Cooking Tips & Recipe

sophie, the eggplant I only can steam them cos I don't have a oven or toaster.

I mentioned preggie cannot eat eggplant not cannot eat so often. I don't know why infact the veggie store aunti also say that to me when preggie,I'm a very good girl when people tells me what not to eat during preggie and will just follow cos no harm and to play safe lor. Will try and ask for the reason ok.

van, wah.... really peifu you, make cookies for teacher, I only buy Rocher Chocolate for the teacher.

cat tail, thanks for the suggestion on the maid.

Even if get a maid with no friends/relatives here, they make friends quite fast right? I think just go downstairs buy food, then meet another Indo/Filipino "tong xiang" maid, then can become good friends liao. So also very difficult to control this part? But of course better to have this as a start than to have a maid with lots of relatives here!

Yep, this fish more Meditarranean style - I first saw this on a cookshow called Molto Mario (he is Italian) many years ago, and have been cooking it once in few months. Hubby like it cos it's healthy and sourish-appetizing due to lemon juice. Sometimes I use orange instead of lemon.

I'm also terrified of stretch marks, so have been faithfully putting on my usual body lotion every night. But my hubby is the real sucker for mummy/baby products - he was about to buy this organic stretch mark oil at $26 for 30ml! I almost fainted when I saw the price tag for such a small bottle, and stopped him from being so crazy!

I also prefer steam anyway, cos it retains more moisture and is faster. Thanks for helping me ask about the eggplant, but no worries - for me, I'd rather be safe than sorry, like you, so will just listen if the older folks tell me cannot eat this and that.

Eh, you hubby don't like to eat eggplant right? Then he's only left with veges to eat tonight?

I finally bought my Woh Hup XO sauce! Some NTUCs are out of stock maybe cos they're running a promo at $9 this week, whereas normal price is $9.90. I got the last second bottle on the shelf
sophie, just came back from NTUC and bought Bragg soy cauce. Was looking for vegetarian XO sauce but can't find, think i'm abit cock eye.

ya, my hb don't like eggplant but will let him try and not only veg hee...... still got stir fry prawn with fishball and mushroom and soup for him. The prawn will also use XO sauce as i follow the recipe on the XO box

kris and starz, I don't really know about stretchmark during or after preggie cos i don't have any, think is genetic. My SIL is giving birth next month and she's still very slim, her weigh around 50-55kg. She show me her stretchmark which is brown in colour and lots of it although she applied stretch mark cream so she ask me for help and i don't know what to do. Think can laser off.
Your maid got complain you ask her to eat left over food? My parents maids dun eat left over food at all..

Exercise is good.. Can relieve stress too
I haven't been excercising though... Still contemplating when to start my swimming again... lol...
Oh XO sauce got MSG ah... I cannot eat already cos I am BF...
Did you ask your maid to sign stating that she received her salary? Or deposit into her bank account? Better have proof that you paid her... My parents got a maid, on the last day, at the airport after check-in, accused my dad not paying her salary, and dun wanna board the plane. She wanna go to the high commission to complain! ***faintz***

Like what Van said... when you get a new maid, set what you expect and a routine right from day 1.

Eat more fruits and vegetables
And a strict no to deep fried food.

hmm... from experience, the man of the house better close both eyes on maid's matters... My cousin's hubby goes overseas frequently, and the maid will cry in front of the master when he's back with all the complaints! It's as if my cousin ill-treated her. Then hor, my cousin and hubby will quarrel over the maid leh... quite "jia lat". So now she rather not have any maids.

Wow... you are very hardworking... DIY teacher's day gifts...

Wah... must learn from you... Your maid is very "guai"... Does your maid need to cook? For the routine, did you set the time as well?

Oh I see... Thanks for the potato stew
I think the soya sauce potato thing I made yesterday is about the same
I add onion, garlic, potato, pork, carrots, soya chunk, soya "knot"... soya sauce, dark soya sauce, salt, sugar for seasoning. And also 3 slices of "shou wu"
It came out not bad...
kekeke... I also "agar agar"... My hubby ate a lot last nite

Oh, can add chestnut... hmm... idea... next time I will try with chestnut.

Yes... My parents got maid before who sleep on the sofa naked!

Press on your ankle bone. If cannot touch the bone, means got water retention. For water retention during pregnancy, I believe in the diet...

No wonder gain so much weight... Durian can make you put on a lot of weight one... In my final few weeks, I put on 1kg per week cos I ate durian... lol...
HOw's your gynae visit?
Wah.. your fish looks very "ang mo" and delicious.. Thumbs up...
sophie, cat-tail, krisjoy,
thanks for yr concern, today feeling great already, think 95% recovered, kekeke. Thanks to chinese med, panadol doesn't work for me AT ALL.

hey, what's cooking? pls share...
Nonono.... you're not cock-eyed!

Not all NTUCs stock it I think. Cos the one I went to this morning don't stock the vege version, whereas yesterday at Junction 8, they have a wider range so they stock it.

Hmm, guess your hubby won't need to eat the eggplant since tonight's dinner looks so sumptuous! *drool* Or he can just try the sourish mince meat part.

Hope you like the Bragg Liquid Aminos soy sauce!

Gynae visit is tomorrow - a bit worried just thinking about it. But just hope for the best and that what will be will be... I cannot change anything if it's out of my control.
Will be doing the blood test (Triple Test) tomorrow too.

Heh, I finally stopped my durian craving now, cos too heaty, every time I eat just 2 seeds, I get constipated till face turn red and green when sitting on my "throne"

Haven't seen you for a few days.... heh, you busy with hubby now that he is back from US?
Hi Ann/SP, tks i will try to take light lunch and few spoon of rice for dinner. I m a fan of bread too and tat does not help too

Hi Starz, i had bad water retention during preggie. Mainly come fm salt and water intake. Must reduce salt in all food if yr water retention is very bad. Also swimming helps alot. Every time before my gynae appt, i will got for a swim tat week.... if not i get nag by the gynae again.
U shld feel lucky tat your hubby is so kan-cheong about u

Glad that u are ok now. Yes, sometimes TCM is more effective. My hb's family swears by TCM..

You r so lucky to have good genes
lyn, my hb did ask my maid to sign the booklet provided from agency. My hb is those careful type when comes to money.

sp, same to my son, they took western medi that doesn't work for them or might be the GP i went to so they took chinses medi and 80% cure on the first dose of medi, amazing.....

sophie, why you worried that going to see gynae tomorrow?
oh yes, durian is heaty. I eat quite alot during preggie, get constipation and nose bleeding, and first time in my life getting nose bleeding.

you talk about eggplant and sourish make me drool... likes to put alot of lime on it
twinkle, you might wanna try wholemeal bread or those low calories one.

I swim alot on my first preggie and only put on 15kg compare to my 2nd preg 22kg, no exercise.So swimming helps alot.
Dunno why worried leh - worried about blood test, worried about having not seen the baby since 4 weeks ago, worried whether baby growing OK... worried about everything lor... guess you can call me a Worrywart!

Later must try to do some breathing exercises and not think so much!

I also like to put a lot of lime/lemon! Just now you mentioned you were cooking the sourish eggplant, then I had such bad craving I went out to buy a Tom Yum fish chor beehoon for lunch... added in an extra lime too!

This week Glass Shoes ending on Fri - wonder whether that Shanyu aka Yunxi will end up alive?

I agree with annlee - can start with wholemeal bread or brown rice first. For me, sometimes I drink a glass of water with bread so that I feel more full once the bread mixed with water expands in my stomach. Maybe this is psychological, but it works for me.
sophie, nothing to worry lah..... my SIL is very skinny, her bb is also very small during 1st trimester and now so big liao, calm down man...dude.
Your blood test(triple test) is to check down syndrome and if no history of your family and hb having it, somemore you're still young, the chances is very very low of getting it.
At my first preggie, i'm very worried too and keep asking my gynae although the result is out stated the ratio of getting it is low and gynae keep assuring me that will be fine.

I think yunxi is alive. She and her sister both didn't be with zaihe.

I finished the show 'My Girl' is funny compare to 'Goong' which is draggy. You've watched the show eighteen yrs old bride, the lawyer girl which is their 3rd party is the show 'My Girl' leading actress. Can you imagine she acted cute in the show 'My Girl'
i'm back from a super sin-ful nasi bryani lunch.. finish e whole plate of rice somemore.. now super full..

take care hor.. nowadays weather too bad liaoz, super hot.. so must take more water n take "cooling stuff"..

sophie, krisjoy
yupz, thats e word... here reli machiam like "answering" site leh.. no matter wat questions we have, come here sure got answer one... hehehe...

ya lor.. u very lucky with e "no-stretchmark genes"..
huh, preggers cannot eat eggplant ar??? i think recently i been eating quite a fair bit leh... *haiz*.. break another "rule" liaoz...
btw, why ar???

the chestnuts is the "gao lak" hor.. not water chestnut hor... hehehe.. dont put e wrong thing..
i can still see n press my ankle bone leh.. but e rest of it, e "fleshy" part looks abit "swollen" lor.. maybe its just fat lah hor...???

hehehe.. okay, then i shall "willingly" go for my weekly swimming sessions with hubby liaoz..
just dat sometimes very sianz, cos go public pool.. alot of kids.. scare they knock/kick me...
starz, I think I eat the most nasi briyani during preggie and finished everything too, that time my tummy is big and can throw lotsa rice inside.

About the eggplant I don't know the reason leh.... people say i listen lor. If you eaten eggplant then take it as I never mention hee.....
its perfectly normal to be worried abt baby thru out our pregnancy one.. somemore its our first time.. i've been worrying since day 1 too..
i used to be a smoker for abt close to 10yrs liaoz.. n go for drinks/pubbing b4 pregnancy... so when i found out, was quite worried that all the previous "harmful" stuff in my body will affect baby...
up to now i'm still worried.. n is very "paranoid" abt things that other people say can/cannot eat/do..etc.... then that time read abt faye wong's baby having cleft lip, will worry abt mine too... *touch wood*.. but gynae never say anything, so i try very hard to assure myself that everything is normal lor.. sometimes just have to learn to take it easy lor....

i dont know if i'm too "demanding" sometimes on my hubby or not... but sometimes i feel abit resentful towards him... altho he dotes on me alot, always tell me tat i'm not fat, do all e housework nowadays... its just that, sometimes i feel like i'm making all e "sacrifices".. and everything is "bear" by me.. cannot go out late anymore, no energy to do anything, avoid so many many many things that are not good for baby... while he still remain his previous lifestyle, still go out with his friends/colleagues pubbing, etc... n leave me alone at home during these days... i used to be very independent, but now feel so helpless n lonely when he goes out... but dont dare to tell him not to go out... end up sometimes cry alone at home also... i also dont know if this is normal or if i'm getting depressed.... *haiz*.....

pardon me for "complaining" here hor....
hehehehe.... annlee, very cute way of putting it leh.. anywayz, now i know abt e eggplant liaoz.. shall avoid it from now on....
anything else to avoid or not huh??? b4 i commit anymore "pregnancy sins"....
I tell u hor, stretch mark cream no use one lah!! I diligently apply them everyday from 1st trimester but still it appears! Somemore I got the marks at my buttock too..heehee...

As for my maid, I learnt my mistake & I never allow her to go out alone. I notice Filipinos are more cheeky & talkative when they meet their own clan. While Indo are more reserved & conservative.

So far this maid is not so wasteful, and she seems more happy to eat left over food in her lunch cos she's lazy to cook.

I do feel a bit emotional when I am preggy too. Do try to let your hubby noes how u feel rather than keep everythin inside.

"My Girl" nice hor. I am still dragging myself to watch "Goong".
starz, my gynae tells me immediately when he sees my bb lip whether theres cleft lip or not and count the numbers of fingers and toes infront of the screen to me, replied no extra counted.

My hb will never says im fat even though i am. He will nagged at me if i skip my lunch/dinner. He does all the housework before we got a maid.
starz, now you're pregnant and a new life coming to this world soon, there's sure something you must sacrifices like freedom etc...
On my first preggie, hardly go anywhere with my big tummy and when bb is born, my freedom is 90% gone. All goes to my son and that time im so blur of handling them and don't know what to do as i never take care of a child before in my life. But things go smoothly after awhile.

I went clubbing and also stay out late before but after giving birth, i don't miss them at all leh.... maybe all my time given to my son.

Like my hb, I don't allowed him to go clubbling even only for a drink before. But now i let him go to meet up friends for a drink as he also need some freedom or entertainment for himself.

Talk to you hb about going clubbing with friends and leave you at home,and the crying as now you need him the most. I think he will understand since he sayang you alot. If he don't understand then you ask him, did he know what is post natal blue and did he wants you to get it after birth?

cheer up starz..... no crying hor
btw mummies,
do u know if preggy can still eat chocolate? Cos i heard it also contains caffeine but these days i have cravings for it fact i have different cravings at different stages..that's why fat lah :p
cat tail, ya 'My Girl' is nice. 'Goong' i fast forward every disc, draggy leh..... the show not too bad, that xin likes to act cool and their palace quite nice hor although alot of stuff.
I guess it's part of the hormonal change as well. For me, I get 'pek-chek' easily at my hubby too. I will try to relax after that cos i know is not his fault.

My male colleague worse err, he was punched by his preggy wife and has bruises on his body...
I like "my Girl" male lead actor, very handsome!! Then "Goong" ones are too young, so doesn't suit my taste.
cat tail, you're so funny. I likes to look at handsome young man or handsome man slightly older. Think I got naughty eyes. i will smile when sees some young looking one. But of course only look, not interested in young man.
There's a saying, i'm looking at the menu but that doesn't mean i'm ordering the food hee.....
cat tail
I saw from the Aug 05 mom thread that u recently celebrated ur gal's birthday. Can I chk how many kg did u order for the cake? Is it nice? I planning my gal's BD party and looking for yummy cake to feed 40 people.
i did tell my hubby abt these feelings before... n he "ask" for my permission to go out... the problem is, b4 i pg, i always let him go.. now he ask me rite, i cannot bring myself to say "no" lor.. i will still ask him to go ahead..
then i silently resent him for not being "automatic" enough.. or not "loving" me enough to stay at home with me lor...
i guess partially its hormonal lah... sometimes i'm okay, sometimes i'm not... also donno wat to do...

then i feel very very guilty every time i cry.. always apologise to baby... then end up cry even more..... *haiz*... sometimes reli wonder if i'm going nuts...

i also been thru a phase where i crave for chocolates.. n beef... but tat was in my 5th mth or so.... i didnt think too much abt e caffeine leh.. just took some now n then... nowadays stop liaoz, no more craving...
Thank for the reassurance. I also felt much better after my "breathing" session which ended up in an afternoon nap

That lawyer acted cute? Haha, hard to imagine, cos she was so scheming in in 18-year old Bride!

I agree Filipinos are more "street-smart" than Indo maids.

I don't really feel like I lost any freedom or anything, maybe cos I am much older and have since gotten tired of all the late nights out. Plus we planned since last April to have a baby, so I am actually looking forward to baby coming and don't mind giving up any current lifestyle that I used to have. annlee is right - must make sacrifices. To me, not resisting the change will make us happier. I have friends who are determined that life after a baby will not change much i.e. they'll still meet up with friends on weekday nights, club with us last time on Fri nights, then spend weekends with baby. End up being weekend mom, and afterawhile, they also have to spend weekday nights with their babies cos "bu she de".

Regarding the worries, I guess you are right about it being my first baby that's come so far, and that's why I tend to get worried more. That's why I have to try to occupy myself with other things sometimes so as not to think too much about these worries.

I'm making pork chops tonight... just the usual oven toaster kind, so nothing new. But I am trying out Van's previous recommendation of potato salad with Jap mayo and bacon. You cooking tonight? Or since you're sick... better rest and just eat out/tabao something for the family?
I agree with u..once we have decided to start a family, some sacrifices need to be made and we all have to be mentally prepared for it lor..of course, occassionally it's nice to have some couple time with hb..
Regarding stretch mark cream/oil, the nurse also told me not to waste money cos she says it's mainly genetic, so asked me to look at my mum, paternal aunts and sis whether they have. My mum doesn't have, but my sis has from all the yoyo dieting she has been doing throughout her life. So I am hoping I don't get it!

Must add hard-boiled egg? Heh, I must have left this out! OK, luckily fridge still got 2 mroe eggs... will add that in!

How's IMM shopping? Went Daiso too?

I agree couple time is important too. Hubby is already saying we should go for a holiday after baby is born, and just leave baby with my mum or in-laws for a few days. But I told him wait and see how... wait bu she de, especially in the beginniing... or if still breastfeeding, then a bit difficult to just go off by ourselves.

Bought baking supplies and gift boxes/bags.Instead of last year's open gift box, I decided to buy some metal and plastic containers to hold the packets of cookies,so that the teachers can keep the containers for storing knick-knacks after eating the cookies,anyway it's all $2 each.

When wrapping dd's music teacher's gift, then realised that the cashier at Daiso left out one container, and that's supposed to be given to her music teacher tonight!So angry!

Just finished baking mini rock cakes, may be baking chocolate chip cookies tonight after my girl's music lessons.

IMM changed so much since the last time I was there...especially the car park.

ya,need to mash up the egg and mix in. Add pepper to taste.Can also add salt, but optional.

Didn't see my blender/grinder at the shop anymore,not sure if it's out of stock or they no longer selling.

Thanks for your concern! She is alright, until just diarrhoea! And she loves the rock cakes too much, keep begging me to let her eat one pc, though I have already told her those are for her teachers, she can't eat cos of her stomach flu.
van, glad to hear your dd is alright.
ya, don't like her eat the cakes, makes diahorrea worst.

Wow..... got cakes for teachers too.... u make the cakes? I thought is cookies.

rock cakes/rock buns, look like cookies.My mini,added with ground almond and chopped almond hb,dd and ex-colleague all love it!

Wanted to print cards for her school teachers...but printer problem...keep having leaked black ink on the paper...wasted so many paper! Siong!
Thanks for the extra tips on the potato salad and for helping me keep a lookout for the blender/grinder shop.

Is rock cakes the same as rock buns? It looks like a rock, hard outside and soft inside with raisins? If it's the same, can you post the recipe when you're free? My sis used to make it when she started learning Home Econs, but later lost her Home Econs book so I never got to keep the recipe. It's a nostalgic food for me

Good to know your dd is better - if just diarrhoea and not vommiting, not so siong. Eh, rock cakes a bit oily when still having diarrhoea, but kids very poor thing if they cannot eat stuff they like. Doc gave you anti-diarrhoea pills (like lomotil or immodium that kind?) for dd yeah? I think if it gets worse, popping one or just half for a kid should stop the runs.
van, quick check with you, the XO sauce prawn on the box stated to put the sauce last, i remember you saying must stir dry the XO sauce first until pang. So is it ok to do your way if i uses prawn
I ordered 2kg of cake from 7th Manna for almost 40 ppl & I still have some left on tat day! A lot of young couple dun dare to take too much. Heehee...all of them on diet lah. The price is a bit steep but I like the fresh & light taste.

Van's potato salah is in the database? I rememeber I have a whole pack of potato & going to expire Mayo still in my fridge.
Cook the prawns until almost done,push the prawns to one side, then saute the XO sauce in the same wok, stir fry and mix together after that.

I just gave dd the diarrhoae medicine, but it's not what you have mentioned,it's small sachet of powder, those "bacteria" that are found in Yakult,Vitagen.

Ok, will post the rock bun recipe when I am free, after all the teacher's day gift wrapping.

Potato salad is best using Japanese Mayo, not the ang mo mayo...some how it just doesn't taste as good.
van, your dd medicine is it Lacteol fort, those 10 billion of acidophilus. That's my son medi.
I just finished my XO dinner, didn't enjoy at all, not because of the food. The food is good but how to enjoy with such situation.

When having dinner, my son is been naughty blocking my maid way beside dining table. They were shouting non-stop.... my son says no no i don't want you go, my maid says i wanna now....go. Both of them not giving each other way and i so piss off and my turn to shout, can you all pls be quiet. I scolded my son and tells my maid why not you go the other way. She make the sound hemm.... and memble something in front of me. I'm shocked and she's actually scolding me or my son. This is the first time she's like that. And I'm keeping quiet and ignored it.
After a while, I'm watching Glass shoe, my maid was changing my younger son shirt and my son disturbing again. Actually I saw everything, my maid can just ignored my son continue her job but she don't want and shouted to my son very loudly. I'm angry and still tone down and tell her, maria, you don't have to shout at him, just come and tell me. I turned my head away and my son is out of the room and she bang my bedroom door. What kind of attitude is this?
My hubby loves the potato salad!

I guess those acidophilus medication is safer than Lomotil/Immodium which are more for adults. I'm quite familiar with these 2 medications cos I'm a diarrhoea queen when travelling

Don't think the potato salad is in the database. Van only mentioned it in one of her posts cos at one point in time, I was crazy over Jap mayo.

I only mixed these few ingredients today:
- Boiled and cut potatoes
- 2 slices of fried bacon cut into bits (Think Van mentioned can use the ready bacon bits, but I didn't buy it cos I will never finish it, so just bought 2 slices of back bacon from NTUC)
- green peas for some colour

- mashed hard-boiled eggs
- freshly ground black pepper
- Jap mayo

Can't remember if Van's potato recipe contains other ingredients, but I know some Jap restaurants put finely chopped onions and chives in it.

Oh dear... looks like the situation is getting out of control! How did your hubby react? What if your son learns from her and next time use the same tone on you? Kids learn very fast, you know.
Here's my eggplant I cooked, recipe from sophie. Forgotten to buy spring onion and coriander for it.
sophie, my hb don't know about it yet. My son already learn from my maid some disgusting expressive word like neh... which i stopped him from saying it now or i will put him in naughty corner.
I wonder whether u can afford to send your maid away immediately before the new one come? She's getting more & more bold & totally bo chup!

Thanks Van & Sophie,
For the Potato Salah! Tomolo I try this one.

Very hungry now!!

Here's my fav recipe & it's simple to cook.

Thai Steamed Fish in Garlic Lime Sauce


500g of sea bass
4 fresh green chillies diced (normally I used chilli padi)
6 cloves of garlic chopped
2 tablespoons of Thai fish sauce
4 tablespoons of lime juice
cup of chicken stock
2 green onions cut in lenghthwi
2 stalks of lemon grass (heart section only & crash it with the back of knife)
Coriander for garnish


1) Scale & clean fish, then rinse with cold water
2) Pat dry with paper towels & make diagonal slashes
3) Set fish on plate
4) Mix together chillies, garlic, fish sauce, lime juice & chicken stock
5) Adjust for a predominantly sour taste
6) Pour over fish
7) Scatter green onions & lemon grass over fish
8) Fill wok with 2 inches of boiling water
9) When it come to full boil, set fish plate on rack & cover tightly
10) Reduce heat to medium high & steam for 12 minutes
11) Garnish with coriander & serve

thanks for listening to my grouches juz now...

y dont u check with e agency tomorrow morning to see if u can send her away immed.. i dont think i will ever be able to tolerate a maid doing tat to me.. in e meantime, i do think u hv to be extra vigilant lor...

ur stew kampung chicken look so delish!!!!! share recipe!!!

suddenly tonite so many goodies.. n photos.. hehehe.. i also share share one of mine...

this e durian cake i made over e weekend... my mum's recipe... came up to a 1kg cake.. n finished!!! my whole family loved durians...



Aiyoh, don't tempt me with eggplant! **drool**

You really used a lot of lime! And that is a lot of eggplant for one person to finish! You can finish all that?
My eggplant is a bit more mushy cos I like the yucky mushy version
and I actually add water to the minced meat after it becomes pang, so that there is a sort of gravy, which becomes sourish soupy-gravy after adding lime.

Yeah, I agree with cat_tail - can send her away since she is causing you so much frustration and plus your kid is learning all the undesirable traits from her? Abit tough to cope in the meantime without maid, but if your kids don't fall sick, it should be manageable for a while till you find another replacement?

What is stewed kampung chicken? I don't have any Hokkien blood in my family, so not familiar with Hokkien food other than kong bak and ngoh hiang! Can give recipe so I can try next time?
Also, kaypoh abit... what is that colorful dish next to it? I'm always attracted to red and green colored dishes!

I love seabass! I also used seabass for my baked fish. Actually, I was thinking of making fish again tomorrow, but ran out of ideas and was thinking of just making a Teochew-style prune/mushroom steamed version. But this one looks good
I may make it tomorrow if I can find a fresh seabass at NTUC
Also saw an interesting yellowtailed threadfin (small fish) at NTUC which I thought of trying... wonder if that fish is any good for steaming...

The durian cake looks good! Can see you really love baking!
I think baking/cooking is a very therapeutic way to de-stress, esp. now preggie... can distract us and take our worries away.
Is it tiring to make? Is the deseeding and mashing of durians siong?
Share recipe? My hubby is a big fan of durian puffs, durian pancakes, durian pengat... basically anything durian!
