Cooking Tips & Recipe

choc! u long life leh! i thot of u this morning too ;) and guess what, i saw the hum in the market, but hor i didn't buy leh, surprise hor?

yeah i heard 3rd one should be faster ?
Anyway u take good care and post us photo ok ?

Uploaded another pic of Sally and me...All 3 pics taken by husband on the same day.
Remember to view the pictures at Large setting..else there'll be distortions

going off now...see you gals later.
Haha ! Long life.. Thanks to laksa gei hum ! Have been eating them .. scared anytime due then one month no kopitiam food !

I thought 3rd one faster too ! sigh ! but not for this lazy bone ..
Still waiting and doing squats for dilation.. 0cm so far !

Your bb 6 months liao is it ?

Soph, you cross the 3rd month already ?
choc, yeap can eat better eat now

ic, monitor closely.
got food can help speed up meh? never heard of leh..
i saw from book to do more squating help easy deliery, didn't know help dilation also?

me 29 weeks this week,7 months +. another 2 months+.
u really super woman leh at this stage still can do all the shifting etc..
how is the new place?
Wow, so many postings and pictures
I'll upload mine later... now need to go out and buy a pair of pants, no clothes to wear liao!

Cat tail,
You dd is so cute and chubby! Her cheeks are so rosy... looks like she just got pinched!

Think I am 13+ weeks now, so should be in 2nd trimester already? Will be seeing gynae next Thur when I begin my 15th week. Until now, I still don't know when my EDD is... better remember to ask gynae next Thur.

How come you wanna make baby come out earlier? Baby comfy inside, then let him stay inside and fatten up a bit more

btw, a friend just told me today that babies born in the "double 7th month" are extremely intelligent. Anyone heard of this before?
Hi mummies!
Been MIA for whole of today and there are lots of posts to catch up

Visited gynae this morning and was told that I have water retention. Was given 1 week MC to rest home cos feet need to be alleviated to reduce the retention. Hence I did not log in to the thread to chit chat..

Can only log on at nite after the resting...hehehe..

Yah i also thought you already given birth since you MIA after we talked about the fruity flan cake.

Haha laksa gei hum...don't eat so much hum lah..not too good for health.
I heard the gals in this forum talking about drinking coconut juice to trigger harm trying.

Little Cat and Starz,

I've put on a few kgs(maybe 3 or 4kg) since that pic...the power of S'pore food hehe..But still consider slim...
Thank you Mummies for your compliments on Edna. Ya, her cheeks are so chubby so there are always somebody trying to attack there...keke...

U look so sexy as the cat! Btw, your cat looks like my 1st cat. Tadaa~
Good morning!

Wow, Van, your breakfast looks yummy! Makes me feel very deprived now, munching on my peanut butter sandwich

This is your previous cat? What about your current one, any pics?
btw, did you clear the kitty litter when you are pregnant? Or you just totally did not touch it?

Saw you in the pic! Sooooooooo slim, where got fat? Your imagaination must have gone wild, thinking this is fat
Good morning ladies !
Wah.. saw all your photos, so nice and your darlings so adorable, may it be cat or human!hehe..
I wish I could download my girls' photos from my handphone.. they were in baju kurung for racial harmony day ..yet to buy a dig cam.. must budget a bit..

Amelia, your darling Sally looks as pretty as you ..
Eh.. what fruit flan cake did I miss out ? Is it in the yahoo grp ? Got photo boh ?
Have been drinking coconut water too.. no signs leh..

Hey cattail, your meow's eyes very adorable leh..

Can't wait for bb to pop cos I m feeling so hot !Sweating and not perspiring every moment ..

Eh cat, my new place is a 147 sqm.. compared to my 4s last time, I got to mop the entire house with 3 pails of water .. Shiong man ! But, thankfully the house is not as dusty as I expected..
Yours also quite fast huh, 29 weeks liao.. so is your tongue still italiano ? Book a conf nanny liao boh ?

Soph, congrats ! 13 weeks already ! Where you buying your maternity clothes ? I find that Spring at suntec has quite a variety.. Have been wearing loose elastic berms at home, very comfy.. You using stretch mark cream ? Now can use liao!

Hey Krisjoy, how many weeks are you now ? I have water retention too.. dunno whether true or not, they say, if there's water retention, that means bb coming out soon.. I have swelling on my hand joints too..

Eh van and annelise, my dd didn't get into ESPS
132 balloting for 52 vac ! No chance mate.. but got into Yumin aft balloting at phase 2cSup.. Anyway, i thank God for that .. tho dd has to take sch bus..

Wah.. your hokkien mee very pro, it's making me drool .. share recipe leh.. You woke up 7 early 8 early to cook this ? You good ah !

Yo Lyn, wah.. your bb very cute and chubby leh.. you got aching hands carrying him ? Agree with you.. oatmeal does help to increase milk supply and also.. can lose weight ..
van, the noodle looks so good, the picture of the noodle looks quite big and clear, i feel like taking a fork to eat the noodle. Share the recipe, thanks!

sophie, my sister talk about the 7th month thingy yesterday. She says my mum told her baby born on the double 7th month can be extremely good/intelligent or extremely bad/rebellion. But then, i still don't believe it. It also depends how we teach our children.
Krisjoy, your water retention so serious? need to go MC for a week? take care!
did u try the brown rice cereal or brown rice water or red bean soup? heard all these can help reduce the water retention.
i saw my feet swollen also yetserday nite, may be i didn't put my leg up to rest during the day. but now morning i see ok liao..

Amelia,3/4 kg no problem lah ;) normally on photo if u looks slim your actual person must be even more slim...
eh i tried the teh-si with Teh Boh.. hmmm it taste like those coffee shop one!
now i have opened a big can of the carnation milk, dun know how to finish liao... haha must take of some cooking that can use this.

aiyoh see so many cats, feel like getting one.. but it will be tough with baby and my hb nagging... no way!

Van, wow your noodle looks so yummy! aiyoh i just had bread as breakfast after seeing this, i feel hungry liao!

i woke up around 5am can't sleep, i think back to sleep again close to 7+, at the end waking up at 9am! wow lucky work from home, if not how to rush to office?
didn't go down for breakfast also, since very hungry plus abit giddy and also must pretend i didn't late mah, so must log on to machine show my face first
. on my MSN at least they know i am awake!
Just had bread with kaya/jam/butter and teh si.

later lunch will fry beehoon... the one with the can pork, yummy!
147sqm is a good size place for 3 kids!

I bought my maternity clothes on Yahoo Auction & so far, but the bottoms turned out to be too big to wear now, so I am down to my last pair of normal capri pants to wear. I also heard that Spring at Suntec has good variety, but have not been there yet. Some MTBs like Perfect Mum and Modern Maternity at The Arcade (Raffles Place), but this suaku also haven't been there yet.

As for stretchmark cream, don't think I'll buy any cos scared of new creams and allergies, so will just continue with my Body Shop Vit E lotion & Olive Butter.

So you feeling contractions now? But not the overly painful kind that needs you to go hospital issit? I'm just wondering what the process is... before the preggie lady gets sent to hospital

Hmm... my sis also had water retention since 6th month, so bad till her feet are swollen and the frontal ankle part cracked. Krisjoy, better ask your dh to put moisturiser on your ankles too!
I used the freeware that sophie recommended to reduce the size of the photo,hey, faster and easier that Photoshop! Thanks Sophie for that!

You mean you still mop the floor now...when you are so heavily pregnant? 147sqm is quite siong,my place is 140sqm, smaller than yours but I feel very siong vaccuming...

I remember you mentioned ESPS is within walking distance right? so sayang...something is wrong with the Primary 1 registration near yet can't get in.

hehe..I didn't wake up 7 early 8 early (hey I like you, you really have funny bones),just get all the liao ready last night,only need to do the cooking and seasoning.

I didn't have water retention until after I gave birth.My cousin and colleague got a shock when they came to visit me at my house during the first week. My colleague who had two kids couldn't understand why I was alright before giving birth but Ballooned afer I gave birth.On the day discharged from hospital, I couldn't even put on the sandals that I wore to hospital. My gyane also gave me medicine to reduce my water retention, that shows how bad my water-retention was.

I am born in the double 7th mth ..but I am not extremely intelligent leh..
.just not too stupid only...It's not true lah! YES,agree with annlee, it depends on the upbringing of the child.
littlecat, now at the last trimester very tiring rite? I remembered at my last trimester, i tabolek tahan, so heavy.... clumsy... here ache there ache.... you take care!

sophie, you look so slim in Ao Dai, nice on you, you got nice figure man...
Yeah, Irfanview is quite simple & good - I found out about this freeware from one of those IT geeks I used to work with. Trust them to know the best and free software around!

Eh, you guys talk about vacuuming and mopping... makes me feel like a real lazy housewife
I only use those cheap magic mop dry wipes to wipe the flat, but not vacuum cos so leychey and heavy to take the vacuum cleaner out. As for mopping, I like the new 3M magic mop.

About the double 7th month, yeah, I was questioning my friend too... and she said not sure, but just heard from her mum, and asked me to monitor my nephew's progress to see if it's true. But then, like you guys mentioned, it's very biased, cos affected by upbringing and also level of parents' IQ which could be hereditary
Your hokkien mee looks so tempting!! Teach me how to cook it.

This one commits suicide by jumping out of the window while she's trying to catch a fly.

I stop clearing their poos when I am preg but I still do the grooming myself.
My 2nd cat, Miko here:
sp, agreed with sophie, u so slim! aiyoh can not assosicate fat thing with u at all!

choc, wow so big! and u still mop yourself?
i tried to do it yesterday, my place less than 900sqf,but like so difficult to do. cos i home alone this week, the floor feel like very dusty, i think due to one of the unit doing renovation, bor bian got to mop myself.. but so difficult leh...
My hb called from US ask me if i miss him? i said yeah i miss someone wash the dishes and mop the floor.. he so sian...

I book my CL liao, thru an agent. i ask my hb not to drag just book first. Actually is considered late liao... lots of CL recommended by fren one already being booked.

I have not prepare anything for baby yet, no baby cot yet, clothes not yet wash or check... everything wait till hb is back first.
You are so slim...don't understand why you keep saying you are fat?

You look tall and slim in that AO Dai....ya... and look like got very good ASSETS leh...
Oh no, commited suicide? Think I better be careful with my cats, cos I don't have grilles in my home yet, and sometimes cats do get a bit carried away when catching insects.
Miko is cute, looks like a cuddly bear!

Was asking about the poo cos dh going to China for a week in Sep, and I'm the only one left at home, so need to clear the poo.

annlee, Van,
Eh, me not tall and super slim. The ao dai pic was definitely taken before I started gorging myself with food in the next pic!
Wow, din log in for awhile and there is so many postings and even pics to view...certainly an upgrade hahaha...
Choc, dun tink its true the number of children will help in earlier birth. My SIL was also overdue for her 3rd kid and had to induce.
So many cat lovers here, all the cats looks so lovely and cuddly!
So far, my cooking has been edible but hubby complain tasteless cos I am v stingy with salt, oil and sugar. I think need more practice hahahaha.
Stir Fry Black Sauce Hokkien Mee


500g Yellow FLAT noodles (serves at least 2)
green veg,preferably Cai Xin, wash and cut
Chicken or lean pork,sliced
Fish cake, sliced

Cooking oil
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tbsp chopped shallots
(Original version added lard)

1 tbsp light soy sauce
1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tsp corn flour
dash of pepper and sesame oil

Seasoning Sauce:
250ml Chicken stock
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
dash of pepper


1. Marinate chicken meat,prawns and cuttlefish for at least 10 min. (I marinated overnight)

2. Heat up oil, saute chopped shallots and garlic till fragrant, add marinated meat and prawns and fish cake,stir-fry till almost cooked.

3. Pour in seasoning sauce and bring to boil.Add noodles, Cai Xin and Squid. Stir and cook till cai xin is soft and sauce almost dry.
Thanks for the recipe. Check with you on one thing - no need to preboil the yellow noodles first before we fry it?
Or will the preboiling cause the noodles to become overly soft and disintegrate?
I'm feeling a bit greedy - feel like making it this weekend already

It's good that you're stingy with oil, sugar and salt... healthier! Anyway, I think it's all a matter of tastebuds adapting to it, so your hubby will get used to it soon.
yah choc, is so difficult for you to mop or do house chores right now, i stopped doing when im 6 months pregnant,im very tired and sick at that time.

sophie, i got the 3M magic mop too. But my hb found a better one than 3M magic mop. Is bigger than 3M also mop and sweep at the same time, from LEIFHEIT. I prefered this as it helps me to save time and energy as in not to rinse it so often. Me lazy bum.... likes to find the easy ways, of course must be clean too.
I didn't pre-boil, though I am very tempted to use some hot water to "rinse" it first. I think pre-boiling may make the noodles overly soft,cos the texture is just right using my tried-and-tested method.
Eh van, yah.. esps just beside my house.. my kids can literally swing down with a rope.. This time round, pri one reg very nerve wrecking.. a friend staying in bedok has 3 schs within 1 km, and all got to ballot, she ended up with no schs ! Then she got to enrol her son in a sch further away !She's going to speak to her MP..

You cook the noodles for your ang to tabao to work or for breakfast ?
Recently my ang has been taking apple cider early in the morning, he's very prone to illnesses, any of you taking that ?

Hey cat, how you coping with ang in US ? One person portion of beehoon how to gauge huh ? I one person with 2 mice, also can't portion the beehoon liao, either too much or too little !

Maybe you can wash bb's clothes when you 35 weeks ? I started mine recently !

Hey soph, my girls roll on the floor , I really boh pian , got to dettol floor once a week..the 3M magic mop is good huh, I use the wet version.. got to wring the mop manually everytime ! yah.. you very slim leh.. can sure get back to figure aft giving birth and also with your healthy diet..

Aft 4 yrs, I forgot what contraction is like liao.. so I had a false alarm last week.. think contractions should be very painful plus dilation..

Eh cat tail, your miko is sooo cute lah ! How old is he/she ?

I had Elmo and Dorothy, Dorothy died when my mum took over.. leaving lonely Elmo ! Hee.. they are my girls' goldfish..
cupcake, i also put less oil, salt or oyster sauce and sugar to my food recently. Can tell that my hb very sianz on the food. Can you imagine he's so tired after work and had his tasteless dinner. Although he did not complain but i think i must do something about it.
Oh? MP also "Chap" P1 registration matter huh? Good huh...everything can go speak to MP.

The noodles is best eaten hot,if not the sauce will dry up,won't be nice.So cannot tabao to work. I told my husband to eat it immediately after I serve it, even before he changed into his work clothes.

There were some write-ups about taking apple cider in the Chinese Newspaper some time back. Those people with gastric problem are not advisable to take it.
I want to MUM MUM yr noodles, mmmmmmmm.... Thanks for the recipe, u r such a loving and hardworking wife!

This morning my hb woke up early to help me cook spaghetti, lucky he helped if not sure late again. My MIL very heartpain becoz my hb slept late but got up early... she nagged...

little cat, sophie, van,
in that pic, my hh 5 mths already I still wearing my maternity top leh! u say I fat or not, hahaha. all the fat is at my tummy and thighs, me extreme pear shape.

yr cat so poor thing jumped out of window
, yr current cat also very cute leh!

wah, u still preggie! I also thought yr bb come out already, any signs? u r really strong, can take care of 2 kids + hb + move hse while preggie with no. 3, I very pei fu...
oh sophie... forgotten to tell you, the picture you're wearing Ao Dai, you look abit like our sg table tennis player, don't know her name, very popular, always on the newspaper but now no news on her, she's from china.
Thanks for clarification! Heh, I may just do it this weekend if I can get my wok on Sat (going to Tangs area), cos my flat little pan cannot fry much stuff now

I've never heard of LEIFHEIT before. They sell at dept stores? Hmm... but I cannot get any more mops liao... else hubby will say I waste money! Cos my MIL also bought me some Roman mop from Tangs, but I don't like, cos the angle no good, always scratch the flooring when I stick it under the furniture.

Yeah, I forgot kids tend to roll around floor more often. Eh, isn't your wet version the same as the 3M magic mop? Same... gotta wring manually, but I like it, cos I wring at the sink, no need to struggle with a heavy pail of water

hmmm... I think better not say so fast about getting figure back
We never know what might happen... scarely become a big hot-air balloon size! Anyway, I don't believe in trying to change things or stop things from changing... just go with the flow, I'll probably be happier that way
van, check with you, the chicken stock you're using is it those ready to use packet chicken broth from supermarket or water mix with chicken cubes to make the stock. I don't understand when reading a recipe or on tv on how they make the chicken stock.
arghhhhhhhhh..... annlee......... I look like China girl? haha... actually there was once I tied my hair all in a ponytail i.e. no fringe, while waiting for a bus, an auntie came over and ask me if I am from China! At first I was upset, then after that laugh over it lah... haha, afterall, my forefathers were from China!

Van, Choc,
I used to take apple cider vinegar - one teaspoon of it + one teaspoon honey + water early in the morning before breakfast. They say good to clear the system, but then after awhile, I forgot about it, so my apple cider vinegar is still there in a corner. I have gastric problem, but this concoction does not give me gastric problem, maybe cos honey helps to neutralise it?

5 mths only for such slim hands? Not bad already!
Are you referring to the China table tennis player,married to Singaporean, Jing Jun Hong? Eh, our Sophie is prettier lah.

There are generally three types of chicken stocks

1) Home-cook self-made with chicken bones etc
2) packet chicken broth from brands like Svenson,Knoss, usually some flavour enhancer or caramel is added.
3) water mixed with chicken cubes.

I heard that high-class Chinese Restaurant usually boil big pot of chicken stock with old chicken and pig's bones.

For home-cooked of course it's better to boil our own, if not use the packet soup is quite convenient and tasty.
sophie, they can get from dept stores like taka and OG. I spend alot looking for a good mop and found this and is good i can say, and no scratch on the floor or angle no good that you mentioned. But is quite ex and im reluctant to buy, is my hb insisted to get it and he paid for it so not my problem liao hee..... you're comfortable with 3M just stick to it as my mop is another recommendation if you wanna change
hahaha sophie, thats not too bad, I remember when I was in sec sch, I had really short hair cos my sch dun allow long hair. An auntie came to me and ask me "Ah boy, wat bus goes XXX?" I was quite pissed but had a good laugh with my family when I reached home.
hi ladies....

wah... finally e photos project is successful... hehehe...

aiyo.. u so skinny u say fat ar??? jia lat liaoz..if u see me now, then i'm like obscenely obese lor...
eh... ur son look like a HK actor leh... i dont know his name leh.. is ur hubby a HK actor ar??

still havent seen ur photo yet leh... Edna so cute, u muz be pretty too... "show face" leh...

i agree with everybody's comments.. u so slim!! wear e Ao Dai so pretty....

thanks for e note on chrysanthemun.. i hardly got chance to make it at home.. always buy from outside one.. better stop, as i think they usually boil...
how's ur ds's pox?? subsiding or recovering already rite...???

ur hokkien mee looks reli good leh... like "zi char" stall sell one.. lucky hubby hor.. i know wat i'm having for lunch today liaoz...

hi hi, we all thot u went to give birth liaoz...
wah, i totally admire u leh... can still clean house n mop floor... my house only 120sqm.. i already cannot tahan liaoz.. only vacuum n mop half of e house, e rest let hubby do liaoz..

lastnite i attended e doctors talk of my prenatal lessons hor.. they mentioned to "induce" spontaneous labour, to do these: walking, squatting, climbing stairs, sex, nipple stimulation... hehehe... u can try... but they never say wat food will cause labour...
sophie, most china girl very pretty hor..... no need to say you're pretty too.

van, not that one, she's very young and sweet looking, think engaged with a Indonesia player, her indon fiance also quite handsome.

Thanks for the chicken stock information!
If don't use so much salt, sugar + oil, how about using natural spices/flavourings such as lemon, lime, chili, coriander (chinese parsley) if your hubby doesn't mind these flavours?

I did this eggplant dish the other day:
- Slice and Steam eggplants till soft
- Fry a bit of oil, add sliced chilli and fry till a little spicy and pang
- Add lean minced pork (marinated with a bit of sesame oil + pepper + Bragg Amino Acids which is my version of soya sauce or you can use your own soy sauce
- Fry till fragrant, then add in chopped coriander and add a squeeze of lemon/lime juice
- Pour this meat topping over the steamed eggplant and you get a spicy sourish appetizing Thai-Vietnamese style dish

* Not much oil used, no salt or sugar at all, but appetizing.
** You can even add other stuff to the minced meat - most times I add halved baby tomatoes, sliced baby corns, or even frozen peas for some color

OK, time to cook lunch... feel like eating noodles, thanks to Van's pic! Chat to you guys later!
I was very upset when my 1st cat jumped out. She's so manja & sweet and takes good care of Miko like a mother.

It's ok for u to clear the poo yourself if noone around. But u must wear gloves & clear it within 24 hrs. That's what I do when I was preggie too.

Thanks sp & choc,
Miko is coming to 3 yrs old. He's a cross Persian & very hard to maintain. I used to comb his super long fur everyday but after my gal pop out, I shaved him botak every 3 mths..hyiak hyiak...

Thanks for the yummy recipe, I am goin to try out this weekend! Just check with you, can I dun use chicken stock?
sophie, i like your photo, wow so sexy still show us flesh hor ;)

cat_tail sorry to hear abt your first cat.. so it is not true the cat got 9 lives ? :'(

cupcake haha that reminds me of my own story, i cut very short hair last time took some photo, then my sister's fren said "is this your brother? very handsome hor?" and sister just play along say yeah it is my youngest brother...

Sophie, agreed with cat_tail, use glove or something to cover and wash your hand thoroughly after that.

Miko is so cute!! any latest photo? this looks like a kitten to me

ok going to cook my lunch liao, chat later!
Don't be upset anymore OK? All things come and go. We just have to let them go when it's their time, and tell ourselves that we have provided and done our best for them when they were around, that's what matters.

Thanks for the tip - I didn't know about the 24hr "rule". Will use gloves. Hubby even said I must shower immediately after that *sigh* so clearing poo will be my immediate task before showering everyday!

annlee, LittleCat,
I'm not that pretty or sexy at all in real life! It's all camera tricks, like the food pictures I present here

Heh, show the flesh cos I think I was asking the salesgirl if pants were too tight and one flab stuck out there. But she said it's OK... ao dais are all like that!
Trust me, all those "assets" that you guys see in the pic, are all thanks the ao dai! Trying wearing one when you go Vietnam next time, and you'll believe me! Maybe that's why all the Vietnamese girls all look quite sexy and demure at the same time.

Plus, I just chopped off all my hair, so no more China girl look now

cupcake, LittleCat,
Yeah, sometimes that's what short hair does to us! I also had the same experience in my teens last time, plus last time flat like airport runway, so when wearing jeans and T-shirt, also got mistaken for a boy. Hubby saw my old pics and also say I look like a boy with a "helmet"
okay I know which one liao, It's Li Jia Wei, much younger than Jing Jun Hong.

The best is use chicken stock,taste much much much better lah. Or at least you could use water and stir in some chicken stock granules?
finally I see yr famous pic! wah, u very slim and sexy!!!

u also very chio...

heh heh, I also looked very tired in my early motherhood days' pics. yr hair very thick leh, how lovely!

it's so nice to see Berenice growing up from new born till now. children grow so fast...
Aiyoh, you keep tempting me with your food leh!
Because of your morning noodle pic, I already made a fried noodle for lunch, but with those dried wholewheat pack noodles, so not as authentic as yours!
Now I see your sambal sotong, I salivating again!

No lah... eh, I getting very paiseh already cos it's really all thanks to the camera and ao dai... wait anymore comments, I'll take down the picture and just leave the greedy foodie picture with oily face up there

Hmm... talk about oily face, I think I have not washed my face today yet! Better go wash now...

I managed to dig out the picture of the similar eggplant dish I had in Vietnam. Over there, they add broken peanuts as a garnishing, which is quite nice too. Forgot to mention, after frying the mince meat, if too dry, can just add a bit of water for the gravy before adding lemon/lime juice.

yr lunch looks very delicious! *drool* how did u cook the sambal squid? I dare not fry/ cook squid becoz the oil will "squirt" at me, is there a way to prevent it?

oh, yes, I forgot to update! Last nite I put lemon slices and hot water and soaked the food processor. I "accidentally" fell asleep till morning and the thing was soaked till morning! The smell did come out becoz the lemon water was garlicky and tasted real HOT like chili, hehehe.

Then hb & I used it to process nuts, supposed to make peanut butter but in the end, only managed to get a cous-cous kind of texture. Tastes ok though, peanut butter fans who'd like to make their own can try this recipe:

Homemade peanut butter
2 cups roasted nuts (no skin)
4 tbsp vegetable oil (I used canola)
3 tbsp honey (optional)

1. Use food processor to grind nuts for 1 min or longer until the mixture slowly form into a ball and u can see a bit of oil on top (I never saw this happen, sigh).
2. Add vegetable oil and process for another 30 secs.
3. Add honey (if using) and process for another 30 secs.

Makes 2 cups of peanut butter, enjoy!
