Choa chu kang mummy club

hi yin, kc and ling: thanks for comments.

any comments about other childcare centre? especially carpe diem, sparkletots, kinderyears, little dolphins. thanks thanks!

hwee, I was reading a thread where a mummy wanted to learn how to do the formatting. 1 helpful mummy attached a link that show how to do it, so I also try lor...dun know where else to try out, so i posted it here....heeeeeee

wow looks like a lot of fun during your gathering and nice pics too! hwee, which one is you and your bb?
Ling: me clear leave
Then sat my sis BIG day. So fri afternoon go last min shopping with her loh

Meow: me upload liao. Will post here soon
meow, thank you thank you!

caramum, me the biggest one trying to lead Tim down the slide lor. he he he...... the group photo was difficult but nice!

serene, too many leave hor? haha! have fun shopping!
hwee: hmm, mi nvr online till now.. hmm, thurs ah... I oso forget where I go for lunch HAHA.. where u saw me leh.. yup, im working there :p
Serene and all craft lovers,

I found my Shifu's contact and she is staying at CCK 400 plus. She says as long as we got the instruction, she can help she will help but we have to get our materials ourselves.

She is not working now and kids are older liao, so she can open up her house for us to go.
Do what huh?

I didn't receive your email. So end up i didn't make for you. Next trip then i make ok?
Hi Ling, can I ask abt Act@work? Is the chinese teacher, Huang laoshi still there? And who's the supervisor now? How do you find the curriculum that they have now? Who's the teacher that's taking care of the playgroup kids? My son used to be there but we transfer out abt a year ago.

Crochet, knitting, paper tole etc. She used to own those handicraft shop at Ghim moh. Ha ha I so happy when she grab hold of me at lot one the other day because my knitting oso stuck
cl, pls include me for the crochet and knitting hor! thanks!

ling, i was bk saw you walking past. its such a coincidence that we work so near each other. hee hee.....
cl, so how? me getting so excited liao!

meow, come la, we all go learn together.

ling, what a coincidence! never met each other even tho we working in the same building.
Ha ha Serene , Hwee
You have something uncompleted and got the instruction. If yes then bring along.

I sms her to check if she available next sat. So timing she set lah hor.

Meow, just go and kaypo have fun, knit for fun. I have a half completed vest too.

You work around TP ? Ha ha which building ? I sometimes also hang around there one because my gal's childcare at Fuji Xerox
cl, hmmmm..... then you shud be near here too....i'm at 79.
are you here too? my gal used to be at kinderland mas buidling. didn't know they have childcare at fuji xerox..... is it good? they have infant care there?
wat is 79 ? ha ha me at cityhall odeon towers, hb at cecil st. I quite like the place and sending Aden there from Jan 08. Yes they have infant care there and I am not able to enter at all because I dun have kids in there
cl, you're getting me confused.... you cannot enter there? where? you mean the infant care is not linked to the childcare? your gal is in the childcare right? will find time to pop by and see their infant care. need to find alternatives for my boy now. can give me the name of the child care or infant care? 79 anson is right next to m hotel. that's where i am. oh, your hb in cecil so very close by la.

Ya just saw Anson centre as I walk past to pick my gal today. The infant care is in a enclosed section of the childcare centre. Only authorised personnel and parents of the infants are allowed into the room. Even for me , my girl is at the K1 section, I am not allowed to walk into the infant room. It is Del-care. Can see if your colleague's kids are there or not, I think below 5 pax, 10% , above 5 pax from same company got corporate rate of 20%. Ha ha you sign up then next time you realli no free, I can help you bring the kids home.
Hwee: yap... so many years in the same building, sending xmas cards to each other somemore HAHA... but that will be the last time u see me this year cos now at home... waiting to pop.. hehe Vel luvs mi staying at home... oh dear, duno hw after 3mths sia... She say mummy dun work.. faint...

Duno if I can do knitting now, since cannot even do sewing.. :p any other programs u gals having??
Morning everyone, it's friday finally.....

Anyone got good and cheap optical shop to recommend??? The optical shop that I used to go to has already closed down....SIgh
cl, very good offer! will seriously consider! but hor, my office nobody put their kids in childcare nearby. so not likely to get any discounts. how's their fees like? the 500+ range? last time at kinderland, i paid 700 for my gal!

ling, so fast huh? first time see you here then become last time for this year liao. how's the feeling of waiting to pop? i know what you mean. my gal also ask me dun work. she some more tell me if ah yi (my sister) dun need to work, so i dun need to work too! kids! well, next yr la, we can lunch together.

nutts, yes, finally friday! sorry cannot advise you on optical shop.
me no wear glasses one.... guess those around hdb estate should be quite reasonable right? i know my mother goes all the way to toa payoh to get hers done.
Nutts: im oso going to make glasses leh.. hehe.. gg to lot one ba... where is your cheap and good optical shop??
I used to get my done in Chinatown but after the renovation the person retired due to the rent increase....

Ling, chio me leh if you are going ....See can get bulk discount...But tomolo I cannot leh as me going Pasir Ris...
In town leh how to get $500. Before subsidy $850, then $150 subsidy and if you have DBS woman' card can get 10% discount so about $600 plus. Pick up before 7.30 pm.

I go Kwong Shin at Bras Basah complex, every year goes there so they give me quite good price.
cl, guess the infant care will be even more ex then. sigh! then have to wait till my boy turns 18 months then say la. they are the same price as kinderland then. who is taking care of your boy now?
I got mine done at Teck Whye, it has been more than 10yrs liao. Uncle see me grow up one.
There's a shop along the fruit and vege stalls there...mine cost me $70 only. Even my contact lens cost $120 and less if not wrong...time for me to make a new pair too...

Ya infant care will be more expensive. He is being taken care by baby sitter who is my neighbour in same block.

Yours realli cheap man.
Meow: my mum oso have an optician in Tech Whye but its near a photo studio one.. but the variety there limited loh.. hehe
Sat 12 Oct - Knitting/Crochet Gathering
My shifu can only advise me if she is available on thur. In the meantime, we just put down names first so I know who to contact later
1) Chicken Little
2) Serene
3) Hwee ?
cl, sat is 13 oct.....its a public holiday lei... so hor, my hubby will want to bring the kids out....i'm forced to miss it lei....can postpone one more week? so sorry! oh, forgot to ask you, aden's ok huh? so his fever went off and he's ok now liao right? good.

meow, even i don't wear glasses, but the prices you indicated is really cheap lei.....
Ok ok Serene and Hwee,

Tell me another date I go ask again. If another Sat I wont be available from 1.30 - 3 pm because Charmaine got class at home
serene, u go where for swim?

meow wat brand of contact lens u wearing? i bought mine at tpy central, i bought acvuue daily per box $35/= if u buy 6 boxes, it cost $200...
Hi mumies...

Good morning! long time didn't login this is everbody?

As we all staying around CCK crescent neighbourhood, just wish to check whether if mumies here want to join a simple gymboree clothings spree... you may visit

I have US$ 75 - 100 to close the spree. If you all wish to buy pls pm me ASAP i need to submit the order by tomorrow night...

Gymboree clothes are very beautiful...
i am fan of this brand
pinkie_bear, went into the website liao, those items i wan all dun have the size that i wan. sigh! cannot help you complete the spree.... you using vpost or com gateway? which is better?
Hi Hwee,

the design sweet and pretty right? Or you can buy bigger size to keep for CNY hee hee..

Like my gal i bought 2 size bigger coz she a bit plump plump haha

I will use international fast courier service -Fedex, gymboree will handle this don't worry. Vpost is abit tedious for calculate the shipping cost...i think...i didn't try vpost before. For this spree, actually i want to order for myself, coz we living in same neighbourhood, so i checking around u guys interested or not

hi pinkie_bear, ya i agree all the clothings very nice and especially got sale many items are very worth to buy. but those items that i want, the sizes are all too small....hee hee....i don't mind if they are bigger.
anyway, do they accept international credit card? many websites i know do not accept that's why i seldom shop online. i've been trying to buy some polo shirts and my order got dropped the third time now even when i use comgateway's concierge service. sigh! now no more discount liao, so won't buy liao. :p

sometimes its not true that those american sizes bigger lor, i also buy bigger size for my gal even she's very thin.
