Christian ivf mums or mums to be

hi Germenie, hows your ER today? Praying all is well and that you have minimal discomfort and that the lab is well prepared to fertilise your precious eggs today. Have good rest and gear up for your 2ww.

Posted on Monday, January 10, 2011 - 1:29 pm:   
Hi All, thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement, sharing and well wishes

Hi Sunny & trusting him, I just came back from ER. Retrieved 3 eggs with 1 fragmented and 1 immature and left with only one precious for ICSI. Will know if my precious develops well and can be transferred on Wednesday by tomorrow. I'm trying very hard not to feel discouraged and keeping my spirit up by trusting God and focus on Him. I don't want to feel negative but it's so hard not to. How I wish God could tell me it'll be alright, everything is fine. During my 2010 ivf cycle, 3 eggs were retrieved with only 1 fertilized now with only one egg, would it be fertilized? I'm sorry sisters for getting so negative now. God, please let me be brave and fill me with your peace in whatever outcome I will face.

Xmasbaby - I'm going to be 40 this year.
Germenie, lets pray for God to bless your egg with good fertilisation! God willing, He can do wonders just like He did with the 5 loaves bread and 2 fishes. And i have seen gals BFP with only 1 embryo transferred too. Will assisted hatching be done to improve chances of implantation?
26th, I cannot as its hb birthday cum wedding anniversary so you gals go ahead ... but if 1 week before Im ok...
hi Germenie.

blackberry, tokkie and myself said a little prayer for u earlier today.
Rest well. Don't think too much.
Hi Yve, blackberry, tokkie and all sisters, Thank you so much for all your prayers and your listening ears. Appreciate it sincerely. May God bless all sisters with a good night and joyous days ahead.
Hi Germenie, thanks for sharing your story. I've also just joined recently and so far met only a few sisters here. But I'm always very encouraged and touched to hear about the stories of courage everyone shares and the spirit of fighting on and not giving up is incredible. I don't write very often but I always enjoy reading the posts.

This year will be my 4th yr TTC-ing. I have tried a few rounds of iui and soiui so probably going to do ivf this year. The thought if it scares me, but I'm grateful I can be in the company of so many ladies who have been there done that, and regardless of the results, are still so faithful in God. My faith in God has been severely tested and I still find myself being reluctant to pray or read my Bible because I really dun have the faith. Last week, the communion at my church talked about how so many women in the Bible were barren but had faith and conceived, but it made me feel worse because does it mean I'm not faithful enough that's why God doesn't bless? I used to take up leadership position in church and helped people become Christians, but now there's a part of me that is so reluctant, like why should I do so much for him when he doesn't care about me, and perhaps I should focus more on myself instead.

I intended to start this year on a positive note but the triggers came gushing in last week and I ended up feeling pretty down again. I had a colleague telling me she suspects she's pregnant and testing, my step mum calling me all of a sudden to tell me to go Hainan island for fertility treatment in a desperate and "somethings wrong with you" tone, my best friend telling me she feels disappointed that she is having a girl after her scan as she already has a girl and she miscarried a baby boy recently. It felt a bit like she's telling me she dun have shoes when I dun even have feet. My period came last Friday too which didn't help. And just now I read the Today newspapers which said that more than 9 million babies are aborted in China every year!

I used to be a very carefree and happy person who is adventurous and wants to live life to the fullest, but now friends have commented that I changed so much. I feel fearful and worried easily now, and it borders on depression. Not to mention that i have been getting these frightful dreams about pple's tummies getting big, hcg test was nearly 2 years ago etc which gives me sudden pangs of fear. I actually wake up feeling fearful many mornings because my hubby is a teacher and he leaves the house very early in the morning and I wake up alone.

Sometimes I feel like running away. My environment seems to be more and more saturated with pregnant women whom I wanna avoid which means my circle of interaction is getting smaller and smaller each time. I dun wanna go for CNY celebrations or reunion dinners cos I'll see my nieces and nephews which will make me sad and I'll be bombarded with stupid questions again. The whole week I'm just thinking abt how to siam Chinese new year altogether.

Sorry for sounding negative sisters. I know that I shouldn't feel all this and there are many things in life to be grateful for.. but I'm just feel very tired I guess.
Hi germenie, tx for sharing ur thots n fears wth us so that we can all pray for u. Some prayers give the results we want but some give results in other ways.

Hi hopewaves, I hvnt met u b4 but reading wat u wrote here draws my heart to u. I truly understd wat u mean. I was a Sunday school teacher during my many years of unable to conceive. Me n my hb was also the only couple who din hv kids in our cg at that time. We felt totally out of plc. Serving In church was a big struggle to me. I merely served as a means of responsibilities n the feeling was awful. Our God is a gracious God. He doesn't count wat we have done or wat we haven't. I took a break coz I felt terrible. My fren reminded me not to feel defeated coz the victory has already been won n when we r afraid, we only need to fear God n walk in boldness n truth. I pray He will bind the wound in ur heart n lead u in gentleness.

Tokkie, glad u r up n abt agn. Will cont to pray for u.

Sorry blackberry, tis wed cant lunch unless u all wanna come vivo? (jst kidding)

vanilla, tx for the recipe. I tried cooking it 3 times n j liked it, d was picky.
Germenie & Hopewaves - thank you for pouring your heart here with us. This ttc struggle can rock the core of our identity and significance and leave us life-less, tired and pining. It is hard, no doubt about that. I am turning 39 and have left my full-time, promising job for 5 years to ttc already. There's still no warmth of my baby in my arms, and the score is a big ZERO. That is the fact. I have to embrace that God is my world and not my child/children. My identity as a child of God should not be shaken by my childlessness nor job, wealth or status... I am still rich in HIm. The ttc future may look bleak for me but God is already there and He is good and sovereign. It is my daily reminder. Do not lose heart and give in to the devil's accusations that we are any less - the world will go on with its baby adverts, questions ... But God is our Rock. We will not be shaken. If it is too much, God too allows us to hide in the shadows of His wings till we are renewed with strength. He does hold our world in His hands.

Concerning Wed lunch - am so sorry, i think I cannot as well as I have to be at woodlands at 2.30pm. So paiseh! Think it would be too tight! so sorry!!

26 Feb gathering sounds good!
anyone watch CNA get real last night? if u missed it can watch on 1.30 today or 5.32 on wed... actually adoption was soemthing close to my heart too.. but the bb shown on the tv last night was so adorable.
Hey I would like to come since I missed the last gathering. But 26th is also difficult for me as I have a work event. Is 19th okie for everyone here?
<font color="aa00aa">Hello sisters.. ok let me do the main logistic work first before i reply some post:


19th Feb i cant. I am trying to do a girls dinner only with some friends (sans Elisha).. my first time... hope i can be ren xin.

can i suggest 5 March?

let's see who can make it who cant. Roll Call:

5 Mar 2011:
1. vanilla
<font color="ff6000">hi bb, ur post really gives me strength to face whatever i am facing now... all things are transient except God.

Hi hopewaves - it is not that u r not faithful that is why u r facing this journey. Instead God knows u r faithful that is why He wants u to walk a tougher route compared to others. God knows our lvl of tolerance for burden, He wants to mould us to be strong for Him, His works. Hang on sister, when we think there is no light, a ray will appear. That hope will come cos God is our saviour.

hi Germaine - God protects and bless u and ur bb.Let's leave ur bb to God and God will do what is the best for bb. this is my prayer for my bb when i was in my 6th week.

hi NZ - glad that J likes it How are ur 2 bbs in school? E has been crying since Day 3.. his first 2 days were good, but now it is buckets of tears, v drama mama.. at nite has nightmares -- keep crying out "mama come, papa come, ah ma come, grandma come"... basically the whole village come to get him out of school

another recipe for u ..if J and D like mushrooms. this is my fav recipe for E: Portobello mushroom (1 will do cos it is big), tomatoes, carrots. beef and rice...cook all tog like mushroom risotto...i will blend cos of the beef.. the end result - smells like cream of mushroom soup..
Germenie, take good care, rest well for ET tomorrow.

Hopewaves, you are not alone. Your struggles we all can understand. Take heart that as long as you dont give up, keep trying, success will only get nearer not further. If you already tried IUI, SOIUI, then i encourage you to try IVF, maybe a more direct method like this may bring you success faster. Pray about it and make the decision when you are at peace with yourself, with God.
Hi beloveds,
just want to come in to wish everyone a blessed new yr....

I just wan to share someone... last week, 2nd Jan... my pastor told us that God's message for our church is baby booms! ppl who think that there is no answer to this, this is the yr!
and I said AMEN to it...
so let all agree together.. cos the bible say when 2 agrees tog, it shall be done....

i have waited 7 yrs for my miracle bb(my 2nd bb)..

Ladies, can i join yr gathering?

Also.. trusting... can add me in yr fb?

my email address is [email protected]
Dear Germeine and hopewaves, you can always share your thoughts with us. We are your lstening ears cos the sisters here have gone thru our ttc journey and understand what you are going thru and how you feel.

vanilla, can't lunch this entire week. next week wed-fri is ok.

gathering 5 Mar is ok for me.
Hi sisters,
A big big thank you for all your sincere prayers and words of encouragement. Clinic called to say can do transfer tomorrow morning. I couldn't stop myself from tearing. I thank God and all sisters for walking this journey with me to this point. Every step is tough but with your prayers and encouragement have made the steps easier for me. Though I know that a two-day transfer with only one embryo, chances of pregnancy is low, I still feel hopeful and will continue to trust in the Lord to walk this journey with me. Furthermore, I have you, sisters, to support me with prayers no matter what happens. Thanks for all testimonies and sharing as they brought hope and encouragement to me. I'll continue to pray for all sisters
<font color="0077aa">hi germenie - PTL!

hi dor - hi hi wave wave...5mar ok w u too?

5 March 2011 gathering:
2. mricky
3. dor

wah no one wants to eat lunch w me this fri...sob sob
Germenie, PTL! So happy for you! Dont think so much now about 1 embryo low chance. Every embryo stands equal chance! And God is an enabler, God willing, nothing is impossible or ever too hard! Just take good care during this 2ww!
Vanilla, me friday got KKH appt if not i will join you lunch! Waa, E's first few days at school sounds challenging. Do parents get to sit in a few hours or you all rather train him to get used to it from start? Anyway, dont worry, its a phase, he will get over it one. Later when he enjoy school so much, he will telling what he do everyday to your whole clan, hehe
vanilla.. 5 Mar 2011 gathering? You mean for CNY?

I can lunch on Wed.. if anyone is keen :)
Fri on annual leave.. so can't lunch with you gals.. got to spend some time with hubby and the toddler.
<font color="ff6000">yes joie - supp to b on CNY... but since so far from CNY we make it a normal gathering.

hi sunny - thanks. haha i hope so. just went to pick him and buy him suprises and stuff he wants to makan. Hope tom will be better.

oh u have KKH appt to see Dr Loh? </font>
Dor11- hi hi. Have not met u before. Rejoicing that ur no2 came along.

Germenie - yeah! Said a prayer for u today. Jiayou!

Vanilla - fri lunch ok for me. Don't sob sob.
see ya.

Sunny - always happy to read your posts. hope all is good for u at the work front.

Nz, joie, trusting him- wave wave!
Dor 11 - first time meeting u here. Hi hi! Glad ur no2 came along.

Germenie- yeah. Said a prayer for u today. Jiayou!

Vanilla- I can lunch with u on Friday. Don't cry...
<font color="ff6000">oh no bb... dun type or not u more giddy...

now i lunch w u on Fri, like what E will say "HAPPY" and he will put his hands on his face saying that..</font>
Vanilla, ya Dr Loh. Want to ask him do the karytyping and auto immune tests for me. Hopefully his mood on fri good ah!

Hello BB, thanks for asking. Work front no good and since not cycling till at least May/Jun, i am now looing out for jobs too. Are you waiting for next month BT see how then cycle?
<font color="aa00aa">hi hi, thinking of meditating on some verses ...which ones have helped you along the way during this TTC journey? Please share
Shoes, my most remembered, i think by BB/Yve, hehe ... :

<font color="aa00aa">"It aint over till God say so"
"Get better not bitter"</font>

Biblical ones i am very bad at it, but i remember the one that say .. :

<font color="aa00aa">"Genesis 1:28 Be fruitful and multiply"</font>
this one is so for those trying for 2nd child and beyond!

<font color="aa00aa">"Psalms 128:
1 Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways!
2 You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like
olive shoots around your table.
4 Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord."</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Sunny - somehow don't tihnk can find the verse "it ain't over till God says so" hahahaha

Thanks for the Be fruitful &amp; multiply verse
Shoes, cos its not in the bible, haha! But its a good encouragement to us isnt it? When our flesh is weak and we feel like giving up, it tells us God is in control.
Hey blackberry,

Thanks for having lunch with me just now, sharing your experiences and also initiating to pray together! I really enjoyed myself and feel that I've learnt so much from you. I'll keep in mind your advice about how faith will only make sense in the reverse, that God knows the whole span of our lives rather than just the tiny little bit we see now, that we are loved no less than any other women, and our identity should come from God alone and not what the world says. Honestly I was wishing I had a notebook so I can jot down all your words of wisdom. I also appreciate how you are standing firm in God despite other struggles in your life right now apart from TTC. Through you, I really see God more. It was like a morale booster just talking to you 

I will be praying for you and all the rest of the sisters here. Germaine, all the best to you and we are all behind you. My God give you the peace and comfort through the whole procedure.
The Bible says that perfect love drives out fear. And God is the only one who can give me perfect fear. 

Scriptures to Drive Out Fear
Psalm 27:1
"The Lord is my light and my salvation--
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life--
of whom shall I be afraid?"

Psalm 46:2
"Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,"

Psalm 112:7
"He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord."

Proverbs 1:33
"but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at east, without fear of harm."

Proverbs 31:21
"When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet."

Isaiah 41:10
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Jeremiah 17:8
"He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

Habakkuk 3:17-19
"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle int he stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights."

1 Peter 3:6
"like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear."

1 Peter 3:14
"But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened."

Shoes these are some verses I like. Hope it helps u too! 
Hi Mummies,

My case is slightly different. I am not doing IVF. I have been going to Thong Chai Medical Institution and taking chinese herbs on and off for about a year.

My gynae has diagnosed me with autoimmunity. I tested positive for Lupus Anti-coagulant and so will need a daily jab of Heparin once I am pregnant till the day I deliver.

Thong Chai Medical makes me chart my temp daily. For the last few days, it has been abotu 36.6 degrees. However, I have noticed that for this month, I have not much cervical discharge. Does that mean I didn't ovulate?
Vanilla u so poor thg but nw got bb.

Wat abt next wk? Got lunch? Next wed??? Srf wanna mt bb. Germenie n xmasbb, r u wkg? Me at raffles plc
wah... so much happened today while I was slogging at work. Yeah.. went back to help the boss do some work. In fact I'll be going back to the office 2 days a week from now onwards. Less time to think of nonsense.

sorry, I can't lunch this Fri. Old friend came back from US. Miss our weekly lunch gatherings. Will try to make it if there's 1 next week.

Keep up with the faith. I know of someone who just got pregnant with 1 embryo transferred and it was a D2 trsfr as well. My 2nd pregnancy was also a D2 trsfr. I still remember I was very upset with the dr at that time. I didn't think that a D2 trsfr will be of any good. I was wrong. Do drop by here to chat with us during ur 2ww.
Yve - will miss u on Fri lunch. see ya in the afternoon!

Mricky - aiyoh, wait to see my srf (sweet round face) till neck also long already ah! saw bb's pic in FB. She's really growing up fast. how's things with her?

Hopewaves - thanks for your kind words. i hope that i learn my lesson well so that God will allow me to move to the next chapter whatever that may be. your life is also a testament of persevering in God and gives us strength to move on. whether u feel up or down, do feel free to share with us. this is the space that we can be real to one another, esp on this issue of fertility.

Germenie - heard the encouraging story from Yve too. jiayou! dont despair!

Sunny - hope u get the info u need when u see Dr Loh on Fri. honestly, i dont know when i can cycle. may not be so soon. hopefully can see u next week?

Xmasbaby- whatever the means, may God bless you with the desires of your heart and keep you in His perfect peace.
Dear all,

I'm so glad I found this thread. Knowing that there are Christian mums whom we can share our IVF journey &amp; faith in God. I am 28 this yr with a boy from my previous fresh cycle. I'm proceeding to do FET within these few days. I'm not sure whether my decision is correct in terms of "be fruitful and multiply".

My boy is conceived by transferring 2 embryos. I was advised by the embryologist to go for 2 frozen this time at day 2 based on my age, history &amp; grading of embryos. There are 30% of singleton &amp; 20% twins. After hard considerations, I decided to culture to blastocyst and transfer 1 only. I am not ready to parenting 1 toddler &amp; twins yet although we would like to have 3 kids. I also kw that God is good to me if he give me twins and I should be grateful. Am I disobeying God?
Morning all!

Sorry was very bz lately to post... Vanilla I can meet u for lunch on fri too! :)

Will post more later...
truffleapple- it took me a long time b4 i went for ivf cos i am scared of having twins/triplets cos no support...but well i ended up with twins... n i love them a lot..even though we still tease the younger twin as EXTRA...or some thing we called the bb gal "FREE" and the bb boy"gift".

mine was culture to blastocyst cos that what the dr suggest.. but still ended up with 2 embryos..from the 5 that was cultured.

well let pray that if 2 made it than let pray for 2 heartbeats but if 1 made it let pray for a healthy bb/bbs= well my hb coll put 2 embryos n found 3 sac ... so some times such thing happen too,... so if God want to bless with twins cant avoid it.ha ha.. then let pray for strength to bring up the twins...

i fully understand what in your to cope with 2 at a time!!!.. i am very scared too n still is.... something i wonder why God thinks so highly of me... i am so impatient( bad tempered) n yet gives me 2 kids that need to be fed to be toilet trained n 2 kids that are completely different!! the gal is so loud n the boy that is so quiet..
<font color="0077aa">hi sisters,

Hi truffleapple, welcome. if u have peace at heart when u made that decisions God is with u on that decision. If God really wants u to handle multiples trust me, He will allow that embryo to split to identical twins too when it is transfered, nothing is impossible w God.

i have the same worry too..handling multiples. W a toddler now if i EVER do a FET for another child, i would worry abt twins. but then again i see sisters like Thistle and TH, they could handle and i know God's will is that they will have multiples cos God knows they can handle this burden. So we shall let God decide..

hi hopewaves - PTL for blackberry - the sister with grace and kindness who stays by us when we are down and lost!

hi yve - no worries, i try arrange another lunch next week. maybe a wednesday? </font>

during the 2 ww, i read the bk "supernatural child birth" n prayed n lay hands on my tummy using the verse from the bk.
i still have a bk praying for the unborn bb and if anyone of u need it just pm me....
