Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Rejoice, will pray for you but why are you crying? If you feel like talking, we are here.
Dont fret early ok? Maybe a miracle is awaiting you!

Hi Rejoice - a little song of praise to comfort u

In Christ alone
I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory
Let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
Is Christ alone

Dont cry ok...God will give u strength...
momo - good to hear positive news from you, our Lord is indeed faithful to His promises!

toy, when will you embark on soiui? do keep us updated on your progress and we will cover you with prayers.

vanilla, elisha is a good boy! praise God! a little champion in the making!

rejoice, is everything ok? do not be afraid, for the Lord is your strength and song.

NZ, how are you? my MS is still as bad... poor me...

nicole - how are you?
Hi all sister in christ here that are doing IVf or already MTB thru IVF, what did u all do wif the leftover embryos?

Cos each fertilized embryo is already beginning of life...
I am not being nosy or asking any ridiculous questions here cos in case I need IVF in future,I need to know what I am doing and not to kill any innocent embryos or fertilized eggs or reduce the thaw process even any frozen eggs or sperms gng to meet together and fertilized.


I am not sure if its do-able in sing, maybe if have alot of eggs, freeze some of them and dont fertilise them? Cos eggs alone are just eggs as long as dont fertilise should be ok? Just fertilise what we will need, maybe that way can control the max no. of embryos each time so wont waste?
Dr yu is refering my husband to another dr regarding his low count. She still preferred me to go ivf but i just want to try so iui first. so she is suggesting in view of low count she will ask husband to produce 3 tubes of semen and freeze them then on the actual so iui will produce some more semen n combine all of them to select the best..

yesterday i was watching world smallest mum n i was just sad.. even against the odds and a unmarried 18 gal can have a baby..but i was thankful that God is a God of miracle and He will see me thru all these..
Hi Rejoice, stay positive ok? We r praying for u. God is with u in every step u take.

Vanilla, Thistle, my MS is still quite bad esp in the evening. Yday vomitted 3 to 4 times, can't eat anything except breakfast. Have been losing weight...sigh

Happyger, actually i have not thot abt wat to do with my frozen embryos yet. Read some books tt some ppl have a strong attachment to their frozen embryos tt it's a pain to destroy them. When we signed the consent form, there r several options given; to donate for research or let them self destruct after 5 years. Will c how..

Toy, the procedure is able to select the best sperm to fertilise your egg so dun worry abt the low count coz u only nid one.
Yes, God will c u thru all these.

The rest of the sisters here, how r u?
momo bear she has a boyfriend... frankly just so amazed that she is shorter than my boy can even carry the pregnancy to 34 is high risk cos if her baby is tooo big then it might crush her heart and lungs.. the baby is 2.5 kg when delivered.
thks NZ, well pray for the best option for ur frozen embroys ok?
Afterall, a life has started eac of those fertilized embroys, hey u take good care of ur twin babies!

Thistle, is conceived is wif twins also right?
Double portion of blessings though u lost one, wil keep u in prayer too sister

Vanilla, I will pray for good result of ur precious darling, he is in good hands of our Lord

Toy, remember me?
How r u? Did u hv the latest Trinitarian magazine?
I hope God will do a miracle new life conceived within u after ur lap.
Do consider TCM as there are real life stories of women conceived after lap, dun give up!

God has His best timing for everything
Thanks sisters. Little Elisha is getting stronger each day with all ur prayers and kind encouragement.

Hi Toy - maybe u want to get ur hubby to take cordecpys? Dong Cong Cao - it is very expensive but supposed to be effective for sperm quality. Another option is to eat Vit E i think which the doc (urologist) will recommend to ur hubby. Also if ur hubby smoke or drinks, he must cut down all these as it affect the sperm quality. Caffeine too - not too much a day.

Hi NZ - poor thing! Since MS comes in the evening, try to have more smaller meals in the day - light ones like porridge or soup noodles.

Will pray for healing hands to be onto you and Thistle so ur MS will end soon!

Hi Happyger - for me during the onset of IVF there is a form asking me if i wanted to donate my leftover eggs to research or another woman. I choose not to. I have 11 left - that is alot and I know I cannot use all of them. But I will try to use as much as I can cos during thawing I know that the chances of success is also not 100%. Good thing is that my doc keeps them for a long time - 10 years I think.

They are all my babies, in the test tubes frozen, one in my womb and 1 in heaven with the Lord.

Hi Rejoice - hope u are feeling better today .... God will be with u ok..
Hi All,
sorry been away for a few days..... Vanilla am very happy that baby Elisha is ok. Praise the lord. Rejoice will pray for u, jesus will be over u.

I went for an early beta test today. The results are Positive.. Praise the Lord... Im so happy...

I have been suffering from servere backaches and tummy pain, tummy is so bloated n hard! Cannot sleep at nite.. It hurts so bad.. Been vomiting for the past few days... Anyone has any remidies.. pls share..
Congrats Nicole. Glad that all turn out well....

Congrats Vanilla... i am glad that Elisha is growing well and getting stronger.

My MS still seem bad..... on & off... i am also losing weight..... but tummy getting big, is becoming obvious when i put on some clothings.

I miss those days that i am well and can go for buffet and eat till i drop
Hey Nicole, a big congrats to u! So happy to hear tt.
May u have a happy and healthy motherhood journey. Try to take warm ginger water with rock sugar to reduce bloatedness. Also, should take warm drinks and warm food all the time coz cold food contains wind.

MSFamily, i also miss those days when i was well and could go shopping and dining. Now, even seeing food on tv will make me vomit. Guess MS will stop after 3 or 4 mths bah..

Vanilla, yes, i have bn taking soupy things whenever i could swallow. Glad to hear bb Elisha is doing well in your tummy each day.

Happyger, r u also gg for ivf soon?
happy ger- i thou the magazine will be some one in church's account of their feritlity problem..
yes i read it but prefer some one who i know..

congrats nicole!! wow , i am going to prayer meet tonight so this will determine i f i go for iui or ivf.. cos Dr yu still prefers ivf though i wish for so iui at most.

just wondering...
can i know how much do you expect your husband to play during the pre and post ivf? i was upset with husband cos he can spend time watching euro 2008 but no time to pray. .

sigh, i was upset cos this time will be injection n i really need a lot of encouragement n support and my husband is the type that will just say trust God or just do ivf - dun waste money to do iui again? then when i asked him have you prayed, he will say when i pray no need to tell you...

i was upset cos last time after i gave birth , husband insist on cable to watch EPL but guess what when baby is asleep he will watch his EPL then when baby wakes up for milk he will be sleeping.. i was so upset so i terminate the cable after contact ends..

i told him this morning baby or soccer .. cos i cant expect you to watch soccer via internet and tell me that you are tired and cant take care of another child next time..

anyone with husbands who are big soccer fans? i am not allowing my son to watch soccer..
nicole - congrats! what's your beta reading and how many are you expecting?

rejoice, sorry to hear of the bad news. pray the Lord will guide you towards your next step...

MS, NZ, me too... having bad MS. so sad... this AM, like a merlion... drank water and immediately threw all the water out...
Hi Rejoice, pray to god and ask him to guide you. pls dont be discourage. I will keep praying for you.

Toy, my honest opinion is IVF if u have the $. It was really tough for us and still am for me with MS. But I had empty eggs.......... without IVF I would have never knew........... they manage to get 3 eggs out of the follicles I had... To me now I know Y my 2 PIO didnt work. could have been empty eggs so nothing could fertilise.. Its entirely up to you what u choose....... Ask God to guide u.....
About Husbands n scoccer... My HB is a scoccer freak but he works shift so its hard for him to watch the matches.... Share something with u... My Mother in law told me this, she said as the lady of the house we have to pray for the family. so my theory is dont worry if HB is not praying with u, as long as u pray God knows ur praying for the whole family. Be a little more stern with him la. Ask him to help with baby more. I really dont know what my HB wil be like as this will be our 1st baby/babies.

Thistle, nurse didnt say what the reading was but she said its HIGH. hahahhaa. Will ask them on Monday when I go down for blood test.

MS Family, mayb we might b able to bump to each other at SGH. hehhee.. Hope ur MS gets better.. Im feeling blue too..

Vanilla good to hear baby elisha is being more n more active.. God is with him.

NS, thanks, will try this warm food but Im more of a cold drinker, love gassy food and all. Im just so worried about how am I going back to work on Monday in this state..

But all the complains ladies, its worth it to me going thru the pain.
hi Rejoice - u take care. Trust in the Lord - everything will be done according to His timing. I know it is very heartbreaking but rem God is still with u and we are all here supporting and encouraging u. I will continue to uphold u in my prayers.

Did u try TCM Accup? Maybe it will help. There has been studies that show that TCM helps IVF chances. Take time to recover....plan later what u and ur hubby will do..take some time off to try not think abt this first..

Hi Msfamily, NZ and Thistle - will pray for God to ease ur MS...Acutally now in 2nd trimester my appetite also not too good - now get heartburn - but putting on abt 1kg in 2 weeks which i think is ok cos baby is of ok weight according to gynae.

Hi Nicole G - congras! Another suggestion is to increase ur protein intake - take those high protein milk from GNC. Also increase egg whites and rem to drink as much water as possible and pee regularly. If cannot pee must go to doc immediately. I think u are having OHSS - u can check with ur gynae - and ask for more MC to rest at OHSS is so bad that i cant walk straight and walk like an old lady....

Hi Toy - during my IVF times I also nagged at my hubby alot to pray. But then i discover that maybe he does have his quiet time with God, just that in a diff format compared to me. What my hubby did for me for my IVF is he is my injection nurse... rather poor thing cos he works into the night and everyday have to wake up at 8am to inject for me (n then he cannot sleep after that). SO when the suprefact injection dosage is reduced, i do it my own without waking him up. I think his heart aches the most when I had OHSS - he kept saying dont do anther time one kid is enough.

I guess some men are not good with words and encouragement but they will show it in their own subtle ways. When the time comes i think ur hubby will roll up his sleeve and help out with the baby.
thanks for vanilla and nicole... i just get moody cos going for injection is the last thing i want to do.. my plans has always been clomid ..

rejoice- hang in there. what are your plans? i am waiting for my menses to come to start.. are you doing FET?

thistle- do take care.. it will be fun to see your babies when they are out.. for now have to tahan a bit.
Dear all, I have been a silent reader of this forum for the past 2 years. Just thot that I would like to motivate you all. I have been TTC-ing for about 3 years. Tried TCM as well, spend thousands of money, but no results. Finally decided to try IVF.. the last resort. Comtemplated for very long as this is the last resort. If doesn't work, we will be really lost. We just finished the whole process, all the needles, pain, money, OHSS... And yes!! We finally got a positive blood test. Just wanna say that continue to trust in GOD for he will provide. We prayed to him every single day for his blessings. And praise GOD, he answered our prayers.
dear sisters,

thanks for the encouragement. will prob need some time to heal the pains and sadness. at this point, still very depressed and teary..

toy, no frozen ones to use. only had 1 embryo then.
Rejoice, take time to recover both physically and mentally. Most importantly, must not give up hope. Meanwhile, use this time to rest well and tiao your body. Will uphold u in prayers.

Toy, i had the same worry as u b4 i started ivf. Although he is not a soccer fan, he is quite bo chap in many things. I believe God knows our concerns. Keep praying to God and u will c things change when the time comes.

Vanilla, are the results out yet?

Thistle, i also vomitted water sometimes. I felt like a hippo coz water would splash out from my nose too. Let's pray tt our MS will stop after 1st tri.

Nicole, try asking MC from your gynae coz it's rly not easy to cope with MS and work at the same time. God bless.
Hello bawbaw - thanks for ur encouragement! Many times we get lost in the process but we know God has His special plans for all of us...

Hi rejoice - if u need to talk to someone over the phone, u can PM me and I can call u....sometimes it is good to cry it what my friend said to me before - u might know what to do, but talking it out helps u deal with it better.

HI NZ - just visited the gynae today - the amniotic fluid seems ok - means the pucture wound with the needle has healed. The full results will be out in i think 2-3 weeks' time in which she will call me. Praying to God everyday that His healing hands, Jesus' gracious blood and the comfort and strength of the Holy Spirit are upon Elisha, everything to be done according to His will.
thanks nz.

thanks vanilla. im seeping into depression ald.. my dr is away now. might c e hosp psychologist and ask for mc next week. don think im ready for work..

thanks for e offer too. don think i can talk now, my tears r now uncontrollable..
Rejoice, *hugz*...pls dun fall into depression. I understand the ivf journey was not easy bt those who had gone thru it r strong women. My heart rly goes to u. Hugz and love to u, sister.

Vanilla, God loves u and bb Elisha. Have a good day!
hi rejoice - no worries., 'line" is always open here... anytime u need to talk, just let me know. Yes, i think it is good to take mc and rest at home, u can also take walks cos not good to coop up at home all day cos then ur mind will only think of 1 thing. Like what NZ say - IVF is not an easy journey, so many factors that are uncontrollable by man...but we have to continue to brave through it all, we take a break at the foot of the mountain, but when we gain enough strength from the Lord, we will climb it to reach the top.

U take care, go out with hubby to walk walk, watch a movie (there are some nice funny ones)..take ur mind off the matter for even 1 min is good for u.

take care rejoice....
Hi Rejoice, i know how it feels cos i went thru that last year. Not enough words may console us at this kinda moment cos its really us to deal with the loss. So take time and slowly get by okie? When you feel better, try to get dr to share with you what might have been the obstacle then work towards next cycle. And next cycle sure better! Ok?! Dont give up!

I was crushed when i first learnt my IVF failed last year. I remember being a zombie, dont talk, dont eat, dont sleep and keep crying and faring up on poor HB. But after i got my feet together, started probing Dr Loh for answers. Cant say i know it all now but at least we are better prepared if next IVF.

Take care gal! And i remember something my aunt once shared with me "When you are at life bottomest pits, take heart that there is no other way than UP!" Meaning things will get better!
husband saw the dr and he say that no pt for us to go so-iui cos husband count too low cant even do combine frozen sperms must do ivf- icsi.. very down tooo...

i brought son too sentosa on thur n met another mum ( complete stranger) with a son n my son enjoys the company of the other boy.. i know my son dun need toys but he needs company..some one who can squeeze in the slide n play with him..someone who can have the same energy to run with him..
hi Toy, if that's the case, r u gg to do ivf i/o so-iui? i think the dr has a point too. I agree kids need other kids to play with coz true joy comes from sharing and interactions. Will keep u in prayers for a successful preg no matter which path u choose.
Hi Toy - maybe ICSI would be a better choice than IUI cos for IUI sperm still needs to swim half way mark to reach the eggs.

Will pray for u for ur decision and for God to hold u in His mighty hands and give u comfort. Dont worry too much ok..everything is in His hands.
hi Ladies,
i am a silent reader of this thread. u gals have really movitate me.

i also believing God for a no.2 for 7 years before getting preggie with him last may. now he is already 4.5mthss old.

so me tho of writing something to jia you everyone.

Toy, jia you

thistle, congrats
thanks Dor, vanilla and NZ..
i dunno how cos the dr asked husband to try mega men from GNC and i will make him eat dong cong zao ( as rec by Vanilla) hopefully it will help... i rather pool few tubes of frozen sperms than to do ivf if i can but i will leave it to the next sperm count test result ( next mon)..if really cant, most prob have to do ivf/ icsi but i cant do in july cos there is a major project in july so might only be able to do in aug/sept..

thanks for all your prayers!

Rejoice- how are you? i also been down cos i go thru natural ivf, lap and now need to go ivf again.. .
Hi sisters,

Last nite I was reading this chapter to little Elisha and it just suddenly hit me that I have such little faith! I was talking to my mum earlier yesterday abt little Elisha - how I must buy new born clothes for him that wraps his body cos his surgery on the tummy to patch back the bowels. My mum (who is not a Christian though she studied in a misson school before) told me that I must pray to God and ask Him to heal Elisha and that maybe when Elisha is born, his omphalocele will be healed and there is no need for surgery. I was telling her "no lah, sure must do surgery, just pray that it will not grow bigger".

Then at night i read this chapter and I suddenly felt that it is a message from God to let me know that if Paul through Him can heal a crippled man who is born lame since birth, God Himself will heal Elisha before he is born and heal his tummy defect. That will be the miraculous sign God will do!

I hope this chapter will be an encouragement to all of us - we must have faith ok... God is a healer and He will perform miracles on us.

Acts 14:

8 In Lystra there sat a man crippled in his feet, who was lame from birth and had never walked.
9 He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed
10 and called out, "Stand up on your feet!" At that, the man jumped up and began to walk.
hi Dorothy - thanks!

Hi Toy - on the dong cong cao - u can get from TCM shop - must go to a reputed one and ask them to grind to power. Then take half a teaspoon every morning. Stir it into warm water and drink. Rem no caffeine for 2 hours before and after taking it. Also if he takes western supplement or medicine have a 2 hr lag in between the intake of the dong cong cao.

Rem to ask ur hubby to take more water. for my hubby he is of heaty nature and had alot of ulcers.
Toy, dong cong cao works. Rem my HB morphology was 3% when i last shared with you in 2006? After zinc pills and dong cong cao, his morphology went up to 8% just a few months ago. before that, in between the morphology already improved to 5%. So i think it must have worked!

The way to eat it is as per Vanilla's explanation. You can get dong cong cao from Hock Hua. I got mine there. To us alittle improvement is a leap forward so hope your HB morphology improve soon, some take a while but some very fast!
dear sisters,

thanks for all your encouraging words. im still very depressed and have just seen a psychiatrist to ask for mc. my doc is not ard so can only c him in jul. don think im ready for work. my mind is still in a blank and filled with negativity.


u take care too..
Hi rejoice - *HUGS* u take care...remember all is possible with God. There is nothing He cannot do...

This is something I have read before - I think it was during the stage of my HCG level not doubling --

" Also learn to wait on God until He unfolds His will before u. Allow Him to develop all the plans of your heart n mind, n let Him accomplish them. Do not possess any wisdom of your own, for often His performance will appear to contradict the plan He gave u. God will seem to work agst Himself, so simply listen, obey n trust in Him, even when it appears too be the greatest absurdity to do so. Ultimately "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who lve him" (rom 8:28), but many times in the initial stages of His performance of His plans: in His own world He is content to play a losing game.

therefore if u desire to know God's voice, never consider the final outcome or the possible results. Obey Him even when He asks you to move while u still see only darkness, for He Himself will be a glorious light within u. Then there will quickly spring up within ur heart a knowledge of God and fellowship with Him, which will be overpoering enough themselves to hold u n Him together, even in the most severe tests and under the strongest pressures of life ."
Hi sisters,

Thank God for all His grace! I just got a call from my gynae - the full chromosome test is out -- Elisha has passed all the 46 sets of chromosome tests!

I will continue to pray and have faith that he will be healed like the cripple in Acts 14 - his omphalocele will be cured.
Hi Vanilla, very happy to hear the good news! Praise God for His faithfulness!

Rejoice, Toy, be strong ok?

Hi sisters, i m gg for dwn syndrome scan this Fri. Hv been thinking abt it alot. Pls pray for me.
hi Toy and NZ - thanks.

Hi NZ - I will pray for u, dont worry ok - it will be the measurement of the neckfold and to see the nose bridge of the babies. Then there will also be a bloodtest. Is ur MS getting better?

Hi Toy & rejoice - take care! Will pray for the strength of the Holy Spirit to be with u ...
Thx Vanilla. I am gg for the dwn syndrome scan this afternoon. Will update again when i get the results. My MS is getting better i think. Not sure if i m more careful with choice of food by now or what. Still have some vomitting though.
Dear Vannila,

I PMed you... Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts despite what you have gone through...

Lots of love,
Hi Toy, read the thread u attached. Will pray tt God be this boy's healer and help to take away his suffering. Amen.

Dear sisters, my bbs passed the interim DS scan last Fri but doc said to wait for the blood test this weekend to be more conclusive. All glory to God!

MSFamily, Thistle, Nicole, my fren gave me a remedy tt may help counter MS. Half an hour b4 and after meals, do not take any drinks. In between meals, take some dry food like digestive biscuits, cereal bars, bread with peanut butter, etc.. Hope this helps u too!

Rejoice, how r u? U r alwz in my prayers.

hi NZ - that is good news.... in a couple of weeks time u will know the gender of ur babies! So exciting....

Hi Toy - it is indeed v sad to see the thread. Will hope all of us here will pray for little Collin.

It is v heart breaking to see what r on news these days - like in HK 2 kids climb out of their 38th floor high rise to 25th floor (they were spotted then) cos they were hungry and needed food but mum was sleeping.... they cld have been killed! Sometimes u wonder why parents dont treasure their kids...

Elisha's kicks are getting more powerful... he has his schedule too... when my alarm goes off and his lazy mum continues to laze in bed, he will do his kicks as if to say "wake up mummy, i want some breakfast!" It is indeed a very nice feeling to feel his kicks and communicate with him by talking to him and stoking my tummy...
