Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Thanks for everything, all your well wishes, encouragements and most imptly prayers!!!!!
Cant imagine what it was like before I met all of you sisters! I dont think I could have come so far without you gals! You gals are the best!!!

Winniepooh : Take care and you will soon see you little darling!

Vanilla : Thanks! Rested till 5 before I was discharged yesterday!
Yah and since now not durian season... hard to find durian... poor hb fork out $85 bucks for 1 durian on the way hm from hospital! I was consoling him.. telling him that it will be worth while if I BFP... and will tell the bbs how much daddy love him/her/them! wahahahha :p

Sounds like you, president and BB went for a lunch-shopping date! Must have had lotsa fun!
Dun worry abt the price of the bag... sometimes we just need to pamper ourselves abit here and there!

Sunny : Thanks! Dun worry you turn will come soon!
You will be visiting Dr F this coming Mon rite? All the best!!! And cant wait to hear gd news from you!

Mricky : Thanks! OKOK same as BB and Sunny, I will try to make some next time we meet for you gals / during our next gathering ok? heehee...

OKOK next time I make more n pass you some during 1 of our lunch mtgs ok??? heehee.... or maybe the CNY gathering which we might be having... whahahah!!!!!

BB/President Yve : Thanks for your prayers!
Hope to join u gals for shopping too next round!
BB have a fun trip next week with HB!

Tml's Xmas eve... so here's wishing every1 a very blessed and joyful Xmas!!!

<font color="0000ff">hi sisters...blessed merry christmas!

hi tokkie - wah ur hb so sayang! did he buy from the store next to Casa Roma long bukit timah road? haha once i sat there and polish a durian all by myself...v shiok! it is the king of king durian species... haha

half day today and then off i go to shop (hee hee those tops i bio yesterday then to PP to buy groceries and go home rest till evening for my bb to come home and off we go for Christmas Eve dinner! </font>
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Yea Sisters! <font color="ff0000">B</font><font color="119911">l</font><font color="ff0000">e</font><font color="119911">s</font><font color="ff0000">s</font><font color="119911">e</font><font color="ff0000">d</font> <font color="119911">X</font><font color="ff0000">m</font><font color="119911">a</font><font color="ff0000">s</font> to all of you and your big and small darlings!!!</font></font>

TrustingHim : Wahahaha..... Thanks! It's just so happened tt he loves cooking too.....

Vanilla : yah tt seems to be the only place with durian now... So super ex.... Just finished my accupunture n now heading hm... Waaah sounds like u r having a bz Xmas eve enjoy yah!
Blessed Christmas, Everyone!
Hope u will have a good time with ur family and friends.

got ur own Christmas pressies? the blouses I mean. keke. They are so very you. Can't think of anyone else who will look good in them.

good to know u're doing ok. I didn't know the durian place is very ex. Thank goodness I didn't go buy durians there then. My hb and I are "vip" in Casa Roma. At 1 time we were like going there 3 times a week. I always see a lot of pple going to the durian store so I was very tempted.
Have a blessed Xmas!

Tokkie, praying that you will get. Fab Xmas gift!

Enjoy the season n I am really thankful to the Lord for friends I have made here...
<font color="0000ff">hi tokkie - how are u? ur bbs had celebrated their 1st xmas w u in ur womb... next yr they will be here rec pressies</font>
Hello vanilla!!!
it's been tough long 2ww this time round... Not sure why but feel tt time passes super slowly... Duno if I can tahan with so many more days ahead... Well still crossing fingers hope all will be worthwhile....
how's ur Xmas?
<font color="0000ff">hihi tokkie.. ren awhile more ok... soon will be 1 wk and then the next week will pass v fast...

my xmas...hmmm.. not too good..</font>
Hi Tokkie, JY! Just think of your babies and time will fly pass soon. Maybe browse online shops for maternity wear and nursery items?

Hi Vanilla, what happened? Thanks for your encouraging SMS this morning.

Hi Sistas

I finally seen Dr F today. He's really amiable and warm. Can better understand now why he is so popular!

Anyway, did my TTC resume and brought all my reports, IVF protocols and embryo pictures and raised all my questions. Dr F's take is my slight adeno not serious, hormone levels not that bad, response to stimulation ok, embryos look good, hb's SA also ok ... so everything seems ok ... which i dont know to smile or to sigh cuz if 'everything ok' .. then why 7 out of 9 cycles failed? I suspect deeper issues such as genetics. He also agree that can go get the genetics tested to rule out. I asked about autoimmunity testing, he also agreed. For all these tests, he suggest i do at KKH since i have follow up with Dr Loh in Jan and KKH cheaper. Will see him after the tests are done concluding whether IVF is still the way for us. I just checked my Thyroid last week and all's normal so thats 1 factor ruled out. If IVF is still the way for us, i will probably cycle Apr-May. That is if i can get my courage to press on.
Sunny : thanks dearie!!!

Yay!!! U have made the 1st step out le.. Yah dr f is gd n he accepts the results we gave him... He does try to help his patients save money... When I asked him abt kyrotyping the other time he also asked me to go do it at polyclinic to save money... Dun worry we will be here to support u when u cycle! Fighting!!! Rest well n tiao ur body for now.... Have some fun n enjoy the new year n CNY b4 everything else!!!!
<font color="0000ff">hi sunny - hmm...same issues for my case...anyway i am so glad u went to see Dr F and u still have ur game plan on TTC... before ur impeding cycle in April and May - go for a trip? the eat, sleep and shop trip

hi tokkie - introduce u another show.. this is in KBS 115... called go dream team.. it is a variety show... really funny ... got eye candy too.. hahah korean pop stars ...</font>
hi ladies.

sunny: what time were u at the clinic? I went there too. Think I reached around 11am. The clinic wasn't filled with pple but the hosp sure was. Had to get the car valet.

I know it is difficult but try not to think so hard into "why" the cycle failed. Sometimes I do find myself asking such questions too. But then again, I remind myself that Dr f is not God. There are issues which the dr cannot explain as well. Like for my case, he will say, it could be this or this could have led to that etc.. But he cannot pin-point on a certain reason to be IT.

If dr f gives you OK for all ur hb's and ur conditions, isn't that good? I don't think we will wanna hear the dr say that we have some issue which is too difficult to tackle.

tokkie: do lotsa, lotsa stuff. Watch tv. Surf web. Better still, internet shopping! Before u know it, u'll need to do hcg test already.

Just a short update on myself. Cycle like always has been crazy. Last month was 45 days. This month was 48 days. However, PTL that my MEP blood test turned out fine. FSH is still at 6. LH is normal, ie lower than FSH. Dr f says it is good considering my age as well as the number of cycles which I have done. This time he says he will do short protocol for me. So this, I think is sthg new to all of us. Short protocol is not only good for those who do not have that many follicles from the jabs. It is also good for me, very prone to OHSS but has lining issue.
Hi there sistas, merry christmas to all.

Tokkie jia you!!!!! U r e queen bee. Anyone at home to 'serve' your highness when hb working or is he on leave ( that wd be great though)? When is yr hcg test? I can SMS u:) can u pm me?

Sunny - glad that u take a step out of Kkh n seek another dr's opinion. It can b dr f or anyone.

Just to share with u Christmas Day sermon at St Andrew's cathedral. A brother who was to b baptized shared his testimony with e congregation. He also prayed hard but non of his prayers or hearts desire were granted. Then he realize that whatever he prays for shall be given in Jesus name but in His will n time.

Fir sistas who r still ttc, the road is long but journey made easy with God as your shepherd.

I m tkg of infant baptism for bb a. Haven't discuss with hb. He may not agree but I feel that getting the kids baptized young w give them a sense of identity. Oredi Andrea asks me what is her religion.....
Hi there sistas, merry christmas to all.

Tokkie jia you!!!!! U r e queen bee. Anyone at home to 'serve' your highness when hb working or is he on leave ( that wd be great though)? When is yr hcg test? I can SMS u:) can u pm me?

Sunny - glad that u take a step out of Kkh n seek another dr's opinion. It can b dr f or anyone.

Just to share with u Christmas Day sermon at St Andrew's cathedral. A brother who was to b baptized shared his testimony with e congregation. He also prayed hard but non of his prayers or hearts desire were granted. Then he realize that whatever he prays for shall be given in Jesus name but in His will n time.

Fir sistas who r still ttc, the road is long but journey made easy with God as your shepherd.

I m tkg of infant baptism for bb a. Haven't discuss with hb. He may not agree but I feel that getting the kids baptized young w give them a sense of identity. Oredi Andrea asks me what is her religion.....
Vanilla : heehee okok will try to go watch but now abit bz with hk serials..

President Yve : thanks! PTL for ur bt results! So u starting ur cycle le? Jabbing alrdy? Both my fresh cycles were short protocol, very fast once the jabs start jiayou! Keeping you in prayers!
do keep us updated yah!

Mricky : thanks for sharing! Yeap I believe it will all be in His Timing n am hoping that the time has finally come so now am crossing fingers.

Yeap hb is on leave this week as we were initially planning on travelling n he needs to clear his leave.... Oh well so now he also 'rotting' at hm with me lor...

Okok... Pm my number to you later yah...

I also think it will be good to let kids baptize when young. Do pray about it and discuss with hb. Will keep you n your family in prayers!
<font color="0000ff">hello sisters,
hi yve - PTL on ur blood tests and ur hormone levels. God gives us gifts when we thot there is none...haha i was just asking u to ask Dr F on short protocol! haha cos the other sister under his care did short protocol and she shown great results. i was so pleased w his call on her case and i think that is why I like Dr F -- he is good in his analysis and calls...might not be on the first time, but def in time!

hi mricky - in my church we dont do baptism until we are in teens (min).. for children it is just dedication. to be ready to be baptised our church will see first if we are ready and then there is an intensive baptism class. after the class and discussions w the teacher we will be interviewed by the elders of the church first before they decide if we are ready to be baptised formally.

E was dedicated in Feb 2009. by dedication, E is given to God, dedicated to God's will.

if u want u can join me in church. We have a children sunday school for Andrea. She will be w the primary school children. E is attending the N1-K2 classes. He loves it cos he gets to eat snacks and have occassional parties.

hi tokkie - haha good ur hb is around this week to be ur "runner". which tvb serial u chasing now? haha i slept early these few days i totally missed chasing my Slave Hunter and another tvb show. E has been v v naugthy, yesterday skipped his afternoon nap slept during dinner and last nite, midnite then sleep! wah i think my AF coming, backache, stomache and headache and he super nonsense - keep telling me he wants to poo poo when it is all an excuse to get out of the room! so last night i never chase my shows again...</font>
Hi sistas, Tokkie, Vanilla, actually though its my 1st step out, it may also be my last step.

Hi Yve, i was there about 12noon, maybe i missed you by abit. PTL for your good BT results! Yea, good to try a different way, maybe that will be a more suitable protocol.
Yesterday at Dr F's, i went thru my TTC resume with him, with all the charts and tables in there. Hb say just short of a projector then it would looked very much like i was doing a biz presentation. He was very tickled by that, haha
<font color="0000ff">hi sunny - i think Dr F is v impressed w u too

my gynae mentioned to me before that i was determined to have a bb... she has not seen the rest of the sisters here yet. U girls are a million more times more determined than me!

God will bless... God will give and God will provide.

we might think we cant go on... but God will hold our hands and walk w us...</font>
Hi Vanilla, Dr F did say something that touched my heart when he saw that i have done so much and still at nothing. He said "then i must do better". We just laugh at that. Actually i am sure he will do his best. I think all my docs did their best for me. To be fair to Dr Loh, he also tried his best for me by acceding to all my ever so often requests to try this and that..

Thanks for your reminder!
Yes we shall see more of God's blessings in the new year starting with Tokkie, Yve, BBerry and other sistas cycling soon! I so wish for breakthroughs in this thread!!
I wonder if i gave Dr F a hard time, haha! I had all my qns typed out and it was 1 page long then i cut, cut, cut till half page, heehee .. short of asking him how to consider donor eggs/embryos only cuz we agreed go get karyotyping and autoimmunity tested first. He will see me again after CNY.
<font color="0000ff">hi sunny i am v touched too w Dr F's response.

i know Dr Loh is a good doc too, but i think he has too many patients under him and the govt redtape to effectively do a bespoke treatment for u.

sorry i am not pushing u to do w Dr F, but i think sometimes we need individual care cos we have tried so much and for so long.

i agree w him to do the 2 tests at KKH first cos they will be heavily subsided..use some govt money since we paid taxes for so long!

i think if u ask dr f abt donor eggs/embryos he will ask that u have not reach that stage yet do the 2 tests and we take from there. his crisp british accent
hi sistas side track ah ... iphone which model good ah? I tell you, my phone fell into the bathtub and is now dead. My hb say iphone 3 or 4 whats more important is the OS, i say whats more important is the pretty or not and games, haha
<font color="0000ff">hi sunny - buy iphone 4... it is quite ok...not as unstable as the papers say abt it initially. it is flatter and to me look nicer. appr iphone 5 coming out next yr</font>
I just switched to iphone4 cos my old iphone3 kept hanging on me. My iphone 3 is the really old one, not even 3gs. So far, the iphone4 is serving me fine. My cousin's iphone4 had to be changed like 4 times in a month. I don't know what kinda problem the phone was giving her though.
Next time when we change phones, we can FaceTime each other..if we are on iPhone 4 with wifi.. Aka live video chat - especially useful during the 2ww..We can still see each other ;-)

Aiyah I want to upgrade to iPhone 4 now on the 3GS version , but nobody to FaceTime with as hubby not using iPhone..

Tokkie, how are you? Bloated?

When is our next lunch?
ok thanks ladies, iphone 4 sounds great! Would have waited for iphone 5 if not for my hp deciding to dip itself into the tub yesterday, sigh ..
Hi Tokkie, are you doing your BT mid next week? Yes, lets pray and believe its this time, God's time. Medically, maybe its also a good change, maybe Dr F's lab made a different culture environment that also helps.

Hi Vanilla, dont worry, i dont feel pushed to Dr F at all. I myself felt the need to see him, as i needed to know if IVF is still the way for me. And Dr F being the IVF specialist would be ideal to give better insight especially after considering my past cycles. Of cuz Dr Loh also can give first hand insight since he did all my cycles. So having 2 dr opinions is kinda more reassuring for me.
<font color="0000ff">hi sisters,

hi sunny -- tokkie's bt is on 6 Jan - next thur. Pls continue prayers on our brave sister and her hb and her babies.

yes a second opinion is good most times. sometimes the embryos like the aircon in a diff lab
haha! I think for tokkie's case her 3 bbs wld like Glen E more cos closer to Orchard Road, so they thawed well, develop well, implant well cos they know mummy and daddy and lots of aunties will buy many nice pressies for them next yr and they can get to see the Xmas lights along Orchard Road

yesterday i met a ex school mate and learnt abt her ttc journey. I felt so much for her. i told her abt our forum thread her and might invite her to join our lunches.

Joie - i think bloatedness will happ for fresh cycles only. I rem Dr F assured me that if i ever do FET i will not have OHSS.

Lunch gathering - how abt the new yr cos BB will be back tom?

Happy birthday bb A! So fast u are 1 yr old and so strong ! this proves God's blessing! </font>
U can FaceTime me! Keke.

I wanted to wait for iphone5 also but the old phone 不争气. Then Singtel guy said iphone5 dunno will be out exactly when. So I just changed the phone.

Bb's coming back today.
Hello all!!!!

Finally reached D7! 1 week down and 1 more to go.. and finally finished my pregnyl jab today too!

Had been naughty... since yesterday.. after accu went for lunch.. and did grocery shopping with my fingers.. went out for lunch again today... think shld be ok le.. hopefully.,. but have been walking super slowly though so no worries there! :p

Mricky : sorry for the delay pm-ed you my hp no. le

Happy birthday to BB A! Mricky, Dont mind help me give bb A a big hug for me ya!

Yve : So so Sorry for the delay too... just pm-ed the recipe... if need any help let me know...

Sunny : Thanks for the prayers once again! Dont think that it will be last step or what.. take everything slowly as it comes... it will be unveil to us in God's timing!
With 2 experts guiding you, Im sure it will be good news for you in no time! Jiayou!

Joie : Thanks for asking abt me!
Urm.. Im technically not bloated lar.. but tummy starting to look abit big coz have been drinking alot of water... duno why I always feel extra thirsty during 2ww....

Never mind... wait for the iphone 5, i also wanna buy... then I facetime with you also,.. then we can all face time during your lunch mtgs... even when Im in perth.... wahahhaahahah...think it such a good idea rite? whahahah :p

Vanilla : heehee... yah initially I counted is 6th... but had discussed with hb..most likely we will go on the 5th since it will be d14 le... whatever will be will be... all in God's Plan... anyway, plan to go for BT at 830 then go Botanic Garden for Breakkie after that wahahaha... to take my mind off Dr F and his phone call... whahahahh....

Showed hb abt ur comment on Glen-E and Orchard... and he was like but last time closer to Suntec... faintz....hahahah..... and I replied... maybe your kids more atas... prefer orchard to bugis junction..... :p
<font color="0000ff">hi tokkie - ya think shld be 5th cos exactly 14days.. tell ur hb that ur bbs like orchard road cos got ION and Paragon and taka
inside them have all the big brands leh!! hahah...

oh a warning.. sometimes Dr F v busy he will call u in the evening. the other time i BT in the morn, after 830pm then he called me.. i think he has alot of labor cases then...

Yve - thanks... will sms BB when she is back...</font>
Vanilla : hehehee... just told my HB... and he said.. then most likely must be girl......

yah I know... Im also worried when Dr F will call.. but tt was y he ask me to go at 830 in the morning then he will call by lunch ard 1230... duno how 'puntual' he will be lar... but nvr mind... shall be zen abt it for now..,. till then, then I panic.... now Im just leaving day by day... trying to motivate myself with little things so that I dun get so bored and let the mind run wild... you know what I mean....
<font color="0000ff">haha 3 girls! haha ur hb better buy more cupboards!

i understand. haha will ask Pres yve to remind Dr F to call by lunch time for yr BT !

ya it is good to have little things to motivate urself. v soon dear u will be doing ur BT.. v soon..</font>
Tokkie yr may prefer orchard rd. Juz like mine Kkh so long no news. Once upgrade to atas area bfp!! Hee hee

thks' all for birthday wishes for bb a. She hasgone thru mountains n oceans of waves. A proof of God's grace n blessing. Continue to pray for health n development.

When is lunch???
<font color="ff0000">Wishing all of my sisters a Happy New Year.. 2011.

May our friendships continue to strengthen and our faith continue to grow as we walk in this journey that our Lord Jesus has brought us together</font>
Mricky : hahahah... hmmm... well we have to see next week if its true... wahahaha.....

Shld be able to join you ppl for lunch if its thurs/fri... wahahahah!

Toycollector : Thanks!

Happy new year to all my wonderful and supportive sisters!!
May we all have a blessed and wonderful 2011!!!!

Hi tokkie, how r u? Jia you! Hey ur 2ww is fr 2010 to 2011 leh.

Sure mricky, will keep bb A in prayers. may God watch over her health n growth daily.

Yve, blackberry, jia you to u gals too.

Sorry, I think one lady here is preg right? Congrats 2u bt I forgot ur name.

Vanilla, where r u?

Toy, u r using ur old nick again?

Happy new year to all my friends here. J n d will b gg to school nxt week. Time really flies. Being a working mum is really not easy. I din spend much time wth my bbs n now they r already toddlers.
