Choa chu kang mummy club

hihi! the thread is not only quiet lei....not moving lor...... everyone ok?

cl, so any news on the knitting / crochet session? i better start getting my stuff out....

I'm going to bring Darryl for photoshoot...maybe december. Jus like those Sheryl, YingEn, Axler, Velda took. You keen jus pm me, we talk offline
I already start knitting a soft toy hat
Cl, when we mitting huh???

Hwee, u interested in the taking family shot ah?
Me this dec taking post wedding photo with my kids

U 1 2 join me & meow to takew studio pix for ur son?
We do it for our 1st one. So the 2nd one also must do
To be fair
congrats ling!!!

serene, me will consider next yr la. my anniversary in august.... so thinking of doing it next july or august. now too early lor.
ya, i'll include both kids.
Ling congrats also.

Hey U gals keen to bring kids to Disney Live Show? I am helping a friend to buy tickets from sistic as got 15% discount from NTUC link card. Can help U all buy also if U want.
CL, then u should have ask 1st. See, Serene can get at 20%, think she is holding the Maybank CC. Anyway, we have so many lobang here. So any mummy need help to get the ticket, can look for ger still young so cannot bring her watch any show yet. She sure get restless...will wait for next year one if have.
ha ha Yin
I got mailer for priority under sistic so thot better quickly book to get good seats. Who knows now got discount. Nevermind lah already book liao

I thot leapfrog 5 pack must get from US. Amazon or Tower
Hi to all mummies,

Need some advice regarding hiring a maid? Which are the things that I should look out. E.g. insurance coverage....

Kindly give me some advice.

Thanks and Regards.
MT, i dun have a maid. but was tinking of having 1
but later decided not to coz feel uneasy to have an extra person ard the hse
thanks, at first thot can get from sin, but called up a few places, they all dun have the DVD, only some of the other leapfrog product. Think have to order from oversea now!
Hi Serene and CL,

My hubby and I had been deciding whether to have maid anot since few mths back.

Recently, at Teck Whye area, there was a maid jumped down from 21st floor. She was one of my friends' maid. And the maid was only with her for only 7 days.

Now my poor friend has to pay $3500 to send her body back to her hometown. And maid agency refuse to do that. The maid owe the agency $1k plus, my friend paid on her behalf tot that she can deduct fm the salary. But the maid had passed away and the agency said that they won't refund it back to her.

My friend even has to face court case. Luckily, my friend found the maid's dairy and stated that she planned to die bcos of BGR.

After hearing, now dont whether to employ maid anot.
wah liao, ur fren so unluckily man
this maid so bad. at the tht of it, i'm glad that i dun have such probl with maid
but that doesnt mean gd loh. coz probl elsewhere
but if u r luckily, u can get a gd maid. some r really gd
it depends on ur luck
hi margaret, i agree with serene tat getting a maid depends on yr luck. i had 2 maids before and now without liao. its not easy having someone else at home and have to take care of her too. so my advice is if you can, get part time cleaners to help. unless really necessary, then you have to bear with the maid as some of them really dunno anything one. i keep reminding them the danger of gas and electricity! but they bo chap! sigh! wat to do, from kampong ma!
like what other mummies said, getting a maid it's depending on your luck.
after hearing so many maids' horror stories and bad experience with my dad's maid, till now, i still don't wanna get a maid no matter how hard i am coping with my housework and rather get a part time cleaner.
Oh ya hor,

I think they have those maid that will not need to stay with you. They will only come to your hse during the day time. Hmmm...will check with the agency c whether they provide this service anot.

I do agree with you all "Really depend on the luck".
Me very suay leh....i went jogging last evening with Sheryl and HB then accidentally slip onto a seed of the tree and fell. Now my ankle swollen, heng didn't break any bones. And i saw Ling at the clinic while waiting to get my referral letter for X-ray.
yah most properly all busy
thread not as happening as b4 liao hahaha
guess must have some topic.

meow: aiyo then how many days MC?
poor thing. dun kanna the rain after medication
my mum always say after the injury, must take care else will kanna feng shi lah etc etc

Wei Yen, when u 1 2 learn the cray or the key chain???

CL, when r we gg to mit for knitting session?
tis sun?
Pai seh pai seh
You tell me a date again I ask shi fu. This sat I cannot I have road show at katong mall for my scrapbook.

Hope you will get well soon. Must rest well.

By the way, I have signed up Aden at Childcare from Jan 08. Any mummies who need nanny near St 52, please let me know. I dunno how to tell nanny not letting her take care anymore. Now waiting for good timing. She going on holiday and I also going. So probably will tell her early Nov, 2 months notice enuff lah hor
thanks all.. :p

CL: My last nanny not that good and an incident upset me so decided to w/d my girl from her... Jz nice pay day lo, so I pay day then tell my hb to tell her.. Pay $ and say will let her try CC and see how it goes... Then few days later call to tell her vel is doing fine.. the nanny alreay packed the clothings to return me le.. till now nvr call to ask how my girl is doing.. She has been looking after for 18mths.. I very disappointed with her.. haiz... But since you g00d terms with nanny, just bring up the topic loh, they will understand its time for the kid to go school... :p

Meow: How is your xray?? must take care.. concentrate on jogging.. dun look round for "suai ge".. haha.. see la, trip and fall.. :p

Margarat: there is suppose to be an insurance coverage for event if maid run away.. Just pay a premium yearly.. But duno if it covers death.. Since you g0t the maid, have to look after her well being lo... Else government will look for u.. :p u noe why the maid commit suicide bo?? your friend too harsh on her??
Yeah look at my handsome hubby and pretty gal can?

only 2 days MC. 14days excuse shoes lor, swollen how to wear shoes? Hey alvin reply you liao? I got a colleague also interested.

Thanks CL

Hey gals, anyone wants a free photoshoot from kids coverlooks? Session includes 1 own outfit change, studio photography session inclusive of 2 shots in 1x4R postcard design photo print.

Be prepare they will ask you to buy photos after the session which i didn't and prefer to ask Alvin to take photo for Darryl.
meow, be careful next time, k? better go to chinese sinseh for tui na.

cl, when are you going to inform your nanny? if my mil cannot look after my boy, i'll need a nanny....
Anytime during weekend is okie for me but got to let me know in advance. How abt the rest???

Finally appeared liao..... Finally got chances to "Sua' Meow liao hor...Kee Kee.... Post ur ah boi photo leh......

Dun see see look look lah... Concentrate when running..... This time sprained leg wait next time step into dog shit how??? Hahaha...

Where you intend to put your boi????

Wan to arrange another BBQ after Stella's confinement??? We do it in the evening okie......Somewhere near my place where the pit is very near to the playground.....but me got to check on the shelter
Nutts: ya, nan de hv chance must seize opportunity to "suan" rite.. haha

Sorry I missed the party... Ya, make another BBQ then we can gather chit chat and gossip.. hehe

Meow: 2 days later go back doc and say cannot walk la... extend MC.. hehe...

ya, still hv to go tui na for own sake... else next time old le no g00d..
If you want to take over, I can inform her now. If not then means 5 Nov when I come back from Hong Kong, before she goin on holiday this weekend, I dare not tell her scare later spoil her mood. Your boy is older one like my gal 5 years old ah ?

Aden goes to the sae childcare with Charmaine at Del Care - Anson road

Nuttnuts/ Funkymom
pai seh I totally miss the BBQ too aiyo, i got a big fight with the mover to move my double deck bed which I sold off so busy getting another mover to come and move so wont disappoint the kids of the buyer.

Me in the mood of selling stuff this week. Sold double deck bed, peg stroller, FP rocker. Ha ha so happy to exchange for money and in the end pop into Bras Basah to spend on books. Next to go will be my combi carrier, Avent warmer and tomy walker. Ha ha Even want to sell my house if can but no value ha ha. Hav to stay put till i strike toto
Hi Ling,

The maid : becos of boy-girl relationship. My friend will check with the insurance agent lol.

One of the tui na shi fu quite good. The location is at Jurong area. If interested, I can give u the address.

Really must take good care, dont play play man.
meow: only 2 days???
no guess alvin busy. will call him this wk

ling: photo leh

Nuttnuts: bbq again? k anyway, we no need stand there do the bbq thing rite. let all the daddy handle rite ehehehehehe

cl, k let us noe hor
Wah everyone suan me leh

Me better loh, can walk liao, can run bit bit only Hee

I may need your help to pass something to April.
ling, jespen is sooooo cute.... i love bbs.....

cl, my boy is the same age as yrs except that he's born in he's almost 1 now.
will talk to my mil first then i confirm with you. Aden is such a big boy.....

funkymum/nutts, sorry i keep thinking the bash is this weekend! i missed it liao! sorry!

wah meow, not bad lei....can run liao hor? dun later forget and start looking at men again huh...hee hee...

serene, now at least this thread is more active..
cl, yes, my gal 5 this yr. she's in glory kindie. my mum is taking of her at home. but my mum is sick, so cannot take care of my boy. we should meet for breakfast one of the weekends....

ling: Finally see yr boi boi cute...he got big eyes leh...very attentive look..

cl: Wow Aden so big boi liao..still rem he's only bb when we first met..time flies

hwee: nvm lah..we got another bbq, join us k..

I think hor..i didn't post my boi at all leh..haha..must be fair so gonna intro my Raye liao...

Let me try to see if i can upload his pics
