Christian ivf mums or mums to be

<table border=1><tr><td>Names</TD><TD>Food to Bring </TD><TD>No of adults </TD></TR><TR><TD>vanilla</TD><TD>satay or BBQ chicken wings</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>yve</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blackberry</TD><TD>1) curry chicken + french roti</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2) juice, cups and ice</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nz</TD><TD>pasta salad or cheese macaroni</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>TH</TD><TD>pizza</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bingo</TD><TD>chicken pies</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miraclebb</TD><TD></TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tokkie</TD><TD>1)Baked salmon+roasted potatoes and french beans </TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2) Brownies </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joie </TD><TD>Old Chang Kee fish balls/curry puffs/sotong balls</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunny </TD><TD>log cake </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopewaves </TD><TD>mashed potato and spaghetti</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">hello sisters... wah forum abit quiet leh...

me so busy these days -- plus boss coming down - before my trip..sianz! so these 2 weeks i cannot plan lunch gatherings liao

have a good week and good weekend !</font>
I'm back, I'm back.

I'm sorry, I came back on Sat night but was extremely busy these 2 days. Finally handed over the apt to the lawyer, completed the sale. Also, before I left, hb rcvd his m/rpt and he has a whole long list of problems. Just brought him to do his ct scan today and had his eyes checked at the specialist. Now then I have some time to sit down and type post.
There's so much food for our gathering. I'm thinking of getting a platter from Tierney's at Isetan. Will prepare all the disposable cutlery, serviettes and drinks as well.
welcome back Pres Yve!
sounds like u have been overwhelmed. take deep breaths!

as for the drinks, i am bringing juice, ice box and cups...(see vanilla's table) catch up with u soon!
<font color="0000ff">hi president Yve - hope ur hb is ok... u r so busy...hope ur trip is fun!

food wise i think we dont bring too we have variety and hoepfully not too much food left over...or not wasted.

hi bb - ok pres yve is back.. this week u will be going to accup?</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>Names</TD><TD>Food to Bring </TD><TD>No of adults </TD></TR><TR><TD>vanilla</TD><TD>satay or BBQ chicken wings</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>yve</TD><TD>platter from Tierney + cutlery +serviettes</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blackberry</TD><TD>1) curry chicken + french roti</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2) juice, cups and ice</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nz</TD><TD>pasta salad or cheese macaroni</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>TH</TD><TD>pizza</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bingo</TD><TD>chicken pies</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miraclebb</TD><TD></TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tokkie</TD><TD>1)Baked salmon+roasted potatoes and french beans </TD><TD>1 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2) Brownies </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joie </TD><TD>Old Chang Kee fish balls/curry puffs/sotong balls</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunny </TD><TD>log cake </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopewaves </TD><TD>mashed potato and spaghetti</TD><TD>2 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
dear all,

thank u for ur prayers. Laoye is ok for now. He'd better take good care of himself since I can't be next to him 24/7.

trip wasn't very enjoyable. Due to a number of reasons. Will tell u all when we next meet again.

I dunno what's happening to me. The last time I went to the hairdresser's, the assistant burnt my forehead with the hot hair-dryer. Today I went to get my mani &amp; pedi done and the manicurist cut into my skin till I bled! What should I pray for when "bad" things like these are happening to myself?
hi sistas, hope alls well. I been trying to cope with a couple of things lately. Anyway, for those travelling, have safe blessed trip! And have a joyous time preparing for Christmas!
<font color="0000ff">hi sunny - hope u are ok.. next week u going off too right? enjoy ur holidays!

i am going off tom and i havent pack yet!! haha.. no time.. hopefully today i can do some packing. </font>
sunny - thanks for remembering us with your lovely gift of the logcake. u have fun and may peace dwell richly in your heart.

Vanilla - see u refreshed aft the trip.

sisters who will be there this sat - see ya!
Wa... So quiet...

I just returned from my road trip with bb A. We survived...
Mdmkhoo - hw is everything?

Bb - rwf misses u!!

Sunny hope things are looking up for u
Hi ladies hope everyone is well, I juz came back from Krabi and quite "cao ta" now

Anyway my friend who's getting married this sat told me she may need my help with some logistics after the wedding so I may be quite late for the gathering
( pls go ahead without me first, perhaps I'll contact vanilla to see if you guys are still there when I'm done. Sigh was really hoping to meet everyone
<font color="0000ff">hi sisters going to the gathering --> sorry i am swamped now w an urgent review.. will sms u all later yve's address..

Yve dear - i will sms u later...

trusting him- a pleasure to have met you and your family today! Ur ttc journey is 'wow' to say the least and I rejoice that God has blessed you with your little ones.

Bingo - your niece is a cool Santa helper! Cute! Glad u brought her. A pleasure meeting u &amp; your hb too.

Thanks to President Yve for the very nice sheltered area for our potluck this evening. It was cool (temperature) and spacious plus we had u to ward off the mosquitoes! For this and more, we r grateful.

Sunny - thanks for the yummy cake! We missed u!

Hb &amp; I are happy to see the rest of the sisters and their family that could join the event. It is a nice way to celebrate THE GIFT while some of us pine for the little 'packages' to come our way. Blessed week ahead!
Oh ya...

Tokkie - ur homecooked salmon very happening! i woke up this morning thinking abt it. haha! and last night, i ate up a good number of the brownies as I sipped tea-o and watched tv. what a pleasure! jiayou for Wed! we are rooting for u!

NZ - glad to have met ur lovely babes and ur hb, YS. the babes have ur pretty big eyes!

Joie - pl tell baby F that "ice-box auntie" thinks she's a cool, confident babe.

Vanilla - must thank E for wanting to assist my hb with the ice-box. He fascinates me. I mean E, not my hb. Seeing him walk/run around the table and giggling when he sees my cat on the phone warms my heart.

Hopewaves, Mricky &amp; Miraclebb - we missed u! Catch up some time!
Hi Yve for ur plc. Indeed it is lovely n the water features n pool kept E intrigued.

Thanks tokkie for ur lovely salmon n brownie. Will b praying for u for this wed. God will provide n bless u n ur hb.

Hi bingo - sorry didn't have much chance to chat w u n hb. I was late n then need to feed e. Jia you. I pray too u need nit do ivf n have s supernatural conception!

Hi TH - ur twins r so big Liao. Sorry was busy w E can't chat w u.

Hi NZ - ur twins r so lovely. I like ur boy's big eyes. Haha he is so cute when wave goodbye. So eager to go home!

Hi Joie- faith is really outgoing... Haha E was scared of her chasing him.

Hi blackberry -thks for entertaining e. U n ur hb fascinates him. Just now he talked abt uncle pour ice n auntie kick n shoe fly. He laughed n laughed when I mimic ur kung Fu kick w flying shoe.
helloooo everyone..thanks YVE for your place... so has a playground for raf n the bb like the time we come earlier n let the bb play!! oops i self invite myself to your pl!

blackberry- thanks for the gift the ta bao boxes...only u can prepare such a thing..usually we dun see that in a potluck!!

Vanilla- E is sooo handsome!!!! wish u were earlier than the bb can play with him.... the bb fell zzzz on way back...n guess what reached home cant zzz..!!
Joie- faith is brilliant- she is undergoing toilet training- FANTASTIC!!

NZ- what a scare!! but your gal might discover new places next time..she is so adventurous!!! my gal also the one who explore well only she can cos she walking..didi is still cleaning the floor with his pant ( crawling n ref to walk)

Thistle- if only yours around then it will be so crowded!!
i did ask twinnie but i think she forgotten abt it..

bingo- i wish i can catch up with you again... u look young!!!

chat with u all later..need to work now
Hi Sistas! Sounds like you all had great fun! Good good!

Hope the cake was ok. My first time ordering from them but i tasted their cake before last time, thought not bad. Hehe

Hi TrustingHim, thanks for your encouraging SMS and thanks for still remembering me! Whenever i think of you, its brings a smile to my heart too.

Hi Tokkie, will be keeping you in my prayers too. Have a blessed ET and bountiful rest during the 2ww!

All sistas, have a blessed week and joyous time celebrating the birth of our lord Jesus!
<font color="0000ff">hi was ur short get a way? thanks dear for ur logcake.

Hi TH - haha E just enjoyed running about ..when he saw little D running w her daddy, he was so happy and ran thankful i had bb, tokkie and yve to help me watch over him in case he is up to mischief.

hi Tokkie - jia you! u have slow cooker at home? ask ur MIL to put kampong chicken + red dates and longan and boil so u can have soup during the day when no one is at home... dinner ur hb back to cook for u? u will be the first to start w Dr F this cycle n ur bb(s) will be "da kor kor/ jie jie" to the rest of the bbs who will follow -- bb, miraclebb, bingo, sunny, yve, hopewaves....</font>
Hello all!!!

It was great to meet many of the sisters last Sat and playing with some of the kids!

Yve : Thanks for getting us such a nice area for the gathering!

Vanilla : Thanks for organising the gathering!
Think we should have such gathering more!

Wahahaha.... HB decided to be my cook for all my meals coz he knows I cant stand my MIL's cooking.. wahahaa.. :p I think Im getting very mean...

Blackberry : Thanks for the pressie!
Was telling hb I needed to get books for me to pass time during the 2ww.. and wala.... heehee.... Thanks again!
heehee.. since you r thinking abt it... once I clear my 2ww.. I'll make some for you next time we meet ya!

TrustingHim : Sorry didnt had much opportunity to talk to you.. hope to see you again soon and be able to chat with you!

Sunny : We've missed you! Thanks for your logcake!
Hows your trip? Thanks for your prayers &amp; hope to catch up with you soon!

Joie, NZ &amp; Bingo : It was nice seeing you gals again! Nice catching up with all of you, hope to meet up again soon ya!

Mricky, Miraclebb &amp; Hopewaves : Sorry to have missed you gals last sat, hope to be able to meet up with you gals soon too!

Thanks all for your well wishes and prayers!
Have a blessed &amp; joyful christmas all!
Hi ladies, it's nice meeting most of u at the gathering. Thx yve for hosting us. U must be tired. Bberry also did a good job waving at us to the right pit. I agree ur hb is good looking. Thanks ladies for the gifts. I didn't bring any, oops! Food was good too. Oh and thanks sisters for helping to hunt for D. I had never been that scared b4. My hb sd he only took at look at his piece of log cake and the next moment d disappeared. Whose log cake was that?

Bingo, nice meeting u n ur hb too. U hv got mail.

Tokkie, tommorow is the day? I pray for the peace n joy of the Lord to be with u.

vannila, E's dinner looked yummy. U gotta give me that recipe. I ran out of ideas n I think j n d are tired of my food.

Joie, faith is so cute. She is so brave n sociable. I really like her.

Th, congrats. U made it with u kids n hb tis time. U will gain more confidence every time u bring them out. Ur new maid seems ok.

Sunny n the rest of the ladies, hope to c all of u soon.
<font color="0000ff">hi sisters...

hi NZ - sure..v simple gravy and rice.. but not nice lah cos that day E did not finish it..haha..he has his moods.

I take 1 tablespoon of rice, boil w beef, tomatoes and carrots and green leafy veg and then blend all... that is the gravy. must add the rice so that when u blend the beef, it will be gluey not meat stringy.

re D missing... wah i tell u, my heart skipped like 5 beats. First thing is i look at the swimming pool. Luckily i thot i spot some wavy hair and ran to the other party. She is so calm ... did not even seem bothered that she caused all of us to panic.. haha children lah.. but as usual, e signed he is scared as i was shouting " D, D , D".. my scaredy cat boy.

sigh... today is bad day for me.. Q w my mum... i asked her to change her schedule cos my MIL's PT maid cant come in on Tue and my hb does not want my MIL to be alone w E on Tues.. my mum has her only activity - yoga that day and fri. she is extremely unhappy that she has to be the one always accomodating the changes to someone else's convenience. So we Q cos i asked her what she wants me to do, fight w my hb and mil and D? Sigh...

now i have to crack my brain to look for another solution for E for Tues. i have 1 kid and so much prob... how i ever can have my no 2? i yearn for one so bad it hurts but i cant have it cos of everyone's else selfishness. </font>
The missing D gave me such a scare.. but I have to say she is a brave gal - making new friends so quickly:)

Trustinghim, it ain't too bad to bring the twins and Raphael out right? The little twin boy was so cute.. God is good - I remembered we were fervently praying for him when he first arrived cos he was suspected to have issues with protein intake (or something like that).. and God is good. He healed the little one.

Vanilla, really sorry to hear abt these issues.
I can understand how your mum feels if she only has activity for the day and she has to give it up. Maybe your hubby could take the day off and do his part next time to help your MIL (his mum) so that MIL will not be alone with E (action rather than words!)

Faith had a great time with the kids and playing with icebox auntie.. she was fascinated with the cold water and the forbidden drinks.

Yve, thanks for letting us use your bbq pit area, and treating us to special Hokkaido spring water ;-)

Tokkie, you make great food.. are you sure it is not one of the hidden reasons your inlaws and sis in law prefer to stay with you.. haha they get to eat quality cooking everyday when you cook.
Jia You!! for your FET.. dun forget to eat the egg whites and relax.. maybe a quiet Xmas this yr.. and a really noisy one next yr!

John 16:23
In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

sunny, thanks for your log cake..

Bingo, come join us for lunch instead.. more time to catch up with the adults!

Maybe we should do a CNY gathering.. depending on the cycling schedules for our lovely ladies..
hi everyone!

Thank u all for the company last Sat. I wasn't exactly the "host". Just booked the place for us to gather that's all. I'm really no good at hosting parties. Didn't talk much to everyone of u either. Nice meeting u for the 1st time, Bingo and TH!

and yes, boy, was I panicking when I heard everyone shouting for D! I looked into the pool just like Vanilla.

Am glad that the gathering turned out fine and everyone enjoyed themselves.

sunny, mricky: u were definitely missed!

tokkie: so exciting! take a good rest today for the big day tmr. Really, pls send me the recipe for the baked salmon. Told my mom abt it and she said she wanna try for CNY when my aunts come to visit. keke.
Hi gals

sorry to have missed the gathering. I had to meet my colleagues at 6pm ... Am glad that the rest of you enjoyed yourselves.

TH wow first time . Next time don worry that much about bringing your; musketeers out!

Tokkie all e best fir your et tmw. What time?

Joie-I remember u telling me abt travelling w bb A. After once I dare to!

When is the next lunch? Next wed?
Hello everyone!
Was real busy this week at work, presentation, meeting clients etc... So looking forward to join the LOL club in march! Haha!
Sorry need to rush off on sat, suppose to meet my sis at vivo but the place was so super packed as such the parking lots were full! Have to go tiong bahru instead...
Anyway is really nice meeting all of you on sat... My hubby was telling me is good to know friends who have the same faith and who are gng through the same journey or advice from those who have succeed... Looking at the kids from this thread really warms my heart and indeed boost up my confidence in this journey..
We should meet more often! Oh and thanks for the Christmas gift!

hi joie, u said join you all often and talk to the adults.. Make
me feels like small kid in the thread.. Haha!! I am 29 leh, gng 30 next year.. Same age as tokkie....
Hi NZ, eh I thought my PM is on? hmm.... Sorry then how to on my PM again? Haha sorry forgot even though vanilla thought me before....
<font color="0000ff">hi dear bingo - is it ok i give NZ ur email then?

u turn on ur PM by going to profile under preferences - see that ur box is not ticked on "Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users" </font>
Vanilla- have the child care arrangement settled? i really look up to you..u can cope alone with E. i will most likely stay home..i did ask Psalm along but her hb overseas so she could not make it.

Joie- your hb is the "model" hb..NZ hb too... but yours is so protective over your gal always following her..i was telling hb that look you all dun need maid or bring maid along cos your hb is so involved in caring for your gal..even bring her to toilet!!!

yes all ladies..that was the 1st time my bb was out of the house premise after 5!!! never did i even bring them out of hse after 630...1st time.... but the only bad thing was they zz on way home n reached hm eyes big big!!! toook so long then willing to zz...

maybe can meet during cny!!!

i try to get Psalm n twinnies again!!
NZ : Thanks for ur prayers!

Joie : Thanks for ur compliments n prayers!

Vanilla : thanks for ur prayers! Hope ur bbsitting arrangements has been settled.

Mricky : THanks for your well wishes n prayers! ET at 130pm will be heading down to Dr F soon....

Yve : thanks for ur prayers too! Yeap will post the recipe either later or tml ok? Heehee....
<font color="0000ff">hi tokkie - i can see u at Dr F! i am going down to Glen E to get more med for E... will pop by Dr F to renew my freezing and say hihi to u...

bb sitting - in the end need my mum to do it..initially after my mum screamed at me i went to beg my PT maid to help me, she ok, but hb said no. so i went back n pleaded w my mum say school hols i will take half day morns so she can continue her yoga. My dad is v nice, he said he will watch E for me...meaning bring E to aracade or beach .. do play stuff until my mum comes back from yoga.

alot more things happ..sigh!

TH - i have only 1 - so it is easier. E is too active to stay home... he can tell me he wants walk walk. So if hb not free, i still take bus take train w E to go out. he loves MRT...</font>
dear sisters

its been a really long time since I last post here! I'm blessed with a singleton &amp; I'm already 13 weeks pregnant, expecting our little sweetheart next June.

time really fly, from when I decided to cycle till now it was 4 mths already. I had a little scare during my 11 weeks when I went for my oscar. I cleared my scan with flying colours but blood test show high risk DS. Fear consumed me immediately &amp; I broke down right then in office. Next day went CARE &amp; broke down once more in front of Angela, she was really God send. trying her so very best to ensure me everything is fine &amp; even encourage me to go for CVS test. I even questioned God why me!?!? I under low risk group &amp; I definitely cannot afford to lose this little precious!

I went for CVS test the very next day even though I was so against it due to MC risk. I'm now blessed with the most wonderful christmas &amp; bday present! the result is normal, the big stone in my heart is finally lifted off.

Blessed Christmas to all of you &amp; your family, I may not be active here but rest assured your thoughts are with me &amp; I'll continue to pray for all of you! Thank you for being my prayer warriors during my cycle!
Hi All!

Live update! Heehee... Just finished my procedure n PTL all 3 frosties that were thawed managed to survive... N Dr F managed to do a smooth transfer too! He is pretty optimistic I must say... But also we will still need to cross our fingers n hope for the best!

Vanilla : thanks for coming by n praying for us! Sweet sister!
<font color="0000ff">hi tokkie - no worries.. i happ to be there... sorry was abit emo cos i thot of ur journey and really pray to God to give u and ur hb a BIG rainbow this time.

Dr F is really nice... he just thawed what he needs...and God has really administered him with good skills in transfer and God will bless ur 3 embroys with good implantation.

u must lie on day bed till abt 5pm right? Rest well and tell ur bbs jia you! </font>
Tokkie, PTL!!! Have a good rest!!

Wow, so scary, D wandered off! Thank God its just a scare. God watches over his little babies.

Tokkie, now i feel like eating your salmon liao after all the praises i hear. Hehehe

Vanilla, good that E's childcare issues are now settled. Your dad is really sweet. Its good ah gong and sooon's bonding too.
<font color="0000ff">hi sunny - ya my dad loves E. When E can say grandpa properly, he is so thrilled.

Haha just now i "commanded" tokkie's hb to feed her well these 2 weeks. He is v sweet to her..made longan red dates drink liao! I think if he can handle twins or triplets v well. </font>
Tokkie do rest well. Goodthat hb is willing to cook for u... V excited !!!

Aiya reading all the Jie mei's comments abt yr salmon. Next time I wanna try!!!!! Yummy

vanilla - am glad that you hv settled yr family issues. I rmbr last tm my maid didn't return after her home leave. I was doing project one man show n in laws away. I had to leave my gal at tuition centre, get hb to drive het tk my office b4 he left for night shift! I had to get my intern to feed n entertain her while u had debrief!!!! Anyway, I shnt ponder on unhappy moments...

R we mtg next wk for lunch?
winniepooh - thank u for sharing your episode with us. rejoicing in the coming of your little sweetheart and the outcome of ur blood test. thank u for remembering us. blessed Christmas! take good care!

Tokkie - President and I happ to be together these last two days and prayed for u - praying for your success and peace... and that u will draw close to God during this period too. He is constant, never changing and He loves u. so sweet to hear ur hb preparing food for u!

Mricky - srf, will i see u only in 2011... looks like it leh. hope u are well. bb A doing well too?

Vanilla - glad that Tue is taken care of. Hb has confirmed my going away next Tue -Thur, so cant be of help. take good care! God knows your heart.

<font color="0000ff"> hi tokkie dear... Jia you jia you! Can start singing Christmas carols to ur darlings... Tell them next yr they will collect pressie from aunty vanilla

Hi Yve miracle bb n bb - I think I will go back n buy the blue frilly blouse haha Mayb the red one too to wear for cny. I work so many yrs this area also never shop there... Haha... I think I need retail therapy since so stressed for past weeks. Haha actually this wk I bot a bag which in my std v exp but I was so upset I need to fa xie. </font>
