Choa chu kang mummy club

yes, my gal is in Glory Kindie. Let me know what info you need.

yes, can't get enuf of travelling....hee hee....

do u know when is the registration for Glory kindy? Izit very popular? What are the fees like? Your girl goes there by sch bus? Hope u don't mind me asking so many qns.. keke
its ok la.

the registration started since 24 mar. yes, it is quite popular. the morning sessions are usually full before registration is opened to public. the pm session starts at 11.45 and ends at 2.30pm. sch bus pick up is at 10.25am and drop off is 3.05pm. the fees has gone up a lot! this yr i'm paying close to $650 per term. sch bus is $100/mth.
wow.. quite ex!
so your girl goes to the pm session? Hmm.. it might clash with my girl's nap time. How do u find the curriculum?

Btw is Glory kindy affliated to Pei Hwa Pri? ie any priority to get into P1?

I was telling hb that if we go to tokyo again, we MUST stay 1 night in tokyo disney resort.. hee.. Which part of tokyo did u stay? We were at Ueno the last time, cheap cheap hotel
yes, they increased their fees a lot! when my girl was in Nursery, the fees were $145/mth, the in K1 it became $213/mth, now its like abt $250/mth. their curriculum is ok. i haven't tried other place before so can't compare.

no, no kindie is affiliated to any pri sch. no priority to get into Pei Hwa. sorry!

yes, should spend a night in Disney resort.
i stayed in this apartment in Roppongi, not tat ex compared to hotels for a family of 4.
Somehow I prefer a christian sch.. that's why thot of Glory kindy.
I guessed it.. abt Pei Hwa. But if you're a member of the church, your girl may enrol in phase 2b2.. i think if not wrong.

Ropponggi is one place that we missed out. Hb says must go there the next time. Ha, seems like our list of 'must visit' is increasing
But we've yet to plan our next trip..

Oh btw u're not working today ah? very fast replies
have you asked abt Grace house at bt batok? the building is brand new.

yes, we get to register in phase 2b.

wat a coincidence, we missed ueno. haha! yes, tokyo is so big that after spending 5 days there also like haven't seen this and that.... :p

me working la.
hi mummy2
the school's curriculum teaches phonics in their english class, included in the fees. they also have additional enrichment classes like phonics, chinese, art and others after school which is optional, that you pay extra. i actually sent my girl to take phonics classes outside last year. but has since stopped.
since the school teaches phonics in their english class, why do u need to send her for phonics class again? sorry don't really know what they teach in the phonics class.

my boy school don't teach phonics so i might want to consider sending him for phonic class next year. do u think is a must to send them for phonic class?
oh yes, tks for reminding me abt Grace Hse, I passed by it several times before, but didn't get in.

Ya, agree 5 days is not enough in tokyo.. for us, we're reluctant to leave, and when we're back in SG, we kept thinking of tokyo.. like experiencing withdrawal symptoms
hwee, must get started
i tend to develop every month coz scare i 4get abt the little notes that i want to write on the photo
nxt x got chance u come my hse see my study room the shelve with all the albums u will faint
so many photo hahaha

ling, i duno how much i spent liao
their photo more than mine
hi ladies!

re: gathering
can't make it again. bringing my full mth bb back to hometown to see grandparents.

the cake molds with you? how much i owe you? paiseh leh... so long liao still haven't collected from you...
where's glory?

wah, you develop all the photos. any lobang of cheap place to develop the photos? i store all the photos in the computer, we also scare the harddisk crashed, so hb backup 2 copies...
btw, the nursery that you are sending axler to, can gv me the name and contact details?
sunny, yah i everyday snap since the day they are born till 1 yrs old
oh yes, i develop per pc for 15cents
the sunday class that i told u min $1?
that one is at teck whye GCM
you got the contacts of GCM?
you very consistent leh. me nowadays don't snap everyday liao....
hi hwee & jf
since you mention Grace House...incidentally I'm a member of that church (Grace Assembly of God) since 1984. This bt batok building is an extension from its parent church at 355 Tanglin Road.
I miss Japan also. I was there in 2002 and still wishing I can go back again... but afraid my pocket will burn a big hole... the last time my family of 4 was there, we became $10k poorer *sob*
hi mummy2
i still send my girl to phonics class cos school is usually slower and since it is a big class, the attention is not given. I send her to this phonics class only 8 ppl max got a fair bit of attention and she learns better. it is not a must to send, some children picks up very fast and school curriculum is enuf.

yes, Grace Assembly at Tanglin is beside my sec sch. think you should know.
ya, this is a branch.

well, holidays are like that lor. if i do go to japan again, won't bring kids cos dun wan to go disneyland liao, will just concentrate on my own shopping. hee hee...

where to develop photos for 15cts now? i have to pay at least 20cts lei....

yes, the pans are with me. you contact pink and pay her directly can? how are you and new baby?
thanks! i will pm pink later.

my trying to get use to taking care of bb again. haha.... but taking care of toddler and bb at the same time is a real challenge. luckily, during daytime, my mil is taking care of my gal, then i have full time with the bb.
geimini & hwee, chinatown
can take back within 1 hr
another 1 at this bldg opp cityhall mrt
last x capitol. there also 15cent but can only collect 3 days later

sunny, cn at home
u remind me hor
yah now seldom take liao. coz they 1 yrs old liao
last x everyday leh.
1 month old + only, not very fun leh. other than sleep, eat, poo, pee, other time is crying. so sian. haha.... :p

ok, i sms you later to get the contact.
Thanks! wa, you really bother to go looking. you working nearby right? lucky you.

hey, enjoy while you can. later when bb flip, crawl, walk etc, you'll be more tired!
Crescent Girls was my secondary school too.

i used to print my photos in Lot 1 kodak shop. anyboby know how much they charge now per pc?
Emily/Serene: I print mine for 30 or 40c leh.. faint.. u gals must be collating everything then print isit?? :p

Sunny/Serene: its CGM not GCM... :p

I'll try the one at Capitol. Near my workplace. Thanks for the info.

Also, all mummies, only got 3 mummies confirm this sat's outing is it?

I've not paid for the function room. Was thinking if not too big a crowd, can do it at my place instead.
at Limbang i used to pay 20c but now price gone up to 25c. i go to clementi to print at 20c as the quality is better. ya, collate then print cos must have 100pcs to enjoy that price. at IP i used to print 30c i think.

any minimum qty to get that price?
it's cheaper if u develop more than 40 photos per session...then they will charge u cheaper per photo.

now my kids big liao, i seldom take photos. but when we go for tour, i'll capture some for memory sake.

btw i'm still using film camera i bring 2 cameras to tour...haha...very kiasu hor?
ya, if the crowd is not big, then let's hangout at the swimming pool. let me know. :

ya, i love the mutton curry from the indian stall too! and that fried noodle stall is forever long Q!

film camera? wow! you're still so traditional. i take digital to make sure the shot is not blur or else i may not have the chance to go back to some places again. not kiasu la. just in case.
if hanging out at the pool, can my kids swim? i'll bring their gear cos they cannot tahan when they see water.
we chin chye one. dun bother since you have a young baby. i dun mind we order pizza or even Macdonald's. once a blue moon for the kids i dun mind unless you all have any special preference? i can make something too. just let me know.

I do not have PM. can email you?


email you my address already. see you then.

Food wise, think can we order pizza? I prepare some cakes and desserts. Is that ok?
yes you can email me. you just click on my name or id on the left then you can see 'click' to send mail. you can attach your details there for me. this is called pm.

ya, got it liao! dun say that la. everyone got their first time.

but keep your fingers crossed. my girl just started coughing. hopefully she's ok if not i'll have to take rain check in case she pass it your baby or other children. the flu virus now is very strong. i'm tyring to keep my 2 children apart too! :p

The cityhall one close already is it? I went just now but did not see it?


My gal just recovered also. She's still taking some medications though. Ya, virus strong now. You let me know
gemini19,no leh me juz when there develop last wk
that one got GST hor
the one a chinatwon no GST
u working at city hall area?
u 1 me bring u there?

ya, I work in cityhall. will be good if you can show me where. you working near cityhall also right? Thanks in advance

You joining us tomorrow for the gathering?


Thanks for the cake. I see tonight I got time to make some brownies or not.
