Christian ivf mums or mums to be

dear sisters,

pls keep me in ur prayers.. getting really nervous now.. praying that both of us ll rest well tonight n looking forward to receive more of God's abundant blessings..

pls pray for us for gd eggs, gd grade embryos and successful implantation. thks sisters for all your support!
hi rejoice - ooppps...ya i realised my post was wrong last night...shld be ER not ET. Will pray for a smooth ER today for u... rem to rest well. Leave it all in the mighty hands of our Lord ok? God protects u!
hi rejoice,
will pray for smooth ER & ET procedures for you.
no worries... ur scan results earlier shows encouraging number of follicles. we shall hear from you again
dear sisters,

im back! thanks for all your prayers. so far feeling good except a little weak. the best part is, when i woke up, felt so good, had a very good nap hehe..

nurse told me i have 13 eggs n she said is good. just continue to pray and trust la..

dear sisters, pls continue to pray for me for good fertilisation, at least 3 very gd grade embryos and successful implantation. thanks for all your support once again..
Hi rejoice.. wow that is a good no... God will take care of the fertilisation and the implantation ok... rest in his powerful Hands!

How many eggs u transfering?

Will continue to pray for u... sorry for i prayed "wrongly" last nite... i asked God to be with u during ur ET tom... aiya.. but i know God knows what I am trying to say

God bless too to u pretyy lady for ur beta test tom.

Hi nicole - so when is ur ER? Take care ok.

Rest of sisters - hello and hope all of u are ok...
dear vanilla,
i am fine but super busy at work. right now, i am taking one thing at a time... heheh, so what's baby gender already? i am excited for you. let's praise the GOD
hi Babylow... not sure the gender fri is my detailed scan, hope to know it then. Thank you. U take care, dont work too hard!
dear sisters,

thanks for your prayers and blessings! praying for more gd news to share..

pretty lady,

my ET on sat. doing ur beta test tml? will pray tt God ll bless u with your heart's desires and for good news fr u tml.. = )


thanks for your faithful support and prayers! hehe.. nvm.. God knows..

planning to transfer 2.. actually secretly praying for 5.. 2 to transfer and 3 to keep for future use. hehe.. but i believe God will give me the best..
hi sisters, good to log in and read good news! God is good, Amen!

Rejoice - rest and rejoice in the Lord, for He is good and His mercy endures forever!
rejoice- congrats!!! praying that all 2 get fertislised!!take care

i m seeing Dr yu next week.. let see what she suggest... i wish to start my so-iui if possible iui ( with clomid) sooon..
Hi Vanilla. I will know when ER is today. Going down at lunch time.

Hi Toy when u going to see Doc Yu?? I might be at care on Mon for ER and Wed for ET. Will know later when I go for my scan... Good that u checked ur tubes before SO-IUI. I did 2 cycles of PIO (SO-IUI with out the IUI, we tried on our own) and both cycles failed. I wont be surprise if my tubes are blocked..

Ladies, Im so fearful that my eggs are empty..... I know I need to leave it in God's hands and believe his will provide whats best for me.......... Pls pray for me ladies......... My prayers are for all to succeed in having a bundle of joy to have n hold n to call our own after the trials we go thru......... God bless us all!
MS Family, how u feeling? You were knocked out at ER rite?? After ET how many times did u have to go back down to Care? need to do bloodtest? Thanks.
Hi sisters, sorry for the MIA. I was down with a bad ear infection, causing a lot of pain, couldn't talk or sleep. Have been on antibiotics and painkillers, rather worried the med will affect bbs. Pls pray for me.

MSFamily, my MS is also making me very sick, rly dun feel like doing anything at all. Whole day just 'nua' and couldn't eat or drink. I can't even finish 500ml of water daily nowadays. I heard that MS is peak in week 8 - 10 so that's why. Plus weather is very hot these days.

My spotting has almost stopped but occasionally still saw some when i wiped. But i rly thank God tt He has been sustaining me. I hope my gynae will stop classifying my case as "treatened miscarriage" when i see him next week.
I am still feeling very sick
with MS..... or is it... did know that there a peak for MS..... i am now at week 10 .....

NZ - i heard of people bleeding throughout pregnancy but still give birth to healthy baby. Not to worry too much, What God give, no one can take away

Yes, knocked out at ER.

After ET.... many times..... initally is twice/week for a mth or so. to do bloddtest, expensive also, each time 100 +
MSFamily, thx for the reassurance. I pray tt our MS will subside soon and bbs grow healthily.

Rejoice, congrats on your successful ER. You r one lucky girl, i was in great pain after my ER. May the Lord bless you with many good grade embryos and successful implantation. 13 eggs is good, also dun nid to have daily progesterone jabs in kkivf after ET. I remember gg down every morning for my jabs after ET and then limping back to work...

Zoey, it's not easy to go thru such disappointment but pls be strong. Next time u will be united with your lost bb in heaven. God is taking good care of your bb now. Meanwhile, rest well, God has not forgotten your heart's desire.

Nicole, all the best in your coming ER. Dun worry, we will pray tt your follicles contain good eggs for successful ET.

Toy, i also feel that you should not cont with clomid anymore. It's not good for you in long term. You have rly gone thru a lot in this TTC journey and it's very courageous of you. I think if you dun ovulate regularly, why not consider SOIUI or ivf? At least u can b sure u have eggs right? If ivf is too invasive, you can try SOIUI like what Thistle suggested. Dun worry, I will pray for God to lead u in the right direction and give u peace.

Vanilla, u r a truly blessed lady. Thx for your encouragement all these while. May your bb cont to kick u to remind u tt he/she is healthy. Oh ya, do update us with the gender soon.

MomoBear, glad to hear your news again. You are with Dr Loh as well? God will bless your FSH & E2 level to be optimal for ivf. Will keep you in prayers too.

Babylow, glad to see u here. Commit your ivf journey to God. Cast all your fears to Him and let Him carry your burdens. Bless ya!
hi NZ - good to see u here and that ur spotting has lessened and even gone! Praise the Lord for His protection. He will continue to look after u (cure ur ear infection) and ur babies and strengthen ur womb! Dont worry abt the antibotics and is ok if the gynae ok it or the doc knows u r preggie. Like what my gynae say - we take it to shorten our pain/discomfort so babies will also feel less discomfort.

On MS - try drinking peppermint tea, a preggie book i read say it helps with nausea. with a bit of honey for some sweet taste...
hi NZ & MSFamily,
we'll all be praying for both of your MS to subside day-by-day & both your little ones growing heathily.

hi ladies,
had just been informed my beta test reading is pretty low, 47.7mIU/ml, only an indicative of preggie possibility. feeling a little down to hear that....dunno if it's going to indicate bad news

wonder if any of the gals (vanilla, msfamily, thistle/nz) started your pregnancy with low beta reading??
Hi pretyy lady...dont worry, mine even lower - 30. the important thing is the doubling of it. So technically on next mon they might ask u to do a blood test.

My hubby went to web before and found out that low HCG lvl is not that critical - there are pregnancies with low hcg lvl but still resulted in healthy babies.

This lvl will mean that u have a singleton. Thistle and NZ shld have a much higher reading cos they have multiples. I rem MSfamily beta also rather high 500++ i think.

I rem when i had my 30 reading, my gynae called and say congrats but be still optimistically cautious. he did my bloodtest every 2 days to see the HCG lvl...and put me on duphaston and take the progestrone jabs to strengthen the womb.

Pray to God and ask Him to hold ur baby in His hands...
dear NZ,
so nice to hear from you again... i hope MSFamily's and your MZ subside asap and soon you enjoy your motherhood... you mean you only took short break during your two weeks of wait? how come you walked limping when you go to work?

pretty lady,
m so sorry that i did not know how to console you at this time. this period is crucial for you and please stay positive even though i know said is easier than done. have faith in GOD and praise him. btw, did KKIVF give you anything to strengthen your womb, like what vanilla had during her crucial period?

jia you! jia you! we wish you all the best and keep us informed...

i wish you speedy recovery and soon you embark on your TTC journey again with much healthier body...

want to know how many babies are in you... heheh

hope your wish come true with the exact number you wish for...

for myself,
stay positive
Hi All

Thanks for ur encouring words.... My ER is on Monday........ On sunday I will do my HCG jab at home.......... May God continue to blesss all who are here who are TTC and also carrying their babies in their womb now.. God Bless us all....
vanilla_pod 2, m appreciative of your encouraging words. since low HCG level is most likely a singleton, would it rise & eventually the 2nd one also survived?? so far...m just glad that i dun feel or see mense coming.
u r absolutely correct.. i was told to have a re-test on next mon 5/26. hopefully by then the doubling effect happens. felt much better now...

hi babylow,
thanks. i'd been taking progestrone jabs daily since my ET, for strengthening the womb lining. today is my last day of the injection. perhaps my little ones are slow growers... ha!
hello sisters

pretyy lady, pray your beta will double and God's protection will be over you and your baby. in my previous preg, i had a beta of 80 16dpiui, and it ended with a blighted ovum. My 1st preg, my beta was 600 17dpiui, and i delivered a healthy baby boy. having said that, vanilla's beta was only 30, and she is doing well now. the main thing is it doubles.
keep your faith level high! We will all keep you in prayers.

sisters - ke ke... my 1st scan will be next friday, then i will know whether it's twins or singleton.
NZ, glad to know your spotting has stopped. that's most important - God is upholding you are your babies... a twin preg is not easy, but with God, all things are possible, He who created this good work in you will see it to completion, that's our saviour! Amen!

re MS - so far, i only vomitted once, for my 1st preg, MS started only in week 10 all the way to week 18. second preg, MS started in wk 6. hope this preg there will be no MS, for Jesus took away all our pains and discomfort on the cross, He has finished and completed His work on earth!

Nicole, all the best to your ER - pray you have many many eggs... like pretyy lady! Amen!

babylow, how are you and which stage are you in? Will keep you in prayers too!

toy - rest well and pray your next cycle will arrive in His perfect timing, and you will get a BFP! Amen!
hi pretyylady - i dont think so that the HCG lvl increase it means the other egg will survive. This is becos on the 1st beta test date, it will mean that u have only embryo that develop the sac and the other egg did not survive. And any chances of twins of that surviving egg splitting is also not there cos splitting of indential twin usually happ 14 days during fertilisation.

I know u are sad that the other egg did not survive. For me I pray nightly that I thank God for taking care of my the other baby in Heaven with Him. & I will reunite with him/her when i returned Home.
Hi Pretyy Lady - it is a good start... as what vanilla said if it double every few days, that good signs ....

I understnad how it feel when you know it is a singleton, you wonder where is the other baby .... me too.
hi nicole,

i was also worried since yesterday as to whether i will have any gd embryos but i kept chasing my thots away with His Mighty Word.

Let's not worry and just do our part by going through the journey in peace and trusting God to bless us with the best!

Will pray for you to have gd eggs and successful implantation after ET. =)
hi pretty lady,

keep praying yea.. pray that ur HCG level will double in ur next test. We have a great and Mighty God who loves us dearly. Let's continue to pray and trust in His providence. = )
dear sisters,

thanks for all your prayers. am leaving it all to God and shall cast all my fears away.

God has blessed me with a smooth-sailing journey, and I believe that He will bless me all the way!
pls continue to pray for me for a smooth ET and gd no of gd grade embryos to be implanted. getting really nervous and excited now..

pray that there will be much more gd news fr the rest of the sisters here..
Thx sisters. I really want to be happy and healthy throughout my pregnancy. Hope spotting and MS will stop soon.

Pretyy lady, will pray for your HCG level to double every 1-2 days and conceive a healthy bb.

BabyLow, i din take the full 2ww off from work. Went back to work after 1 week+. Actually it's not a good idea coz my work was rly stressful and i started bleeding at tt time.

Thistle, have a smooth and comfy preg too..

Vanilla, thx for the suggestion but i dun like peppermint taste leh...recently very phobia abt food and drink. Any other suggestion?

Nicole, Rejoice, will support you in prayers for your coming ER and ET..
dear sisters,

came back from ET ald. not so gd news. only 1 embryo that can be used. grade 3, 2-cell embryo.
am very very sad.. pls pray for me. thks.
hi Rejoice - God will protect ur little embryo and bless ur womb for the implantation. Dont worry too much ok, God is sovereign and powerful, regardless the grade, God creates miracles.

Hi NZ - in the book, it is recommended that in the morning u eat some plain crackers (those biscuits) and then eat smaller meals. If u dont like peppermint can try some other herbal non caffeine tea - anything but cammoile. Also keep a watchout of what type of food that triggers this nausea feeling.
hi babylow... have u started ur injections already? Sorry if i ask before... nowadays memory v bad..

P/S: trying to find out also so that prayers can be more specific
thanks thistle, pretty lady & vanilla for your encouraging words..

been feeling really down. praying for God to bless me with a miracle.. pls continue to support me in your prayers.
hi gals,
m sorry for not bringin in gd news. had been feeling really down the 2nd half of today since my 2nd beta HCG reading is lower than the 1st. when i return home this morning... abdomen had been feeling "funny" & was shocked to see white discharge mixed with traces of pink. later evening... a little brown discharge!! was freaking out then!!!

the nurse asked me to return for 3rd beta test 2 days later... but just moments ago... i see brown discharge turned darker (though the amount was not a lot). guess my AF will come very soon... wondering if i should return for 3rd beta test or should i ask the centre when is appropriate for next ivf procedure (i.e FET)??
HI Pretyylady - dont be sorry... u take care. Maybe u could wait these 2 days and see what happen. if the spotting lighten and ur AF is yet to come, take the beta test and see if the doc can do a progestrone jab for u to strengthen the womb.

I will continue to pray for u...u take care...
Hi All I did my ER yesterday and was told only had 3 eggs. Today the clinic called and said all 3 fertilized. tomorrow will be ET. Im sad that I have non to freeze but really hoping its god's way to say no need to freeze... I will keep praying to God to implant my 3 embries.. Pls pray for me...

Rejoice I know what ur feeling.. I was crying after ER but dont worry lets keep each positive...

Speak to you ladies later or tomorrow..
God bless to all.. AMEN!
hi vanilla_pod 2,
thank u for your encouragement. decided to return for 3rd beta test as advised. this morning check... still slight brownish discharge but no cramp/pain so far. had been taking progestrone jabs since ET date for 17 days but now stopped.
btw... u mentioned u started with low hcg level, i supposed yours rise in subsequent tests thereby confirming ur pregnancy??
hi hcg did rise but not the doubling effect. Actually my IVF doc say for my case a 60% incremental on the 2nd test is like barely pass the test in a sense of stability. and then the last test is also rather bad - it did not 2X.

My HCG level was 30, 48, 87, 623 and then 4 days later 1409. But when reached 6 weeks, ivf doc ad gynae say no point keep looking at hcg lvl, see scan whether can see baby & heartbeat.

actually i am rather grateful that God gave me a patient and encouraging gynae as well... she waited till 8 weeeks to see if heartbeat. I know some gynaes at 6 weeks dont see heartbeat will recommend a D&C.

hi vanilla_pod 2,
indeed u r lucky to have a patient gynae. m not sure how would mine react to my case. still no crampy feeling yet... but guess i would just monitor the situation & just wait till it's appropriate to take scan. m aware that hcg lvls alone are only indicative & may not be totally reliable for a viable pregnancy. i could only pray hard for God's will onto us.
btw what is D&C??
u take gd care too for your little one.
