Choa chu kang mummy club

Here is something quoted from one of the mummy in the forum who used to work in childcarchicken little - better childcare centre.

" I personally like the childcare at SIM - The Experiential Learning Centre. Their director is my lecturer and i have visited the centre before. She is very generous and have a passion in teaching young children. She also appeared on TV and radio shows. It's a learnt thru play envt plus it is clean.

I think most centres provide the necessary envt and things needed for young kids. It's the teachers that make a lot of difference. For eg, KInderland is one of the top preschool around but not every branches provide the same type of good service and teachers. Learning Vision is quite good too but like I say, different branches, different services. Some of the things to look out for will the teachers and their qualifications, cleanliness, the food, the curriculum, the fees, No. of child to teachers ratio, is there anything that makes the centre more special than others, and most importantly,you must feel comfortable. Nowadays, NTUC child care is upgrading their envt, teachers and services. They are rather professional too in comparison with the private ones. I also like some of the church childcare centres as they provide bibilcal and character studies, good for building the moral development of a child."

Hope this helps you. I look at Ying En I find she loves to explore and can be independent. So I guess 1 priority on your list your gal must feel comfortable.

I have visited MMI at Ten mile junction before. Environment is good but the time when I wanted to go, the fees is realli exp. Now there is an adjustment but I am not sure if MMI in Ten Mile has also adjusted.

I will not opt for weekday. If weekday beside taking leave, i'll got to think of transport also. Hubby will definately say a BIG NO to taking leave jus to take the photo. I can't carry Sheryl with me as she's heavy and wants to be carried. I still prefer weekend only. Else what about this friday? I'm okay with this friday since its a PH. Your friend can make it?
Why not i suggest this. Since we got 3 category, can ask your friend if can have 2 to 3 person per shoot?

1) Jess
2) Meow
3) Mixedup
4) Chicken Little
5) Mayday
6) Funkymon
7) Angelia

So this means:
WEEKDAY : Chicken little and Mixedup

WEEKEND : Meow and

Not in studio: Funkymom and Mayday

So left angelia and Jess to decided when they want to tag along. Like that easier rather the topic jus hang there
actally is my sis fren. she stay at sengkang.
she prefer studio. she's considering & havent get back

let angelia & jess decide liao then let me noe

if there's new update here sms me hor
1) Jess
2) Meow
3) Mixedup
4) Chicken Little
5) Mayday
6) Funkymon
7) Angelia

So this means:
WEEKDAY : Chicken little and Mixedup

WEEKEND : Meow and Angelia

Not in studio: Funkymom and Mayday

Location is fine with me as long as not too far from here cos we dun hv car leh
1) Jess
2) Meow
3) Mixedup
4) Chicken Little
5) Mayday
6) Funkymon
7) Angelia

So this means:
WEEKDAY : Chicken little and Mixedup

WEEKEND : Meow, Angelia & Jess

Not in studio: Funkymom and Mayday
Hi Serene,
If really very difficult to arrange then drop me from the list. Funkymon need to bring Raine to classes this sat then I need to acc my gf to buy bb stuffs coz she giving birth in Jul. Let me know sat what time.

Sorry for troubling you ... don't expect to turn out so troublesome and do not want to make you headache as well ...
Ok, since now we got all the is the prefer location other than the day. Forget to add the option please update accordingly so Serene can track.

Yeah me also think like hard to arrange like that and its going round in cirle lor. Every sat i also need to bring Sheryl to class too. So time to me also critical, can understand lor. But i no choice...only can touch sat since that's my day...sunday is "his dad's day" so got to go to inlaw's place. But this sun till next sunday their going to Yun nan for tour so least sun i'm avail too. Understand transport is also hard for those without car. I believe if go together may be able to car pool some bah. But will got to be cramp. Like for me, if i were to car pool, i can only give 1 way transport since Sheryl's lesson starts at 5pm on sat at Tanglin Mall. To be frank, my hubby hates going to Chinatown as parking is a big headache to him. Last time when i sign for my wedding package, my photographer studio's also in Chinatown and he hates looking for parking lot.

CL, MU, Angelia & Jess,
Please update your preference on location of photoshoot. His studio is locate at Chinatown. Exactly where i'm not sure too.... Please list your first choice and 2nd choice.
Note: Others will be NOT in studio, could be at function room, other ppl's house etc....

Mayday and Funkymom,
Please update your preference on weekday or weekend too. Thanks.

WEEKDAY : Chicken little (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx) and Mixedup (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx)
WEEKEND : Meow (1st. Studio, 2nd. others), Angelia (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx) & Jess (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx)
Not in studio: Funkymom (Weekday/weekend) and Mayday (weekday/weekend)

Let's hope we can settle this soon....then carry on with the gathering.
Remember the south west community gives out cash card to our newborns? Remember some time back, i read the papers and they say they give cash card to all newborn. Since Axler may have got wanna try if your gal can get it too?
By right they says can only get it within 3 months from birth. I read somewhere they cease from 28 Feb 06. So I din apply. Then when I see the forms still lying around, I submitted and wrote on the form I din submit earlier because I thought they cease it. They still give it to me leh. You try lah

So Meow, Serene, the photo shoot this weekend is still on or not ?

Mixedup, if the photo shoot this weekend is not on. I taking leave on 27 Apr, then I got scrapbook session to go. You let me know if you ok with the date then I can ask Serene's fren if we can go in the morning if he/she is available.
Hi CL,

I din collect the cashcard son is 10mths old liao. May I know where to get the form & where to submit? Thxs
ok, now i get the latest information from serene:
she will held at her place this sat (7/04/07) start from 10.30am.

who want to start first, only 2 babies at one time slot.. i assume from the list, i saw abt 6 babies able to make it this i create 3 slots of timing here...

PLEASE don not LATE...kindly fill ur
name below:

10.30 to 12.30:
12.30 to 14.30:
14.30 to 16.30: jess

*things to bring along:

1) $40 deposit, bal will pay when collection of the photos & cds.

2) any extra clothings you want to change during photos session

WEEKDAY : Chicken little (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx) and Mixedup (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx)
WEEKEND : Meow (1st. Studio, 2nd. others), Angelia (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx) & Jess (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx)
Not in studio: Funkymom (Weekday/weekend) and Mayday (weekday/weekend)
Ok then I will join at Serene place. Ha ha you want sushi Temaki on Sat ? I make and bring over.If yes must tell me , I go get the ingredient tonight since I going isetan

ok, now i get the latest information from serene:
she will held at her place this sat (7/04/07) start from 10.30am.

who want to start first, only 2 babies at one time slot.. i assume from the list, i saw abt 6 babies able to make it this i create 3 slots of timing here...

PLEASE don not LATE...kindly fill ur
name below:

10.30 to 12.30: Chicken little
12.30 to 14.30:
14.30 to 16.30: jess

*things to bring along:

1) $40 deposit, bal will pay when collection of the photos & cds.

2) any extra clothings you want to change during photos session

WEEKDAY : Chicken little (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx) and Mixedup (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx)
WEEKEND : Meow (1st. Studio, 2nd. others), Angelia (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx) & Jess (1st. XXXX, 2nd. xxxxx)
Not in studio: Funkymom (Weekday/weekend) and Mayday (weekday/weekend)

Mayday also wanna be in the last slot leh. Can?

10.30 to 12.30: Chicken little
12.30 to 14.30:
14.30 to 16.30: jess, funkymom, Mayday
Since only 2 babies allowed, then I take the other slot.

10.30 to 12.30: Chicken little
12.30 to 14.30: Mayday
14.30 to 16.30: jess, funkymom
10.30 to 12.30: Chicken little
12.30 to 14.30: Mayday, Meow
14.30 to 16.30: jess, funkymom

Sheryl having high fever now till 38.7 degrees today. Jus went to kidslink to see doc and was given Brufen and she refuse to take her medi. I jus put my nick first see how it goes. She may develope false measles so i may not take on this sat too....

Serene can i go another day at the studio if Sheryl has false measlse? Else photo not nice le and will be a waste of $$ liao
oh no, i hope bredon will be fine too..he running nose...

why out of sudden baby sick!!!

meow, dun worry, bredon also kana false measlse before too..hehe jus need to monitor that her water in take have to be alot, cos she may not hv mood to eat...
She kanna once....that was quite some time back le. Sigh...she also dun wan drink water leh....she not those that take juice....jus bought a bottle of ribena, hope she will take that else will see if the almond syrup i get works or not. She prefer milo lor
hihi juz came back from shopping

meow: paiseh did not update u
well juz now was toking to jess when my fren came over so have inform her to post on behalf

well settle. my fren say my hse is empty enough hahahaha......
he might use some of axler toys for the photo shot like drum set etc.

hey gd idea. let's treat it as a gathering session.
CL, oh yes....sushi please. yummy yummy. potluck????
plc settle
so time slot is cfm & set?
wat abt zu & angelia??

10.30 to 12.30: Chicken little
12.30 to 14.30: Mayday, Meow
14.30 to 16.30: jess, funkymom

do stick to ur time slot & come in 15mins
b4 ur specific timing.

funkymom, mayday will have her bb shot at 12.30pm then stay back chit chat till ur session end lah hehehehe. mayday ok????

meow: then sheryl class how????
I bring rice for you on Fri, you help me cook then I dun have to bring all over. Will bring other ingredients ha ha
Sheryl's class starts at 5pm, so if it ends at 230pm i'm ok least she can sleep after the shoot. Provided she dun develope false measle this sat and her fever has subside. She's very sticky to me now lor. Wants to be carried.
CL, k but if i cook not nice dun blame me hor
hehehe long time nvr cook sushi rice liao leh

meow: poor sheryl
hope she get well by sat.

oii i provide drinks bah.
CL: sushi Temaki
serene: drinks
Wow Gathering har....

So Ling and I are invited or not???? Since our Photoshots are over....


Thank you for your Feedback...I really like the programme @ MMI. Maybe put her on a 2 week trial first and then will see how loh.
My worry for Montessori School is that when the child goes to Pri Sch, the style will be different and end up the child may not be able to adapt.
Alamak i very blur liao le!
So when is my turn? Left oni 1 slot thats at 10.30am???
serene, i onz lar..

Gathering huh?
CL: sushi Temaki
serene: drinks
zu: curry puffs?

serene, u gimme yr addy. Sms also can.
U got my number rite?
You monitor and get more information about it. Forward via email to me at [email protected] I will seek my fren who is a teacher for advice. Some montessori centres are adjusting to fit in to local school concept but not sure about MMI.

California Temaki (Handroll)
Ingredient : Kyuri (Cucumber), Avocado, Egg, Crab stick, Fish roe.
Serene you can eat or not huh ?

So how many people huh ? I just prepare what I have hor. Food first come first serve basis huh.

Please Pm or sms me your address hor
So I can use all Axler toys lah ... haha ... still got the tuxedo, jap suit bo? haha ... yr hse this sat like big gathering ... sms yr address ya ... me dunno how to go ... near where huh???
nuttnuts: sure come lah. join in the fun.
ehhh....maybe the last photo i try to ask my fren to take a group pix of all our kids 2gether & cck mummies. ONZ?????

zu, curry puff ok lah. tink everyone can eat

CL, wah liao, me give birth liao lah. dun like tat leh. i want to try ur shushi since the day u mention while i'm expecting rslier leh! box u ah.......hehehehe total how many ppl???? like more than 15 ppl hor?

CL: sushi Temaki
serene: drinks
zu: curry puffs
wat else???

jess dun wori will keep for u.
cl, aiyoh so nice of u preparing shu shi for us, where got sian qi ur food one leh.

mayday, yes my fren come c yesterday, he say can use axler toys. but not much lah hehehehe
coz axler dun play toys one heehehe
yes, he will bring all those suits like tuxedo & jap etc
yah loh, that's y ur'all dun come 2gether hor. stick to the timing loh.
so that the photo taking will not be so messy.
then those done can rest in the bedroom so as not to disturb those bb who are still taking the photo.

well my hse is opp the police dog unit.
blk 610. will sms ur'all my add later
CL, as long is food, i wont xian qi de!!! hehehe

wat else need to provide? i bring float along? hahaha machiam can swim like this...bamboo seat?
Hi Hi

I'm due in June this year. Is looking for caring & experienced baby sitter in Choa Chu Kang Crescent. Any recommendations?
jess:bring float for wat???
dun ask me put water in it hor, later flr slippery then kids fall down how ;oP

cl, wah liao. u can boh?
u got so many things to bring & dun 4get u still got someone to carry leh.
Wow so many people looking for baby sitter leh all in CCK Crescent. That part of CCK so productive hor ha ha.

My nanny has a fren staying at 706 i think too far from you.

Ha ha I con my hb to fetch me over because he will have free time on his own. So good trade off for him.
Hi Chicken Little

Thanks for the info. Yup, its out of the way for me. Do keep me informed if you happen to hear about any nanny available in CCK Crescent, ok?
Nutts also got wings....the purple butterfly wings. I hope i can make it this sat....Sheryl fever seems to have gone down....really hard to handle her now. Wants to be carried and keep crying till i cannot tahan....carry her from my mum's place to lot1 and my back is aching very badly liao.
Heng she KO after drinking milk else i wont be able to go online now.

I want the wings leh....hope i can make it on this sat.

Too bad i got no props to bring....but i got many toys, puzzles and books.

I can bring the wing along or pass it to Serene first as tomolo Morning, I am going to the MMI Center again.

Hey bring the Vietnam clothes for Sheryl leh. I think it's will look good on her.

U see Ying En's Photo below in her Vietnam Suit.


Just to update for tomoro potluck gathering:
serene(host)- drinks and hotdogs
jess- almond longan
chix little- sushi
zu- fried bee hoon

anything else, cn contact serene!
hehe.. Seems like tomoro gathering quite big case hor!
zu, thks for the update.
phew my gal finally sleep

wah really a big grp 2mr.
hope everything turn out well

c u all 2mr!
Good morning!!!

Sheryl is tossing here and there and same for the little boy in me. Can't fall back to sleep. Sheryl's fever has gone down as what the thermometer reads but i'm having doubts on the reading.
Think it needs some calibration, why? Cos even that day when we measure her temp of 37.6 at my mum's place before going to kidslink, at kidslink, her temp rise up to 38.7!!

I'll still go to the photo shoot since the reading seems norm, but if you have thermometer can lend me there? I'll bring Sheryl's fav cat to take photo. Was checking her wardrobe, choose 7pc of clothes to bring along. Some she haven't even worn them yet.
what i sms you at 7plus is wrong. Her reading is not 37.1 but should be 38.1 degrees. Went back home at night and borrow nutt's thermoscan. My scan and hers are diff by 1 degrees. That's explain why today she still sian sian lah....all this while her fever is still around 37 whereas my reading shows 36plus only.

Anyone knows where braun head office is?
meow: wah liao. meaning she was cranky juz now due to her fever leh
u huh....poor gal. must be damn tired loh
so u still got bring her to class ah????

hey thks all for having the session a fast & entertaining one.
guess all bb tired after the whole session.

yen, wah yin en go bck got rest boh? even tht no shooting but she was here almost quite some time. must b tired also

Hey Serene,

I think the most tired ppl should be u and ur hb lah. So kind to lend ur hse and still have to take care of both kids at the same time.

Terence is so good. He will help u up with the household thing.

Ying En is tried too. She doze off immediately after her bath.
