Choa chu kang mummy club

Morning ladies..

i'm looking for nanny for my 14mths son.
pref around cck crescent.
any recommendation, pls PM me..
thank you!!
Hello Good morning.

Your boy 14 months, born in Jan 06 ?
I think my nanny's contact all around my area at St 52 only. if you want, you pm me I ask her.
hi mommies,

I'm staying near sunshine place, and wonder if you could kindly recommend some toddler care provider in the region (beside Learning Vision) ?

My boy is 18 months old now.

meow, yup. $88 regards how many shot he snap.
the best ting is every shot, he will eddited for us. then got free 1 8R. this package is only for us nah. u interested ah??? but i already told him onli 4 babies on 23rd liao leh.
Thank Chicken Little,
is St 52 somewhere around YT mrt? :p
coz i need to catch the train to work after deposit my son.
yes, my boy born in jan 06. ;)
Anyway 23rd i can't also lah....its my BIL's wedding. He got to held his wedding before the 100 days else he'll have to wait 3yrs later...
next time i sign up still got this promo or not? You only bring Axler for the shot right? Your gal leh? Next time ah?
meow, yah onli axler.
gal still too young. but my frenz did help her took quite a nbr of pix when she was born.
hmmm....i dunno if he will give such lobang anot leh. coz he say he dun earn much from that. he just do out of gd will to help the rest whom i call since his helping axler to take his photo
ling, yah recd. oiii NORVALE it's at the warren hor? correct boh? scare i go wrong place later.
u help me tell yen to reach there ard 11am bah

meow: it's not 23rd. it's on 25th morning
Meow: 25 MARCH leh.. SUNDAY wor... which calendar u using? hehe..

Serene: Its beside WARREN. the condo is NORTHVALE... dun go wrong place hor!! :p ok, later me sms Yen to go 11am...
Who's house is that?? Too bad i still can't go as long as it is this sunday. BIL wedding so got to be there in the morning liao.
Sheryl hasn't went for a dip for a very long time le.
yo how is everyone!!!!

i missing alot of goodies here! hehehe

now jus recover from chix pox from my son! left my hb only....not yet kana!!!
meow: wah liao, 23 & 25 alot diff leh. hehehehe

ling, i tht warren is norvale leh.
wah liao luckily. else i go wrong plc. i told my fren liao. he will go there early to set up the stuff. once we reach there, our bb r ready for the photo shot
k i bring axler swim wear

jess, wah liao u kanna chicken box from brendon ah. poor gal. i noe it's real painful to get kanna it at this age.
i last time kanna it at poly. so painful & diff to heal
Any mummies here looking for a temp job ?
Requirement : Degree holder
Admin job in NTU , Mid Jun to Mid Nov
About $12 per hour before CPF. OT rate is $18 per hour.
Working hours is 8.30am to 5.45pm Mon - Thur Friday 8.30 am to 5.15pm but lunch hour only 45 mins
ya serene very painful, plus i look after bredon too for that two weeks...i cook porridge for two of us... =p

are u aware that karen's cl cmi? she only let her stay till 3weeks nia, den ask her to leave le...

ya lor,
cos we are used to our gd life during our confinement le with our gd cl! Agree? hehehe now their visa can last one month le, no need to go and stamp at two weeks time le... =)
hi we had great fun during our phto shot last sun
manage to capture alot of nice pix
my ah boy was tired after the shoting
went home & immediately doze off
HI Serene,

Nice photo shots. so envy... your boy very cooperative during the shots. dont think my son can do that... Sign...
Hi all cck mummies...

Din know abt this thread earlier.... tink I muz hv missed out alot!!!

Btw, I m staying in st. 62 & my son is coming 10mths. Any mummy here can recommend me a good & experienced nanny? My nanny kept tkg leave, quite piss off with her... I cun afford to always go on leave thinking of changing. Any recommendation? Pls PM me, thxs in advance.
Hi bbjay, welcome... Where is st 62?? Im staying @ st 51.. hehe..

Sorry, no nanny lobangs
the nannies I noe all looking after baby le.. Ya, your nanny quite irresponsible to take leave.. no good...

Serene: paisei, hvnt pass u my selected pix number.. hehe... I will try to sms u tonight or by tis week.. :p

Meow: How is your BIL wedding?? Sheryl enjoy herself there??

The thread is very quiet these days...
The photos are very nicely taken
I like the bath tub too...who brought the tub? Now only left Nutts havent show us the pics...

BIL wedding ah...she enjoy taking Angbao in the morning by afternoon we go back to rest, she KO and slept for 3hrs...she cried twice at the dinner itself. First time during the first dish, frighten by the loud music and then the Yum Seng thou i ask my dad to bring her out. She didn't eat much and was disturbing my dad, mom and SIL lor.
Hi Serene & Ling
Wow.. the photos are very nice & well taken.. Me tempting to take. :p
Serene, your boy grown so big liao. Times flies.
Ling, how old is Vel? She so sweet....
Meow: The photographer lo... he brought alot of props/soft toys/clothings there :D I tink Nutts is too BZ.. hehe

Wah, wedding oso get angbao?? she flower girl in the morn isit? haha.. Poor gal kena frightened and that spoil her evening la..

Cutecute: Thanks... my girl is turning 18 mths by end March... Long time nvr post her pix le.. guess alot of yr oso forget her face.. hehe :p
ling, k i also havent chose yet leh
so many nice pix i dunno wich one to chose. anyway,after he eddited all the pix, i guess i will spent alot to develop most of the pix hahahaha

meow: ying en pis also veri nice. ask yen show u lah. both u stay so near.

cutecute, yah i quite hai with those pix taken last wkend
yah lor, i really find axler grow taller liao leh. his now big gei gei liao. no longer like bb hehehehe

bbjay, hi i also stay at st 62
I will take the offer....i've talked to Jess too...awaiting for her reply. Can i ask a colleague of mine see whether she interested or not can?

Yeah Nutts always very busy i can go house visiting....i will definately drop by her place soon.
Dun worry, i wont forget Vel's face, she loves to crawl then. Wonder if she can run time see got another gathering or not leh.

Tempted huh...then go for it lah...."qing chun bu liu bai" ah
Hi Ling,

St. 61 is somewhere behind yew tee mrt, blk 600+. How abt urs? If u happen to know of any nanny near my area & is available, pls inform me, ok? Thxs.

Ur princess v.sweet. Where did u tk the photos & how much u paid?
Wow nice pics leh.

So tempting leh. If I go cannot let my hb knows if not he will kill me. If Take Charmaine and Aden means $88 x 2 ? alamak not so good for my pocket leh.

If take the package then where the photos will be taken leh ?
I think some of the mummies go to the HDB centre/ Dr Winston Ng ( Kinder Clinic) think he not bad.

For me I like Dr Siaw GP at Blk 601 (Cannot remember the block) , Healthmark, but his q is super long man. I always call him then nearer to my number, the nurse will call me then I go.

Hi Chicken Little,

Din know abt Dr Saw though quite near my blk. Is he a GP or PD? How is his charges like? May I hv his contact? Thxs alot
