Choa chu kang mummy club

funkymom: wat tickets u getting? where isit from? :p

Hwee: u PM me your mobile la... if still onz during sat can contact u :p
Sat (7pm):
1) Serene
2) hwee
3) Ling (i prefer Sat :D)
4) funkymom (tentatively if I can't get hold of the tickets to the celebration)
5) Nutts

hey so we confirm tomorrow at my house... Shall we make it earlier abit?? gather chit chat awhile then play lantern.. hmm 6pm??

Dinner how?? eat then mit or settle ourselves first??
So its on tmr huh?!
ok, let me know to bring food or settle on our own.

Ling, pls sms me your add ok? see you!
Sat (7pm):
1) Serene
2) hwee
3) Ling (i prefer Sat :D)
4) funkymom (tentatively if I can't get hold of the tickets to the celebration)
5) Nutts
6) Meow

Nutts and i will turn up late. We will go Sentosa first then drop by. So we wont be early.
Ling, I'm gg birdpark will try to be home ard 5pm
Then rest awhile then pop over
Wat u 1 me to make? Bake rice??? U got oven???
remine me bring mooncake also hor hehehe
Ling, i can only confirm in the evening cos i can only purchase the tix during evening time. I'll sms u again to let u know lah..
can do at 6pm.....but food lei? how? if need to prepare then let me know. i'll be at suntec, can buy something back if you want.
can do at 6pm.....but food lei? how? if need to prepare then let me know. i'll be at suntec, can buy something back if you want.
ok la.. tink we potluck and bring some stuff each...

1) Serene
2) hwee
3) Ling
4) Nutts
5) Meow

Pls list down what you gals bringing... I hvnt tink what to prepare leh... hehe.. maybe I do mini egg mayo sandwich :D
I dunno if we can make it back at 6pm leh. We go Beach at sentosa then drive back. I foresee we will be later than 6pm since hb wants to go sentosa only in late afternoon. Else the gals get sunburn wo
Potluck ah? Most likely we will eat at food court leh...But i'll be bringing along some candles and paper lantern i bought.
no more tickets liao but still can bring kids down to play lantern...

Ling so will go to the gathering liao. BTW can i also bring mooncake ah? hehe...

1) Serene
2) hwee
3) Ling
4) Nutts
5) Meow
6) funkymom
morn all...

jz saw so many msg for me.. next time no reply sms me la.. :p wkns bo see internet one.. :p

nice gathering gals :D
thank you all the mummies at the gathering. sorry i had to run off early. the kids go to bed early and i try not to break this habit. Nice meeting all of you!

thank you ling for opening your place.
Dear Hwee,

Nice meeting you. Do join us if we have future gathering.

Ling, finally got chance to go your place already. Thanks

Serene & Funkymom,
Thanks for your mooncakes. It's really taste nice...Yum Yum
and yes, mummies who took pics, pls post hor!
kamsiah many many!

thanks serene! hey, bring yr gal next time so that my boy has a playmate? hee hee.... ya, luckily no kids fell at playground. heng ha!
Miss the fun and paid $500 for a dinner on Sat for my fil. Hee Hee lucky fil was happy with the dinner.

I am on leave on thur 27 Sep. Morning I doing a playgroup for Aden's fren at my place then afternoon I will have a scrapbooking session just to scrap. If anyone who is not working and want to scrap, just drop by my place hor. Anytime after 2 pm is ok
Hwee: nice miting u... no problem.. can come my plc again.. hehe..

Funkymom must be heartache we ate her HELLO KITTIES away.. HEHE...

Nutts: u can come my place whenever u wan la.. jz let me noe.. :p

We have traffic controller at the slide mah.. so all children well taken care of.. :p Next gathering can go another playground.. the kids really have fun...
Thank you Ling. guess cannot go and disturb you too often liao. you're going to pop anytime liao. you need the rest.
enjoy while you can. things will be very different when #2 comes along.

cl, hmmm....ok, let's see how the 27th works out for me. if i can take leave i'll let you know. btw, what playgroup are you hosting? is this ongoing?
im on leave on 28th not 27th.. hehe..

Any playgroup in the late afternoon?? My girl wkdays at home wor, scare she bored.. :p
It is just a monthly thingy or ad hoc whoever is free to conduct. Just group the kids together and we do some things with them. I think mixed up one is more regular

Pai seh 27 Sep I have to disappoint all for those who wants to come. Aden started to have white grains on this mouth so dr ordered him to be confined at home to check. So I am having him quarantined at home. Pai seh have to open up my place another time liao
Serene: mi on leave cos celebrating vel's bday in sch mah... follow her to school, take pix and see hw the kids have fun :p y u on leave??

Hwee: will have wat??

CL: wat happen to your boi? is he ok now?
ling, oic...tot you on leave then serene say she on leave maybe you all arranging for the kids to play? haha! wow, celebrating b'day in sch....sounds like fun. is vel excited?
Me also on leave on this friday...going to collect Darryl's passport as well as his having his 4mth old jab...

Me havent load the photos in PC yet. Once load i will post some here ok?

Funkymom and Serene,
where's yours??
hi all cck mummies,

pls help! i need to find a childcare for my 2yrs old son in cck for full-day session urgently.

i am looking for a cc which the teachers are patient, friendly and u wont hear teacher shouting at the kids in cc whole day.
prefer near mrt or lrt station.

thanks in advance!
Shermaine, I have no recommendation but then the infantcare my girl is in is Flamingo. The infantcare section teacher is ok. But the childcare hor, is like what U said lor, the teachers shouting on top of their voice lor. Which I don't like, like auntie in the market like that. I am planning to shift my ger out when she enter childcare.
hi all,
I also staying in cck. Think i posted here long ago but stopped after a while cos this thread quite quiet initially.

shermaine, my elder child's childcare is at Elfa. This is at CCK crescent side. Teachers quite good. School fees abit ex tho. I used to put her in Flamingo but moved her out after a year cos think the teachers quality there not as good. Elfa teachers younger & more energy i think.
Hwee: erm.. duno Vel excited anot... Till thursday while packing goody bag.. maybe she will noe more hehe

Meow: so many ppl on leave on friday... :p

Shermaine: my girl at Ace at Work... I like the plc cos its small and cosy, not many students and the teachers are caring... Teacher & students ratio is small and more impt the place is neat and hygienic...

Those shouting you hear, probably are for teachers with older students... For those playgroup kind, they usually will not scold them... My girl happens to be the youngest there, the teacher pays more attention to her and the gor gor jie jie there dote vel oso..

But its not near MRT.. hehe btw, where u staying??
wa, so many ppl on leave.....should i too? hee hee.....

meow, ok, i'll wait for you to download then post the pic. thanks a million!

ling, ya, when they see the actual goody bag and cake then they'll know.
say happy b'day to her from all aunties here too!

so i think there are still quite a few nice childcares or kindies in cck.....will check with you mummies when i need one later on.

caramum, why you take this place to do testing huh? hee hee.... actually me also never try all these formatting before.
