Choa chu kang mummy club

tonight i'm leaving for Tokyo. you sms me the details. if i can do it at the airport, i'll do it tonight. if not, afraid will have to do it after i come back on 21 March. pai say!

tat shirley/drling/dunno wat stil got email me lor. sigh! i'm just going to ignore.

you mean till today? I only remember on monday she ask if can collect the things then later say she cannot make it and put to this weekend. I think i will ignore her sms too. Should we announce her HP here too? I understand that shirley and Darling have the same HP number. In cab there was another adult. The 2 kids around 6yrs at least

CL, can give me your address? I'll pop by for the session.

you got my email?


Have a good trip... Still trying to convince my hubby on my gal's arrangements.
I got an email from her yest la. ya confirmed with CL liao, shirley and darling have same hp number. i'm going to ignore her sms and email lor. :p

Thanks! good luck on your gal's arrangement.
Hwee, Meow
Me not received sms and email liao after that day she call me and sent me sms then bo liao.

Ok email you liao. Asking for your contact too if not how to arrange our town lunch leh.

By the way, which infant care have you chosen ? Your office building got Josiah Montessori quite good.

Lyn Baby
If you think 23 Mar at my place is baking course, wrong hor. It is just a gathering for baking thread and of course some of the CCK mummies are in so just drop by. Objective for this gathering is to Kai Zhang my oven

have a safe trip and have fun for the shopping. Do buy more baking stuff, nobody take from you i take. I must build my empire for baking. Ha ha never start already start buying things.
Thanks! will sure buy all i can see there....hee hee.... hopefully not many oos items.

wanna ask you worth it to get those store value cards? no need to keep digging coins to buy those train tickets right?
Just go to those JR stations and get Suica Card. Can use to buy from some vending machine too and some convenient store so quite convenient
hwee, enjoy yr trip...

CL, can pm me yr address. will drop by if my husband can make it on that day.

hope to meet up with the mummies soon and learn some baking skill from u....
you so lucky lor. How come the last time i go suica can only use at JR woh. Kanasai leh but happy for you

Will pm u
Hello CL

Got your email. replied you already.

yes, I went to take a look at the Josiah Montessori a couple of days ago. Quite ex leh,
is it really good? they do not have infant care, only childcare. am considering for next year though.
emily, she staying near to the yew tee cc

hwee: waiting for ur photo

mummy2, dun paiseh lah
bring ur hubby & kids along lah
CL later box me, as if my hse. hehehe

lyn, i seldom login to msn one leh
if u c i'm in msn, meaning i'm either on leave or midnight hehehe
[email protected]
the one at CL's hse is just normal session of playing kind of baking session
internally cck mummies had ask me organise one to invite pink over
that one still pending till now

CL, so now how many cfm party gg to ur plc on 23mar?
so baking or make jap dumpling?
we go buy the stuffn 2gether as hwee not bck yet???
I seriously not very sure. over there i think I saw 8 names. Then from CCK Emily and Mummy2 says will drop by.

Hwee back on 21 Mar. Now she must be enjoying dinner in japan liao ha ha

maybe no time to do difficult thing. I teach you do the Crab avocado salad lah. The night before I teach you oden lah

juz call me lah when you want to drop by to check
Emily, i will be there ard 11am
will wait for u.
u bring ur kids along?
u still have my nbr rite???

CL, yah hope she manage to help me find my stuffs
thur???? i go over thur nite for dinner???hahahaha
btw, i be bringing either cheeze hotdog or blackpepper hotdog on sun
Hi CL & Serene

Yeah I will be coming over, shld be ard 1pm. Hope is not too late for u gals? Need me to bring anything over??? I paiseh to go empty hands leh...

CL, rec'd yr contact and add. Will sms u my mobile no. later

I'm popping by too. with hubby and my gal.

Is there anything I need to bring? I got some baking stuff at home also. Let me know if you need something.

Also, a question to ask the mummies here. My gal is 4.5 months now. PD says she can start some cerel when she's 6 months. What do I give her? Brown rice cerel? for Puree, is it advisble to make purees and store in cubes and freeze it?
mummy2, i gg ard 12+
bringing my kid also

gemini19, i intro ceral to both my kids when they are ard 4mths+. i buy those gerber can puree then ard 6mths+ i give them porridge
Just a update for mummies who are coming

Date: 23Mar (Sun)
Time: From 11 am
Place: CL's CCK hse
Agenda: Baking mummys *LUNCH* pot-luck gathering cum baking *cookies* & MAHJONG
1) angi & seth [sambal quail eggs n hotdog] *MJ*
2) CL (kids porridge and Japanese oden & Salad) *Tea*
3) hwee (jelly) *MJ*??
4) Eileen & Zhe Lei (Fried bee hoon & Curry Chicken) *Tea*
5) Serene <-- *MJ*?? cheeze hotdog or blackpepper hotdog
6) pink *Tea* (pizza &amp; chiffon cake)
7) Catika *MJ*?? (Fried rice)
8) Lim * Tea* (Chicken lemper)
9) Pooh (Mee Suah Kueh)

So Mummy2, Gemini 19 and Emily joining hor. Anything you are convenient to bring it is ok
I start off with Heinz plain rice cereal when my boy is 4mths old. Then slowly goes to other cereals and porridge.

You back already? Your total is $29.79
CL, will pop by after I finish with visiting my ancestor....qingming festival....sorry forget to update.

hwee, if u are gng to CL house can u bring the chiffon pan for me. thanks.
Thanks all mummies here for your warm hospitality.
I was getting myself all prepared to come.
But my 2nd girl and I are down with flu now....haiz
I hope i can recover in time
didn't manage to get any of those items for you. just heard from CL that those items are not avail outside. she's trying to see if we can get it from the office directly or not.
on holidays sure good one! dun wanna come back lor! hee hee.....
food was not a problem. only problem is language. but most of the restaurants have picture so we point point lor.

how's yr babysitting issue? still looking for infant care?
so called 'convince" my hubby to stay put first, till my gal is bigger. he's not entirely pleased with it but no choice lor. I'm quite depressed abt it though, thought motherhood is suppose to be happy, but many issues cope up along the way, even the very basic one like babysitting for my gal. My hubby wants a second one which I'm quite apprehensive about.
hi CCK mummies

thought i can try my luck here,

any recommendation for a good tutor to coach my nephew P5 Chinese. btw, am sourcing for my sis who is staying at CCK.

thanks in advance
well, the babysitting issue is the main concern of all parents and it is exactly why the birth rate is low here. hee hee.....

i agree with you to wait till you gal is older. dun be depressed. i had to leave my kids with a maid at one stage. i mean so many ppl are doing it too. well, finally my mil agreed to take care tho its more inconvenient to us having to pick and send daily, i guess its far better than leaving him to a maid.

dun be stressed, like you say, motherhood is supposed to be happy. enjoy your moments with your gal. she'll grow up very fast and you'll start to miss her infant days....
i know but sometimes hard to let go. also, me not very young leh, dun know can wait so long to have another one or not. was contemplating to have just one, but scared she'll be lonely.

ya, my gal starts to flip, and always want to play with people. I really miss her when at work though tired when at home with her.
welcome back.
u went japan for holiday?...i was wondering if u were on business trip.

CL and Serene
sorry i couldn't join u on last sunday.
Dun think you're any older than me! hee hee.....
yes, another one will be good. whenever i see my 2 of them hugging each other, i know i did the right thing. tho i have to tell you they fight too! haha!

me come back liao. not biz trip la, just holidays with the family.
So far i know i'm older than all the mummies here.... unless those i dunno their age...hee hee....

my #1 is a girl and my #2 is a boy.

here's a pic of them 2.

Considering my age, they're not young liao. I have frens who are around my age all their kids in upp primary level liao. sigh!

but dun compare la. i'm glad i have 2 healthy kids. yes, when they are good its really fun. when they fight, i headache!
my 1st girl is 12 yrs old oredy....means i'm older than you...ha ha

me 'eating snake' now ;P....have been very busy lately
depending on wat age you start....hee hee..... i have classmates whose children are in sec sch also...hee hee.....

i had been so busy before i went on leave and the day i came back. now boss not in so i can eat snake a bit....hee hee....
