Choa chu kang mummy club

Yeah thermometer not accurate mah, so we still bring her to class since reading is norm. On the way, she slept in car. Then wake her up when she reach, she was happy in class except towards the end of the session when's she's tired again.

Didn't share with you. Last sat i was at Lot1 NTUC,there's a pampers promoter there giving out sample pack of pampers active. There's 4pcs in a pack(2M and 2L). She's there only on sat. Later i go lot1 again, see if she's there. Update again.

missed all the fun ytd... its time for you mummies to post pix and show us le.. hehe.. cant wait.. :p

Meow: How is sheryl now?? fever went down?? poor gal.. saiyang
Some Prog at the Library:

Story Spiders
Date/Time : 14 April 2007 , 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Venue : Choa Chu Kang Community Library - Activity Room
Subject : Education & Learning (English)
Presenter : Ms Polly(Arts Attic Centre LLP)
Admission : Free admission
Story Spiders is an attempt to immerse agile, young minds in colorful stories from which tales could be spun into a web of possibilities . A very interactive, open-ended & exploratory activity. Good ground for sowing seeds of imagination. For ages 6 to 9 ONLY. Admission is FREE Please register at the Customer Service Counter.
Hey Serene,
Once again, thanks for organizing this photo shooting cum gathering.

Thanks to all members in the STAR family ... hahaha
Her fever has gone down. She KO from sat 10pm and woke up on sun only aft 11am....she's really tired from the illness liao. Today she's better, thanks. Her fever has gone down le, but still pretty cranky and wants to be carried. Bring her to the library with Nutts and Yingen, end up they play hide and seek there.

the story telling is for 6-9yrs leh...anyway i wont be able to make it.

Re: Pampers sample
Went to Lot1 in the afternoon. This time round is another gal giving away the sample. From what i find out, this promo will end by this month at selected areas only. Heng Lot1 is one of them and close to us. She will be there only from on weekends(sometimes friday) from 1pm to 7 or 9pm only. Cant remember what time she left. She gave me another pack of sample without me asking anything. Not even want my name or reason for chosing pampers like the previous promoter.
Thanks Serene for hosting us. Pai seh to let your hb be baby sitter for my hyper Aden too.First time seeing your little princess, cute and envy her hair.

Nice meeting Mixedup,Meow,Nuttnuts and Funkymum again at the lift when I leaving.

Mayday,nice meeting you for the first time. Your little boy is so cute.

Meow, is Sheryl better ?
Meow: glad to hear that sheryl is btr.. sure cranky lo cos sick mah.. saiyang her for me.. :p

go library nvr jio me.. I bring vel there oso at times.. :p
Sheryl now has cough and flu lor. So not recover yet, but least her fever is gone.

its a last minute thing lah. Ask Nutts lah, i jio her for dinner mah.

Sorry to interrupt but I would like to find out if anyone of u put your baby in infant care centre around CCK? Care to share your experience? Thanks.
nuttnuts, yah terence help me clean up the place,phew!
i was also tiered. hehehe
wah liao i guess yin en either miss me or miss axler toys. else she wont have call me. hehehe

meow: gd to hear sheryl better
let her drink more water hor
as for ur gal photo shot, i will tok to alvin

mayday, no probl. hope ur'all have fun too
i was so wori that axler dun have any toys that interest all the kids.
was surprise it turn out well hehehe

From STAR Family: hope ur'all enjoy the photo taking session & sorry that it might be too crowd & hot in the living room
apologise for zhao da bu zuo hor

CL, aiyo dun mention that. he loves kids.
btw, thanks for ur shushi. VERY VERY NICE LEH!!!!
must teach me other cooking leh.
when u free teach me hor.

ling, so when's the gathering to the beach???
on boh????
mixedup, ur beehoon also veri nice. must teach me cook also.

for the CD, i will c when alvin come my hse collect bck the bck-drop & pass the cd to me.
once recd i will let ur'all noe
serene thks ya for organising a place for us! Is alot convenient!!!

ya enjoy the food too...too bad some mummies went off earlier, din manage to try my dessert...
Anyone interested to join us??

22 April 2007 (SUN)
East Coast Beach
1) Ling
2) Serene (u ok on tis day?)

For those w/o cars, we can try to carpool ba :D
ya lor, they left early coz they come early then kids r tired by then
how come no one touch my mil xiao ding dang bun???? :eek:)

oiii, the photograher want to use some of ur bb pix to update his current website
guess the bb pix too cute liao hehehhe

ling: i'm on
actually im comtemplating east coast or sentosa?? hmm...

Jess where u gg?? holiday?? hehe

22 April 2007 (SUN)
East Coast Beach/Sentosa Beach
1) Ling
2) Serene
Serene, thanks for opening up yr home to us.
Adam had a great time din even wana go back ar.
Until i told him tt we are gg Lot 1 to buy cars.

But of cos din go la, mr rain came.
Then we board bus he KO liao. :p

hehe.. i saw the webbie. I love the photos of axler and the gal, who's dat?

Count me out for the beach.
Nt convenient without Jason ard.
Have a great time anyway!

Anyway, I'm going to order from Amosco next week. Anyon interested to tompang some swiss rolls or eclairs? Pm me yah!
Hi Zu,
That's Raine, funkymom daughter .. they are so lovely right

Like Adam pics very much ... he's so photogenic leh really know how to look at camera & pose. hee hee
Not to forget yr bee hoon is nice .. yummy yummy

Hi CL,
Nice meeting you and your lovely kids. Your sushi is nice leh ... got standard worr ...
That's not axler and Raine. Its Bradon and Raine.

Wow so many nice photos...all so nicely taken. Sigh...Sheryl not in there.
Zu, yah raine & axler like looking at someting like that. tey all say liang san bo yu zhu ying tai wor hehehehe
Ur adam on the coverpage of the website leh. he pose so nicely man

meow: dun wori sheryl will have her turn
Yo for those who had taken the photo shot with axler, the photo r ready loh
alvin might pop by my hse 2mr to pass me the stuff
will update ur'all when ready 2 collect hor
Meow, i mean the Photo 11. Not dat one.
gave the wrong link.

The one with Axler and a gal. Axler wearing the Korean costume la.

serene, yup! that one very nice.
i saw liao. Load the page can see my little monster liao.
<font color="aa00aa">hi all,</font>
so sorry didn't manage to catch up with all of you
Shanice wasn't feeling well, been busy bringing her back to GP for review every alternate day. tmr have to go again, hiaz..

problem? wheezing lor. every time go GP needs to neb. hope tmr dun need liao.

a lot of nice pix...

serene, i'll call you when we're more free for the photoshoot, can? i wanna peng sang alr.
Hope your Shanice gal gal will recover soon. Understand the horror of neb. Aden was on neb for 2 weeks and we have to adminster at home 3 times a day. Very xiong

Kids Photography
Love the photos. So cute. Zu, your boy is the most charming leh. Can't wait to get the CD then can just do a collage for both of them.

So finally was Sheryl ok with the photoshoot ?

Glad you enjoy my sushi. Actually if I demo once for you all, anyone can do. Just buy the right vinegar. I bought the sweet one. That is the easiest dish I will prepare if I host a party at home , it only involves cutting and also making the egg lah
zu, raine wearing korean costume then my frenz disturb say ask axler go chng korean costume & take pix 2gether. turn out not bad leh hehehe

zu, go for the pinic leh. jason not free then i go over pick u lah.

angeia, i'm not sure if my fren still giving u the same package as wat the rest got leh

cl, sheryl was not feeling well that day loh
nvr take much leh. she not mood also lah
her one have to wait till she recover to retake
oii....jap cuury when huh???
i still got 1 box at my hse hehehehe
morn mummies...

Ya, I like adam.. so photogenic.. nvr smile oso so charming.. hehe

The liang san bo yu zhu ying tai... very "CUTE" that pix.. and both look so innocent.. :p

Jess: nvm la, treat as honeymoon with hubby alone... since with the baby oso no time for coupletime hor... hehe

Angelia: Hope shanice recover fast fast..

No one wana go PICNIC.. sobx...

Serene: ok, let us noe when can collect the pix.. Can go your place after work :D
ling, k no probl. i just recd email from alvin
he show me the 8R that he had design for axler.
k will update ur'al
CL: no need to pay extra, all in the package :D

When you gals have cooking lesson... I wana sharpen my cookery skills oso.. hehe
ling, yah ur one on the way
his doing it now
me now also doing my own one hahahaha

cl, wah liao seem like ur'all nvr read my post one leh. BOX u ah. wat i get ur'all will also get. me wont let tis gd lobang slip from ur hand also lah. dun wori, hahaha it's included lah
wei i cook that time not spicy wor.

ling, cl & zu can teach us. they both veri gd cook
hehehe when huh. i also need to catch up coz when my ah boi grow older he must have 1 those nice food. i dun 1 him say tis mummy only noe how to cook porridge neh.hehehehe
Pai seh,
I very blur one

Aiyo I only know how to cook Japanese. Everything easy way out one. Ok then will do next dish Japanese curry. Give you some of the curry powder to add on top of the curry cube
Serene: i oso did 1 effect for my girl... One simple one, no time to explore... then I print out A4 size... Yet to buy frame only hehe

See when we can have the box curry with curry powder toppings okay.. :D
So funny leh.

Serene, if 22 Apr I cannot, I hosting a class for Charmaine at my house leh.

My hb sure will be puzzled why u all want to learn from lousy cook
serene, i dun tink wana join u all picnic le.
Cos we gg to Sentosa tmr. Just the 3 of us.

I'm not tt good a cook la. Me anyhow cook one.
So wen ppl ask me for recipe, i also dunno how to say. :p

Wah! Adam say thanks to all the comments. hehe..
Din know he's so charming. I know he's a monster only! :p

All the kids pics are very well taken.
I like the digital effects le. Nice!!

Wah! jess going for 2nd honeymoon liao.
Bg back gd news for us le. hehehe...
zu, my ah boi i also call him monster
His the little monster in star family...hehehe

Cl, wah liao he sian qi ah. then nxt time u dun cook for him hahaha
Mine i dun call monster.. But indeed she is oso a little monster sia... Like boi, run here there up down... faint... She luvs jumping off my bed onto her bed, which is on the floor.. I owaz scold her then she will giggle and run away.. haiz...
I looking at your STAR family. That day I was joking to myself then mine is a ACCA family. Aiyo xiao liao

Ya my mil very good cook and their taste bud those very salty one. So my style not suitable.
I looking at your STAR family. That day I was joking to myself then mine is a ACCA family. Aiyo xiao liao

Ya my mil very good cook and their taste bud those very salty one. So my style not suitable.

Hi all,

I am a new mother, boy delivered on Saturday, 7 April @ TMC. Also living at CCK, just opp the polyclinic =) Hoping to meet up with you mummies when my boy is older so that can let him socialise.
