Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Hi Vanilla, today i am into Week 13. During the DS scan which lasted for abt 30 mins for 2 bbs, me and my hubby got the see our bbs for the longest so far. Though they r still small but they move quite a lot. However, i can't feel their movements yet. Hopefully when they start kicking me, it won't be painful.
Hope i can enjoy my preg without MS soon.

HI gals,

me still having MS, last week was the worst so i was thinking will it ends for me........

Will be going back for checkup tomorrow, it should be around 15 weeks. I was wondering if i did the right thing abt not going for DS test ....

Rejoice - Take rest if you need. Give yoursself time. Depression is a NOT a sign of weakness. I been through it.

Looking for a book that helps me handle grief once, will let you know when i find it ....

Anyone can send me a list of things that i need to prepare for the little one. Thinking of gradually prepare them..... Thank you.
hi NZ - u will feel the movements later.. technically if 1st born it would be around 20 weeks.. but u might be able to feel flutterings as early as 17th weeks. I felt around 16-17th weeks.. my tummy wall very thin so can feel baby more distinctively. It is very fun later during the scans when u can see what the babies are doing.. like opening their mouths, kicking their legs, flexing their hands and fingers....

Hi MSfamily, can u PM me so I can email u the list. The list is too large so I cannot upload the attachment here.

Hi Rejoice - how are u? Are u still on MC? Dont think too much ok....will pray for strength for u..
Hi ladies,

Im finaly back at work... Feeling oks.. Had to go back to clinic for weekely blood test. Went at lunch time. so painful, nurse tried twice on the arm, didnt work so in the end she took from my hand....

Had ony one experience this before, I just got back from lunch and when I went to the ladies, I found some dark colour dischage. it just darker than e normal dischardge, brownish abit.

I spoke to the nurse she told me to monitor and they will inform the doc. Getting a little worried.

Glad to hear the good news in the thread.. God bless to all....

Ohh ya, my 6 weeks scan is on friday. Feeling very excited n anxious......
hi vanilla,

on mc till next week. wanted to go back to work but i don thk im ready to work. just cant get myself down to do anything. really feel like quitting.. thks for praying.
Hi rejoice - *HUgs*...u take care...just take MC or leave until u r ready to go back to work. A good thing abt work is that at times it keeps u distracted.

Rem if u need to talk, u can PM me.
Hi Nicole, the dark brown discharge is spotting. U must inform your doc and don't walk too much. Mine was so bad tt i had dark brown discharge even when sitting down . My doc doubled my duphaston dosage and gave me weekly proluton jabs. Take care yah.

Rejoice, hope u will feel better each day. It takes time but try not to think too much. *Hugz*

Vanilla, can u send me the list as well? I will PM u shortly. thx..
Thanks NZ, I inform the nurse and she told me to monitor. I had abit more yesterday nite and none so far this morning. I will try to stay sitted at my desk. I think its carrying of the heavy files plus filling the stupid photocopier with paper.. so annoying but what to do....

Rejoice, its true what Vanilla says, work distracts you.... take this week to rest and see how u feel next week...... God is always with you... He will bless you with your bundle of joy.

I will always add all you ladies in my prayers each nite. God bless to all.
hi rejoice - i have PM u....

Hi Nicole G - try to get ur colleagues to do the "heavy work". if no one is helpful, then load bit by bit. Rem it is not worth it to risk it. At home make hubby do the heavy chores & housework.... just miminise all heavy carrying...until past 1st trimester then can be a bit more "adventurous"
Hmm not easy to ask the collegues la.. u know ppl seldom help plus I dont want ppl to knw Im preggy just yet. Yuppers when I was home for 3 weeks, my poor husband did everything, now we and the doggy moved to my mum's house. alot better. \

How u anyways vanilla? all good? baby elisha still kicking u about. hehhe I cant wait for that to happen to me.. but I do hope my baby is gentle.
Ladies, please tell me where to get cheap maternity clothes... I have to use them since XL dont fit me anymore! hehehehe.. I wanted to get 2 tops from Mango and tried the XL, the tummy bit was so tight! not worth t get cause wont be able to use in a few weeks time. I manage to get 1 maternity t-shirt from Dorothy Perkins for $23 and a big size cargo pants from Cotton On for $25... Need to get a fee more work clothes but those are the ones that are ex! hehehehe..

Another thing I cant use bra cause the bottom bits hurts, so Im using silicon nipples sickers. Using the maternity undies from mothercare. on offer so bought 2 packets..

Help, I need to get a few more outfits but they are all so ex, anyone knows where to get nice cheap/reasonable cost maternity clothes.
hi NZ i have replied u.

Hi Nicole - I am ok thanks... actually it is rather fun to feel baby kicking... esp the hard ones.... can see the whole tummy move...

For work clothes, can get cheap ones from Spring... they are having discount now. if ur office allows pants.. u can get 2 pants and then rest can be dresses (cheaper cos 1 set). Maternity bras I bot from Spring, but I find those from Egg better, more comfortable. I wear the hipster type of undies so it is normal type. Heard that mothercare stuff is exp so i dont get from there.

for tops, i also get from cotton on (material good and cheap), i get bigger size (like M and L). some clothes i have before preggie i still wear cos the cutting is loose type (that type that before i preggie pple ask if i am preggie cos of the cutting...)

Egg is another plc to get good work clothes (but they are exp. Now got 10% discount for non-sale items) but can wear like until 9th mth so ok lah cos will wear 1X a week.
dear sisters,

thanks for encouraging me. sort of forced to work yest but ended up very tensed and frustrated. think time will heal everything.. felt so alone and lost at times.. greatly appreciate all your support.
hello sisters, how's everyone? been travelling for business last week, hence I was MIA.

rejoice, take care and hang in there! May our Lord grant you peace and serenity! Amen!

toy, how are you? what are your plans?

NZ, MSfamily, hope your MS is gone... for me... my MS is still as bad. felt sick on certain days...

re maternity wear - you can also get cheap and nice ones online from, gap, or old navy.

nicole G, how are you? do take good care at work...
Hi Thistle, Im good.. alot better.. went shopping at Spring maternity manage to get a few stuff.... How do you order from gap and old navy. they say they dont send international. I saw so many things I like.. Does Singapore Gap carry maternity?
Nicole G, you can buy online - they do ship international. else, you can join the overseas spree - every week, you can find exciting sprees.
Hi Thistle, long time didn't hear fr u. How many weeks r u now? My MS is better this week, thk God! Managed to eat a bit during dinner without vomitting much. Dun feel like gg out for shopping yet coz will easily feel nauseus. Too tired to shop online too. Most clothes r too small for me now but luckily go some hand me downs fr frens which i can wear.

Nicole, when is your next scan? Has your doc confirmed if u hv twins or triplets yet?

Vanilla, how r u and bb doing? R u back to work?
Hi NZ, my 1st scan is this afternoon. Hoping to know if singleton or twins. I only put to embries in. Ladies pls pray for me that baby/babies heart will be beating like a drum later at the scan. Im so worried that I threw up this morning. hehehe.. Feeling so anxious. Praying for all to have a safe pregnancy and healthy babies! Amen
hi NZ i am ok... baby is kicking away too -- rather active but I like it! am back at work... feeling tired now cos tummy getting bigger. but everything is ok. Thanks!

Glad to hear that ur MS is tapering off! Thank God!

for clothes I also did not buy too much, once pass 5th mth those baggy clothes i bot for 1st trimester cannot be worn. So now got abt only 7 pieces to last me till 9th mth.

Hi Nicole - dont worry ok..eveything will be fine... all in God's hands!
Vanilla - pm you my email address already ... thank you.

Dear All,

Went for checkup on Tues, everything is fine but i am not sure why MS seem to get worse. I have not put on any weight now abt 14-15 weeks ....

Today feel really sick.... so stayed home... giddy and nausea ...
hi MSfamily - i have emailed u the list ....

U want to talk to ur gynae abt ur MS... i know there are some pple who have MS for a longer period...but dun worry cos babies will one way or another get nutrients from the mummies.

will pray that ur MS goes away!

Hi Nicole - how is ur scan? So twins?

sorry for been away.. maybe the schoool hols ended n my colleagues took the opportunity to go on leave ( cheaper hols n not so crowded).. it has been a busy busy week.

nicole is it twins?

well i hope my menses will come a bit late cos mid of july is a no leave week for all of us so i am praying that menses come a bit later so i can start asap...

wonder how is momo bear?

thistle - i pop by the thread for twins.. and read your post.. have you gotten some of the things? will there be additional help? your son will be excited cos of instead of 1 , he is having 2 to play with now..
dear all, we had good news from the doc yesterday!! Carrying Twins!!! hehehehhe she told me the heartbeat is good but need to still take care as its a fragile time and all will be more stable after 3months.... we are really happy that we have been bleesed by God. Will keep praying for the babies to be healthy and will have a safe n smooth pregnancy. I include off of you in my prayers too as we all have gone thru so much to get to this stage and eventually we all will have a bundle of joy to hold. Had a scare b4 going to the hospital, had some blood when I whipe yesterday. I was freaking out n kept telling god to pls keep the baby/babies save n lets have good heartbeat. Im still worried but no more blood after I went home. Will be taking it easy as I have been shopping alot for the pass few days after work n during lunch time. need clothes badly n glad I have enough for the week n will keep using them over. Keep praying for me ladies n hope all goes well for all of us.

MSFamily, take care n hope ur MS goes away soon. Ask the doc for the anti vomiting pills. yellow in color. Im not sure if she will give them to you as I got mine from A&E. I took it for a few days n my vomiting is managable now. I have stop taking them for more than a week already. For me food does not come out when I vomit. its just the nausea feeling n some phlegm n spit. sometimes a tiny bit of food comes out but not much. Dr Yu has not given u anything for MS huh?? Take care ks.
hi Toy - how are u? u mention starting in July? IUI or IVF?

Ya wonder how Momo bear is? Momo bear - how r u? was thinking of u 2 nites ago.

Congras Nicole G on ur twins! Lots of twins here i see! Take care n dont walk too much during the first trimester...Dont worry ok..God's hands are on ur babies, protecting them!
nicole - congrats! now we have few twins mtb in our thread - wonder how is NZ.

toy, yes, i am in the twins thread. want to learn more on how to cope with twins.
my boy is well, and my hb is relocating to US tomorrow for 2 yrs. erks... hope i can manage without him!
COngrats nicole! 1st tri must be careful esp carrying twins. Every step in preg is a challenge but God will be with u.

Hi THistle, i m fine thx. No more spotting. My blood test has confirmed tt bbs r of DS low risk so dun nid to do amniocentesis. How r u n bbs? MS better nowadays? Wow it's rly not easy when hubby is away for 2 yrs. I alwz think u r a strong woman.
Hi Thistle, will it be possible to send me the link to the Twins thread? Many thanks.

Yuppers NZ and vannila I need to be extra careful and will keep praying.
Hi Ladies
Hi hi Toy & Vanilla, thx for remembering me.

I am fine, still getting on as per usual. My last cycle, i mentioned Dr Loh gave me a jab to trigger ovulation, well ... it didnt work still. My AF came and just finished. I should be in CD7 today. Was expecting to feel disappointed when AF came but i felt nothing. Maybe numbed already. I just keep reinforcing on myself that its not going to work, the natural ttc way is really not for us, dont know why.

Then all the more i believe i should chiong IVF soon. Well, at least thats a near future target for me but i am quite scared too. This coming IVF is my 2nd cycle, i am worried, what if no eggs, no embryos, what if fail again? I dont know if i will be able to take it well. So kinda like threading in the dark waters now, anticipating yet skeptical. But will proceed to prepare for the cycle nonetheless, thru good diet, TCM, ACU etc ... May the Lord have mercy on my poor soul and let me not go thru more heartbreaks this time.

I will probably start in Aug after the AF comes. Any1 due to cycle with me about then?
Hi momobear, nice to hear fr u agn. Yah, meanwhile tiao yr body well let God do the rest. Will pray tt u hv a successful ivf tis time.
helloo ladies

congrat nicole!!

thistle- are u going to states too? or waiting to go after your delivery? wow i wouldlove to stay abroad for a few years..
nicole - twins thread -

see you there!

nz, good to know all is well with your twins.
i am doing my DS test next thursday. will know the results on the same day.

toy, i intend to visit my hb in mid July for 2 months, then return to Sing to deliver end Dec. thereafter, when the twins settle in, i will relocate with my helper.

hb told me to be strong in the Lord, and that i am now the head of the household when he is gone... i am glad i have God... else i will not have the strength to go thru all these... and of cos, God planted nice ppl around me like all of you here...
thistle- u really very strong..which part of states is your husband based? will your son be studying there? so your husband will come back for your delivery? how abt delivering there n decide if to let them have us citizenship? are u still working?

u can see i am so excited cos i always wish that husband can go too ..i love to see the outside world..

welll my menses came today so it will either be so-iui or ivf depending on the outcome.but now i am praying it is so-iui cos i cant be on leave in mid july so 1 or 2 days okie but 2 weeks i sure sure must tell boss it is ivf..
hi Thistle - u are so strong! God will be with u and protect u and ur family while u hubby is away. U need any help, let me know....if i can lend a hand i would.

Hi Toy - will pray for u ... u take care.
Will pray for you Toy. Thistle, u are one strong woman! God Bless all of u.

Thistle, how many months are u?? Were u tired during the 1st trimester??? Im in my 7 week and Im so exhausted..
hi Nicole - It is normal. During 1st trimester body will produce hormones which causes this tiredness.... by 2nd trimester it shld go off.... i used to sleep in the afternoon (stolen naps) and when reach home sleep from 7-9, watch 1 hr tv and sleep again....
hi thistle, sorry haven't really been coming to this thread.. not TTC for now and not sure if we'll consier IVF mah.. but am so so glad to read you're preggy!!!!!!

if you need anything pls just call me too... will be free end july onwards (moving to a new place)
nicole, i am at wk 11 now. during the early weeks, i do feel tired. even now, i am still feeling tired. the tiredness will go away into 2nd tri, but will come back in 3rd tri.

so happy, 2 more wks and i can visit hb in the US.

patsy, thanks for your note. trust all is well with you. you must be enjoying sunday school with the kids! how fun!
raising up champion of God for His kingdom, what a blessed role!
Hi sisters,

I would like to ask u on this issue. There will be a new technology available - Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis. It will be available in KK in Aug 2008.

This technology will test the chromosome genetics of the embroys to see if which are not affected by chromosome defects and then put into womb for better chances of implantation. Hence chances of Down synd etc will be greatly reduced as pregnancies with chromosome defects are usually miscarried in 1st trimester.

What do u think abt this technology? Would u try it (costs aside)for ur IVF cycle (fresh or FET)?
Hi all,

For those that succeeded under Dr Loh, did you continue or do you intend to be under his care throughout pregnancy or change Gynae to private hospital?
hi nicole,

haven congratulated u for having twins. congrats!

dear sisters,

hope all of u r doing well. i'm still in the process of recovering. not doing anything right now (for ttc) as im still very down. hope to be able to pick up soon..
Hi Rejoice, thanks. Pls continue to have trust in God, he will provide you peace and clear thinking and keep believing in him that he will give you the baby you desire. God bless you and you are in my prayers.

Thistle and Vanilla, thanks. Im looking fwd to the 2nd tri that would be in in Aug! hehehe.. Waiting for this Sat for the 8Week scan. Hope all is good.. Have been asking God to keep the babies healthy n safe.

My prayers are with all of you..

MS Family, how often have you seen Dr Yu since your 1st scan? every 2weeks or once a month? Im still doing my blood test hopefully when I see her this Sat she is happy with my hormones and I can stop... Its getting worse to take blood from me.. They have taken it from my HAND for the pass two times and the veins in my right arm has harden and I refuse to let them take blood from the left arm as it hurts when they tried it twice and didnt mange to draw blood. hehehe..

hi rejoice - glad to "see" you here... take time to recover...u will be able to pick urself up soon cos u have all of us here encouraging u! "Jia you"! u take care and God Bless.
