Cooking Tips & Recipe

Hello all!

Cat, tks for the rempah recipe. Will write it down. Haha! Me too, my youth days also 50 plus nia..
Wah, niu bang got that effect ar, to add on the list, oysters, chives, etc etc..

ya this virus seems like going round and round in my family also.. ds also kena high fever last monday. These few weeks must eat "cheng cheng" simple bland food..

Eh, which part of your leg you twisted? I also folded my legs for too long, end up knee very painful for sometime.. on and off pain, 1 to 2 yrs, so i bought Ebene,a knee guard , wore it for few hrs daily, and went for massage near my place, it's called Chen Kang therapy, basically a foot massage parlour. Told them my problem, the china lady was rather skillful, massaged the area for a period of time, now my knee is better. Maybe my problem is rheumatism.. lao liao ar!

Hi all

ya...normally western doc will jus prescribe muscle relaxer with some gel or cream for application....

my elder boy also got cough n running nose...jus brought him to the doc last evening....will be cooking the 'ke sou tang' for him....

I also got the Ebene for my mum when she complain of knee pain...but not sure is it bought the wrong size, she was telling me its not that effective n seems too loose....
Dear all...

Happy to see this thread is back! Thanks huskie.

Tonight dinner is simple. Fried kway teow mee and miso fish ball soup for my ds and I'm having lei cha fan (Thunder tea rice).

How about you ladies?
Hi Annlee

Are u a hakka?I used to cook lei ca, but my family doesnt know how to appreciate this dish, so I abolish it totally.This is one dish I grew up with it.What are the seven veg that is in your lei ca?

Tonight me cooking too.As usual one chillie dish, that it sambal kangong, brocoli , eggs wif mix beans and sausage and one yong tau fu soup..

Have a good weekend all..

annlee, the lei cha you cook your own?

Eh i like to eat lei cha also.

Joy you hakka?
my mom is but not the 'he po' she is 'hui jiu' so no lei cha.. haha.. but only hakka Young dou fu and the 'che-ba' like mua-zhi (glutein rice flour with the peanut).

eh share with us the lei cha receipi leh?
Am not hakka, but my grandma is.

Lei cha got no recipe right?Maybe Annlee can give u a fuller pic cos I have not been cooking for the longest time.

For me, I cook all veg dishes and mix all in.Of course, u must have cai pu, taw kau mix with leek, french bean, cai xin,etc,su cai.(i cannot remember the exact name)

For paste, its tea leaves, peppermint leaves, peanuts, all grind together and mix with water.

Yes,my grandmum makes che ba last time.But, i dont fancy.I only like hakka niang toufu and cai kueh...

Hope this helps.


Sorri, abit messy, but this is all I can remember
Hello ladies,
How are your weekends?

Yesterday we decided at the last minute to have a "picnic dinner" at East Coast,so we packed our rice, soup, teriyaki codfish and steamed huai shan. It was quite nice, so quite a fair bit of things to wash up when we get back... haha, that's the only time I miss having a helper around.

T3 the other day was nice too. We had lunch at Pasta de Waruku, and they have nice kids meals. They also gave door gifts to kids and another gift with kid's meal, so the kids were happy.

Welcome back!

I am Hakka! But my family doesn't eat lei cha rice, dunno why? We mainly eat niang dou fu and suan pan zi.
choc, thanks for the info, guess i have another reason to the doc now, yesterday accidentally kick on the wall while approaching the table, wah piang, now the right little toes, bengkak (swollen) liao

My fren give me one chinese doc near my place will go see him now, hope he is good.

joy, thanks for the info... hehe.. i only know there many ingredients and quite tedious to make... guess go ta bao better

there is one quite nice opp my place, the yue hua hawker center, at the zhu lin coffee shop, newspaper got reported before leh.

yeah me too dun like the che-ba, the reason why i recall this is.. when i was young.. while eating it... ok this is gross.. my milk teeth stuck in it :p and the whole family remember this till now.

Huski, wow your pinic idea sounds good !
Eh use disposable one lah?
think the 'le-che' thing is need to pack and unpack and then wash up

T3, oh we went there the other time find it quite nice to walk too as it is huge, so the kids can run about.
Ok must look out for this restaurant.
I only saw there is a western restaurant (the one normally appear in coffee shop) is there.. can't rem the name, their black pepper steak is quite nice.

Sunday evening we went to chinese garden for a walk, it was quite nice.
will post photo to show u guys.. didn't know it looks so nice.. haha..
Hi all

I also like lei cha though i am not hakka....will always order it when i go food republic at suntec or vivo....its goes well with the brown rice...

little cat, better go and see the doc for ur little toes have the swelling go away....
chinese garden got the lanterns up already....will usually go there during mooncake festival to see the lanterns....n it will be rather crowded...

huskie, nice to have picnic last evening right...with the cooling weather after the heavy rain
Hello all

A very busy week and day for me.
I love t3 but its a bit far to drive there.We usually gets 30 percent off from the food that we paid in the foodcourt,

How is the food in waruku.Its a japn restaruant right?

Talked about rei ca, I prefer self cook, at least i can control the type and amt of oil that i want to put...oh yes, missed out one very impt ingredient...cai pu...and must be rabbit i wish my whole family enjoy this food...looks like i may want to train my two kids to eat...and that is at least one reason for me to cook it...will do it maybe this school holidays , as in, really no time...
Hope your toes get better!
Oops... the Pasta de Waruku restaurant is in T2, not T3... sorry for not clarifying. We took the skytrain to T3 to walk a bit and sat on the inflatable animals.

Yes, fish maw in my soup is hua jiao.

Yes, the weather was really good yesterday... not hot at all.

Pasta de Waruku food is ok. Not exactly real Italian style, but good enough. My hubby ordered the squid ink pasta. It didn't taste exactly like the real stuff, but it was sweeter and more tomato taste. Still, good enough for us to go back.
huskie, ivena, thanks thanks. it is better now aftr the accupuntual, i didn't know he only do that, so go in after explain to him and my knee kena poke with needle liao :p
he also poke the little toe, that suppose to help swell.
btw this morning i knock on my the other toe on my left foot ..

think no need to go yoga tomorrow liao...

Huskie, oh it is t2 ic ic.. hehe nearby lah.
we did the same take the skytrain to move around all the Ts, ds2 love it, cos he thot is MRT.

The hua jia, how to prepare? the one i bgt the lady told me to pour hot water to the hua jia and leave it overnight then cook.

ivena, is it worth to go during chinese garden during mid autumn? tell u i stay so near seldom go esp during mid autum, i find the entrance fee too high leh...

good to hear that you feel better....must be more careful...u better wait till recover to continue ur yoga lesson

not sure how much is the entrance fee though cos when i went the other time...i manage to have free tix to enter...but shouldnt be too ex i guess...else not many pple will want to go during mid autumn festival....

think all the kiddos will think that the skytrain is MRT....when we go airport, my 2 boys will sure tell me they wanna take the MRT...which they are referring to the skytrain

Havent had a chance to try Pasta de Waruku...i cant get used to the idea of pasta in japanese style...i still prefer the italian style of pasta...haha
Ivena, your are right, think better dun go wait more injury...:p

the entrance about 15 or 16 for adult kids is like 10 or 8.
So for one family like us will be easily around 50 bucks.
Not cheap for that few hours...
hehe.. i giam lah

eh tomorrow teacher days, all kids no school (OT time for sahm) any good suggestion on where to go ?
thinking of going out before they start to tear the house down..

u can plan for outdoor activities like picnic, kite flying, cycling etc. at east coast park, west coast park, marina barrage or botanic garden if the weather is bright n sunny boys sch will celebrate teachers day tomolo as the sch has push back the teachers day holiday to Fri so that all can enjoy the 1 wk sch term break from Fri onwards.

Will be taking leave next wk so that can enjoy some bonding time with them...otherwise everyday after work is too tired to entertain them....but have yet to plan anything...maybe will plan for some activities mentioned above..

anyone has traveling plans next wk during sch holiday?
thanks for the info on teh curry fish head.

so if did not update blog, will auto shut down?
sorry i live in ice age, do not have blog so asking. must try to keep up with technology to ctach up with the children.

heee.. destined that u must not go yoga this week.
i also have this problem. if sit too long, then stand up cannot straight leg to walk. need to take about 10-20steps before able to walk properly. jia luk.. sign of old age....
ended up din make the orange cookies. baked moist butter cake instead.
heee.. i also copycat mum, recipe fm the littleteochew blog.
*waving to choc, i can set up
how abt bring children to zoo. they sure enjoy.

thanks for yr tutorial on cheesecake.
can u explain what is medium stiff peak?
will attempt it again.

i am very impressed by yr dd3. pls give her a big hug fm auntie zzzcookiemonster. she actually old her own clothes at 2.5years old.

thanks for the tip on chestnut.
which taiwanese coking show and which channel. i also want to watch and learn.
pei fu pei fu, u ftwm and can go home cook dinner.

i saw one show, luffa with clams soup add noddles and become noddle soup dish.
i wanna learn how to cook fish maw too.

*Waves* u busy with the 3 sons?

sigh.. i need to walk away... cannot even remember when i weighted as light as joy.
heee... littlecat know i am the heavy weight category.
ivena, at the end we stay at home making cookies. Around 4pm+ we went One-North park also to pick up my dh from office and go for dinner.

eh i find that is a good idea leh.. instead of a holiday on wednesday, change to friday so they can plan longer holiday.

we are going cameron highland tomorrow night.
taking coach, ds will like it, cos he like to take big bus... but the longer hour journey dun know he can take it or not.
Or rather we are the one who suffer ...

cookies, according to the sinseh, he suggest not to sit on the floor with leg folder, u know that position we like when reading news paper on the floor? according to him is bad for the leg and also the back...

tonight fried rice with grill chicken and dessert agar agar.
Simple one
cos need to spend time to do packing leh......
Hello all!

Just finished making sushi for lunch.. Next week will be hols, crazy crazy liao!

Cookie, hehe.. my niece shut down her blog and mine, I didn't know how she did it..

Hello annlee! How are you? Your ds1 is same age as my dd2 right? Pri 2?

Ivena, heard that next yr, all the schools will do that arrangement by putting teachers' day and children's day on a fri where kids and teachers will get long weekend, is it?

Husk, we also like to go for picnics ad hoc, esp when it's a hot day, pack dinner in tupperwares and go to reservoirs, pasir ris beach, east coast, enjoy the breeze and eat
very nice and relaxing..

Yo cat, so envious! Enjoy yourselves and eat as much vege and fruits, scones and tea in Cameron! The watercress in steamboat is the bestest. Don need to buy any souvenirs for me hor.. hahaha..

Tonight cooking teochew muay with steam kee fish, sze chaun veg with sliced pork and fry kailan.
choc, hehe... how about strawberry jam? so you can make some scone to go with it ? :D :D

Just posted photo taken from chinese garden.

so nice to go for short trip...can try to bring handheld games for them to play on board the coach...iphone?...the other time when i went melaka, i brought along a lot of sweets n cookies to keep my sons occupied with that they can at least sit still on the coach. But luckily they were sleeping throughout the journey to melaka cos of the need to wake up real early to catch the coach. And on the way home to sg, they were also sleeping cos too tired with all the fun they have...phew

wah...the photo so nice...relaxing moment...


I didnt manage to read the news on that arrangement but I did hear my mum mention it last evening.

Not cooking tonite....the boys are having their holiday starting decided to bring them out for dinner...maybe will go swensen cos they love the ice-cream....
ivena, u know when i extend my contract with M1 i *Dare Not* ask for iphone... cos i know DS1 will get hooked to the phone *forever*...
i dun want him to get too addicted.
there is TV on the bus so he can watch, but ds2 will be abit though unless is his fav show.w

wah u r lucky ! both trip also sleep.
i believe going up is ok cos 10pm bus reach there morning, so they should be sleeping.
but coming back is day time... good luck to me !!
guess must pack more titbits, but again u scare they eat too much then ask for drinks then too much drinks want to go loo...
aiyoh.. endless.. ok ok i worry too much!
being a mom i think i really worry too much sometime unncessary :p
eh did u join the swensen club? u get free dessert every month, then birthday got ice cream too.
Have a pleasant trip.

Dont worri so much, just go.You will know how to handle as it comes along...enjoy....

My two kids are wif the swensen club, free icecream monthly.
cat, get addicted to playing games ...sch holiday started yesterday, when I reach home from work last evening, my elder boy already starting to play with the DS game....I only allowed him to play during sch holiday for abt half an hr each day, but not everyday cos have to let the eyes n mind rest as well.

bring along plastic bag that at least can use it in case of is wat i always always comes in handy...haha

being a mum watever nitty gritty things also will worry...i also worry abt they eating too much of the titibits cos later too my elder boy dun like to drink too much water...but luckily the whold box of titbits i bring is left untouched.

Yup...i join the club just abt 2 mths ago....didnt know abt the club exist till my auntie informed me...
Wah tks for the info cat, will join the swensens club too! I am no fan of ice cream, but the rest are!
Didn't know Jurong lake park is so beautiful!
And your yummy cookies.. I bet they are gone!

I put cucumber, unagi( 4.60 per pack nia,(laughing happily in my heart),fried eggs and mayo into the sushi..
Eh, I have bought the strawberry jam from a few farms in Cameron, somehow, still find them a bit too sweet leh.. So I only eat as much strawberries there. Love the veg farms, and their corn can be eaten raw, tastes so sweet..

You are not alone, I'm one like you too,worry and worry..But I warned them, better not drink too much, and always go for toilet breaks whenever the coach stops whether their bladder is empty or full.. Eh, boys easier leh, we ll always have one empty mineral water bottle to collect "chrysanthemum tea" for ds.. haha..
Nevertheless, have a safe great trip!

Ivena, same here,my kids also zzz in the coach, cos got nothing to do.. wah.. you going swensens tonight, think after dinner, we also want to go for dessert;)
hi all

didnt go to swensens as my boys say they wanna eat ban went to have dinner at foodcourt instead....abt the extra weight gain...:p

wah...the unagi is a good deal...just saw the news that unagi price will increase due to the supply shortage....

nowadays market also got sell corn that can be eaten raw...the veg stall auntie was telling me its called 'zhen zhu yu mi'....its selling at $1.50 to $2 per corn...more ex compared to the one selling at selling at supermkt...but it taste really sweet....have been buying it and eating it raw...

having my supper now....sausage and mash potatoes from British Take Away....
Hello girls,
Today my confinement nanny visited me, and we spent the afternoon chatting.
She told me there's this dried thing called "zhang(1) yu(2)" that looks like a cuttlefish but dunno if it really is. She said it can help increase milk supply. I must go find it. Anyone of you heard of it? She said even if not breastfeeding, this thing makes the soup really sweet and nice.

I am surprised that Singapore has places like the Jurong Lake Park... it's beautiful! From the first pic, I would have guessed that it's in Singapore.

As for hua jia0, I bought the small pieces one. I just wash and soak them in hot water for about an hour then dump them into the soup together with soaking water. Think you could have bought the larger ice-cube sized ones which could take longer to cook?

Wow, Cameron trip! Enjoy yourselves!

Your sushi sounds yummy! Wish I know how to make them... the last time I attempted, they're all "loose"... yucks!

Is Zhen Zhu corn the ones with white and yellow kernels? I bought them before, for soups.. they're really sweet. Didn't know we can eat them raw!

I am so impressed with your dd3's help in folding clothes
Anyone has a "traditional" butter cookie recipe?
Not the angmoh buttery kind, but the kind our mums/aunties used to make for CNY... where they put the dough in this "stamping contraption" and stamps out the cookie then put a little broken red/green cherry in the centre type?

I suddenly felt a bit nostalgic for this kind of cookie which my aunt used to make 20+ yrs ago, but she's no longer around, so can't ask her.
u planning any activities for the children this week?
think u sure very tied up with them during school holidays.
heee.. maybe can ask all 4 to help u wash toys like before.
get work done and get them occupied.

so nice now the jurong lake park.
how's yr trip? enjoyed the food?

sorry, this cookiemonster here dun have the traditional butter cookie recipe so can't help.
but while i was looking for almond cookie recipe, came across this ang mo cookie recipe which looks abit like our traditional butter cookie
but i have not tried it before. ;)
'zhang yu', u can get it fm market grocery stalls.
tell them u want'ba zhua yu' aka otopus aka 'zhang yu'
i used it in place of cuttlefish sometimes for soup such as raddish or lotus root soup.

homemade peanut butter
yesterday 1st attempt to make peanut butter.
cos the children have been in a peanut butter sandwich craze recently.

took the recipe fm
and modify a bit

-200gram peanuts wash and spread out on baking tray
-roast at 120 degrees for 30-45mins
-increase the oven temperature to 170degrees for abt 10-15mins.
-rub the peanuts once slightly cool to take out the peanut skin.
-add abt 1/2tbsp sunflower oil to the peanuts and a pinch of salt
-use food blender to blend until achieve the texture u prefer (need to stop and scrap the peanut mixture a few times)
Hello all!
This week got to do OT as the kids are all around me, haha.. got to work like an octopus liao!

Husk, i also mistaken ba zhao yu for zhang yu, my fil pointed out to me they are different. Ok, ba zhao yu or octopus( if I'm not wrong, they used to pengang) has a longer body while zhang yu has a slightly rounder body. The first one has a more fishy smell. You can get from dry provision shops.
I finally found the sea coconut, YEAH! haha.. the dried ones and the fresh ones. So I made corn and carrot soup last week. Soup was very sweet and tasty..Tks for your info!
Ya, the sushi got to roll real tight, then cut up with a very sharp knife.

Solly leh, don't have those kind of cookie recipe you mentioned, ya, I know those flower shaped cookies with a green/ red cherry on top. Will ask around for you. Now it's the hari raya season, i see all sorts of pretty cookies around, yumzz...

cookie, hee.. no programme leh, doing some revision with kids and maybe cycling one of these days. Wash toys ar?! They'll end up washing and playing the toys the whole day, LOL, and I'll end up washing the floor! haha.. U leh, anything you planned for your kids?

Wow, tks for sharing the peanut butter recipe, will put it on the to do list!
cookie, Choc,
Thanks for helping me find the cookie recipe.
I found it here - think should be the same one.

Thanks for info on zhang yu too. I found it at a dry provision shop in the wet market. AUntie told me the other difference is that zhang yu has a boat-shaped white coloured thing under its belly. Told me to use that part for soup, and it's good for eyes. Quite an ugly looking creature, I must say :p

My cf nanny visited me last Fri. Told me fen ge with chi xiao dou soup is nice too, so I may try ti one of these days.
Look at this yummy chicken wings here!
And just for a laugh, click on the "Translate" button on the bottom left hand corner... English translation is quite funny!

Wash chicken wings first, the flooding salt 10-15 minutes can make skin more crispy chicken wings, snow can be removed at the same time taste.

First chicken wings to dismantle.Bone can be cut with scissors, cut the chicken wings first coccygeal (white part), then the chicken wings with your fingers or Daozi Building enterprises will gradually cut the meat from the chicken, chicken wings from the middle of the two bones will gradually meat out.


ya...zhen shu yu mi is like what you first i also didnt know can eat it raw, the auntie who sell it told me....n i like it cos it taste real sweet.

everyone got the craving for peanut butter...was at resort world last wk, n went in to the hershey shop to buy the Reese peanut butter cup chocolate...have been eating it for the past wk...

just brought the boys to botanic garden this morning....let them run ard in th e garden n then feed the least can drain out some of their energy...finally they are taking their afternoon nap now..n i can relax an hr or so....having my curry maggi mee for lunch now ...havent been having the maggi mee for quite a while...n feel like eating it...
pai say pai say... told u the wrong thing. luckily choc pointed it out. heee...

children in childcare so its as usual. as fri took leave, as childcare closed for teacher's day. but did not do much, cos the boy had a bad fall in childcare last wed.
this long weekend thinking abt going to the southern ridges walk and picnic at botanical gardens.

i like the assam laksa maggi mee. and will add additional lime juice! thought of it makes me hungry.
Ivena and cookie,
High five! My favourite is also Maggi mee curry and asam laksa! I usually eat it during "me time" in the morning when the kids are still zzzing or at school. Yummy!

haha.. husk! The english translation is hilarious! I was trying to do translation of a jap bread recipe to english on my comp and it turned out nonsensical but funny also.. hahaha Once I saw a fruit chart that says starfruit is carambola and my hb and i laughed about it, till one fine day, we found out that it was the scientific name of starfruit!

Wow, your cl is so nice to visit you
ya, have seen the "octopus bone" used as one of the medicine in chinese shops. Dunno how it tastes leh, tell us more after you have tried it.

Tonight eating pizza and vegetarian sphaghetti.
Maggi mee is nice but not too good to eat too often...MSG a lot...but its nice....hehe....

hey...i also had pizza for dinner....with sphagetti too....went to pastamania at harbour front for dinner...the kids fav is carbonara...i dun like the creamy type of pasta so opt for sphagetti with tomato base instead...
No prob. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference if Choc didn't point out the rounder body part... would have just bought the wrong one if stall vendor was not honest.

What is southern ridges walk? Is it the Hort Park one?

Thanks for sharing about starfruit's scientific name... good to learn something new.
I find that I stopped learning a lot of things ever since I became an auntie aka SAHM :p Must not let this become a state of mind... so now I try to become a "child" again and ask as many questions as I can.

Yes yes, cl is really nice. She makes me so tempted to have #3 :D

Girls, my fav instant noodles used to be Maggie assam laksa too... but recently has changed camp to Koka Laksa Singapura. When I buy both last time, my maid would choose and finish the Laksa Singapura and leave me only the assam laksa!

Dinner: I had no more energy to cook after cooking the whole weekend. Had oyster mee sua, braised chicken rice and tian bu la at a Taiwanese little cafe at Bt Timah Plaza, then bought my mini toaster oven from NTUC

Can make my Marmite chicken tomorrow!
I'm also planning to make bovril chicken this week!Saw the recipe from life sunday times.. How about you? How you cooking it?
Wah, I'll get koka laksa Singapura and try it soon ;)
Eh, good to plan for no.3, jia you! The more the merrier.. haha.. My family's food consumption is so huge now that I have to get a bar fridge to store yoghurt and chinese's real nice to see them eat, at mealtimes, I am macham like a canteen operator/aunty, dishing out food to some hungry children .. haha..

Southern ridges is it the Henderson wave bridge? Brought kids there last june and they had a good sweat out, after that, went to Safra to swim.

Tonight clearing fridge .. hehe.. making steamboat in this hot weather, my ds' favourite.
I have only tried having marmite chicken at zi char stall...have yet to try cooking them at home...maybe husk n choc can post the recipe online then we can all try and see which one taste better...

ya...agree with choc...spend all the time n effort to whip up nice dishes...will feel so happy and satisfied to see all family members enjoying the food that we words can describe the feelings...

think southern ridge is the link from henderson wave all the way to kent ridge park....ever brought my boys there...n it took us 3 hrs to complete the whole journey...n its real tiring....but good workout once in a while....

wah...sweating while having steamboat....or u can try to cook a pot of soup with all the ingredients in....will not be too hot then....
The recipe looks yummy hor?
My version is just sesame oil, pepper, Marmite and sugar - a more Marmite-flavoured chicken cos dd loves Marmite. Have been making this since a year ago, but stopped recently cos toaster oven broke down. Unlike SUnday Times version, I throw in all the marinate juice cos dd likes that as sauce over her rice like teriyaki sauce style.

Let me know how the Sunday Times version with honey and oyster sauce is!

#3 - aiyoh, hubs would like, and I would like too, but I really don't know how I am going to cope and I also always wonder how you cope with 4! Hubs may be going overseas for 2 weeks in Oct, and already I am wondering how to cope... so scared to lug 2 kids out for grocery shopping that this scaredy-cat is thinking of online grocery shopping, except that it really doesn't make sense cos fresh veges will usually not add up to the minimum amount required.

Choc, Ivena,
I also agree on the satisfaction that we feel when they enjoy our food

Paisay that I don't know about the wave bridge... read it long long time ago, but totally forgot it exists in Singapore! And didn't know it leads to Kent Ridge.

What kind of cake pan do you use for your strawberry marshmallow cake? Would a springform one cause leakage?
i also wanted to have #3 initially...however after my second pregnancy...i got phobia cos i was like a merlion for the first 3 mths...couldnt eat nor drink at all, was on MC for almost the first trimester...and within the first mth, i had lose 5kg...the feeling is terrible...think i will give up the idea and somemore with 2 boys, its already quite a handful to handle them.

I just use a normal square pan...wrap it with aluminium that when the cake is ready, i jus have to lift up the foil n its not messy at all.
I marinated the chick wings last night with bovril, sesame oil, honey and oyster sauce. Will grill in oven tonight. Will tell you all the verdict after that

Tonight making lotus root soup with chestnuts and pork ribs and fry luffa with eggs.

Ya, hate the feeling of nausea, it cripples me and most of the time I'm hugging the toilet bowl and lying on the bed. I tried all sorts of remedy, drink peppermint tea, ginger tea, lemon water, ribena, it helped a little tho.

Husk, I normally do a week's worth of grocery on weekends, then store the veg in tupperware. Surprisingly, it could last me a week plus
.. I know it's not easy when the ang's away, and 2 weeks for me is buay tahan liao .. So what I did last time was to bunk into my mum's house.. hehe.. but nowadays, my ang travels lesser.

Yesterday I baked a butter cake, to relieve stress, using little teochew's moist butter cake recipe, she suggests to use a splash of cognac and i did, it was nice, just that the top part was a little bumpy..
Yes, I find boys harder to handle too... they're too active for me even at 10mths!

Storing vege in tuperware is a good idea - my Lock and Lock will probably keep them from getting wet so fast too. Thanks for sharing.

I can't bunk with my mum cos she already looks after my 3 nephews, on top of her own illness like diabetes and high blood pressure.
hello all!
It is good to be back!
Was busy last week after coming back from the trip, lots of unpacking, washing, cleaning... then during the long weekend relatives from KL drop by and overnight at my place. And after lots of cleaning again.. :p
It was really good to see them again!

Wow long thread need sometime to read thru it.

Was telling Choc how i make the chicken stock yesterday.
I roasted the whole chicken, with some onion, carrot, garlic, coriander, olive oil, butter etc.

I debone the meat for dinner as one of the dish. The meat taste sweet and very flavourfull. It is tender even the breast meat.
Maybe also due to the chicken i used, the sakura chicken.

This is how i make the chicken stock, after removing the drumstick, thigh meat, chicken wing and the breast meat, the bone and the carrot, onion,the sauce after rosted etc.. add water and cook it in the slower cooker for few hours.
The stock turn up to be great! sweet and with lots of flavour, onion, corriander etc.

This morning i used some of the stock to cook the marcroni with breast meat. Yummy!
Kept the other half in the freezer so can use it for tomorrow breakfast - porridge yummy!
The more the merrier
Also thot of it after given birth to #2, but after awhile drop the idea. Plus my dh side the aunty keep ‘scaring’ me that if I pg again it will be another boy! I still recall her disappointed look when we told her the #2 is a boy.
Then her own DD also first one boy and pg #2 also boy!!
Choc, envy and also ‘pei fu’ can handle 4 
The starhub Home & Health channel showing some America family, Jon & kate plus 8, 18 kids and counting, Table for 10 all with big family! It is fun to watch, but doubt it will happen in Singapore.. haha..

Instant noodle
The Maggie curry noddle is my fav too! It is my DS1 fav so I got to eat it during ‘me’ time, just like choc! He can’t take the whole thing yet, after finish the noodle take at least 2 glasses of water, although I only put less than ¼ of the curry powder.
Oh the koka laksa nice? Ok must go try it.

Huskie, I used to bake those cookies last time too. Love those time where everyone make their own cny goodies. But now too convenience, u can just get from any shops… literally anyway during CNY period…

Cameron trip
The trip was good ! the weather, the fresh vege and fruits!
It was my ds2 first coach trip for such long journey, he like it very much.
When get to the bus while the driver waiting for other passengers, my ds2 keep asking me “are you ready ?” I say yes, but not the driver ! cos he expect the bus will just go once we board as he so looking forward to the ride. But after a while since this is a really long journey it can not tahan liao, start to walk around. Another funny thing is once he got to his seat, he look around and asked me to buckle up, but there is not seat belt… thot that is quite dangerous right?
It was a good experience for kids, we visited the tea plantation, the vege farm, the strawberry park, nature discovery tour where we go for a short trek to the mossy forest, to the highest point in Cameron which is 6666 feet above sea level etc..
Glad that we choose this trip instead of going to Genting.. the theme park !

Singapore parks & garden
Found this website about parks & garden in Singapore.
The government really did a good job to provide us many nice and clean park/garden.
Not sure if the southern ridge is the one link the hort park to the seah inn (opp vivo city)?
Heard a fren told me, they park their car at vivo, then took a bus to hort park, and then walk from there. It took them about 2 hours, but all adults, with kids hehe may be 3 hours or more…
So when they reach back to vivo, they can go for a meal or relax and drive home.
A good plan, instead of walking to and flo…….faintz ! esp the younger one will say, mommy I am very tired, I want bao bao…

Dinner tonite
Tonight will have winter melon soups, steam fish and sambal sweet potato leaf.
