Choa chu kang mummy club

mOrning mUmmies... Yawnz.. nvr sleep well these 2 days cos my girl has BAD nanny rash.. At nite wake up several times to check her diaper! Need plenty of KOPI.. :p faint...

bbjay: Thanks... the pkg $88... take back all pic in soft copy :D... icic, im staying near the stadium/swimming pool there :p u noe where?? hehe

Oily: I go to Kidslink. All my girl jab taken over there. Erm, all her jabs are very good except the recent one, taken during 16mths, where she really scream and cry out when jabbed. haha, i tink last time blur blur, dun even noe when the needle poke in.. :D

Meow: Y now then can go house visiting?? :p Ya, long time nvr mit loh... The last time my girl keep crawling around your house, cannot sit still.. haha.. now walking and running ard loh, still cannot sit still!!! faint!! Hey, take wat offer?? u mean the photo shoot??

Hi Chicken Little
Me too.. cannot let my husband know take their photo.. He said it a waste of money.
Hi Ling,

Oh yes, I knw where...So would u be sending ur princess to the childcare soon? Heard frm my sis, Wharton (at the stadium there) is good. My nephew used to be there but few yrs back. He's 8 this yr. Btw, the package at $88 quite reasonable many pics in total?
meow: k no probl. ask ur fren along. let me noe early coz i need to arrange & let my fren noe

c lah, ask ur'al go that time ur'all dun 1. now 1 by 1 asking liao.
later my fren nag at me again. sob sob

cutecute, then u do it w/o letting him noe loh. just like wat nuttnuts do hahaha

btw, if i help ur'all arrange, u ladies 1 it to be at his studio at chinatown or outside???

update again
the package $88 is bb photo
unlimied snaps, unlimted clothing
all photo taken during the session return in dvd formats
10x4R & 1x8R(digital effect) given
eddited copy of all photo will be return
bbjay: Ya, jz realised that is a childcare... Wharton Junior Academy.. Tot tution centre wor.. haha

I dun like childcare full day aircon like tat. I prefer those with landed houses kind, with outdoor facilities, in touch with nature, green grasses, sand.. Those aircon kind, eg: kinderland in CCK, all surrounded by 4 walls only.. so sad, cannot see outside world.. Im still sourcing ard la, looking into learning ladder these kind.. :p But will put Vel in when she is 2 plus ba :D

Have you tot of putting your baby in infant care centre?? Difficult to get nannies oso
Actually I only want to take for charmaine. Aden i not so keen ha ha. He got clothes for Charmaine or not ? I dun mind taking leave to bring Charmaine to his studio leh. Then hb not involved so better.

My elder gal in Childcare , the 14 month old boy with nanny who is my neighbour. My gal too use to my mother so she does not want to go to nanny place but she is ok with childcare. Very weird. I put her wit Del Care at Anson Road because I cannot rush home in time to pick her. Also aircon but i like the idea when the teacher will bring them out. Like they will go to post office and she sent me a letter ha ha. I recommended my fren to take a look at the environment she also like it and then the menu is quite good also. For infant care, they have a special room for the kids below 18 months. I cannot go in also. The ratio is 1:3 which is lower than the official 1:5
Hey CL, u work in Anson road har?? which building u working?? Yr gal still in Del-care now? i noe that childcare at Fuji Xerox bldg :D
I prefer studio after hearing lighting story. But must be only aft 14th Apr...this few weeks too busy. Once everyone know aft 100days. Keep asking us to go their place.

My MIL lah.....still dunno i wack you le.

Ever tot of infant care but alot of ppl advise me not to ler cos they say no 1 to 1 attention & the ratio is normally 1:5. Oso bb tend to fall sick easily. Thats y I hold back this idea lor!


Del Care sounds good but not convenient for me ler... I wkg in the east side
Btw, do u drive or tk public tpt? Izit troublesome to fetch ur gal to & fro like that??
Ling, Bbjay

Me work near cityhall. Hb at SGX. So morning drive drop Charmaine, hb send me to work then he will go to work. Night he will pick gal up then come pick me.

Ling, Nutts, funkymom
I stop sending Aden to BJG. This boy always go there and play, never realli concentrate on cards.

Any auntie within the block you know ? Ask them for recommendation. My nanny is the only auntie i know in the block, I ask her if she knows anyone and she offered her help. So me 8th floor and she 7th floor, we bring Aden to her easily. Aden even stays there for the night if anyone in the house is sick and I have to look after. Actually I am lucky I feel Aden is closer to her family than me

Actuali my current nanny is juz like urs, we stay 9th floor & she 8th floor. But find her very calculative & always take leave. She has oreadi taken 6 days leave this year. I duno how many more days she gg to tk?? I where got so many leave for her?? So, thinking of changing lor....
bbjay, come to tink of it, I tink i noe a nanny at my blk leh, but duno does is she still looking after babies anot... u wan me to chk for you. BTW, i stay blk 704 wor, convenient for you??

Meow: Ouch, backside pain pain now.. hehe

CL: I sign Vel up for another term... Lets see how it goes then will decide from then. Presently, ya, she oso go there to play... Walk round the class.. faint...
Hi Ling,

704 not convenient for me ler... me staying at 612. Any other? Thxs anyway
Hv a great weekend ahead. Will not have internet access over the weekend, catch up w u again.

Btw, u sign Vel for BJG? Which day & wat time is ur class? Me juz signed up my little prince (jayden) for the little crawler 2, starting 14/4 (sat 10.30am). Duno if he would like it??
bbjay: my girl joining crawler 2 oso next term but its @ 12.15pm, on sat oso. Who is the teacher?? My last class is at 11.30 and now they bring back the time.. haiz.. I prefer earlier..
Teacher April is superb man. Charmaine attend her class when she is less than 18 months in Katong. She can still remember my gal who is turning 5 soon.

Bbjay, maybe your teacher will be Shuhui. I think my class at 11.30 Sat because mostly my frens we not continuing because Aden always want to eat and sleep near to the end of the class.
sms you but no reply. Jess has decided to take the offer too. Both the 2 of us would prefer to go chinatown. Is there other dates your friend can make it on weekend. Why not you list the dates here for all to see?

Who else is interested in taking the photoshoot? Can list down your names?
Me also gian already. Let me know when I also want to go to the studio

1) Jess
2) Meow
3) Mixedup
4) Chicken Little
mOrning mummies...

Wah, serene has good business hor.. so many ppl sign up again.. :p

Nutts: Must teach these 2 gers to be frens.. cannot always fight.. haha.. OMG the naked shot! i still remember her running ard with only her diaper.. haha
Yingen so cute...finally post her pics liao leh. Hey Sheryl can remember you and Yingen very well leh...when i say go auntie house, she will say en en mei mei...and Auntie.

Take lah....she gave me 2 dates. One is this sat and last sun. Now we shall wait for Serene's reply.

eh wah see all the nice pics so well taken!!!!

i cant wait to go and take too...really NICE!!!


confirm le, alex say no prob...

do we hv to arrange go as a group or can i go individual with my family? cos not all mummies can meet on the same day...

wonder if can bring my dog along bo...???
Me & funkymom also interested.
Serene think you headache liao .. haha

1) Jess
2) Meow
3) Mixedup
4) Chicken Little
5) Mayday
6) Funkymon
Hee Hee phototaking very tempting hor.


I dun need weekend because I want to do it secretly without hb. So I dun mind taking leave one day to spend with my gal.
Serene headache liao, she MIA. :p
CL, if u go wkday, we cn go together.
I'm not so familiar with Chinatown tt area.
Sure mixedup.

You let me know when you want to do it. Then I apply leave. Apr I taking 9 and 27 so I think Apr I dun want to take leave liao
hey mummies

long time nvr mitup le... Tot of organising a trip out, maybe go picnic or beach... Anyone ONz for this??

Maybe can plan end April like tat since some mummies gg for the photo shoot early april
ling, wah so many ppl interested leh
i organise & spread gd lobang onli. got gd things must share mah
dun earn anything out of this leh
hmmm....guess shld listen to wat cathy say, get something from my fren hahahaha

can someone follow up on this & update me.
coz i'm busy at home looking after my ah gal so no time to login
but this wed & thur i'm free coz my nanny help me take care

cl & zu, if arrange on wkend also can mah
dun let ur hubby noe & say u bring bb out for gathering loh. say only mummies no daddies allow lah

well now got a probl, some dun1 to go chinatown as they feel it's too far away for them.
some dun mind
so can i have a show of hands who want to go chinatown & who dun mind?
if to be held else where, anyone can help to book nearby function room???

nutnutts, oiii i also like tat pic
hahaha btw u flip tat pix rite?
jess: OIII.......i paiseh to ask my fren liao leh
later he kill me ah. he already hint me say he didnt earn much from this & yet i have so many request leh.
Serene: ya seriously I dun tink yr frn dun earn much from it wor.. its a good deal man..

Which beach better?? east coast or sentosa?? how about 22 April??

Below is my preferences:

1) MMI @ Phoenix Walk
As this center is not a fully air condition centre so it will be good to put my gal there but a bit out of the way if hb cannot fetch her. Really like the activities over there as they teach based on your child learning speed. They teach you the concept before going into the details. Child will get a lots of hand on too.

2) Kinderland @ CCK Central
This will be my next option as convenience for me to fetch my gal if hb is not free. Quite like the activities there as there is music lesson which I think my gal will like it.
For this CC, it seem like there is a lot of craft work which it is good when can prepare the child for future sch projects.

3) Columbia @ Akira Centre
Heard good comments about this school. It is really academic focus and it really prepare your child to Primary School. Got to enrol them during nursery class as they do not take in student after that as they are worried that your child might not be able to catch up with their learning phase.
I can't answered too as my hb's question also very stress leh....


If u were me, where would u want to put your child???
Talked to Meow today. I would prefer weekday and am ok to go to Chinatown. I think if me and mixed, kids older easier to go.

If weekend, I have to look after Aden at the same time. More xiong but if you need the headcount I got to kannah scolding from hb first to do another photoshoot ha ha.

In consideration for childcare, environment is very important and the food given. I brought Charmaine to the different childcare centre, I will observe how the teacher attend to the kids, I will see how Charmaine react as well. Charmaine is older lah but she took less than a month to get used to the new place which I find it is fast for her as she switched from being taken care of by my mum to childcare. Current childcare learn through play which is very different. It depends on what you want actually
ling, ya he charging outside $388 with the digtal effect album u saw during the photo shot
east coast fine with me. 22 april i'm ok with it

cl, since u ladies prefer wkday, then y not i let my fren noe.
then u,zu & meow go to the studio on wkday
meow, u have to apply leave then
jess, wat abt u. u prefer studio rite? then u 1 2 apply leave to go with them???

Mayday & Funkymon: both of u prefer outside
but if really cant get any function room then i lent my hse out for the shoting. my fren this wed coming over to see if my plc big enough
will let u 2 noe the outcome
btw, if ok, it will be held this sat? 7 april

Angelia, wat abt u????

jess, check with my fren, he said not convient to bring dog along coz is bb photo session only
