Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Had a cry earlier... Feeling so down. Really worried... My HL ends on Wed which is test date. Im so worried if its not positive I will be too disappointed to go to work.....

Another thing, sorry to be personal, Im having discharge lately. Did u all have that during ur 2WW? My breasts are very tender n hurts @ nite when Im sleeping sideways....... Im know that this are signs also for AF.

I just had a telling off from my hubby told me to stop thinking negatively........

Pls pray for me ladies Im so worried.... Thanks.

My prayers are with u Vanilla. I have been watching alot of babies show on discovery home n health and they are very very careful when they test the amino fluid so Im sure baby Elisha will be ok. Will pray for him and for the doctor. God bless u all Im sure he will be fine. God gave u Elisha believe that he will keep him save. Amen

just keep praying.. let's be strong and pray together! like what nz said, united prayers do make a difference. we r not alone yea..

on e day of embryo transfer, i cried the whole day, knowing that i only have 1 embryo. but as days pass, i decided that it's no point worrying and it will not b good for our bb embryos esp if they r growing in us. since we r praying, let's not give up and ask God to bless us okie..

as i am typing, i cannot say that im not worried abt mine. in fact, i dread the beta test. but i tell God i leave it to Him and trust Him to provide for me n hb..

don worry abt symptoms yea.. i read in another thread tt some ladies who r ald mummies now had no symptoms during their 2ww. let's turn our worries into prayers!
dear ladies,

pls pray for me too.. as much as my hb n i r praying n trusting God that He will surely bless us, im also struggling daily to think positive.

can i ask if it's normal to like stomachache like pains? it's like cramps. can get quite unbearable at times and e med doesnt really help. been having it since et. pls pray for me too.. thanks.
Went for my checkup today, everything is fine, baby is approx 12 weeks liao. Can see the little shadow of legs, hands and the head. Not very clear.

Nicole - I tot what you mentioned are good signs though..... Wed is your test dates, tomorrow ??? You intending to use HPT ?

Ladies, this weekend at expo got motherhood exhibition will you gals be going? I am not at all prepare for motherhood, i avoid such topics with family, friends, colleagues ... cause i dun want to raise disappointment.

Avoid reading such materials as well except coming in here.... when should i start preparing ?

Why dun we start a prayer list to consolidated all our request ???
Thanks sisters.

Today has been better for me - no to talk to my good fren abt it without tearing... already had a pact with, hubby and elisha will be tough cookies..

Got a slot to do the amino test this thur. 3 days MC but i will take mon and tue MC next week as well to rest at home.

To God I commit my baby... this song is also for all sisters here:

Be Magnified
I have made You too small in my eyes
Oh Lord, forgive me
And I have believed in a lie
That You are unable to help me.
But now, Oh Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show Yourself strong
And in my eyes and with my song
Oh Lord be magnified (2X)

Chorus - Be Magnified, Oh Lord
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing You can't do
Oh Lord, my eyes are on You
Be magnified,
Oh Lord, be magnified

I have leaned on a wisdon of men
Oh Lord, forgive me
And I have responded to them
Instead of Your Light and Your mercy
But now, Oh Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show yourself strong
And in my eyes and in my song
Oh Lord be magnified (2X)

Chorus 2X
hi Nz, thistle and MSfamily - read some tips on MS - one is to suck some lemon slices. Boil some ginger slices with brown sugar.... will pray for comfort for ur MS

Hi MSfamily - Dont worry, take ur time in preparing for ur baby -- take time to research like milkl bottles, cots and strollers..also one tends to have maternity amensia - i find myself forgetful at sometimes good to prepare things like antenal classes later. Take ur own pace in preparation..

hi toy - when u starting ur SO-IUI?

Hi rejoice and Nicole G - will pray for ur beta test. God will be with u! Dont worry too much abt physical changes and if it means +ve or -ve. I think for me, God has been good to me - He gave me OHSS so i was so distracted and was just dealing with OHSS.

Nicole G - on discharge -- mine was due to the insert i had to use (Prognova).

Rejoice - could ur tummyache be due to any reaction to the medicine u are taking? During my 2ww i was given antibotics which i took for 2 days and stopped cos it caused me diarherra. Luckily i checked with my doc then and he said that there is a side effect of the antibotics on me.

Hi Babylow and Momobear - how are u? Hope u are ok.... God bless!

Thanks again sisters for all ur prayers.
vanilla, hang in there - we are all rooting for you and elisha, and will keep your family in prayers.

ke ke... i just had my 3rd bowl of hor fun soup... one bowl per hour... spreading out my food intake to reduce MS.

MSfamiy - perhaps you can start thinking of preparation for bb by working out a list of things you need, then checking against them along the way? there are some essentials that you definitely must have.
think some websites provide such list.

toy, how are you?

Nicole, is your discharge yellowish or whittish? anyway, you are Day 14 rite? maybe you can take a hpt?

rejoice - did you take outside food which caused your tummy ache? i had dinner at vivo yesterday and came home with tummy ache... even woke up at nite to poo poo...

i have a suggestion. if u don mind, can i call u today n pray with u? since we r cycle buddies, we can pray together too..

if u r ok, maybe u can pm me n i call me later? let me know if u r okie..


thanks for sharing. God sees ur heart n ll def protect u n bb. very encouraged by the song. truly, we r always blinded by our rational minds. but God is really good, He did not abandon us, instead He constantly reminded us to turn back to Him and He would always welcome us back.. What a great & mighty God we serve! Let's trust Him and conquer all our struggles..

btw, r u on mc now? wonder if u wanna meet and pray together. maybe those of us who r not working tml can come together n pray..

don think so. cos e pain has been with me everyday n sometimes worsens at night. n my tummy is bloated now too.. got to buy new bottoms to wear now.. =(
Hi Rejoice, Lets pray together. I wish we could pray on the ph but I get very emotional so I rather not. We keep each other in our prayers ks.. May we b blessed with babies after our 2WW... Ur signs of bloatedness sounds positive.. I was told by e nurse that bloatedness can sometimes be signs of preggy. I wish u all the best and lets keep each other in our prayers amen...
MSfamily, next wed not this one. 11 June. I will keep my faith in god n let him provide what he feels I shld have. Easier said than done but I have to keep trying to b positive.
Thistle & vanilla, Im only on tablets dusphone. I think thats how its spelt. no inserts or jabs. Its whitish or clear discharge..
hi rejoice - the bloatedness is due to the hormone HCG produced by the baby. If bloated, u shld talk to ur doc and not take the HCG jab..

I am still working now and tom... thursday then will be on mc until next tue...
MSFamily & thistle and Vanilla n NZ and whoever I missed out, I too hope I will be able to have a growing baby/babies in me and go for scans to see the development. God bless us all. Amen.
hi Nicole G - i think the whitish discharge is ok..becos ur womb lining is thickening now and duphaston is for strengthening the womb. Be positive ok... God provides!
nicole, since your test date is about one wk away, it's really too early to tell now. anyway, whittish discharge is normal, so not to worry k?

rejoice you too, stay positive! bloatedness is also a good sign!

i only started having sore boobs about 12dpiui. also had some whittish/clear discharge. other than that, no other signs/symptoms.
Hi Ladies

Wow, long read up for me to keep abreast!

Vanilla, sorry to hear about what you discovered. The devil always appear with bad things to destroy us and dampen our spirits just when he sees us enjoying our blessings and growing our faith in God. For, he is jealous and a sore loser! Lets not let him win! Baby Elisha will be fine! We pray God will prevail, God will protect baby Elisha and God will make him whole! That the devil cant do a hoot! Lets pray and believe everything will be fine and that the devil can only scare us and he cant win! God wins! Amen!

Thistle, NZ, MSFamily, take care and God bless too! By God's providence, may all your babies grow well and strong and be delivered only at the right time!

Rejoice, Nicole, you gals are in 2ww still right? Hang in there! Think positive thoughts! Time flies soon it will be beta testing! We pray for BFP!! Eat well and rest lots!!

Toy your SO-IUI plans finalized? Babylow, how are you? Zoey, when do you plan to try again and this time fresh IVF or FET? I might be cycling with you then. Are you tiao-ing with Dr Zou?
hi Momobear, thanks.

Saw ur post in the other thread abt TCM. Actually for me I started TCM in Nov 07 and the transfer was in Jan 08. But mine was just once a week. Only in Jan then got intensive to 2X a week (actually becos i asked her if i need a more concentrated accup session)

I did not take any TCM med during the injection phase - just accupture. But before injection phase, TCM doc said I am heaty and hence gave me something to make me less heaty.

No harm starting the accupture and ask the TCM doc if u r ready for the ER and ET. Cos the doc will know if ur body is ready..
gd morn sisters,

was reading luke 11 today and was very much reminded to keep depending on our Jehovah Jireh instead of our own rational reasoning.

God will surely bless us and provide for us for we are His beloved children. let's be persistent in our prayers!

Luke 11:1-12
1It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples."
2And He said to them, "When you pray, say:
'Father, hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
3'Give us each day our daily bread.
4'And forgive us our sins,
For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And lead us not into temptation.'"

5Then He said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and goes to him at midnight and says to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves;

6for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him';

7and from inside he answers and says, 'Do not bother me; the door has already been shut and my children and I are in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.'

8"I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.

9"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

10"For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened.

11"Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he?

12"Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he?
momo bear, still not finalised cos Dr Yu gave so many scenarios for so-iui..i think she is more for ivf and my husband is more for ivf but i am scared of the er and et ..maybe should i say i dun want to go OT so fast just after i had my laposcopy... want some thing not so intensive like on 2 wk hl again.. if i can have my way i prefer natural..

do anyone of you watch the big daddy on channel news asia at 8:32 ? i was like drooling seeing other people's babioes and the twins was soo cute.. i was very affected.. husband too cos he prefer ivf but i prefer it as painless as possible

i wish i can cheer you all up but been very sad..
hi sisters,

Wow....the thread is moving fast. I have been away for a while. Feeling better after the break.
Vanilla, cont to be strong for your little one. God will continue to protect him. My SIL also went thru the test to check DS but everything was fine. Her baby was so active when she was expecting. Her daughter is oredi 3 years old.very active and cheerful. So, hang on there.

rejoice/nicole - Baby dust to both of you. Dont worry too much about the symptoms. Some of the ladies who succeeded do not have any symptom at all. Just think positively or do something do keep yourself busy / occupied.

Momo - Will be doing FET later. This time will go for natural cycle (last FET was medicated). So, it all depends on my cycle or whtr i ovulate regularly. Mostly likely, only aug or sept. When do you intend to start your IVF/FET? I have been taking the power medicine from Dr.zou. didnt go for accupunture though....scared of needles. Maybe nearer to my FET, i'll go.

Toy - Just follow your heart. If you dont feel like going for it yet, then do it later. Dont rush things. Maybe, you will strike this few months while resting. Most important thing is to stay positive and once you ready, just do it. U r not alone, the Lord will be with you all the way.
Hello sisters,

Hi Toy - maybe u can try SO-IUI first and see how. For me, IVF is not that bad..actually the OHSS is worse than IVF injections. Cheer up ok, be strong ok... take time to plan what u want to do... give urself a time that by then u will try IVF. For me age is a thing and cos of tubes I had to do IVF.

Thanks Rejoice for the reminder. Tonight will read this to little Elisha.

Just came back from the visit to my gynae. We talk abt the risk of the amino test and the critical period is 2 days after the test and need a week of non active movement. So I am keeping myself house arrest at home during the next 7 days. We did an ultrasound scan of the baby and he is so cute, sleeping sideways and showing us his buttocks!

Pls continue to pray that tom Elisha will be not so active during 11am and that he will sleep on one side of my womb so that the other side will have space for my doc to draw the fluid. Pls pray that God's hands will heal the womb and not let the fluid leak out after that and that no infection will invade my body and Elisha will be kept safe, healthy and protected.

Thank you very very much!
Yea Toy, follow your heart. Cos only when your heart is at peace then you can have faith and God will meet us at our level of faith. I got this encouragement from one kind sister here before too. A little rest is good, gives you more time to plan out your options.

Hi Zoey, i see. Then most likely we will be cycling or near each other for 2ww. I am counting if i start IVF with Jun's AF, ER will be in mid Aug and 2ww thereafter. I am also taking Dr Zou's powder, going to start weekly 2x ACU next week for about 10 weeks up to ER.

Frankly, i am still afraid of IVF although i am more determined now. I want to do IVF and i believe its ok since my pastor said 'y not?' Now i have greater peace in this area but i am still scared. What if this time round God still say No and i fail again? I am scared of facing this. This is the only thing that will stall me from IVF but i know hubby will tell me i am worry unduly and that if we dont try, we will never know.
Hi Rejoice, Yes I just got ur PM. Many thanks for it. It helped me alot. May God bless us both and all who wants a baby to complete their family. God Bless us all and we put all out trust n fears to him. God Bless u Rejoice. Amen.
Nicole, i got some white discharge during my 2ww too. Duphaston will cause some yellowish discharge too. Don't worry too much abt the symptoms coz i din have much symptoms during 2ww either. May God bless u and Rejoice with bundles of joy soon.

Vanilla, keep us posted of your test results ok? Will cont to keep u and bb Elisha in prayers.

MSFamily, has your MS stopped by now? I rly look fwd to 2nd tri so tt MS will be gone.
Hi sisters, thanks for ur concern.

I did the amnio test yesterday.. after the injections from IVF, am already immune to the procedure they draw out the fluid.. but i did not dare to see how long the needle is..

Little Elisha is very playful yesterday during the procedure. Initially while waiting for my gynae to come into the room, the radiologist was scanning to see where is a good spot to draw the fluid. He took a marker and marked X on my left side of the womb. I told him this baby v active, position might change btu he assured me it will be a "live" scanning and injection...he will rescan again.

So we waited for my gynae for while a bit and my hubby came in to talk to me and baby. Baby decided to do a major turn (which means one side of my womb become loopsided). I told my hubby that baby turned to X spot of my tummy. When my gynae came in, she saw the X and scan there...sono said radiologist scan and that was a good pos...and when my gynae scanned..Little Elisha's head was exactly at the X spot...

The radiologist came in and was surprised that in short while baby shifted. So must rescan to find another good position - which is my right side of the womb. But unfor Elisha's legs are there... only hope is that he does not kick. Radiologist also worried - he mentioned baby v energtic.

Then during the procedure to draw the fluid which is rather long cos need rather a lot of gynae said something like - there is heart sank..i thot they pierce the baby..then immed radiologist scanned and said it is the leg...and my gynae then tapped on my tummy to try to make Elisha shift his legs.

After the procedure i asked the radiologist if Elisha's legs are pierced by the needle. App this little boy blocked the suction of the fluid where the tube went into the womb - luckily not the sharp end of the needle.

Thank Lord that he seemed ok during and after the procedure. I had some fluid leaking yesterday but last night seemed to clear will continue to watch for that and any sign of infection and contractions.

The results shld be out next wed, thur is my appt with my gynae.

Thank you sisters for all ur prayers and encouragement!
Thanks sisters, we got a call from the gynae this morning... the express report on the 3 chromsone for DS is out... we have cleared it! Thank and Praise the Lord!! We will wait for the full report on the 46 chromosone in the next 3 weeks.

Thank you sisters, pls continue to pray that the Lord will hold little Elisha in His powerful healing hands and all will be done in His will.
A Christian website abt infertility etc...

All the burning questions abt IVF are all there

BkMark It!!

The lady setup this website has went thru numerous fertility treatment, cant conceived a biological child but she still loves God VERY MUCH & honors HIM
They hv adopted a child are a very happy family now
Hi Ladies

Went to see Dr Loh (KKIVF) last fri to discuss about my hormone levels and check my adeno condition before deciding if can go ahead with another round of IVF.

Turned out hormones so-so only. Can be lower but at 8.4 for FSH, Dr Loh thinks ok can try IVF still. Adeno condition, surprisingly, improved. During the scan, Dr Loh almost dont see it, dont know is it he bluff me but he say it looks ok, womb is fine, in good condition and lining good so he thinks no need suppression for 3 months and can start IVF anytime from now. Praise God! At least its not closed doors, there is light at the end of the tunnel, at least a last resort for me, better than no options at all.

He also scanned a maturing egg in one of my ovary and said to BD quickly and try naturally still for this month. Gave me a jab to trigger the ovulation. Next morning (Sat), HB and me tried. Hope this time can bingo then wont even need think about IVF. I should be in 2ww now although BBT still kinda low, like havent ovulate. But cannot be rite? Pregnyl jab will trigger ovulation de and supposedly yestday morning was the 36th hour after the jab, should have ovulated by now.

If this month no good news, then i am likely to start a 3-4 course of TCM and weekly ACU to gear up for IVF in Aug.
Dr Zou's TCM worked for me although it was slow. The herbs she gave me to brew and drink to control my adeno is proven effective now. Thank God for letting my stubborn body absorb the TCM and improve, little by little.

Rejoice, Nicole, how are you gals? Coming to end of 2ww rite? Hang in there!
Vanilla, Praise God for He is good! Happy to hear tt you cleared the express report! Yes, will cont to pray...

MomoBear, glad to hear another good news from u too! Hope u strike naturally this month. Now there is more than one opened door for you.
VAnilla- that's great news! thanks for sharing.. hope you will continue to enjoy and treasure the joy of motherhood with the test result out!i understand how you feel cos i was just like you,.. in my work i see a lot of people with problems n i do get so worried and it can be depressing too..

so continue to hang on to God!!

momo- for all you know you might have it natural!! seeing my gynae later to sigh consent for so-iui
Thanks sisters, indeed Praise the Lord's protection on Elisha. Now trying to recognise my little one's schedule and play with him (by tapping on my tummy so he can kick back). His dad said I am disturbing him....but it is nice to get a response from him

Hi Momobear - good that ur scan show good results on ur adeno. Ya TCM medicine usually takes time to work but really happy that it is working for u! Are u still taking the wheatgrass and EPO to try to lower the FSH lvl?

Hi Toy - how are u? U starting ur SO_IUI this mth?

Hi NZ- how r u? Is ur MS better?

Hi rejoice and Nicole G - hello, God Bless U both on ur beta test this week.

Hi Babylow - how are u? Is ur ER soon?

Hi Pretyylady - how are u ?

Hi Zoey - hello!

Hi Thistle - are u ok? Is ur MS fading off as well?

Hi MSfamily - hope u are ok! Hope ur MS also fading off...
NZ, Toy, Vanilla, thanks! Ya, really great to hear the adeno is no longer a threat. Really thank God for allowing that little improvement!

I wanted to get wheatgrass but scared will clash with TCM so wanted to get Dr Zou to confirm first but havent seen her for now. Will see her soon then start. Together with TCM&ACU counting down to next IVF, i should have another 10 weeks or so of wheatgrass therapy. Hope that helps! I also know next 2 months, i must destress and relax so that will not aggravate my FSH. Hope all is smooth.
To us trying so hard, every littlest improvement is so much cause to be joyous and thankful. I felt like i have seen BFP, the high and cloud 9 feeling when i was told my adeno is better now. Wonder when i finally see BFP, how will i react, think i will probably cry buckets of joy and disbelief! Thank God!
dear sisters,

pls pray for me. doing my beta test tml. it has been a terrible wait. cried the whole day today. m praying for a miracle. pls support me in your prayers. thanks.
