Christian ivf mums or mums to be

<font color="0000ff">hi sisters,

haha time u must tell Dr F abt ur being president of his fan club..see his reaction!

hi joie - i think i will do w GE..cos if anything my uncle can help me claim faster...

hi blackberry - thanks! this morn, he laughed in his sleep
so funny to hear chuckling and see his eyes closed. this morn he signed scared as he said "noodles uncle"...</font>

Haha yve.. I thought LOL means lots of laugh.. Din know is Ladies of leisure... Ok pls tell me how to spend my time
at home.. I am so worry I am be bored!

Thanks blackberry...
I will tell my children next time.. Mummy give up her career to have u.. So must be fillial to me! Haha
<font color="0000ff">thanks yve for the v full and yummy lunch....

and sunny for the lovely egg tarts...hee hee i so greedy didnot know i took 1 box = 2 egg tarts and i just polished them
me and my sweets.. cant resist...they are v v nice.

thanks sisters!

Bingo - ur non working days will be filled w fun with LOL club! i really wish i am not working so i can jalan jalan as well
<font color="0000ff">18 Dec 2010 Xmas gathering

as discussed think easier to do a potluck. Pls include beside ur name what food u will be bringing.

as it is near dinner time, for children i think mummies will prepare for them their own food so the food indicated here are for the adults (the sinful type

<table border=1><tr><td>Names </TD><TD>Food to bring </TD></TR><TR><TD>vanilla</TD><TD>satay or BBQ chicken wings </TD></TR><TR><TD>yve</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blackberry</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Thistle</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>TH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>NZ</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bingo </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miraclebb </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tokkie </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mricky </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joie </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Sistas, sorry i couldnt get more boxes from the shop so i got more plastic bags from them, hope you are able to split pack them. Nice? I like cuz not too sweet and the shop freshly bake every morning. Heehee, spreading my snacking tooth to you all! Haha, but dont worry, you all slim slim can eat abit more!

Vanilla, glad you like, heehee.

Thanks President Yve! I sent the food pics to my hb, he drooling, haha!

Sistas, if i cant go the xmas gathering, can i contribute by sending you all a log cake?

Btw sis, i finally pluck up the courage to call Dr F. Was thinking, like you said, just call lah, anyway first appt wont be so soon de. Guess what? ... The nurse say next thurs 25 Nov. I almost fell off my chair! hahaha, i say no no no, dec please. So end up 27 dec cuz that day hb can take leave. Hehehe, so now next step is i have to brace up enough courage to see him. I dont know why i am such a weakling, see him also scared. Just cannot explain the fear.
<font color="0000ff">hi sunny - haha the power of being in Dr F fan club w President yve...the nurses must have known so scheduled u on 25 Nov!

dont worry u will have courage to see him.. all of us will pray for u!

Thanks for ur log cake! is it inconvenient for u to bring it down? delivery? </font>
Vanilla, i just ask for delivery lor, hehe.

Will PM presd Yve for address. U gals have fun must post up some pics in FB to see? Heehee
Think the other sistas happily shopping now, hehehe.

Mbb's dress today is very nice, like the chiffon against embroidery. Bb, you also look good in dresses, should buy more, hehee

Waa, your hb like "takenouchi yutaka" ah? Now then i read backwards. Very handsome leh! Oooo, handsome/pretty babies in the making!

Oh ya Yve, you watching Hotaru no Hikari 2 right? Hotaru no Hikari 1 is now showing on mio TV wor, ch 73, 1030pm starting today i think. Just FYI in case you have mio TV and like to catch it too.
<font color="0000ff">thanks sunny dear for ur log cake..haha i think that is the most xmas food..satay for xmas..totally asia!

ya i must go w them shopping for dresses too
need to look abit more feminine at work liao! haha

I think must ask pres yve to post later her buys!

tokkie dear - what did u buy today? </font>
But Vanilla, we are singapura leh, here is every different food also can rojak one, shiok! If i am there, i will sure chiong your satay leh cuz normal day eat out where got so easily can get to eat satay, only parties then got 'kou fu' leh.

Eh, how big ah? 1 kg enough?
<font color="0000ff">haha sunny... ya i sugg satay cos i found a nice store at East COast food centre.. haha....
that day share w hb or not i will makan more

i think the lowest weight is enough....thanks!</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>Names</TD><TD>Food to Bring </TD></TR><TR><TD>vanilla</TD><TD>satay or BBQ chicken wings </TD></TR><TR><TD>yve</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blackberry</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>thistle</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nz</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>thistle</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bingo</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miraclebb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tokkie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mricky</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joie </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunny </TD><TD>log cake </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Vanilla - wah, u very on with the list! I will bring my dad's chicken curry and bread (frenchie loaves!)

Sunny - glad that u took the first step. am so PROUD of u! Hugs! 27 Dec is a long way to go still. u dont let fear win the day, ok? God has made us conquerors and overcomers. we are here with u. Thank u for your generous egg tart. was too full after lunch to eat it. looking forward to devouring it later! thanks for ur kind compliment on my dress. hubby doesnt think i look nice in it,say that dress will fly up when there's wind and that I look preggy.
i didnt buy any dress with miraclebb and Pres... nothing caught my fancy but it was therapeutic nonetheless. thanks for ur kind offer of Log cake too. want me to collect it?

pres Yve- thanks for yummy lunch. wah! today more stories of your oh xiang to make us drool (miraclebb too - "we will get through this together") now vanilla n i FULLY realise that we are not in the favoured pool lor. maybe by association with u, we will get better treatment next time. hehe. any way, nice that we can talk about such things and know that God's grace has seen us through so many downs and He will lead us and sustain us come what may. Press on!
so we going to use the bbq pit for the satay or chicken wings? If so, I will have to prepare the charcoal, fire starters, tongs etc.

I will see what the others are bringing first and then I'll put in my input last ok. I will prepare the drinks and ice, paper cups, plates, plastic forks, spoons and serviettes. Please shout to me if anyone of u has a special order.

We didn't buy much today. Went to IP to pick up my dress cos had some ribbons removed. Didn't buy many like the last time cos didn't see many that I like. Miraclebaby and Blackberry as well. Just enjoyed each other's company, jalan around and looked at clothes.

Thanks for the egg tarts. We were looking for a place to sit down and eat the tarts but couldn't find a suitable place so I brought the tarts home. Will have them for dinner. Thank u!

and, well done! Have no fear, for dr f is here!
I am so so sorry if I sounded so pushy, like pushing u to call dr f's clinic for an appt. Please don't mind me. My character, I'm the very gan cheong type. Gan cheong for u also. Don't worry or think too much. One of my all time fave verse:
The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)
<font color="0000ff"> haha yes bb me n u dr f didn't sayang us as much...
we must go there w pres n vice pres then mayb he will

Yve dear no lah I super short cut one... Mine satay or bb chk wings will b all cooked by the uncle so all ready to b devoured

Do u think ur function area will have sheltered space for some toys like slide or bouncing castle? Me thinking of renting for the kids</font>
Aiyoh... seems like I missed more of President Yve's story le.....

Vanilla : today very tired.. been walking alot round asakusa... and went to mitsui outlet park... but didnt buy anything for myself...
only managed to get some clothes for my boss aka hb.... oh well most prob will see how tomorrow.. maybe should head down to Ginza... wahahahah.... and am trying to 'con' my hb to go eat fugu!

Waah Sunny.. you managed to get a appt so fast.... yah.. am in tokyo now... walking ard plus abit of shopping while hb working .... :p
Tokkie - i can imagine the walk and walk. hope it was refreshing tho tiring and it clears the head. brave of u to wanna eat fugu. think i will run away fr it. i am so afraid of landing one in my fishing trips. do take care and see u when u get back. Yve &amp; I will be at tcm next Thur am.

Vanilla &amp; those able to attend gathering - i can provide christmas music too (with player &amp; speakers) &amp; maybe we can play a game of passing the parcel (no sabo kind lah)? haha.

Pres Yve - think no need to have live charcoal fire. think food should be warm and ok. ;) thanks for sharing the assuring verse too.
good morning, ladies.
It's the weekend again and everyone's probably busy with family. Have a good weekend!

u know what vanilla is saying about the bouncing castle etc? I dunno.. Dunno if there is enough space.

Appreciate that u can bring the music, complete with player and speakers. I won't be able to find any right now. Dunno which box.

I dunno how big are the toys u wanna rent. The place is surrounded by pools. Will bounce into the pool anot?

ooo... I love Asakusa! Like all tourists, I went to take a picture with the big lantern that says 雷門. Bought quite a lot of foodstuff from there the last time I went, in August.

Ginza's shopping.. quite high-class ne. I already went crazy in Shinjuku so I didn't have time to go Ginza the last time. Buy the Japanese brands if u like them. All the Comme-whatever. Latest is Comme des Garcons BLACK.
hi ladies!

Thanks Bb for offering to collect the log cake but i think its ok lah, i will request delivery cuz you still need to prepare your potluck leh. Dont tire out too much running around.

Yve, no lah, i know you all ask me to call Dr F soon is for my own good else i sit there and procrastinate also dont know will ding-dong till when. Bb also offered to help me call but its me needing to get over the first step so i just have to bring myself to call. Heehee, relieved now that it was easy afterall. Hey guess what hb and i had for lunch today? Tantanmen leh!!! After i sent him the pics, he drooled and pester me bring him so we went just now. He felt a rich sense of nostalgia, and as though we are in Japan again for that short hour of lunch!

Tokkie, glad you enjoying yourself! Weather cool now ya? I like Ginza, even if not shopping, the feel is just luxurious. For me, shopping is like hell break loose when i go to Shinjuku, Shibuya and Takeshitdori St at Harajuku. I just keep grabbing dresses and shoes like its free of charge, haha!
<font color="0000ff"> hi Yve I think ok I ask them if got bouncing castle if dun have then a slide maybe... Haha bounce into pool the kids will like it thinking it is some pool game!

If slide no need so much space I see how first. Will get the parents to bring toys too so the kids can self entertain

Hi tokkie I love asakusa too. I even rem how to get there! Haha my train stat at ana hotel all the way to last stop. I even sat in those rickshaw n bot lots of crackers home even my grandma no teeth also eat! Ginza I only rem the starbucks there 2 stories I think haha

Hi bb - thanks for the music! It will really add in the festive mood!

Hi sunny - we r all here for u! Sometimes one is afraid but w the encouragement of sisters here the leap of faith is abit easier n the ivf route is more enduring. </font>
<font color="0000ff"> wah if one day we all go Tokyo tog pres Yve will lead the tour n we all will shop like mad eat like no Tom but it will b really fun
Thanks Vanilla

Waaa, i sure look forward to that! Pres Yve lead us to all the good places, eat and shop, eat and shop, heheheh

Today saw a japanese boy about 2 years old got lost at Kinokuniya. He ran past me, dropped 1 shoe, stared at his shoe, stared at me (dunno why, maybe scared i steal his shoe? hehe) then know how to wear back and ran again. I follow behind him, he sure know how to enjoy himself till he realised his mama not around and cried, oh dear, so heartpain like that. He was really cute.
helllooo Vanilla my old maid will be leaving at 12 that day..i will sent her to airport n should be able to bring new maid to the party with the bb..

but i think i can order pizza then no need to bring anything over... sorry i cant cook ...

i dun mind having you all over once my maid matter settle in.....
<table border=1><tr><td>Names</TD><TD>Food to Bring </TD></TR><TR><TD>vanilla</TD><TD>satay or BBQ chicken wings </TD></TR><TR><TD>yve</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blackberry</TD><TD>curry chicken + french roti </TD></TR><TR><TD>thistle</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nz</TD><TD>pasta salad or cheese macaroni </TD></TR><TR><TD>TH</TD><TD>pizza </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bingo</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miraclebb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tokkie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mricky</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joie </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunny </TD><TD>log cake </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">still waiting for some sisters to revert on food.. hee hee i am like food loan shark sms some sisters asking what food they brining

anyway on the no of pple.. we will confirm the figures later and yes all hubbies are welcome

oh so bb - pls ask ur hb to come along ..stand there and let us all vote if he is like Phua Chu beng or the Jap actor
haha he will be most uncomfotable i can see...

hi sunny - so poor thing the little boy.... i rem when i was in sec school when in PP there is still Yaohan (haha that shows how old i am)..there are alot of jap expats that live near that area. so i was at Top 20 jalan jalan w my classmate and there was a little girl surrounded by adults crying... so some adults (so horrible right)..say she is lost she is lost but neverbring her to info counter.

so being the super KPO me, i carried her and brought her to infor wanted to ask her for her name but she cannot say... much later when her mum came to pick her up then we realised she is Jap. the best thing is she refused to let go..i had to carry her until her mum came...she scared i leave her..haha so heartwarming then..</font>
<font color="0000ff">sure TH, pizza captured on table
so u must bring ur little J&amp;D har.. we 1 over yr never see them liao! Big J&amp;D also will be there..Thistle's twins we can do a 3 pairs of twins pic...

sunny dear - tell u something hor... i put down ur DR F's appt on my calender. remind myself to sms u and pray for u specifically that day..
jia you !</font>
i did tell twinnies abt the gathering hope she can make it then it will be 4 pair of twins.... n all boy and gal.... good thing not same pair orelse will be so confusing!!!

frankly till now i still cant believe i have twins.. that when people ask me i still have to pause n think how many kids i actually have.. so used to saying 1 n now suddenly 3!!!! guess pple will avoid inviting me for CNY to their place..

my friend intro me to a show called 19 and counting/// so scary 19 kids....
<font color="0000ff">hi TH, ok pls let me know if twinnies are coming and how many of them --> in terms of adults and what food she potlucking...thanks

19 kids.. ok lah,... the bigger kids take care of the younger ones.. so not that bad.. i think Jon and kate then jia lat...6 of them same age and the twins are like 3-4yrs older only... </font>
<font color="0000ff">hi sisters re 18 Dec gathering, pls see the food list below: </font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Names</TD><TD>Food to Bring </TD></TR><TR><TD>vanilla</TD><TD>satay or BBQ chicken wings </TD></TR><TR><TD>yve</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blackberry</TD><TD>curry chicken + french roti </TD></TR><TR><TD>thistle</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nz</TD><TD>pasta salad or cheese macaroni </TD></TR><TR><TD>TH</TD><TD>pizza </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bingo</TD><TD>chicken pies </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miraclebb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tokkie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mricky</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joie </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunny </TD><TD>log cake </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
I will try to get some stuff from Old Chang Kee for the 18 Dec gathering.. sotong balls, curry puffs etc..
<font size="+2"><center><font color="0077aa">Christmas Get-Together 18 Dec 2010</font></center></font>

<font size="+2"><font color="0077aa"><center>6.00pm ~ onwards</center></font></font>

<font color="0077aa">Thank you all for supporting our Christmas get-together. I know many here has got kid/kids and may prove to be a bit of a challenge to bring the whole kampong out. I apologise in advance if I am not a good host. Shifted here just 1 week so I really do not know what to expect. The space is in the open so please prepare all the mosquito patches, insect repellent etc. There is an aircon room which we can hide into but no food is allowed inside. There are 40 visitor lots so I should think it is enough. Please take elevator from Lobby 1B up to 1st floor. You should be able to see us there once you emerge out to the open.</font>

<font color="0077aa">Vanilla: thanks for helping to arrange with all the sisters here. It's the 1st time I'm "hosting" an event for so many people. If there is anything else u need me to do, please tell me.</font>

<font color="0077aa">Blackberry: I book u to help me out on that day, can anot? Bring the hubby also? Think we'll need some male help.
I was testing out the fonts and colours in the previous msg. Sorry! keke...

tokkie: u back yet? Show us all ur good buys ok. Bb and I will be at acu this Thurs. When are u going for urs?
Hi Yve,

Thanks for the info, would love to join the gathering to get to know everyone. Should be bringing my hubby too.. May I know where is your place? Need to think about what I can bring =)
<font color="0000ff">thanks Yve for offering ur plc fn rm for our 1st Xmas gathering of christians ivf Mtbs n mums. Thks for ur kind reminder in mossie patches...

Currently I m collating on food n list on how many adults coming. Think we all buy the food can b for half the amt of pple coming cos there will b a wide variety of yummy food.

For kids I think easiest mummies prepare their own dinner/food unless mummies ok w them indulging on forbidden food --> like the log cake!!! I can pic all the eyes on it all wanting a taste of aunty sunny's log cake!

Hopewaves I will pm u my Hp no n u will get my email addy. I will SMS or pm yve's address to all coming.

Yve we can start abit earlier right like say 5? We can gather at 5 to prep the food --> more arranging the food etc?

U need more help let me know....

Tokkie will b seeing dr f on wed or thur I think.

This week lunch are sisters ok on fri? Tokkie will u b able to join? I worry u do biopsy will need to rest. Let me know k.

Joie I put ur food in the table Tom. Need excel n I have it on my off pc. </font>
Hi all!

Returned safe and sound! Wahahaha!!!!!

So many things gg on! Waaaah!!!!

If pres Yve gonna arrange for a jap trip count me in. Think she will know where to shop best! Didn't get much stuff... Coz dun really know where to shop....though we stayed at shinjuku....

Ok as for Xmas gathering, likely to be gg if I'm not cycling 2ww/traveling... Wahahaha..... Urm looking at the table vanilla done... Already have quite a fair bit of chicken le... So maybe I will do baked salmon with roasted potatoes and French beans... Ok? Do u gals want brownies? If y then maybe I will make that too...

Blackberry &amp; Yve : I haven't make appt for accu yet prob will make after I see dr f tomorrow. Not likely to be thurs will likely be either fri or next week.

Vanilla : fri so far shld be ok... Unless dr f says I've to do my biopsy then... Wahahaha cross fingers....
think we can start earlier. The timing is given to me by the mgt office. Think they don't want bbq smoke to come up too early bah. Since we are not having live fire/smoke, we should be able to just start gathering earlier.

Sorry, I won't be able to make it for lunch on Fri.

vanilla is the co-ordinator. (keke.. sorry vanilla, volunteer ur services.) She will let u know my address.
<table border=1><tr><td>Names</TD><TD>Food to Bring </TD></TR><TR><TD>vanilla</TD><TD>satay or BBQ chicken wings </TD></TR><TR><TD>yve</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blackberry</TD><TD>curry chicken + french roti </TD></TR><TR><TD>thistle</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nz</TD><TD>pasta salad or cheese macaroni </TD></TR><TR><TD>TH</TD><TD>pizza </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bingo</TD><TD>chicken pies </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miraclebb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tokkie</TD><TD>1)Baked salmon+roasted potatoes and french beans </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2) Brownies </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mricky</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joie </TD><TD>Old Chang Kee fish balls/curry puffs/sotong balls </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunny </TD><TD>log cake </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font color="0000ff">thanks joie and tokkie..

tokkie when i read ur msg last nite i dreamt of baked salmon..hahaha....</font>
wah! vanilla- thanks for your table! I will also bring juice and ice as drinks for the group. will bring an ice box.

regarding Fri lunch - cant as i have to look after my nieces with my sister being away.

Yve - WOW! APPLAUSE! you so crever, know how to centralise text, change font colour as well! no wonder President! can can can, i am very pleased to be of help! consider bberry booked! i will be there with u that day. as for hb, i have to check whether he will be around.
<font color="0000ff">BB - i also v impressed w Pres Yve's message... pres yve u must teach us how u do it!

will include in juice and ice in the table later...

Ok if lunch on wed usual sisters can make it?

Yve - have pm Hopewaves my hp so once she sms me i will sms her ur addy. </font>
Just finished seeing dr f.... Most likely biopsy will be next week so if u gals wanna do lunch on wed/fri I'm ok. Got draw 2 tubes of blood today. Gotta wait for dr f's call to know when will be the next appt...

Vanilla : heehee... Ok will see how many ppl then I see how much salmon to prepare... Kids also can eat...
<font color="0000ff">hi tokkie - take care ..let's commit the biopsy to God. so u will know the exact day after the BT results today?

haha..ya the salmon kids can eat then maybe i no need make porridge (haha lazy me)..

rest of sisters - i just msg w another lady and it is indeed a miracle! will let u girls know when we next meet for lunch... </font>
Heehee... Vanilla thanks!
duno the exact date... Dr f says he will see the E2 results first then decide... He says he will call...

Yahyah... Can dun need to cook porridge le... Was thinking it could help some mummies to lighten load of cooking by a little bit... Hee hee... But 1 thing also coz I love salmon wahahah
<font color="0000ff">thanks tokkie dear... with bb's french loaves haha really no need cook porridge liao! got protein+carbo...

ok u let us know when ur appt is.. Dr F today v busy..he got 2 patients in labor ward due to early contractions..</font>
<font color="0000ff">haha.. ya... one of the girls was in Dr F thread long time ago but she was off for a long time then i saw her name pop out and was chatting w her.. then i found out...she has gone thru alot for her second child.. now having twins...

Pres Yve - did u see her reply.. u can ask Dr F abt the short protocol - tokkie too... i am so encouraged to learn abt her story! </font>
Waaah... both vanilla and President champion.. even know Dr F's schedule... whahahahah

How's every1? Seems like our thread is very silent lately...

Wanna check if you you get bruises when doing BT at Glen-E? Waaah... yesterday did mine for the 1st time there.. and kena blue-black le..

But at least... I 'passed' my ultrasound..


1 thing.. seems like HB is liking Dr F more and more le... waahahah... he got a shock when he saw the bill yesterday... consultation + ultrasound is almost 30-50% lower than what we used to pay in RH... but know he worry that the cycle may be more ex... heehee.... but anyway, have signed all the papers for the transfer of the frosties... and hence gonna be officially Dr F's patient le.... wahahahah!!!!

Vanilla : share her story next time we meet k? I can still meet you on Fri if you want.

<font color="0000ff">hi tokkie - welcome to the club offically!

haha ya i put tracking device on oh xiang...hahah...he is really a good doc.. the other thread one girl is saying the nurse say he is the only doc who never raise voice at nurses also like him alot...

U did the BT on the same floor as teh clinic? Is it by a china lady (middle age) or a malay lady? the malady lady skill v v terrible. she caused me to have a big bruise - half of my arm and cos i ohss the bruise took 2 weeks to subside.

ok we lunch tog on Fri.. let me ask miraclebb cos she wants to meet up... also maybe joie or mricky....</font>
