Cooking Tips & Recipe

Got photo for us to drool over?

I think I haven't spend 3 digit figure for a <font color="0000ff">single</font> bottle of skin care yet,..but did spend 3 digit figure on <font color="ff0000">single</font> piece of houseware/cookware.

Anodised woks are very common and cheaper nowadays,need to go for the very expensive,branded ones.

Sorry for this late message.
I will read all the posts later...let me type out the recipe first.

The stewed chicken I made last night is also called Jiang(4) You(2) Men(1) Ji(1) aka Soy Sauce Stewed Chicken.The taste is sweetish(somewhat like Kong Bah but without the 5 spices)) not savoury.I did mine in the oven out of convenience but you can also cook it on the stove.


1 medium white onion(thinly sliced)
1 kampung chicken or any other chicken(chopped)
3 tablespoons of light soy sauce
pepper(dusted all over the chicken)
5 tablespoons of dark soy sauce
4 tablespoons of mirin(alternative: combine sugar with rice wine)


Place thinly sliced onions on the bottom of casserole dish.Stack chicken on top and add all the seasonings.Cover the casserole dish and bake in the oven for 20 minutes.Temperature should be the temperature you normally roast or bake your chicken which is about 180 to 200C.No water is needed as the chicken gives out plenty of lovely juices when cooking.

The Teachers' Day presents very impressive leh...I bet your dd's teachers feel the same way.I saw a picture with your dd helping you with the cookies, so sweet.


Your thai steamed fish recipe looks good...I will try it.
Hi All,

Paisay , qing duo duo zi jiao

Assam Peda
Blend all these ingredients into paste

5 dried chilli
100g shallots
50g garlic
kunyit (huang jiang)
piece of belachan
2 buah keras
ikan bilis seasoning powder (optional)
1 lemongrass
1 lengkuas slice (nan jiang abt 1 teaspoon size)
tamarind ( abit and optional depend on preference)
2 tablespoon of assam
cup of water
1 tbsp of sugar

Other ingredients for cooking
Half Onion (cut into wedges)
2-3 chilli padi (cut in section)
cucumber and/or spring onion for garnish

Fry of the onion wedges &amp; chilli till fragrant, add paste fry till fragrant.
Add water (fill up to half of your fish , normally abt 330ml)
Simmer for 5 mins , then Put fish in. Cook till fish is done.
If the gravy is too sour , u may add more sugar. Add soya sauce and pepper to taste.
Garnish w remaining onion and cucumber.

Alternatively dun blend the assam into the paste, add them and fry together w the paste when cooking.

Another optional items for the paste is add dried shrimp.

usually I blend more and keep in freezer.
Hi All,

there is also ready made assam pedas sauce in the supermaket. At times i also find it a hassle tat y i only blend onces and used for few times.
Thanks for all your suggestions. My family eats fish almost everyday and I only know how to steam them with ginger, tomatos...get abit sianz. Dun really like to fry cos the whole kitchen will be v oily. Will definitely try out the thai sauce fish soon.
How do you grill fish? Do I need to buy an griller or I can juz use a toaster oven? Asking cos my kitchen oredi not much space and I am currently looking hard for space to put my mom's belling oven
My skin has been bad since teenage years... so bad that when I first started working, I went to see company doc for a cold, and he stared at my face and asked me if I wanted antibiotics for my acne instead of being concerned about my cold! When in sec school, I also had a friend who always says things like "You're quite pleasant-looking even though you got so many pimples hor?"

Imagine what that does to a young girl's self-esteem! Sometimes, I even stayed home cos of my skin and give excuses not to go out. So ever since I started working and could afford it, I've always splurged on skincare... basically have tried everything from pharmacy brands like Simple and Neutrogena to counter brands like Philosophy, Clinique and La Mer.

Now that I am older, I've come to accept the fact that I will never have perfect skin, but the weakness in spending on skincare is still there
So now you know why I'd rather spend on skincare than a wok

The chicken looks easy to make! Thanks for recipe!

The fish looks very nice lah! Don't have to be so humble

One question? -> Isn't tamarind and assam the same? Or do you mean tamarind as in the fruit and assam as in those pulp-like pack?
hee, same huh i dun know leh. i use tamarind powder bcos it will give that smell . u know like the smell tat coated on those nasi lemak ikan.

maybe the expert here can tell us
I've never seen tamarind powder before, or maybe I am super-blur whenever in NTUC!
Yes, we'll wait for the gurus here to tell us
I just finished watching Child of Our Time, then now came in to kaypoh and read up what teh 20-week detailed scan is all about... cos hubby still not home from work yet, so I don't feel like sleeping

oh i forgot abt the show. anyway i also cannot watch got to work at tat time. me just finished working and given my bb last feed. now is my resting time finally. Gd nite!
Tamarind and assam should mean the same thing, right?Just that one is english and the other is in malay(??)?

Hokkien food is really quite simple to prepare.We have lots of dishes with soy sauce in it.So try to get superior or premium grade soy sauce because it does make a difference.
Twinkle-starry and Amelia,
Thanks for all the recipes!

Where can we get premium grade dark soy sauce? Cos I usually just buy Taihua brand at you have a good brand to recommend?
Yesterady din manage to do my grill fish cos my office made me work late.

Tonite I make sure I grill it!! Oh, it's the greasy garoupa tat I bot quite a while. I haven't try to steam red garoupa, the flesh really very tough ah?

Hope u like the Thai Steam fish as much as I do.

Your fish looks so good. Must be very appetitizing.

I used my Sharp Mircowave Oven to grill. Alternatively if space constraint, u can buy those special hot plates &amp; put it at the gas stove to grill.
Good morning mummies,
I got some bad news ..........I kenna Chicken pox... OMG! And my dad might have a relapse of stroke, now still under observation. sianz...

sophie, of course i wanna the recipe, thank you!

twinkle, thanks for the recipe!
Sorry to hear that.. Can go for injections to prevent them from popping out? Last time I also had that injection.
Hope your dad will get well soon.
You remember to drink lots of water oo... Take care...

Oh, I did not know those soya sauce dishes are hokkien... I usually get my soya sauce from JB. "po-po" brand. It's very nice

Robinsons also have woks. I find it not very expensive when they are on sale. What's the size of the wok that you are looking for? Go to the one at Centerpoint. The selection is wider there
Oh no! You take care of yourself and drink lots of water and liang cha. Don't scratch the pox ok, even though it's itchy... cut your nails real short too! If itchy, just apply calamine lotion and pat pat the area.

Sorry to hear about your dad - I'm sure he'll understand that you won't be able to go visit him. Hope he gets better.

Take care of yourself too!
Maybe it's just that piece that I got that is tough and super-fussy hubby thinks it's got fishy smell too.

There's something else I need you girls to explain to me - how do you girls store fish? I don't like to store meats in my chiller or freezer overnight cos I had a bad experience before (meat turned out stinky and bad the next day), so I buy my meat on the day itself whenever I need to cook it. My freezer only is only used to store frozen foods like frozen roti prata, meatballs, tang yuan, peas etc. Also, some of these meat are defrozed at NTUC before, so can we still refreeze them e.g. salmon, cod?

Krisjoy, Amelia,
I use Tiger brand dark soy sauce - good enough?

Yeah, I saw a Meyer one with a steamer rack at Robinsons the other day... 2-digit only, but the steamer rack is sold separately and total may add up to $100+, so I'll drop by again to take a look today. Not sure about the size... no need to be too big, as long as can fit in a good-sized seabass without having to chop the fish into half - I like my fish "whole" and "complete"

I heard a lot about the po po brand... my mum likes it too. Maybe next time if my brother going into JB, will go there to shop a bit. I like shopping at the Carrefour there!

sp and I are big fans of our little oven toasters! I use mine to bake/grill fish, chicken and pork chops if the quantity if not too big. Of course cannot fit in a full-sized fish, but fillets are OK. It saves electricity too, rather than having to heat up my big oven.

sp lagi better - she even uses the toaster oven to make muffins and cake, but need to learn from her how to control the temperature with foil etc.
Oh dear, if your chicken pox came out within 24 hours then quickly go for the jab. Cos I rem the doc ever tell me that after that not much effect liao. Sorry to hear abt ur dad. Hope he gets will soon.
I dun have good skin too. I have come to accept the fact that its genetic. I used to be v self conscious but now mother and yellow face already no market value so I juz stick to my current regime. However, I still habour thoughts of going to dermatologist to improve on the clarity. When I save up enough, I will go to him and say:"I want sammi cheng's porcelin skin in SKII without eating roaccutane" He will think that I am crazy hahahaha
Sorry to hear that..U must take good care of yourself ok? Hope that you dad has a speedy recovery!

I use Taihua which I can only so so...not the expert here. So far how did you find Tiger brand?
You're so cute! I'd be very happy just to close up the open pores now, no need Sammi Cheng's skin!
I've also reduced on the amount of skincare spending, but just cannot help eyeing some products whenever there is a review in magazines.

Tiger not bad. I've never tried Taihua so cannot do a really fair comparison, but Tiger (red cap one I think) is good and thick without being too salty.
morning ladies...

pls take care of urself hor. as everyone says, DO NOT scratch.. n take some cooling stuff.. i remember chinese medicine hall got sell some concoction to make drink during chicken pox.. not sure if they still hv it now...
who's taking care of ur ds now? u send ur maid away liaoz??? got send ur younger son for vaccination??? sorry abt your dad too.. but dont worry, he'll get well soon...

ur fish does look very appetising... i salivating just looking at it...

sophie n cupcake...
talking abt complexion now hor.. i think i'm in e same shoes as u all or worse lor... my problem started cos of "itchy backside".. go n try facial during my secondary sch days.. b4 dat complexion was good, after facial started getting breakouts n never stopped until recently. now mostly left scars liaoz...
dont mean to discourage cupcake lah.. unless u going for drastic plastic surgery, nothing much we can do to get sammi cheng's porcelain skin liaoz. i've tried all e available "less harsh" technology: dermabrasion, chemical peeling, smooth-beam laser.. etc etc.. donno spend how many figure sum on my face liaoz.. buts its still e same. *haiz*... i "ren ming" liaoz...

cupcake, u got belling oven n never use ar??? my mum says its e best oven for baking liaoz... but hers' long time no use, scare "breakdown", so didnt want to give me... how i wish i can "take over" one day.....

littlecat, where r u??????????????
Thanks mummies for your concern! Now a little backache and tired. Spotted only 1 pox with water in it look exactly like my son poxs. There's some red dot and might flare out soon.

lyn, got injection to stop chicken pox? I ask my GP about the injection to stop my son chicken pox from growing, she says no such injection, only zovirax to be taken orally or applied on it. If really got such injection, I will go for it. Can have your doc details, thanks!

krisjoy, I'm using Taihua dark soy sauce too, abit salty hor...

starz, yes I'm looking after my boys although my maid is here. Waiting for a new maid from my aunti, hopefully soon. My younger son didn't go for vaccine cos doc says he might get from my son so no point going for it.

sophie, you use La mer huh.... I got one bottle before but didn't work for me, think is more for scar and lines.

Tonight wanted to have pasta, don't think can eat liao..... oh no.... I'm craving for it
yep, La Mer is good for scars and better for dry skin. While jumping around in a boat during a trip, I got a 1cm cut near my eye, between the eyelid and eyebrow. Basically to let you know how bad the cut was -> I could see white flesh inside, and blood was dripping down the sides of my face. We did the usual antiseptic etc, then after the open wound "closed up" i.e. it's a closed up red line, I used La Mer on it... and now no keloids and no dark scar... can't actually see even. But of course I also avoided dark soy sauce like crazy! Better be kiasu and safe than sorry

Eat fish porridge!
Oh no, tat's a bad news. I tot I have heard there's a injection to stop the outbreak, how come yor GP says no? And u must do it quickly since u got 1 pox.
sophie, yah... La mer is more for dry skin. I got breakouts after using them.

you know after I read that you say could see the white flesh and blood dripping, I can start feeling my ache is coming and spreading...
That's bad, how's your scar after using the miracle cream? Does it work?
Infact my sister got chicken pox last month and I suggest she use La mer and she scream at me... siao ah... so expensive... hee...
cat tail,

I ask my GP for my son and i heard before long time ago too.... bnt my GP insisted no such injection, only injection to prevent it.

Do you know your doc has that type of injection?
Please give me the details, thanks!

there is tis injection like cat tail mentioned. my sis went for tis jab at GP when she had 2 chicken pox. she also heal faster and i think in total she only has 5 pox and i had zillions.
The dinner looks good! I love to bake thighs, cos you can never overcook a thigh... it'll always be somewhat tender

Is that a potato salad I see?
Amelia and I are big potato fans here!

What ache coming and spreading?
Actually at that point in time, I didn't know it was blood dripping... I thought it was the leftover seawater from my hair after diving. Then I saw my hubby's shocked face, and then I wipe the "water", then whole hand was red!

The scar is OK after just a few months. Cannot see the scar now at all, so luckily my mum says never "po xiang"! I used the La Mer in a jar one - bought the small jar at that time for $155 (in year 2000), but now I heard price has increased to $170+ or more. Hee, to prevent this kind of scar on face, I'd spend even more, not to mention La Mer! No turning back one leh... cos once the scar is "embedded", it stays there forever!
sorry, I juz went any GP, no special doc. In fact i cant rem where coz it was during exams period during my uni days and i desperate so juz went to see one near the hostel at JW.
Re: La Mer
Combi skin try not to use. Can get breakouts.
Ck Tang having a tefal sales. Got woks below $100. In papers, can chk out
sophie, after i read about the fresh you mention and must be very painful and i can feel my pain too...

you're so poor girl... must be very painful

yah...twinklw, you're dinner looks good!
Is ok.... I will go and get the zovirax. Thanks!

Chat again... I'm going to see doc now.
the oven had been lying ard unused at my dad's place. Planning to move over to my place but scratching my head on where to put the oven. my counter already has a rice cooker, toaster oven, microwave oven, juicer...
Thinking of getting rid of the microwave oven cos its abt 10 years and worry abt leakage but i use it on n off to heat food.
Did you peel away the skin on of the thigh? I like the first one better cos it is golden brown

Maybe next time I'll try out Tiger brand. Thanks!

Your are right..I hv combi skin and La Mer is definitely too rich for me. Once I tried Oil of Olay and I have breakouts...big and angry acnes!
I've got combi skin too, but when staying in HK and travelling last time, cos the weather was dry, La Mer (the one in a bottle) worked really well for me. But now back in humid SG, the bottle has taken a backseat in my cupboard.

Tefal mostly has teflon coating right? I'm looking for a non-teflon anodised wok cos hubby doesn't like teflon for its potential cancer-causing properties.

The thing was, it was not painful at all, until I blur blur put an alcohol swap on it to kill the bacteria. The sting from the alcohol was too much for my eye and I thought I was going blind! It was only later on that I found out from a nurse friend that anything too near the eye, cannot use alcohol! Learnt my lesson the hard way

Hope the doctor can do something for you!

I really admire those FTWM like you guys - dunno if I can ever make it!

the first one is just bbq oven roast. the ssecond one is with cheese on top. i run out of cheddar cheese so use plain cheese lor. u know lah my hubby like to hv different version on his plate.

can lah just hv to work harder and suddenly realise time mgt very impt. No more joy of taking my own sweet time lor. If yr job is those can knock off ontime shld be more manageable.
Sorry, cannot give u more info cos the injection for chicken pox was like when I am 10 yrs ago and it's a GP near my old home. Can u check with other GP?
A bit difficult leh, cos last time my job involves a bit of travelling, and hubby also travelled a fair bit depending on his projects. That time don't even have time to make babies, how to become FTWM

But I may go back to work a few years after baby is born. After watching Child of Our Time, hubby is keen for me to be SAHM for at least the first 3 years, so I guess it's really just adapting to the situation... no more expensive La Mer!

Van very quiet today huh?
LittleCat also not showing up yet?
And Choc must have given birth and doing confinement now?
If your hubby is supportive and you do not mind, by all means be a SAHM for the time being..then no need to worry about looking for baby sitters.

so the whiter one is with cheese
Your hubby is very adventerous leh. For me, it is the other way round. My hubby is a simple eater and I am the more 'fussy' kind. To him, all food is good as long as they are not too spicy...

i envy u leh can be SAHM. my job requires me to travel and for the past few yrs we both been travelling and tat y give birth so old lor.

Now i went back to work and request only travel when really necessary and limited to 1 wk max. At least i can spent wkend w bb. i m on biz trip tis mth end again.
My husband is supportive, but we also need to have the means in the long term, that's why I will have to go back to work in about 3 years time. I hear from friends all the kids' classes etc are not cheap! And newspapers always has the planning for children's education + your own retirement... the amounts are crazy e.g. one kid's local university education after inflation in 18 years time is $200k *faint*

My mum always tells me not to worry so much and take it one at a time, that's why also nagged at me for starting family late, cos I always said we have to be "financially" secure first. But I guess there is no way to be totally secure, cos there will always be emergencies which use up the funds too.

I am also not that young
I'm turning 33 in Sep! Wanted to "beat" the amnio test for 2nd kid, and was calculating that... means once this baby is born, have to be preggie in 6 mths time, then I headache liao... think cannot make it!
Then hubby says I am silly to count this way in order to "beat" that test!

It's good your company allows you to travel only when necessary and limit to 1 week. btw, how old is your kid? Boy or Girl?

I guess your mom is right cos sometimes there is no right time to get married or have babies. I'm 34 this year so older than you lah!
Next baby will definitely need to do amnio test...

What is the nature of your job? How come require travelling? Kay-poh a bit lah...

I am leaving office now...going to have dinner with hb..will log in tomorrow to chat again..
