Cooking Tips & Recipe

Other than soaking, I tried this the other day as an ex-colleague who eats brown rice taught me. She said in the middle of cooking i.e. before the button pops up to "Ready", turn off the button so you just let the remaining water and steam in the rice cooker soak into the rice. Leave it like that for about 5 to 10mins, then turn on switch again to "Cook" mode, so the remaining moisture can be evaporated. I did it 2 days ago, and my brown rice turned out nice and soft for the first time!

When I turned off the switch, I peeped into the inside and saw boiling bubbling water plus rice i.e. rice and water are clearly separated. Then after 5-10mins of standing in "Ready" mode, the rice soaked up most of the water!

My mum also agreed brown rice more heaty, so I try to eat them just twice or 3 times a week.

sophie, I will try your method thanks..... now going for dinner and watch Glass shoe liao... chat again
Heh, I think my counterpart on TV got much better ball sense than me! ;) Me also gonna watch Glass Shoes now!

The outer husk of brown rice (cos it's not totally polished off), contains lots of Vitamins, esp. the B group, if I remember correctly. My friends grind brown rice into powder form and then cook into a gooey porridge when their babies start to eat solids.

Here's a link:

Welcome to Cooking Thread!
Thanks for the info. Will take red bean soup occassionally from now onwards.

Gynae said water retention is due to pregnancy where there are a lot of homonal changes. He just asked me not to walk too much as it will aggrevate it. When resting at home, need to alleviate feet. Maybe you can try this method?

I'm not sure if it is due to salt intake? Cos I eat everything in moderation so I do not know what food will cause water retention leh..
<font color="0000ff">How Do I Get Rid Of Fishy Smells After Cooking Fish?

After preparing and cooking fish there can be a lingering smell. To get rid of it from your kitchen leave a bowl of vinegar in the room overnight and the smell will disappear.

If you need to get rid of the smell quickly, perhaps if you are having a dinner party, then try heating the bowl of vinegar. The easiest way to do this is to place the bowl over a bowling pan of water and turn off the heat.

Removing The Smell Of Fish From A Fridge

Fish smells in a fridge can be overcome by putting some bicarbonate of soda in a container. An egg cup is ideal for this - it's small enough to be placed in the fridge and easy cleaned afterwards.

Removing The Smell Of Fish From Your Hands

Lemon scented soap is best suited for removing the smell of fish from hands and fingers. </font>
<font color="119911">Q: How do you keep the "fishy" smell out of your home when frying fish? I have been told to soak the fish in milk, but I've tried that and I still had the smell of fish in the house for several days afterward.

A: One of the main reasons people don't want to cook fish at home is the fear that the smell will linger long after the meal is over. But this doesn't have to be the case.

First, begin by selecting the freshest fish. Fish contain a chemical called "trimethylamine." When the fish is alive and swimming about, the chemical is odorless. Once the fish is killed and the tissues exposed to air, the chemical breaks down into two new (and smellier!) components. The sooner you buy fish after it's been caught, the less odor it will have. So be flexible when you go to the fish market. If you have your heart set on salmon, but the tuna just came in a few hours earlier, go with the tuna. Once you purchase the fish, keep it refrigerated until you're ready to cook it. Always cook fish within a day of purchase.

But if you do all that and still end up with that fishy smell, there are ways to get rid of it quickly and easily. If your hands or cutting board smell fishy, rub them with a cut lemon. Oil carries the fish odor with it, so avoid cooking fish in a great deal of oil or fat. If you do have the urge to deep-fry on occasion, seal up the used oil immediately after it cools (an old coffee can or glass jar is fine) and throw it in the trash outside. If your cooking pot or pan still smells of fish after you've washed it, fill it with a mixture of half white vinegar and half water. Bring to a boil, let boil for a few minutes and then wash the pan once more. The smell should be gone.
If your entire kitchen smells like inside of a tuna can, the best way to get rid of it is to disguise the smell with something nicer. Put a pot of water on to boil and add some whole spices (cinnamon sticks, cloves, allspice berries) and a few lemon or orange slices. Bring to a boil, then let simmer an hour or so until the house is perfumed with this pleasant smell. You can leave the pot off the heat on the stove for the rest of the day, turning it back on if the smell reappears.</font>
today I cooked the cabbage rice, I used the canned stewed pork ribs, it's very nice, thanks for the recipe!
good morning all!

Van, thanks for the tips! i like to eat fried fish but hate the smell after that!

how about durian smell in fridge, can use the same?
some suggest tea leave or charcoal ?
which one more effective?
Good Morning gals!

This the "heavy" breakfast I cooked for hb today:

<font color="119911">Bak Kut Teh with Zhu1 Du3 and button mushroom</font>
<font color="0000ff">Stir Fry Baby Kai Lan with XO Sauce</font>


I haven't tried using tea leaves and charcoal in the fridge, always get those fridge "deodorizer" from houseware shop.I may start to use tea leaves, since now I always make tea with tea leaves.

Talking about charcoal....when my hb's younger brother asked his mum how to prevent the rice "gu" from breeding,my MIL said put charcoal BIL said Huh? then the rice will have black charcoal...

I put garlic with the rice to prevent the rice "gu" from breeding....<font color="aa00aa">any other tips?</font>

Going to Taka today...staff entitled to 15% discount for cosmetic and skin care,thanks to my friend for this lobang, going to top up my skin when I am back!
wow u really spoilt your hb liao haha!
your bak ku teh looks very yummy!
eh make sure after all these heavy breakfast, he did reduce his dinner hor?

about the rice, i heard to put dry chilli, but i find not working.
another auntie told me this very cute theory, u should not cover the rice, meaning just leave u rice in a container, without the cover, it won't grow the 'gu'.. bu she cook everyday so is ok..

my method ? put them in fridge!!
Good morning!

Your Bak Kut Teh looks very yummy... got wolfberries too!
Making me feel a bit deprived cos I am only having pasta for lunch.
I agree with LittleCat leh... you spoil your hubby!
And spoil market too
Better not let my hubby see this!
Veges look super green and crunchy!
Happy Shopping!
Thank you Amelia &amp; LIttle Cat,
But my hubby dun think I am one..kekeke...

U r the most dutiful wife I ever see!! Really spoilt the market..wahaha..
Btw, your Bak Ku Teh is those herbs type or pepper type?
Wow... Looks very delicious... I see already drooling liao... Your hubby is very lucky to have you...

hmm... I am thinking what to cook for lunch... Any ideas on how to cook potato?? I have lots of potatos and everytime cook the same dish very "sian"...
van, sophie is right, u spoilt the market! :D

Lyn, i could think of the bake potatos, top with butter/sour cream and with some bacon

(or u already sian of this method liao ;))

Or potato salad ?

Just had my lunch - chicken soup with bee hoon. somehow dun feel like taking rice.
Simple chicken soup, put the half chicken, with some ginger, carrot and green onion,in boiling water. Boil awhile then put everyting back to outer pot. The chicken turn up to be tender, just nicely cook, not over cooked.
sophie, thanks for your info on brown rice.

Van, your hb really take those 'heavy' bfast every morning? He really xin fu hor?
yr hb is so lucky, got such wonderful breakfast to makan! sorry but I agree with all... u spoil market lah, hehehe...

potato can cut into small cubes and cook with cubed onions &amp; chicken in curry paste, a bit like curry puff filling, goes well with rice.

little cat,
yr lunch very healthy! I had unhealthy lunch - 2 pkts of instant noodles...
sp, u not working today?
eh i had instant noodles yesterday also :p
take once in a while is ok lah

heard from the childcare center my son recently behave differently, he will beat others just to get his way thru... jia lat..
then when the teacher ask him, he mentioned something like we are going to have a baby didi soon, so nobody luv him kind of thing.. and also say like we dun talk to him more like last time..
(could be recently quite busy, so neglected him..)
alamak, i thot this will happen after the didi is out seems like he can sense it?

choc, annelise, annlee, do u gals experince the same b4?
what should we do? really didn't expect such a young boy will feel that way, really not like us last time.. sigh...
How to make potato salad?? I know the mayonnaise one.. but got other potato salad recipe?

I just had my lunch too... Today lunch is boiled broccoli with mee sua with added sesame oil
Then a small bowl of cereals cos my mouth itchy.. lol...

ahh... good idea.. kekeke.. is there a particular curry paste to use??

aiyo.. instant noodles not very good leh... I dare not take ever since I got fibroids... since Sep2004... Before that, I craved for instant noodles and I eat daily for 2 weeks for lunch! Now my house dun have instant noodles already...
shopping Queen - Van, where r u?

Starz, so busy today? remember dun get stress, take it easy! one of the recommended way is... come here to chat ! :D

Question : do u gals share the topics we discuss here with HB?
Other than Van's hokkien mee ? :D
Hi everyone. Sorry MIA for so long - have been busy, only read the posts once in a while - no time to post! Thanks for sharing the pics in Yahoo group - makes it more interesting to put a face to the name isn't it? All your darlings (kiddies and pets) are sooo adorable! I'll post some pics once I get my hb to help me trnfr my pics from the pc harddisk to the iMac - I'm like from the Stone Age when it comes to technology!

Wow Van, your hb soooo lucky! I agree with the girls, you really spoil market! My hb who makes breakfast for me everyday better not know about this, haha! Are you still giving your dd Pediasure? Do you give her multivits as well or are the vits in the milk sufficient?

Hey LittleCat, your boy very intuitive hor? Didi not out yet and he can sense competition already! The last time I used to bring my dd1 with me for all my dr's appt so that she can see the baby on the ultrasound. She was really excited about having another baby - maybe girls are a bit different, since they generally like playing with baby dolls and pushing them in a pram etc.? But although we didn't have much problems getting her used to having a baby sister in the beginning, they fight and quarrel pretty often now!

Hi choc, welcome to the East! Finally I got kaki staying in the eastern side of S'pore! Wow 147 sqm is very big - amazing that you're still doing all the housework at full term - sure to have a quick and easy labour with all the exercise! It's such a pity that your girl can't get into East Spring - it's so close by! Is there a waiting list that they can put you on and maybe KIV your dd's reg in case some kids pull out at the last minute?

Hi annlee, hope your son is better now. Must have been tough the past week. Hang in there! My kids are not vaccinated either - if they don't come down with it by 10 or 12 years old then I may consider getting the vaccine.

Hi lyn, wow you can cook and work and look after a baby at the same time! when I had my dd1, my dad had to buy me lunch everyday and dinner was ta bao from my mum's place! He looks very sturdy - your bm very "bu"!

Hi sp, instant noodles used to be my favourite in school! My hb &amp; I used to try a new brand every week when we stayed in the hostel! Myojo Indo Mee Goreng is our all-time favourite! My lunch is even more unhealthy - half-eaten sausage bun and ham sandwich courtesy of my 2 dds + one bottle of Yakult to wash it down!

Oops, gotta go - need to prep dinner. Making xia jiao today and I haven't peeled the water chestnuts yet. Catch up with y'all later
Hi all, I am back from shopping!

Stock up enough skincare to last me a year! but...the eye gel that I have been using for years is DISCOUNTINUED! so my friend and I went through every cosmetic counter to test out the texture ,"oiliness"and "thickness" of every brand's eye gel/serum.

Got some info from the Thermos promoter. For those who want to get a thermal pot, you may want to wait till Oct or Nov. They will be a Thermos promotion in Isetan in Oct, and Thermos warehouse sale in Nov.

During the promotion, other than the promotion price, there will be two new products added to their range. A 1.5L thermal pot priced at $69, and a new 2.5L thermal pot with a thermometer on top of the cover,so that if you see that the temperature drop to below desired leve, can bring out the inner pot to boil again.

Hey gals, you all think that my hb is very lucky huh? Actually his reaction when I said I will cook special breakfast for him made me feel that all these it's just my DUTY to do it leh...If he has reacted differently, I might just be so touched that die die must wake up very early to cook a sumptuous breakfast for him,now it's just my DUTY lor...

Even the chap chye that I cooked for him yesterday night he told me he actually don't like to eat chap chye. But I have seen him eating on 1st day of Chinese New Year at his mum's place,like it's the best food he has ever eaten! Then he said he only eat the tau kee and tang hoon and he pour in a lot of chilli....which is what I don't do. Pour a lot of chilli into the chap chye? Does any of you eat it this way?

I still give my girl multi-vit,even though she's takign Pediasure. Are you girls taking Pediasure now?

quite tough huh, now already experience sibling rivalry?! Did you ask your ds why he said that? Also find out whether the aunty or any other adults made such comments to him or not. Very often, I find that it's the older generation's relatives who like to make such remarks in front of the kids ignorantly.

I used the pre-packed bak-kut teh(like those tea bag but bigger size).Didn't use the herbs type cos I am using thermal pot to cook overnight, worry that the herbs will turn too soft and "disnintegrate", then the soup will have a lot of "Zha1" liao.

Baby kailan is one of my favourite green vege,I love the "crunchiness"!

The bak kut teh cooked using thermal pot is very good. Both the meat and the pig's stomach turn out soft and tender.Can easily remove the meat from the bones.

I actually thermal cooked the pig-stomach with white pepper seeds in my small thermal pot first.Then transfer it(minus the pepper seeds) to the big thermal pot, add more water and the rest of ingredients and cook in the big thermal pot.
van u r right, cos the auntie like to tell him his 'tang di' (my BIL's son,cousin) is more guai then him, so she will luv him more..
So my son will think the po-po dun luv him already.. sigh.. how to tell the old people that? they dun find it as problem but it is a big problem...

aiyoh hb very difficult to please hor?
hmm.. shouldn't start this better, only do it once in awhile they will appreciate it more, hor?
wah, u very busy but yr post so long, ehhehehe.. what's xia jiao? got water chestnets one? mmm...

little cat,
I'm working today lah! Cooked breakfast in the morning before work lor. Instant noodles no need to cook, just soak in hot water in office, hee.

yr son so fast can sense didi coming and start to behave differently, I think he's scared he's not loved as much as before, poor thing.

A to yr Q: got, except for Van's "spoil market" loving action to cook heavy breakfast every morning, dare not share with hb, hehehehehehehe...

can use any curry powder/ paste u like

didn't know instant noodles may cause fibroids, thanks for the warning. I must reduce and hopefully one day stop eating it.
Have you tried cooking sliced potato with canned stewed pork ribs, quite nice to go with rice.

Sometimes bo bian have to SUPER nicely/gently tell the aunties,elderly not to make such remarks, and tell them the reason.The "impact" on the kids is not such 3 minutes kind,will last for as long as you find a way to resolve it.

Once my cousin saw my another cousin playing with my dd, he said to his daughter,who is 2 yrs older than my girl : "Mei Mei, you are not the youngest child anymore, everybody likes to play with Berenice now." I have no choice but to tell my cousin not to make such remarks,but then it's my cousin, same "rank"(tong2 Bei4), it's not that hard.Can't say the same for my BIL and SIL though we are also tong2 Bei4.

my ang is indeed hard to please. I cooked green bean soup, he said sweet dessert very fattening hor?! whereas his mum cooked red bean soup, he will bring back from her house,and dutifully gobbled down with any comments.If he left in the fridge and forgot to eat, he will show a very very guilty look.

A to yr Q(I actually missed it until I see sp's answer): Didn't share a lot cos my ang got no time to listen to me....or may be he's just not interested lor.
I agree with the girls - maybe bring your ds for ultrascan, get him more "involved" in didi's delivery?

A friend of mine has a son who is a super attention-seeker, so much so that he will not allow his mummy to talk to me when we go out. When his mummy talks to me, he'll throw tantrums, move cutlery around... do anything. Then when my friend is pregnant, she and the husband took extra care to give even "more" attention to the son. When her daughter came out, the son was very protective over meimei and less attention-seeking now... even talk and play with me and allow me to talk to his mummy undisturbed. But then, this one is a "meimei", so it could also be that boys are more protective over sisters. No harm tryign though. But I think what your auntie did is not so good lah... kids don't like to be compared and come out bottoms. Hopefully things will get better when you become SAHM!

Don't take what your hubby said to heart! Some men are just not so good with expressing themselves, but show it with the small little things that he does for you - like buying small gifts when he goes overseas, or even searching overseas for items that you or dd needs.

Heh, if your hubby is the type who can take sarcasm/jokes, next time "suan" him when he eats his mum's red bean soup... ask him "eh, i thought you say red bean soup fattening hor?"... then followed by making him a low-sugar version next time and reassure him so. I always suan my hubby too
hi ladies...

me on mc today.. cannot tahan liaoz, machine breakdown...
donno finally will my bosses realise i'm a pregnant woman, n shdnt be stressed too much or not... *haiz*....

wah, so many posts to keep up leh..

ur hubby "shen zai fu zhong bu zhi fu" leh.. u reli reli can open a restaurant or cafe liaoz lah... all ur food look so fantastic.. but men hor, even if they do realise how wonderful u r, they wont vocalise it one lah.. when they start telling u "mushy mushy" things, then we'll start thinking "hhmmm.. wat did he do wrong tat he's being especially nice now huh??"... hahaha... women also difficult to satisfy sometimes leh...

u all were talking abt cleaning pig stomach earlier hor.. there was mention of somewhere that sells pig stomach already cleaned right?? where ar?? is it reli clean, n "smell-free" ar??? my mum is working also, cannot bear to ask her to wash for me leh...

i do sometimes tell my hubby abt this website, but not topics from this thread... cos he's only interested in the little fella inside me now.. so i'll tell him things abt pregnancy lah, e size of other mtbs tummies lah.. dats all...
hehehe... i'm one tat dare not tell hubby abt Van's "spoiling market" actions.. skully he expect tat from me...
can teach again how to make the brown rice water again or not huh?? thanks...

maybe u can try stew potatos, carrots, onions and chicken/pork meat.. i'm not 100% sure wat my mum puts into e stew, but i think got oyster sauce and/or black sauce lor.. i ask my mum later.. another thing is, using the same ingredients to cook soup... use pork ribs instead lor..

abt photos on yahoo group site hor... hehe, paiseh, i dont hv a cat, and am terrified of cats actually... so i posted my dear doggy's photo there...
You can get cleaned and cooked pig's stomach from Shop n Save or NTUC,so far so good,clean and no smell. All my friend's around my age also buy the cooked and cleane ones. Only my aunt and my mum's generation like to DIY and clean the raw ones.

My hb very Siao Qi kind, cannot take sarcasm, especially if it has got anything to do with his mum,he will be very defensive.

Like last night, I told him Garlic is actually not "Zai" for vegetarian dishes,but I saw her mum adding garlic to the chilli for chap chye on 1st day of CNY. I learned of this when I was a small kid, following my aunt to attend Zai's banquet and temple's Zai Lunch and they talked about it. He immediately became defensive,that's why I never brought it up all these years until last night when he said he doesn't like chap chye,except his mum's version.
thanks Van...
i'll go get it to boil soup for myself.. hehehe...

dont think too much into ur hubby's words lah.. reli most men (especially singapore men) are the "same pattern" one lah.. there are only a few types, the mummy's boy (super guai one).. the "baddies".. n the "bo chup".. u just got e Mummy's boy version lor...
at least this type, u dont have to worry abt unfaithfulness, him fooling around outside... gambling all e money away.. getting drunk or taking drugs... tat kind of worries mah... look on e bright side of things lor...
Wah... Your hubby so protective of his mum ah...

How many weeks are you? Tummy bulging out already?

Oh... Stew potato.. sounds interesting and new
Got recipe? I also got lots of carrots to finish. I boil potato soup also... bored of the soup liao... I scared my hubby sick of my food, next time dun wan come home and eat... I better change to something else cos I also cook till "sian" :p

har? Got brown rice water ah.. Yesterday, when I cooked brown rice, I added too much water... then guess what... I pour the brown rice water into my vegetables... hahaha.. then my sis said very tasty...

I am following attachment parenting. I find it's quite true that kids need lots of attention. So when they need it, give it to them, and they will be satisfied... 2 weeks ago, I gotta carry my boy almost the whole day everyday. Now he's ok already
When he's tired, I put him down in his cot, he can fall asleep on his own

hmmm... canned stew pork ribs ah... I dun eat canned food already. Do you know how to stew pork ribs instead??

I will become handicap when change to iMac... Last time I used my sis's iMac till I "steam" ah... cos not user friendly to me... :p
I try to cook simple meals, but dinner gotta cook 3 dishes. Sometimes, 1 soup, 2 dishes. When my boy is sleeping, I will quickly do the housework and cut the vegetables. Then do my own work...

Oh yes, gals.. what do you all use to clean the stove?? I used to put a layer of aluminium foil, but decided to remove it already. I cleaned the stove, but I can see patches here and there under the light...

Thank you...

hmm... better to eat more fresh food... I used to eat instant noodles for 3 meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner! That was when I was overseas... maybe I really ate too much...

I did not tell my hubby about Van's breakfast for her hubby... lol.. I used to make fresh juice for my hubby before he goes to work, but not anymore... :p

It may not be just salt intake that cause water retention. It could be the type of food... For my case, it's seafood and canned food...
Glad that u like the recipe

Thanks for sharing.

Where did u get the energy to think and cook a such a sumptious breakfast for your hubby everyday? Really pei-fu pei-fu

I went to Tangs last Wed despite being on MC..hehehe..cos members got sales. My friend brought me in and I bought the baby cot liao. Original price is $329 and they are selling at $238. It is white in colour and comes with free 8-piece bedding set and a baby mobile. Quite worth it lor. U may want to go down and take a look. It is selling at $248 to public. Also giving away free bedding set but no baby mobile.
Aiyoh, if your hubby "xiao qi"/sensitive, then better not say anything, esp. if it concerns his mum. But you are right on the garlic not being "zai". I have an auntie who eats zai for 8 days a month, and she does not touch garlic or onions.

Attachment Parenting? Heh, will go read up on this. Seems like it does work, but need loads of patience! Not sure if I got the patience man!

I went to Tangs sale last night. The baby dept next to Island Cafe has been revamped until so nice! Heh, my friend says the revamp has been done long ago, so I must be really suaku. Thanks for the info on cots. I didn't look at them cos I am hoping for some hand-me-downs from sis/friends; then maybe I just bao a $80 angbao to give the person who pass me the cot. And change a new set of bedding myself. I'm looking more at a stroller and car seat cos these are items that sis/friends will not be able to pass to me so quickly cos kids use them for a few years.

Bought a babydoll top that I think can wear till end 2nd tri if I don't grow too big too fast... only $15 after discount, so very happy

I went to Chinatown with my mum last weekend cos we needed to look for cloth to make beansprout pillow, then I saw this nice soft velvety/furry-soft kind of cloth with little animal cartoons on it. My mum said people normally use this cloth for blanket, so I bought 1 metre of it. Thinking of making a blanket for baby by just sewing the ends with overlock seams. Only $3.50 I remember. Hope it won't be too hot for baby!

Yah my brother and his wife are full-time vegetarians..garlic and onions are not considered "zai".

Wow since he is so in love with his mom's cooking, I'd expect him to go to his mom's daily for dinner...Better for you also..You have more time for yourself.
Hi all, managed to fry the bee hoon and both my gal &amp; hb like it.
Thanks for the recipe.

Any of you got tomato based spaghetti to share?
Tadaaa.. my hokkien mee, can do bor? Heehee.. thanks Van!


Btw, can teach me how to cook the herbs type of ba kut teh? I luv to eat them!
Your Hokkien Mee looks good! So you and your ang like it bor? Should make your photo BIGGER to tempt the rest of the kakis even more mah..

All these years, I have already learned that his mum is a taboo subject...usually won't touch on this "landmine".

so nice of you to think bao angpao to those who pass your second hand baby stuff! I pass my car seat,Chicco Mama high chair,unopened pampers,brand new push-along walker etc to friends,bo ang pao leh! lah, I didn't expect anything in return, i need to clear the stuff for space anyway,but it's really nice thought of you.

Whenever my MIL knows that we eat out on weekends from my hb's daily phone reporting, she always has comments to make. If I make hb eat at her place daily, though easy for me, she sure BROADCAST to all her relatives how bad a wife I am,somemore SAHM wor!

My BIL's wife almost wanted to jump down from her flat,after staying with my MIL for 1 month during the 2nd mth of her maternity leave...I don't want to take the risk...don't want you gals to see my photo on newspaper leh..
thanks for the info on Thermos promotion. U are using this brand right now??? I'm planning to get a Thermal pot but looking at Tiger brand instd. cos the price seems slightly cheaper n the design nicer.
now i dunno whether to wait till oct for the thermos promotion or just get my Tiger Magic pot now.
Do u know whether we can use Thermal pot to cook brown rice?
Share with all a potato dish i used to make.

Cut up the potatoes in to thick strips (like fries) and fry them in oil till they are 1/2 cooked. Drain off the oil.

Fry diced onions till fragrance and add in some mince meat.

Once the meat changes colour, add in the fried potatoes.

Add in seasoning :
Dark Soya sauce (for colouring)
Oyster sauce

add some water and simmer the potatoes with the rest of the ingredents. Let the potatoes absorb the sweetness of the onions and the seasons.

Dish will be ready to serve in about 8- 10 mins.

Best go with rice.

Looks very good...I feel hungry looking at your hokkien mee pic.


Your MIL is one BIG weirdo..what's wrong with eating out on weekends?!We can't be slaving in the kitchen 24/7 mah!Also we have to sample good eats to improve our cooking skills...Oh yah no wonder she's always cooking the same dishes hor!She's such a difficult person to get along just be superficial with her can liao.
Next month got Robinson's sales so it may be a good chance to check out the pram...You are so hardworking ah, make your own beansprout pillow
I got mine from my sister. Need to wash it before use. When I shop for maternity clothes, I usually ask if it can last till full term. To maximise the mileage mah

Ur hokkien mee looks good! How's the taste? Agree with Van that u shld make the picture larger for us to drool over

I used to have an ex-colleague whom is a vegetarian. According to her, garlic kills germs and bateria so they abstain from eating it...
Yeah, if MIL is a touchy subject, better not say anything. It's a good thing you don't stay with her. I know of friends who gets along fine with MIL, then once stay together, also get conflict. The old saying goes "A kitchen cannot accomodate more than one woman"!

I feel bad taking free things, so I think bao an angbao is fair lah... afterall, they also spent money on those expensive items, and I won't know when I will pass them back the items. And they'll probably not want the items back if they are not planning for any more kids.

Your Hokkien mee looks good! I didn't make it this weekend cos feeling bloated, so my mum says to cut down on noodles.

That potato dish is very nostalgic to me! My grandma used to cook that too. I especially love it with porridge cos the tasty mincement goes well with plain porridge.

I'm not hardworking at all - my mum is making it for me cos she's making one for my sis' baby.
Thanks for info on Robinsons sale - I'll probably check it out then or during Xmas sales.

For maternity clothes, very difficult to find those that can last till full-term right? Cos I was at Spring and Cloud9, and was tempted to buy a pair of jeans, but a pregnant MTB (she's at 29 weeks) told me that jeans get uncomfortable in the last trimester. She says even though you can wear it below the belly, the elastic band presses on the belly and the baby is not comfy and will start kicking. So I didn't buy in the end.

Btw, I just passed by Watsons today. They're having a 20% discount on Vitasence products, which is pretty good. The current promo online is Buy 4 items &amp; get a Cleanser free, but I prefer direct monetary discount than stocking up on so many items.

That's what I heard too_Onions and garlic are anti-bacterial and helps to detox, so vegetarians should avoid them.


I bought my sewing machine from Mustafah last weekend haha!The brand is Janome and it's pretty good.Quiet, light and powerful.
My baby niece will be due next month, I plan to make something for her.

I think the material you're talking about is flannel.I used flannel sheets and blankets during winter.Helped to keep us warm without the bulk.

Little Cat,

I tell my hub about the food pictures and recipes I see in this forum.
Woah, you're really into sewing huh?

My current sewing maching is also a Janome one, borrowed from my MIL on a "long-term" basis
But it's an old model, so pretty heavy to move around, that's why I haven't been doing any sewing now.

Yep, it should be flannel. I think flannel may be too hot for Singapore, but since it was so cheap and the cartoons so cute, I bought it.

What do you plan to make for your baby niece?

I'm really into hee hee.Janome is a good brand, much better than the new Singer models.

Am making a wallet cum passport holder to hone my skills a little bit first, then make a Hello Kitty wall hanging thingy with slots and compartments for crayons/small notepads/bb socks etc.Will give the Hello Kitty one to my niece.

Wow, a wallet cum passport holder is not easy for a beginner! To me, pillow is the easiest cos it's just a rectangle

Remember to show us your completed pieces next time!
