,
Long time no see! How have you been?
Re. flashing cards, I got a bit lazy recently so have stopped, but am really trying to buck up a little and flash more... just that it takes a long time to prepare cards (I am too cheapskate to buy
But at the time I was flashing actively, there was once when we were eating cake, and Soph went to take the card with the word "cake" and gave to me, mumbling "cake".

Recently hubby bought the whole set of Wink to Learn Chinese DVD for Soph to learn Chinese. It's in flashcard format, so it's pretty similar to GD style. Hmm... it's not bad, cos Soph managed to learn her Chinese body parts from it. Previously we asked her where was her "tou(2)" meaning head in Chinese, and she'll point to her toes!

Are you still flashing to your kid?

Hi pbunny,
Welcome to the SAHM club!
Poppy is very pretty.
hello mums!
How are you all?

Hey cecelia, long time no see!
Now, i have to grow extra eyes and hands to tend to all 4. When all want my attention, it can get a bit overwhelming at times...

Joy, wow! you went thru 2 births wo epi? you really steady!
My dd1 finished her exams last wk, was busy preparing her aft i discharged from the hospital.. this week then got to really rest.. phew! Your dd done with her exams ?

Hey Xue, I have ng siong mui's conf book and also amy wong's conf book. the latter one is newer and I ve been asking my CL to cook some of the dishes. It's quite a good book with loads of pictures.

One dish i enjoy is lemon grass with shallots boiled with chicken.. Really can rid wind..

Hi pbunny,

great to see you! welcome to SAHM club
..your poppy will grow up to be a da4 mei3 ren2 Initially, I also went thru what you mentioned.. ppl machiam think I tai tai or lazy.. but it's a joy to stay home to spend time with your little one..

Hey husk, thanks for the reco on the chinese cards.. think I need to get one set for no. 3.. my ang got bob the builder and magic schoolbus from Kl.. cheaper by half compared to local price

Gig, how about spinach and kailan to boost your red blood cells? and eat lots of oranges

Ciao! And have a great weekend!
Pbunny, your poppy so cute!!!

Choc, wow, you still have the energy to prepare your dd1 for exams after your birth? Pei fu...
Poppy is so pretty....

Me v bz... with work (as kena arrow by my boss to handle few accounts), with DS' preparation to P1 and to my precious DD who is now in her T2 stage. Sometimes i just wonder how long can this machine of mine really tahan before its broke down. How Sophie response to the chinese to learn dvd? Am kinda lagged behind in flashing the cards.... no time to prepare lei. we are the same, am also DIY my cards more economic mah..... Now recession time, cant anyhow spend.

can I ask anyone know where can I find Mickey mouse/Thomas train/ or any train cookie cutters?

thanks in advance
Soph shows quite a fair bit of concentration when watching the Chinese DVD.
Now she can at least name her body parts in Chinese... previously she didn't understand much Chinese at all!
And yes, DIY cards are really time-consuming to prepare. And if we choose to print (for neatness), then the ink supply costs a bomb. Now I just write as neatly as i can.

How are you coping? Your CL has left already?
Hello mums!Long time no yak..

It's been almost 3 weeks since my CL left, been coping on my own.. Not easy man! When all 4 cry for my attention, I hide in the toilet for peace and quietness!

Now, got to plan menu for everyday lunch and dinner.
Just had batang fish with bittergourd and rice.

MIL bought lots of fish bones for me to boil soup, so I boiled one whole pot, intending to use it for 2 meals, so made fish soup with rice and then watercress later.

What have you all been cooking?

I've been looking for the thomas train cutters too, but never came across...
Recently, my friend went to japan, asked her to help me buy if she sees.. so still waiting..

Went to Marriot for hi tea last wk.. the food is so so only.. The one at Royal plaza by the scotts seems better..
Wow, Choc, I really peifu you! 4 kids crying for your attention!
Not easy to cope on your pwn. Ever thought of getting a maid?

How is little meimei? Has she got any jaundice? Did you try Lyn's method of carrot juice in last trimester to avoid jaundice?

I've been very inspired by Peranakan food after watching The Little Nonya on Channel 8, so went to dig out my New Mrs Lee cookbook and made babi pongteh and ayam pongteh last week.
After that, went to Ivins to try their version to see if mine is correct, but hee, I think the mine i.e. Mrs Lee's version is much nicer than Ivins!

Today boiled red carrot and green carrot soup cos saw lots of green carrots at NTUC... probably in season. Very yummy and sweet, taste is not as strong as radish... I love it!
The little mei mei has very slight jaundice, I didn't have the time to bring her to poly for review.. hehe.. I drank lots of coconut juice tho , and occasionally carrot juice, cos, when I buy juices, my dds and ds finish them all within a day..

Thought of getting only pt maid only.. when my dds go over to my sis house, they take advantage of the maid! haiz... and ang not favourable to stay in helper

Wow! your own version nicer, will ask you if i want to try out the dish.. ya, after watching the little nonya, also feel like eating paranakan food..

Today boiling fen3 ge2 soup with pork ribs and pork chop with rice

Nice seeing you here again.

Ya, dd done with her exam long having fun everyday...but complaints that this year no travelling even she has done well.

Nonya food
M very selective over nonya food.I only cook what I like to eat, so only picked up dishes from mil those I fancy.

Have a great day all.
Yeah, I think a pt maid is a good idea, to help with the workload. No need to vomit blood if you end up with a not-so-ideal helper too.

Fen-ge soup... yummy! I love this soup, but haven't cooked it for a long time cos am afraid it may be too liang for Soph, not to mention I need an axe to cut the fen ge :p

Eh, is your gynae Dr. Yvonne Chan or Jocelyn? I forgot which one yours is, but I went to Dr. Yvonne Chan for a pap smear today... nice gentle lady!

What nonya dishes do you normally cook?
Can share some recipes?

Sure.Now, I mainly cook babi or ayam ponteh or pong tauhu soup,

Recipe is very much similar to Mrs lee cook book except the portion have to be adjusted as Mrs Lee version tends to be too sweet.If you find the taste not very right, let me know, and I may be able to tell you what is wrong.
Hey husk,

My fil says fen ge good to rid "heat from bone",( direct translation from cantonese) I'll normally choose a smaller thinner size one, get what you mean, need an axe..

Will try the red and green carrot soup, if I see nice green carrots in the market
My friend's dd is 2 yrs old and very cute and bui bui, asked her what she feeds her dd, she said lots of soup..

My gyn is Dr joycelyn wong, had a bad experience with Y chan when she was still in kk.. i was bleeding b4 3 months, but she referred me to A and E( got to queue long long) even tho I had appt with her.. haiz.. when I asked another gyn why Y chan din want to see me, she said it might be the policy of kk( about 11 yrs ago)..
Another friend of mine sees her now, she says y chan is friendly

Now I train my dds to wash dishes and clean floor aft meals.. quite a load off me!
Another headache is having a problematic helper.. very scared leh..

Saw the big spread of different nonya dishes featured in last night's little nonya.. wow.. look so good!

That day, my ang and I walked into the chilli padi nonya cafe opp bugis junction, and boy! all fully booked, got to make reservations like few days to one week b4 hand!
Yeah, I noticed Mrs. Lee's version is slightly sweeter.
Hee, I won't be able to tell if the taste is right or not, cos I really don't know how proper authentic Nonya pongteh tastes like!

I remembered you mention Guan Hoe Soon, so I went there for dinner today.
Hubby LOVES the food there *drool*
We ordered their ayam buah keluak, babi panggang, hee peow soup, crab fooyong, bo bo cha cha and chendol... wow, really ate our fill!
Soph loves the crab fooyong too!

Sorry about your experience with Dr. Yvonne Chan. KK does have a lot of silly policies which I don't like.
I am also thinking of looking for a pt helper who can come in daily, like an Ah-Yi type, but I remember you mentioned your friend pays $1k a month.

Wow, I didn't know Chili Padi is so hot?! Should try it someday too.

Authentic taste for baba food may not even from the restaurant.

I know that for ayam buah keluak, the taste is a bit different.

We have tried guan hoe soon before, and hubby told me that its different from the authentic baba food, probably he grows up with baba food....

I guess as long as the taste is good, it does not matter its authentic or not as real authentic peranakan food is really hard to find.
Hello all!

What's cooking ?

Wow! now the food topic is on Nonya food huh? I have totally no knowledge of nonya food, only know to eat, haha.. Now my dds are chasing the little nonya every night

Today , i made chicken porridge( neighbour's recipe), by first boiling half a chicken with garlic and salt.Then fry 1 stalk of lemon grass, some onions, ginger slices , throw into the soup stock. Take out the chicken and shred it

Use the stock and one cube of knorr chick cube( more tasty) to boil the porridge. then add yu tiao, parsley, and spring onion.. Yum!
hello ladies...

Heard from my mom that little nonya very cham huh...didn't got a chance to watch.
Went to chilli padi one week before giving birth. Not much ppl. so pack, think shld be influence by the show.

Also went Traders, food soso...had some turkey(tough as usual) and log cake, not nice hee...

hey...the chicken porriage I do almost the same way but without the onion and lemon grass, sometime will add in the knorr chicken cube, my hb wants to add in, taste better I agreed.

Happy belated birthday to your hb!! I remembered same date as me.

why no hoilday? Hb busy?
Hey girls,
I made babi assam yesterday... hee, taste very good!
I think Mrs Lee cookbook not bad afterall... her flavours are subtle but yet taste good

Good investment in that cookbook afterall!

Yeah, actually I think there is no real authentic taste for any kinds of food, cos every family has their own variations and to some extent, traditions.
Guan Hoe Soon is actually run by Hainanese... the owner's grandfather used to work as a cook for a Nonya family long long time ago.

Juts realised the one you went to previously is not Guan Hoe Soon, but Kim Choo!
I shall try Kim Choo one day.

Hee, your dds are my good friends! I also chase the nonya show every night!

The chicken porridge sounds good - so interesting that she adds garlic and lemongrass. Will try that too, but unfortunately Soph is not a big fan of porridge!

My hub says "Thank you"!
And a happy belated birthday to you too! How did you celebrate?

How are you coping with dd3? Must be really cute now huh?
Happy New year to all Mummies here...

Did not celebrate birthday, can't really go out that time.

Not dd3, ds3 leh... me not enough sleep, baby keep waking up in the night. He's more on the chubby side 7.5kg.

Just went to see your blog, went to malacca your babi assam spicy? sounds sedap. Share the recipe hor...

soph's getting prettier and prettier're good, sew for her and I know nothing abt sewing, me lousy la...

Make some radish soup using pork bone, dried scallop, dried small prawns and chinese ham. Taste good!! Next day it taste even better and go with my kimchi with rice, wrap with seaweed and drink the soup, quite nice and no meat.

Gotta bring my ds2 to take school bus, chat again...
Sorry... hee, typo mistake that I wrote dd!
Your dd3 keeps waking in the night to latch issit? Haha, that's why 7.5kg?
I envy you girls who have got chubby babies! Soph is still 9.5kg now at close to 2 yrs old! *stressed*

Eh, yes, the babi assam is sedap! Not really spicy if you deseed the chillis and use the big chilli (not the chilli padi).
The Yueniang in The Little Nonya said it was her babi assam that made Liu Yidao's mom want him to marry her... so I die die have to try and make to see if it's really such a great dish, and yes, it is!

Sent u recipe! Not sure if got copyright if post here, so really, to avoid all these unnecessary headaches, I just PM-ed it to you

Woah, you're eating kimchi when bf? No problem with wind or spiciness? Hee, your dd3 will probably grow up to like spicy food next time!

Thanks for comment on Soph
Yesterday we went to Metro Expo sale, and she got chased by some kor kor... kor kor kept wanting to go near her and touch/hug her, but she was more interested in kor kor's older sister!
Eh, you don't need to sew anything lah... boys clothes can just buy! Harder to swe anyway, cos all jeans etc.

Just now went to visit my friend who juts gave birth and doing her confinement... woah, the red date tea is soooooo yummy! And the newborn baby mewing away is sooooooo cute!
haha...maybe you're right, my bb keep waking up so many times to latch him and that's why his size like that. But cannot compare bb and soph's la...if I stop bf, bb weigh sure drop, like my 2 older sons, now on the skinny side.

Thanks for your recipe! Do you think I can use chicken instead of pork?

Abt the kimchi, I eat abit buttock will be red if I take too much spicy stuff.

hee...soph's so cute...think around their age is like that, when I tell my boys the girl is cute they will disagreed and attention more on the boy side.

Yesterday manage to watch the last 2 episode of little nonya but miss some parts. Do you know what happen to yuzhu in the end? Only see her trying to kill her baby.
Hi All

Happy new year.Have not been posting as was busy re arranging dd schedule.

I think can use chicken instead of pork.Infact my mil always mix both.

Wow, you are into baba food.Mrs Lee and Neo have got very good selection of baba food.

Good day all
I bf Soph till 19 mths, but she is skinny like chopsticks! :p
But I think your ss of milk must be very good!
Didn't know spicy food can give babies red buttocks!

Yes, like Joy said, you can use chicken. Think I read on some pple's blog that some families also use spareribs.

Re. Little Nonya: The scene where Yuzhu was trying to kill her baby was the last scene leh. Think that Libby said something like she got transfered to mental hospital and baby got adopted. So I guess she must have stayed in mental hospital for the rest of her life.
So poor thing... I thought she would have recovered some parts of sanity and memory after the fire. Afterall, she was shouting for Yueniang like as if she remembers everything.
Yuzhu's acting is pretty good huh?

Dunno if the new show Reunion Dinner is good? Seems more like some propaganda to discourage gambling ahead of casino opening!

What is Neo? I only have the New Mrs Lee cookbook Vol 1. Browsed through Vol 2, but don't seem too keen on the dishes.

Yeah, I've loved Nonya food since I was 20! It's THE food that I really missed when I was working in HK last time, cos cannot get Nonya food there.
btw girls, here's a review of the EYS/Maggie range of Herbal soup in concentrate form... not sure if you girls have seen it in supermarkets before, but my verdict is YUCKS!

I bought the danggui one, thinking that on some days if I am too tired to cook soup, I can make a quick one with that, but tried it today, and will never buy it again.
No hint of danggui, yu zhu or bei qi taste at all... just black soup tasting like diluted chicken essence!
Hey girls,
This cooking thread is a little dead without any recipes... so here's a recipe that I got from the Chinese newspapers

Last week, my mum made this soup for me cos she thinks I am super weak and need to bu my body... the article said it's good to bu xue, esp. after childbirth, but cannot take if body type is overly heaty type or if you're having a cold.

1 old hen (lao mu ji)
danggui 30g
chuan gong 30g
honey date (mi zao) 6 pcs
huai shan 30g
qian shi 30g
fresh ginger 10g
water 2.8 litres

Boil all the above at high fire for a while, then switch to low fire and simmer for 1.5hours.
Hello all.

Have been reading your posts regarding the nonya dishes . SOPH, I also want the babi assam recipe leh.. Must be so good that liu yi dao's mother can die peacefully aft eating that.. haha..

Ann, how's your ds' first day of sch ? HAve been packing sandwiches for dd2 for recess

Yesterday, I made green carrot with red carrot soup, added nan bei xing and honey date.. yummy!

Today's dinner will be fried sliced beef with asparagus and garlic flower with tau kwa and also beetroot soup

Have been cooking a "everything-throw-in" porridge for lunch, until dds asked me the name of the porridge.. haha.. I told them whatever they want to call it, with salted egg, chye sim, fresh white bait in the porridge..Eeks right?

Husk, saw them promoting the herbal soup too, smells like maggi chicken stock with herbs.. Was also suspicious about what preservatives they add in..
I bought some prepacked herbs from Fu hua, to cook chicken soup, but the man said it can be a little heaty.. so i might just stick to liu wei tang and watercress more often
I experiment eating spicy food to see if my baby buttock will turn red or not hee... I stopped eating spicy food and chilli padi for the last 3 months, recently I'm graving for nasi padang and after having it and the next day baby buttock turn red after he poo and eating kimchi also the same. Will try to stop eating it again but the nonya dish is so tempting, I even suggest to my hb to go kim choo or Guan Hoe Soon that you mentined but he don't want

Don't know whether got the time for the new show Reunion Dinner. Trying to watch the last epi of Little Nonya is so difficult, my baby wants milk and my 2 sons want my attention and gotta put them to bed aiyo.....
ya,yuzhu acting is good. There's a small photo of her in the scene where the young generation looking at it in the hall which is very nice.

hey...I saw EYS herbal soup,never thought of trying it, prefer making the soup yucky huh...ok will let my sister know, she's thinking of having it.
Saw somewhere that EYS herbs contains cigarette butts.

Thanks for sharing the recipe! Did not bu after confinement till now, think shld start abit now.

your dd is in the morning session right? My son first day of school, the place is in chaos.

how's your baby?

My son's first day of school he cried, hahaha.. now getting better la.... I packed sandwiches for him too
Haha, my hubby also claimed that he would want it as one of his last dishes before he dies next time!
Maybe get annlee to forward to you since I didn't send a copy to myself...

Wow, I didn't know can add honey date to carrot soup... is honey date heaty?

Eh, how you cook beetroot soup? Can teach me?

HAHA, I like your everything-throw-in porridge!

How's your dd? Still TBF?

Eh, I ask you, childbirth without epi is REALLY REALLY painful?
Cos I asked gynae about possible VBAC next time (no, I am not preggers yet!), and he says can, but no induction and no epidural, cos induction and epidural give strong contractions which has a higher chance of wound rupturing.

Can forward the recipe to Choc?

Eh, maybe you do the nonya restaurant after you finish bf lah... bear with it for the sake of ds!

But babi assam is not spicy lah, so should be ok.

Oh yes, I also like that Yuzhu photo... so spontaneous and pretty. Actually I was hoping she would recover and then Chen Xi marry her.

Oh yes, the EYS packed herbs that contain cigarette butts is the xia gu cao... think pple use that for liang cha one.

The cookbook is by mrs leong yee soon.where you usually get your peranakan food recipe/I thought this one is pretty nice.Your babi assam from mrs lee cookbook?

I try to cook baba food that are non spicy due to the two children.

I heard my neighbour complaint that the place is chaotic but lucky I do not have to send as my neighbour drives my girl thr and flow. enjoy your ds first two years in TNS...Fun....No stress cos no sa1 exams
My bb ok, light sleeper n screamer, a bit bui bui( nieces call her FBB aka fatty bom bom.. haha)
my dd1 also cried on her 1sr day of sch, now dd2 didn't.. good thing is that dd1 n 2 are in the same recess..

still tbfing bb,n also taking calcium pills n royal jelly supp..

I just boiled the pork ribs in water then the beetroot cubes.. but caution is.. poo poo will have red tinge.. hehe.. bil had the soup and next day he got a shock of his life when he saw his red poo..

Eh, no epi very very painful leh.. I didn't know I reacted like a mad woman, couldn't control and screamed.. Doc saw me and she was scared.. haha.. but my friend who gave birth a day aft me, still could have her lunch 2 hrs b4 giving birth and she said the pain was tolerable..
Then I realised my pain tolerance so low
I should say the last stage which is the crowning part was the most painful.. From 4 cm to 7cm dilation, was painful but still bearable.

But I realised with epi,my gyn cleaned up all the blood clots in my womb aft delivery, with her hands, ..but this time round without epi, she didn't clean it, so I still had a bit of clots when i went back for review..
For my no.1 n 3 , i had vbac, cos bb's heartbeat was weak(some ppl told me was due to epi)
I use 2 to 3 beetroot to cut them into cubes, then boil them in pork ribs for about 1 n half hrs, then add salt for taste..

dunno if honey dates are heaty, i just add 1 to the red, green carrot soup. Saw this recipe from the popular bookshop catalogue.. my dd2's body is also the heaty kind..

Eh, sorry , i thought vbac means vaccuum assisted.. haha.. I had all vbac, but no.1 and 3 vaccuum delivered

Hi Choc,

How have you been? I have never tasted beetroot b4. How is the taste like? your soup sounds interesting. Feel like cooking it too!
