Choa chu kang mummy club

CL, I need teacher for knitting & crochet pls. hehehe
The rest like using drinking draw to do a 3D dog,flower,friendship band etc, I can teach
Wat else u all 1 2 learn?
U knitting thread to do soft toy?

Meow: mine one I buy at novena sq. I 4get which flr
U try those handy craft shop esp bras basha.
I buy not cheap. $9+ I think. Daiso dun have
Else I teach u another method. Use dodo clay.
Do liao use transparent nail polish paint over it. Cheaper rite hehehe
But clay will lok more real lah. That's y that day u ladies tht that's a real cake whahahaha
Wat where got time??? U find ur own time is u like tis hobbies
Me last x w/o kids veri free do all this stuff. Then now got kids also do but only when they r sleeping lah
Told u me now into the iron beads rite??? Me come up with my pooh R design liao hurray!!!!

The iron bead is the iron on rubber kind of beads right?? I saw kids doing them last sun, too bad i can't bring sheryl in as age must be 6 and above.
Time to? Got time i sleep already loh. Sheryl sleep so late and Darry so early how? Will see how, maybe when i work night shift then i do. That's the place and time where i can do most of the things including good night sleep. Hee
hi mummies,
sorry to have intrude in this thread.
desperately finding an childcare for my gal (she has turned 18mths old this mth).. know any childcare near bukit panjang, cck or near mrt? prefer teachers who are delicated in their jobs..
im working near outram mrt and thus would prefer to find cc near mrt .. please pm me. thanks alot in advance.
My only ME time is only when all my CHuas goes to bed. I will make myself a cup of tea, think hard of what I want to scrap then hee hee will have 1 product. My hb always tell me he cannot stand me for not sleeping.

What clay you want ? There is art fren and sagacity at bras basah, me juz working next door can help you see.

I need to get my hb to download my back up disc first then can see if the number is there. I will ask him to do it this week.

I want to do a crochet will show you the pics one day. I forgot how to do it.
cl, does that mean you dun sleep early? where do you find all your energy? i'm very horrible...need lots of sleep. if not i become more cranky than my kids! haha!
by all means, show me the pic, hopefully i still can remember how to do it. my skill becoming so rusty after having laid off for so long. just out of curiosity, is it costly to do those scrapbooking?

ha ha i either sleep early with the kids but once enough sleep i auto wake up one. Or I let the kids sleep liao then do my own things till I must push myself to go sleep.

Like for last nite slept at 10 plus but work up at 2 plus 3 am.

Otherwise I will do things till 3 / 4 am then quickly make myself rest and get up again like 6 am to get ready for work.

Ha ha I think i might aged very fast liao.

Ok ok I will download the pics and ask you.

For scrapbooking it depends on how much you want to spend. Can control but for me , I am crazy, I see like and buy so lost control. But if you are well disciplined , actually it is not too bad
cl, you good lor! i need to sleep at least 8 hrs in the night if not sure cranky one. hee hee.... maybe its the reason why i dun lose weight. i muz either go to bed before 12 or wake up later... but i prefer to wake up later. am not a morning person. hmmm.....mus go and attend your scrapbooking session sometime.... just curious la. i'm one of those who will lose control thus i try not to start new hobby.... hee hee....
Help me enquire if there's any kind of clay once dry up will be light? Not white clay hor....and then the price and variety of colours please....i may go down this sat to buy and play

me also will become cranky when i have not enough also sleep late wake up late kind
Meow: aiyah, u huh!
Yes the beads look like rubber
But must becareful loh, coz need to use iron scare kids scald their hands

CL, ok waiting
I didnt see any clay from sagacity
But today I went there buy those transparent sheet
1 2 do a key chain with axler name on it
It's amazing. U draw & design then cut out then put in oven
The sheet will harden & shrink by 1/4

Must give me more info. Use the clay for what ? Is it those that people use when they mould those snow white then colour it one ?

I oso lose slowly because ha ha i snack when I am awake so body dun have time to burn down fats

i did not receive your address leh.. so din go last Saturday. Must be fun...


I finally went to CCK swimming pool on Tues with my kids. After staying here for 17 yrs, this was the 1st time... I din even know how to go there, call my bro and ask him what bus to take, he was luffing at me.

And its been soooo long since i go to a public pool, must learn how to buy the entrance tix, and nowadays no more time limit.. so sua ku haha

anyway we had a great time. the place has got so many kinds of pools.. To bad the kiddy n children pool was under maintenance that day. But we will be going again tomorrow..

Are you referring to Jumping Clay. It is coloured and look like play dough to me. It is air dry and end product will be like foam. 1 box 5 colours 15.90 another 8 colours 26.90, can buy book at $15. Refill pack is $4.50. I went to Artfriend on 3rd floor

Found the website , it is korean brand Choose English at the top right

I pm you leh. never mind next time we do it during our art n craft session. So maybe this month lantern festival first then next month art
CCK Mummies...I need help. My baby is the finalist of coverbaby contest for YP mag. I need to vote for her. Any kind mummy willing to give me the contest coupon inside Sep YP mag, pg 75? I can pay for postage and also give a small token eg diaper.

I can send U the diaper together with a SAE for U to send me back the coupon.

Diaper avaliable
M size : Mamypoko, Nepia
L size : Mamypoko, Fitti, Huggies, Pampers Active

Or I pay $0.50 for the coupon + $0.26 for the postage. Total I can pay $0.76(include postage) to buy the coupon from U.

Or I can collect at your plc if we stay near each other...Thanks alot in adv

I have the magazine. I will check tonight. I am staying at St 52. I can just mail to you or you collect from me. Congrats for being finalist.
Little Pony, thanks alot. Which blk U stay? I might be able to collect from U. I stay St 64. Or else I transfer postage money to U. I PM U liao. Thanks.
Hi Yin

I think I know you. I just bought the Tomy dream show. I sms you to check if you want me to help you vote instead.

Is that the clay you are looking for ? I am on leave today so cannot help you check liao
Yup, I sold U the Tomy dream show, hope your children like them. Pls do sms me your account no for transfer of postage. I am really grateful for your help so do accept the transfer. Thanks. Any other CCK mummies have this Sept Young Parent Mag?
Yes hwee, I need more. Can I collect from U? Which blk U stay? Thanks so much for all ur help. Caramum, U know me also right? Ha ha...

Sagacity at bras basah complex dun have. But in the same building, I fould it at Art Friend. Price quoted is at Art Friend. Looks interesting I feel like getting it for Charmaine too but realli not creative with such clay. Ha ha

CCK mummies
Ha ha must join force to support our CCK baby for the Coverbaby of Young Parents. I sending out the coupon for Yin.
Hi Yin, Wow..yr gal are sooooo sweet and photogenic! Ok i go buy YP mag..I just have to send the coupon will do hor..

Wah liao..u mummies really got time to do all those craft work leh..ENVY!!

I'm already half dead taking care of both even with the help of helper...Gosh..I just can't wait to return back to work force so that I could have 8hrs of freedom haha..
Hi hi, thanks so much for the support, her no is 04 and name is Tham Zi Yin. Actually I will be happy enough that those mummy got buy or subscript to help me vote. No need to purposely go & buy, expensive magazine leh....

Ya, I am also half dead to take care of just 1 girl, work & do housework all by myself liao. How I wish I also have time to learn some new things or read a book.
your gal is real sweet, hope she wins

no need to find more details liao, was at Daiso on sat, they got those clay and its only $2
But dunno how many grams per pack
yin, no worries, i'll send out the coupon. tot its on the way if you also pik up from other mummies. its ok. she is sooooo sweet! realy can pose.

meow, wah, shopping spree huh? i'm trying to locate the bp for the water bag....need to buy one for the kids swimming.
Don't get cheated, she cried when i bring her for the photo shoot. Manage to get some nice pose though. Ya, i no time to shop outside, i also always shop online now...
wa, forum so quiet....hee hee...

serene, any news on the lantern gathering?

ya, think like caramum says, yin very good chance of winning!
hwee: no news leh
no1 update??? anyway, i had made my mooncake & start eating liao leh
k i go take photo then upload show u ladies
Hi there...

wow...this thread very d happening ah...long time didn't visit lo..

wow who is that cute bb?? very photogenic and the eyes big and rounded...
must buy the magazine and vote?

serene...i want to eat..haha..mouth watering liau...

I will go down tomorrow for mooncakes...will go marriot too...who is going? I need M1 phone bill to show them to enjoy 20% discount from marriot...who is M1 customer??? can help me? thanks!!!
Hi there...

wow...this thread very d happening ah...long time didn't visit lo..

wow who is that cute bb?? very photogenic and the eyes big and rounded...
must buy the magazine and vote?

serene...i want to eat..haha..mouth watering liau...

I will go down tomorrow for mooncakes...will go marriot too...who is going? I need M1 phone bill to show them to enjoy 20% discount from marriot...who is M1 customer??? can help me? thanks!!!
pinkie bear, love to help you but me and hubby not m1 customer lor. sigh! those credit cards also have discount right? find out from citibank and uob.

if anyone wans to buy from raffles hotel, i also have 20% discount, let me know.
wah, so many posts.. means i too long nvr read.

<font color="aa00aa">serene,</font>
think i saw u once on board 302, cos regconise Axler.

also, saw Axler's photos at a photo shop at Bt Batok (i used to frequent that shop to dev pix, now to post spree items). got 1 very nice album, and a couple of 5R/8R pic on the wall

<font color="0000ff">gathering</font>
keep me inform pls. though prob 75% can't make it

<font color="0000ff">craft/crochet</font>
i oso lost touch liao. last time still do & send/exchange with "crochet buddies" in usa..
pinkie bear, I do not veri nice but still edible lah heheheh
Hwee: me gg to make again this wkend
Aiyah no news on the gathering & I cant wait so I made & eat 1st loh
Angelia: when u saw me in the bus?
If I'm in the bus, must be the time I'm gg to my bb-sitter hse.
Axler photo at Bt Batok??? I nvr go there develop photo leh
pinkie bear, I do not veri nice but still edible lah heheheh
Hwee: me gg to make again this wkend
Aiyah no news on the gathering & I cant wait so I made & eat 1st loh
Angelia: when u saw me in the bus?
If I'm in the bus, must be the time I'm gg to my bb-sitter hse.
Axler photo at Bt Batok??? I nvr go there develop photo leh

Hi ladies

How the lantern festive gathering?? When should we have it?? weekends or actual day?? :p

Hwee: I wana buy the snowskin mooncake from Raffles hotel... R u getting for yrself as well?? Can tobang?? :p
