Christian ivf mums or mums to be

dear vanilla,
do you mind to PM me your current female gynae whom you mentioned at patient?

you are such a brave girl and wish you all the best... yours very good, 100% fertilised...

whatever the result is, take it with stride and move on, please...

hi pretyylady - derive strength from God cos in such situations it is really very helpless for us humans. I told God that baby is in His hands...He wil decide for me the path the baby will take - in my womb or in His kingdom with Him.

D&C is when they will sort of perform like an abortion. For my case initially they say that is sac does not expel out naturally then will have to do a D&C.

Thanks Pretyylady - u take care too...will continue to uphold u in my prayers and God bless and protect u!

Hi Babylow - ok will PM u later...

HI Nicole, dont worry ok.. leave it to God.
hi sisters,

> An Interview with Rick Warren (REMEMBER HE WROTE
> You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with
> his wife now
> having cancer and him having 'wealth' from the book
> sales. This is an
> absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren,
> 'Purpose Driven Life ' author and pastor of
> Saddleback Church in
> California
> In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick
> said:
> People ask me, What is the purpose of life? And I respond:
> In a
> nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not
> made to last
> forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven.
> One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end
> of my body--
> but not the end of me.
> I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to
> spend trillions
> of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress
> rehearsal. God
> wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in
> eternit.
> We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that
> out, life
> isn't going to make sense.
> Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now,
> you're just
> coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into
> another one.
> The reason for this is that God is more interested in your
> character
> than your comfort.
> God is more interested in making your life holy than He is
> in making
> your life happy.
> We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's
> not the goal of
> life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.
> This past year has been the greatest year of my life but
> also the
> toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer.
> I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go
> through a dark
> time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I
> don't believe
> that anymore.
> Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that
> it's kind of
> like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you
> have something
> good and somet! hing bad in your life.
> No matter how good things are in your life, there is always
> something
> bad that needs to be worked on.
> And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is
> always something
> good you can thank God for.
> You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your
> problems.
> If you focus on your problems, you're going into
> self-centeredness,'which is my problem, my issues, my
> pain.' But one of
> the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus
> off yourself
> and onto God and others.
> We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of
> hundreds of
> thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make
> it easy for
> her.
> It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has
> strengthened her
> character, given her a ministry of helping other people,
> given her a
> testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.
> You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of
> life.
> Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is
> harder. For
> insance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book
> sold 15 million
> copies, it made me instantly very wealthy.
> It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to
> deal with
> before. I don't think God gives you money or notoriety
> for your own ego
> or for you to live a life of ease.
> So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this
> money, notoriety
> and influence. He gave me two different passages that
> helped me decide
> what to do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72
> First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not
> change our
> lifestyle one bit. We made no major purchases.
> Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a
> salary from
> the church.
> Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call
> The Peace
> Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor,
> care for the
> sick, and educate the next generation.
> Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the
> 24 years since
> I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was lib!
> erating to be
> able to serve God for free.
> We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for
> possessions?
> Popularity?
> Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness?
> Materialism? Or
> am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my
> life)?
> When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed
> and say, God,
> if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know
> You more and
> love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to
> fulfill a to-do
> list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do.
> That's why we're called human beings, not human
> doings.
> Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
> Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
> Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
> Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
> Every moment, THANK GOD.
> God's Blessings on you today.
sorry i cant access yesterday .the pc seems to be down. rejoice- dun give up hope- at least there is a chance you have a baby- so with faith continue to believe that you are carrying a miracle..

nicole- how;s everything? do rest well.

baby low- are u doing ivf at kk?
Pretyy lady, do u still hv any brown discharge? When is your scanning? It's better to lie down as much as possible for now. God will keep you and your bb strong.

Rejoice, dun b too disappointed. One fertilised embryo is also a viable life from God. Do rest well in this 2ww and be strong for your bb. Will cont to pray for you.

Vanilla, thx for your tips. I will try out your recommendation.

Nicole, all the best in your ET. Have a smooth 2ww as well.

Toy, how r u? Have u fully recovered? Any more pain?
Hi Gals,

i also have a very upset week, not related to pregnancy though..... My Lao San .... a Mini schnauzer left me on Monday. He is only 4 yrs old. He died of kidney failure.

I miss him very much

Nicole, all the best for your ET....
Pretyy Lady & Rejoice - Dun give up.... Dun give up, for all you know there is a rainbow behind the dark cloud.
NZ, how many weeks already, when are you going for scan?
Toy, how are you?
i am seeing dr yu this fri.. i am ok but my menses came so early just last week..i thou if it can come after seeing dr yu i can do so-iui asap.. but never mind have to be patient
hi Toy, so u will do ur SO-IUI next mth? U take care..

Hi MSfamily - so sorry to hear abt ur precious doggy... dont be too sad ok..u will see him in Heaven when u return to God's house. He will be there waiting for u and barking with delight, wagging his tail!

Hi Pretyylady - i read abt ur mail in the other posts - v sorry to hear abt it, u take care. Will continue to uphold u in my daily prayers...are u arranging an appt with ur gynae to see when u shld do FET?

Hi Nicole G - is ur ET today? Take care.

hi Rejoice - how are u?

Hi Babylow - how are u? Are u still in the lurin injection stage?

Hi Thistle - tom is ur scan right? let us know if it is twins!

Hi NZ - how are u?

Hello Momobear - how are u?

Hi Zoey - u take care too...wonder how are u as well.
MSFamily, sorry abt your doggie. Believe he is without pain now and rejoicing in heaven. Cheer up ok?

Pretyylady, i m sorry abt your news. Pls be strong. Do take good care both emotionally and physically.

Toy, u r progressing quite fast huh? Good to hear your plan for next step. Yah, jst be patient coz God knows the best timing for you.

I am doing ok. My spotting has almost gone, err.. provided i dun walk too much. MS usually starts from 12noon till 11pm daily. Still trying to cope with it but hope it will stop after 1st tri. I am 9 weeks plus now, seeing doc again this Sat.

I called my boss yday, didn't have the guts to tell him i want to quit so i requested for no-pay leave until Feb next year. Thank God he agreed and was quite understanding.
Hi Ladies
Hi Vanilla

I am fine, 2 days ago was raining dogs and cats, so was my AF. Today day 3 already. Counting down to next friday to see Dr Loh and see what he says regarding my FSH and E2 levels and my adeno condition whether he thinks its viable to do another IVF.

Then will plan out what to do from there and start ACU all over again. I have stopped ACU for a while already as was demoralized past 3 months and also paiseh to see Dr Zou cos have been her patient coming 1 year liao still no good news, abit like throw her face and tear her signboard like that, cos i so bu zhen qi! But still buying TCM from her, often will send hubby or i make a quick dash to collect from the counter gal so that she wont catch me and ask me why MIA. But 2 nites ago, not very lucky, she still caught me and ask me where is my BBT chart. I had to reveal no more charts already cos i given up few months ago and even threw my BBT thermometre. Haiz, have to start BBTing again.

Hope Dr Loh gives me the go ahead, then i will tiao abit and start IVF in Jun/Jul after some intensive twice-weekly ACU. Guess by then, my ER and ET will be in Aug/Sep. Hope to join you soon, Vanilla!

Haven been quietly reading but not posting cos nothing to update. Wondering how's Pretyylady and Rejoice getting on too. Just hope they will brace on and talk to us anytime. Believe we will be most happy to lend a listening ear.

And all preggy mummies, MsFamily, NZ, Thistle, take care! MS and discomforts are tough but hey, you have passed the hurdle of trying to conceive, just have to brace on! Think postitve thoughts ya?!

Toy, so you are most likely doing SO-IUI ah? Good good, lets make progress together!
Hi All

We only transfered 2 embries.... The third one not that good so the embrioligst said only two.. They are good embries she said but I wander does she say to all... Im leaving it to God and hope he gives me this baby or babies...
My Husband has been so great he keeps rubbing my tummy and telling the embries to behave n grow in me if not he wont know what to do with me. hehehehe..
Im bored out of my mind........ at home.. Went down with Husband n doggy yesterday after dinner..
Ladies when shld symtoms show?? after day what ahh?? I was feeling bloated yesterday after dinner and in the middle of the nite it started to hurt n I got up to me pee and felt alot better...I really want this to work so badly..

MSFamily, sorry to hear about ur doggy I know how u feel I too lost my doggy 2yrs ago.. 15 June will be his anniversary..

Toy, glad to hear ur progressing well... All the best to u... Care is a wonderful place to begine ur journey to conceive.. The nurses are so wonderful and make u feel really safe and calm.

Vanilla thanks for ur encouraging words and prayers... Hows ur little one doing? when is the next scan?? All the best to u n hope I too will experience the wonderful joy of motherhood..

God Bless to all and u be blessed too!! AMEN.
Dr yu sauggest i go ivf..but i think i will do pio/so-iui..but she told me sometimes it might turn out to ivf if too many eggs. Pls keep me in prayers that once i start the injection it will be on the left side and not right side..

I am really very sad cos i really wish to try clomid only.. but i will be brave like you all and do the injections. i tell you i am feeling really down of late...

i really need God to help me.. i mean after going lap i thou it will be the end to any op but i trust God to see me thru pio/so-iui
Toy, dont worry about the injections its oks... Reallt once u start it gets easier.. pls trust in God that he will make it less painful. Prayers are with u.
toy, dun worry abt the jabs, suggest you try soiui, since you are taking the jabs, pio chances of conception is much lower.

NZ, how are you? have a question to ask you re your twins. when did you see both of them and their heartbeats? which week and were they of similar size?

sisters - my scan today showed 2 healthy sacs and heartbeats. they were very closed to each other, in good position. just that the smaller sac is 2 days younger... so will have to pray both grow together steadily and healthily. WIll see gynae is 2 wks' time.
hello sisters,

I am back from my detailed scan and not all is good news. I thank God for a little boy given to me, something i suspect given his active movements.

But during the scan at the hospital, it took a v long time and the sonographer had to call in the doc --> this i suspect something is wrong. I asked the doc on the spot, she declined to tell me more saying she will speak to my gynae.

So i know there is something wrong with the umbilica cord cos they took alot of scan on it... my gynae later told me there is a bump out of the umbilica cord area, where the tummy is. And there is a medical term for it -- which is too complex for me to spell. and the baby's kidneys look dense. So this means that either (1) it is just a physical defect or (2) there is more - meaning chromosone defects.

I was then refered to another doc in Raffles Hospital. Was really devastated cos my gynae said if do amino test and tested positive for chromos defects i still have time to decide if i want abortion. I m so heartbroken, I told my hubby that I dont want an abortion. This little baby is kicking in me, i had IVF to have this little gift from God.. I am not aborting.

So we rush off to Raf Hos and I really thank God that the docs really gave me some assurance. I thank God that there is a maternality fetal specialist next to the gynae i was supposed to meet and both of them did not go off during lunchtime and stayed back to examine my baby. And the specialist has a much better scan machine than the detailed scan i had in the morning and he checked all the other organs and thank God all are ok except for the bump at the end of the cord. This apparently is that the tummy wall did not develop well and baby will need a surgery immediately when born.

The only other concern now is the chromosone and the 3 docs now will discuss abt it whether I need to do an amino to see. There is 1 in 40,000 babies that have this bump thingy and 30% of the babies have chromos defects.

I am leaving everything to God. I pray for His healing hands to be with my little boy...It is really very sad that so many things happ to this little one even before he is born. From suspected blighted ovum, to low aminotic sac fluid and now this.

Pls sisters pls pray for little elisha my little boy.

so sad to hear what happened. i plead the blood of Jesus over little elisha, that he is wonderfully and fearfully knitted in your womb by God Almightly, and that elisha is whole and healthy, and every part of his body is growing strong and perfectly, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

will you be doing an amino test? what does the test involves? will it be intrusive for elisha? do keep us posted, we will stand firm in prayers and agreement with you!
thanks Thistle.

My hubby will fax my triple test results to the Raf Hosp docs and they will discuss with my gyane if an amino test is necessary.

This test is to test for all chromos defects..down syndromw is an example. But according to the Raf Hos gynae if there are other chromo defects it will be worse than down syndrome.

It is like a long needle which will be injected into the womb, into the amniotic sac to get the fluid for the test. The down side to this test is that there is a 0.5% of miscarriage.

I will wait till tom to call my gynae and see what the discussion is.

Thanks v much for ur prayers.
hi Vanilla, sorry to hear what you have gone thru. Pls cont to be strong for the baby. Am sure God will take good care of him. Remember dont let the burden overwhelm you? You have gone thru so many trials to have this baby and i'm sure God will take care of you and the baby....Will keep you in my prayers.

As for me, after my menses came, i feel better. At least, i know all is over and i can start again. Will take few months off to tioa my body first...

To all other sisters, all in the best in your journey of ttc'ing. Have faith and dont give up..Will pray for all of you.
Thank you sisters.

Little Elisha understands that mummy is feeling sad so he will kick and comfort me... he has been kicking more actively yesterday and this morning.

God will make Elisha strong, God has His special plans for this little boy.
hello Vanilla
i will keep you and little Elisha in prayers. Please continue to keep your focus in God and not let worry steal the joy of this pregnancy. Little Elisha is wonderfully and fearfully made. Do hang in there..

THistle- COngrats and hope to follow your footstep soon.
hi vanilla_pod 2,
i too will keep you & little Elisha in prayers. btw... how many weeks is Elisha now??
u'd been providing your support to me since joining this thread. i felt so worried when reading your post. proceeding to take the amino test is necessary... the rest are in the hands of god.

i will be seeing my gyane next week for his advices on path forward. my next try will certainly be FET, since there're >10 embies frozen. at present, my af has stopped. it's kind of puzzled me... as throughout i experienced only aching feel (no cramps or extreme pains as some experienced in a miscarriage; flow is no heavier compared to normal menses). anyway my persistence is on...
hope you'll be strong too to go through the uncertainties ahead.
Thank you sisters for ur prayers and support.

Yesterday I called my gynae and she had discussed with the Raf Hos gynaes and they concluded that there is a high possibility it is just an isolated physical problem. What Elisha had is omphalocele. But to be 100% sure there is no chromos problems is to do the amino to test the 46 chromo to be sure.

I told her that I am keeping my baby no matter what, then she replied if that is the case there is no point to risk a miscarriage and do an amino.

But at that pt i was also thinking maybe i shld do the amino to confirm and at least we can prepare ourselves. Butafter discussing with my hubby we decided not to risk it. Elisha is an extremely active baby...the chances of miscarriage could be 0.3% doing the amino, but with his activity, this risk surely will increase alot more.

Yesterday I was still thinking to do amino or not, but by nite i had decided firmly not to do. To do an amino is to make myself more at ease with the results be it bad or good, but this will be at risk to my little baby. So why shld i make myself feel better if it is at the cost of my baby's life.

So conclusion is not to do amino (cos if need to do i have to do by next wk). Today's during church the songs of praise and the sermon really depicted my hubby and mine situation. There is this song - Be magnified ... which is a timely reminder to me that I cannot make God be small, instd I shld magnify His glory.

What God gives me I will gladly take. Elisha may be "abnormal" in the medical term, but he is still a gift from God. He is such a brave little boy, all i want is he to follow God's will for him.
Hi pretyylady -

Elisha is now 20 weeks.

Dont worry too much abt teh AF..cos of all the injections we took during the IVF phase, maybe the timing is all changed. Ask the gynae abt it...and whether if u should take like 2-3 mths before FET to do TCM accupture. Alot of pple do TCM to help "tiao" the body system.

Hi Thistle - so happy for u ur twins!

Hi zoey - thanks. Will u be seeing a TCM doc?

Hi NicoleG - take care during the 2ww. God will bless u!

To the rest of sisters - will continue my prayers for all of you! Thanks again for all ur prayers and encouragement. I will most prob see my gynae next week to discuss with the doc in charge of surgery for Elisha.
dear beloved sisters,

how are you? sorry din come in for a while. thanks for all the encouragments and prayers from all of u. have been a little disheartened aft my ET. also having stomach pains and cramps for the past wk. even had to go kk 24h clinic last wk as e pain got very bad. is it normal to have pains for so long? making me very weak n cant walk fast.

really miss all of u here but not sure what to say so din come in. pls continue to support me in your prayers. thanks.
dear nicole,

how r u? resting at hm? i've been naughty, been gg out for e past wk, though din go very far. been having very bad tummy pains, like cramps, making me feel really weak.

u having any symptoms? hope u r resting well at hm..
dear thistle,

glad to hear tt ur bbies growing strong. must b very exciitng to b carrying twins. ok ll pray for ur bbies to grow healthily together..
dear nz & MSFamily,

how r u?

dear momobear,

glad tt u have more concrete plans now. don b discouraged ya.. hope to hear gd news fr u soon.

dear prettylady,

how r u? glad tt u r moving on..

dear toy,

so when r u planning to have ur treatment?
Hi Vanilla, i m sorry to hear abt the news of your detailed scan. I pray that you and your hubby are strengthened in God's mighty hands. I am very touched by your decision not to go ahead with the amino test just to protect your bb. God, pls do miracles when baby Elisha is born. In Jesus Name, no defect shall fall upon this precious boy. Amen!

Hope this verse will encourage you:

"If i say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well (Ps 139:11-14)
Thistle, glad to hear that your twins are doing well. As for me, the scan showed tt one twin's position is rather low. In fact, my gynae suggested terminating this twin but this might affect the other twin as well. Me and hubby were devastated. However, last week's scan showed tt both twins r growing and having good heartbeats. Even the position of the lower twin has improved slightly. Oh ya, my bbs heartbeats were first detected in week 5+. And their growth rate is not the same, one twin is 1 day younger.

Toy, pls dun be afraid. The injections r not tt painful, it will soon be over. God, pls keep Toy strong and bless her healthy tube with good eggs for fertilisation.

Zoey, Pretyylady, good to hear from you again.

Nicole, Rejoice, how is your 2ww so far?
hi NZ - thanks v much. Glad to hear that both of ur little ones are ok.. Praise the good Lord for strengthening the other twin so that no termination needs to be done.

I am trying to work and not think too much but it is v diff. Actually am tearing at the desk now...

Last nite i was it becos i did not endure the physical pain during the OHSS which I asked God to lessen it, that is why I am going thru this emotional pain and Elisha has to go thru the physical pain? Is it I am bad person and this is a punishment for me? If so, why cant the physical punishment be on me and not on my baby? Or is it becos emotional pain is worse than physical pain so I had to endure it?

Very ashamed now cos I promise Elisha I will not cry, worried my hubby will be more had been crying secretly...
dear vanilla,
i really hope i could give you a hug. please don't cry (though i know it's not easy). please be strong for yourself and your baby. elisha could sense your misery and he will feel miserable too. remember, when you detected his heartbeat for the first time, we all said he is a real fighter and i strongly believe that he will continue to be one. he wants to assure you that he is fine by being active in your womb. so cute, he already knows how to give his mommy alot of assurance even when he is just a foetus in your womb... clever boy... you take care okie... let me know if you want to talk to someone... hugs hugs from babylow...
vanilla, please do not feel so burdened. elisha, as young as he is, knows what you are going thru. he will stay healthy and fight it out for you. God does not punish - He does not want to see you in pain, else He would not have sent His son to die for us on the cross, where His perfect work of completion has taken away all our pains and sorrows. In moments like this, hang on to Him, have hope that all will turn out well and He will bless and keep both you and Elisha. Fight on vanilla, for you have proven yourself to be a strong woman of God. All of us are here behind you, rooting for you. Amen!
Thanks sisters,

actually called the Raf Hos doc and it was so heartbreaking...even though the blood test i did at 12th weeks put me at low risk for down syndrome, due to this omphalocele, i still have chance of 1 in 3 to have a DS baby.

He said my chances could be less than 1/3 but still capped at 1/3. We talked then abt amino test and that I am keeping the baby no matter what, shld i still risk the amino. He said that though he met me just once, he could sense i am v troubled and that at least the amino can confirm. He then asked if I am prepared to keep a DS baby given that i have this baby via IVF and hence it is so precious. That is when I really break down and cried.. i say yes but i need to be prepared and IVF process has been really diff. Then he said risk is very low for miscarriage (via Amino)... lower than having a DS baby. 0.3% vs 30%. Getting killed by a car when walking on the road is higher.

He mentioned that personally for him, he felt that my chances of DS is low and miscarriage is low.

this talk really broke my heart. I was thinking that if the other markers are ok (the other organs) and the 12th week bloodtest is ok means chances much lower..but this is not the case. I couldnt take it (i m in office) and had to rush to my mum's house to confide to her and cry.

I think I will do the amino. If the results are good, I can concentrate on Elisha's surgery. If my results are bad... me and my hubby will try to be mentally prepared. We will prepare for the surgery and how to take care of him.

I think the doc's advice is very true - this is just 1 step of difficulty. Next time there will be more obstacles and problems for me as a mum... i must know how to handle it. I then thot of parents losing their kids to illness and even car acidents like no seatbelts in a schoolvan, to the dragon boating boys.

Thanks Babylow and Thistle and the rest of the sisters -- I think I cried more than I did over my blocked tubes discovery last yr.

I thank all of you and thank God that I know all of u here and He gave me so much support thru u all.
vanilla, so sorry to hear of the latest development with elisha. i personally think you should take the test, just to find out and get some form of assurance. that will help you better plan what to do next. however, regardless of what the situation is, keep steadfast in prayers and God can turn the situation around for you. Have faith that Elisha will be healthy and no surgery is required at all! We will stand strong with you in prayers! Amen!
Thanks Thistle!

My prayers for Elisha is for him to be healthy, safe and strong, for him to be a God fearing servant and be the seed that falls on good soil and reap 100X back in harvest.
dear vanilla,
you are a brave momma. you are so brave to make certain decision and elisha definitely has this trait of yours. whatever decision you make will definitely benefit elisha. no one loves him more than you do in this world and you know what is best for him. no one is going to question you on that... hug you, babylow...
Dear All,

I am feeling better, need to go back to SGH tomorrow for another scan cum checkup.
MS on & off still feeling lousy. Baby is at week 12 now. 1 trimester supposed to be over soon.

Vanilla – Seek ye first the kingdom of God & his righteous and all these things shall be added onto you… Remember his ways are higher than our ways, his will will be the best. Nothing beats it.
Hi Vanilla, Elisha will be fine. God is protecting him. You have given us all strength when we were down and now its time for us to be there for u. Have faith n god bless u n baby. Amen
dear vanilla,

nicole is rt. u r always here for us when we r discouraged. rem, we will be here for u. anytime u need to talk, know u have us too.

God has given u Elisha, He will surely protect Him n charge His angels to watch over him. keep praying.. (phil 4:7-8)
Thanks Rejoice, Nicole G and MSfamily.

I have decided to do the amino test - seeing if there is a slot this Thurs.

Thanks to NZ - I was reading Psalm 139 for little Elisha yesterday night, encouraging him to be brave ( NZ auntie told him this verse is for him). He seems to understand as he was kicking throughout the entire reading.

Thanks for all ur prayers. Pls pray that during the amino test, little Elisha will be quiet and still while the Dr draw the amniotic fluid out and that God's protection will be onto him that he will be safe and sound. Thanks sisters!
vanilla - glad to know you got a slot for the test this Thurs. will keep you and elisha in prayers. all will turn out well!

MSfamily, pray you will cruise throughout the rest of your preg, now that you are coming to the end of tri 1.

for me, my nausea is quite bad, but still bearable.. pray in Jesus' name it will go away! Amen!
Hi Vanilla, pls dun be discouraged coz we have God's great promises. He will surely protect baby Elisha. Have been thinking abt u whole day yday and I jst felt tt DS will not happen to Elisha. United prayers do make a difference. We have all sisters here to pray together for you and bb. You do wat u can and leave the impossible to God. We are all behind this battle with you. Have peace and rest of mind in God.
Hi Thistle, how many weeks r u now? My MS is also quite bad. A fren taught me to drink a bit of 100plus to counter MS and i tried it last night. It seems to work for me. Maybe u can try too. Let's pray for each other's MS to stop. Amen!
NZ, i am now coming to the end of 6 weeks. tomorrow i will be 7 weeks. my MS ia quite bad... vomit at least twice a day. if i dun vomit, i will feel very queasy and uneasy, and sometimes i feel sick. our MS is taken away at the cross, i pray in Jesus' name that our MS will disappear! Amen!

I tried drinking flat 100 plus, but think it makes no difference. instead, the nausea band seemed to work, as much as i detest wearing it, cos everyone will know you are preggy... so i only use that at home...

btw - when is your next scan? mine is week 8 - next friday.

Thistle, 7's fast. The drink must be fizzy then it works. But if the nausea band helps, jst use it. If u r not feeling well at work, why not take MC to rest? Although i m not working nowadays, whenever my MS strikes, i feel rly torturous. My next scan will be DS scan in 2 weeks' time. I am 10 weeks preg now.
