Choa chu kang mummy club

Hey Jo, then we are very near lor!
The nearest in fact.
I'm beside the polyclinic only.

The rest in Yew Tee area.

ling & yen, i had drop both of ur a email.
the editted copy of the 8R. pls check ur email & let me noe if it's ok
Welcome Jo
My parents stay near the poly clinic too.

Thanks for answering CL. Was busy yesterday. And thankyou ofor sharing a photo of Sheryl with her eyes real puffy. Means she's real tired oh....

I want to learn scrapbooking leh....

1 dun think i can go beach on sundays lah. Saturdays still possible. Sunday is IL's day lah.
Hi all, thanks for the warm welcome. My boy is only turning 1 week old. Can I check, for subsequent vaccinations and jabs do i still have to return to the PD or can I just go to the polyclinic? Cos if I can go to a polyclinic, i don't have to travel all the way to Gleneagles since I live just opp a polyclinic hehee...

Zu, we can meet up after my boy's full month hehee
I choose to take the subsequent vaccinations at the polyclinic. Not necessary to take it from your PD. Oh yeah, you on maternity leave, so can meet Zu anytime hor. I will join you later lor. I'm due in May.

you got more guest to come visit you le. Hee
wow thats really great news. Like that can save a lot of travelling time. I can't wait for my one month confinement to be up. Right now I am really uncomfortable and sweaty all the time. I couldn't take it yesterday so my hubby help me wash my hair secretly after everyone else is asleep hehe.

Zu, when I am ready to meet up will date you and your son out =)
jo, i dun care i still bath leh
use herbs lah

zu, adam veri cute leh. i find him veri gd boy, veri kuai listen to wat u say.

sian leh, my honeymoon period over soon.
gg back to work nxt wk.
veri fast my ah gal 2mth+ liao leh

funkymom & mayday, sorri 2 let u ladies come after 7pm. if terence no ippt then wont b that late. i alone at nany hse bu fan bian bring 2 kids home.

CL, sorry last nite let u wait till so late
if i dun coax my ah boy sleep 1st, then he will b cranky. he every nite have to go 2 bed by 9.30pm loh

meow: oiiii how's sheryl?
when can she retake????
Serene, he will only listen to me if I'm alone with him. If Jason ard, he wont listen liao. If my ILs, lagi worse. Can cry nonstop. Shout and scream like nobody biz! Spank oso wont work.
U wont believe until u see him with them.

He'll act like spoilt brat. Thn ppl will look at me, tink I'm very bad let the kid scream and shout in public. Sighs!! So i try not to bg him out with ILs so much. Cos they give in toomuch liao. So he take advantage. He's like a TOTALLY different boy with them. With me like monster, with them? DINOSAUR!! :p
Her fever is gone, got slight cough but this weekend i really cannot. Its Sheryl's birthday, so need to celebrate for her so next weekend can? Maybe sat aft or the week after next?
Serene, I also wan to bathe but then because of the c-section very difficult to bathe lor. What i do is i wipe myself at least twice a day. The herbs they boil for me to wipe smells like liang teh, so after every wipe i think i smell like Jia Jia Liang Teh hahahaa

zu, so at home you are the disciplinarian ah? not bad leh hehe... I think I will also be the one. All my IL's grandchildren are screamers and spoilt brats... I don't want my boy to be one of them leh... so far had a few run-ins with my MIL liao cos staying with them. She die die also must have a say in everything we do, but we never listen hahaa...
The way u describle yr son so cute leh...
I believe all grandparent spoilt their grandchild...
There is 1 time my gal bEat my mil & i scold my gal n told her cant grandmum will be angry n bEat hor... my mil say no nvm I wont beat u de nvm if u beat me... at tt time i goin to faint...
jo, ya lor. I'm the disciplinarian at home. Ppl think he's very guai. With me, i say yes. But when other ppl ard, then i'm not too sure. So Teck Whye yr ILs place huh? So near hor. Wat a small world! So are u gg to be a SAHM in the future? hehehe... Din know u c-sect le. Tot u normal birth. G only say u gave birth last week. Wah! Our gang got 3 boys le. U me and G.

Lyn, lucky my ILs never say like dat. They only spoilt him and make sad face when i scold their baobei. But they dun dare interfere. They last tym also v strict with hb and his siblings. But dunnno y their own grandson they dun even wana scold. :p As if the world dun have enuf spoilt brats liao.
Zu, no lah wun be a SAHM, i'm not so wei da! Much as I love my boy, I wanna have a career too. Plus I cannot imagine myself losing financial independence, and cannot buy what I want whenever I want, so have to work hehe...

The c-sec is a long story, tell you another time. Haiz... now waiting for the wound to heal lor but taking a long time. Our gang should org a kids meet up day leh, urs being the eldest hope he wun get too bored hehe...
There's this saying:

Grandparents are always best friends with their grandchildren because they have a common enemy!

Think about it
Your photos look nice too.

I really love the sushi that u made. Can share with me how to make the sushi or not?

Do u know that my gal loves the sushi that u made and Zu bee hoon???

Yesterday, I went to NTUC and my gal asks me to buy sushi for her.

So must learn from u so that make for her...
serene, yup. j went down on sat to collect.
But he forgot topass the money to yr Mil le.
Cos he say she was busy le.
I pass when i collect the rest okie.

jo, hmm.. sometimes we are forced to be SAHM under circumstances la.
Its not a choice. But i'm enjoying it. :p

CL, the pics sure look nice. The first pic of Charmaine and Aden very natural. I like.
Keke , i really thank you all for the support woh but realli the sushi is not mah fan.

Check out Serene if she was successful in preparing yday.

So cute Ying En know what is expensive stuff to choose leh.

Nuttnuts, Zu
Thanks for compliment for the photo. I oso like the candid shots
wah CL, your sushi good compliments, I really wana try and learn sia.. when u can teach me??

Nice pix, how old is charmine and aden??
meow, k i call him 2mr & ask him call u bah

CL, luckily he nvr scold u waste $ hahaha
hey i put tuna veri nice also leh. i buy those can ones. 1 can of tuna & 1 can of wasabi salmon.
my frenz say veri nice wor & thks for ur receipt & vingear. hehe also must thk yen for helping me buy fish egg wor.
then we got do soba(ice noddle) & the miso soup
the miso soup i buy those pkt ones

jess, perhaps brendon still small. duno how to smile & look at the camera

zu, it's ok no wori
Keke Sushi
Ha ha you all have to wait a while liao. Just did that day, later my hb eat till xian. When is the next gathering ? Then I demo

Not bad. Ha ha your hb must have enjoyed his birthday and feel proud because his wife prepared food for the guest.

I quite like my 8R artwork. Want to add name oso if possible. Will wait for hb to see.

I see the artwork quite ok leh. With wings he oso very cute.

alvin spell salar bredon's name...hehehe

oh like this is better alot lor..haha..but i still got prob to choose the pics wor...
me too want add name 'JunQi' in and also I prefer Adam's design leh ... mine like empty empty at the top and also must take out my pic lah ... wau lau me cannot make it.
hi Jo and Zu!

I am G! hahaa

when we meet up, Adam will be real bored cos our babies cant play with him yet...
Ting's one maybe can haha

My boy always like to bully ppl in infant care...
Hei, how come u crashed here? hehe..
U wana join us here in CCK? :p

Our kids all boys except for Ting's le.
A so fortunate lor surrounded by boys.
By the way, Im gg to Jo's plc tmr. Wana join?
wah liao me tdy 1st day bck to work
no mood to work
been lo bo for quite sometimes liao. gg bck made me feel more tired

hey all, how the design huh?
pls do take a look & comment fast hor
drop me a sms baH.
serene, i'm okie with adam's design.
Thanks! U todays first day? Tats fast!
hehe... Then join me being a SAHM lor.
Everydy work non-stop. No leave, no MC! :p
I'm gg with Ting tmr lo.

She on leave so she jio me lor.
Since i stay opp only.
Next week u come lar, then i also cn go again.
But late a bit la.
I got PG session in the morning every Tues.
She just ask me today lei.

Maybe she know I'm free everyday lor.
PG_ Playgroup session. But informal one.
We do songs and dance, storytelling and crafts.
The mom who conduct the sogs and dance segment is trained in Kinndermusik lar. hehe.. So mostly she do the KM songs. I just follow lor. The rest are nursery songs.
zu, SAHM???? NO WAY!!!!!! i cant stand stay at home looking after kids. i will feel bored loh
i prefer working after all
Serene, u so funny! Yr rxn so BIG! hahahahaha....
Although I'm a SAHM but i oways bring Adam out everyday.
Stay at home to care for him cn drive me nuts.
So go out can burn his excess energy.
zu, coz i kanna scare liao. during the confinement taking care of rslier & axler really drive me crazy
i'm not those who can stay at home lok after kids.
i prefer doll up myself & go office & at x if free still can login chit chat. hahaha

welcome huijun

Welcome Huijun
Me FTWM too. Got a 5 year ol gal and a 15 months boy.

Pai seh
Any mummy here with 2003 kid ? Interested to join a enrichment class conducted by a native Chinese at one mummy house on Sat 3 pm ? It is at CCK Ave 2. The one at my house is for 2002 so let me know if anyone interested. There are 2 seats available for tomorrow
