Choa chu kang mummy club

we're not far. i'm just 2 yrs away from you but look at the age gap of our kids! hee hee..... told you i started late liao.

not middle age la. just not young anymore. not old yet too!

are we still having a gathering?

can manage to get the function room?

Talking about age me oso on the 30 plus one lah, just turn 34, very fast will be sama sama but base on your kids age same same lah

Young at heart is more important. See we old old one still can click quite well with the rest.

Hey mummies
I meeting gemini for lunch tomorrow at cityhall see who wants to join lah
CL, Gemini
wa, secret rendevous....hee hee.... if i dun go to science park maybe i go meet with you all..... hee hee....
I'm working in Science Park 1...
This place is very shopping or nice eating places.
Sometimes my colleagues and me take cab or drive out for lunch.
The lunch today is not in Science Park. Its somewhere in NUS dunno which canteen la. heard got shuttle from sci pk there wor..... i know the shuttle service goes to ghim moh right? i know how boring cos last time i work in tuas the same thing. hee hee.....
CL, I'm just one year younger than you. But my gal is only 4 months plus. That's why I was thinking should I wait till she's 2 before I have the next one? or have the next one now? or just one will do?

yes, yes, any mummies wanna join us?

re: function room.

I've not booked the room yet, any dates to suggest?
Told you you're younger than me liao. hee hee.... ok la, abt the time i started too. no worries, now you know when i had my #2. does that help?

for the function room, i should be ok with weekends except i'll run off early like abt 4 for my girl's class.

CL, Gemini
have things to pass to pink, guess can't escape liao. will be going to NUS dunno where for lunch. hee hee.... next time la. what abt next week? there's another lunch with the baking kakis on tues....
CL, so sorry couldn't make it on last sun gathering. My boy was sick follow by my hubby and I'm down with stomach flu too sigh.... Hope to join u gals on next gathering

Hwee, yr Japan trip looks fun. Is F&E or u went by tour? How much did u spend for the whole trip? I thought of bringing my kids to Japan too but worry that the expenses will be very high..
hi mummy2
i went f&e. its ok la, not as ex as i expect. the apt i stayed is rather ex. if you opt for cheaper accommodation then it will be lesser. i spent just under 7k for airfare, accommodation, food and local transport with sight seeing entrances. didn't include shopping which i didn't buy much also. many restaurants have their prices and menu outside, so you can see and decide before you enter.

hope to see you in another gathering soon!
yes there is lunch shuttle bus that goes to ghim moh and holland v twice a week.

which function room is the gathering?

Anyone interested to meet for lunch at holland v? I love jap food from sushi tei..
you mean its not daily shuttle? i'm surprised.

no problem. see when we can get a few ladies to do lunch at sushi tei.
the shuttle is daily from tue to fri. tue and thur to holland v, wed and fri to ghim moh

which condo u r staying in?

I'm at the quintet.

aiyo, my daughter seems to have develop a cough again. Not sure why she so prone to having it. no one in the house has it leh, and I dun bring her out that often... any idea how to prevent recurring cough? she's only coming 5 months
I'm just beside you...Windermere
It's best not to let your baby sleep in air-con room..more so if she is sensitive to environment.
My son had a cough that wouldn't go away for very long.
I was told by NUH child specialist that my son (6 yrs) has sensitive nose. It leads to cough in the morning becos of the back flow of phlegm from the nose to the lungs when sleeping.
oh, maybe really because of aircon.

Let me clean the aircon filter tonight and try not sleeping in aircon.

Emily, yes, we are so near
Emily, Gemini
ya, its best that kids don't sleep in air con. but i need air con to sleep, so if the kids sleep in my room, then bo bian. i notice my girl now coughing lesser since she sleep with my mother in the next room.

I used to stay right in front of Windermere, blk 631. now shift to blk 513.
brought my gal to see PD today. Doctor says she caught a flu again. so upset. dun know why she catches flu so easily. yes, will try not to let her sleep in aircon. last time, my mum looks after her at night and my mum must sleep aircon one, so no choice. now that we bring her back everyday, should let her go without aircon.
So wat did the doc prescribe her? got antibiotics? no fever shud not give right? make sure she dun get near any furry stuff or those soft toys. it should help a bit.

dun be upset la. they will outgrow it. later on make sure you gal takes lots of fruits and vegetables will do.
Do a thorough clean might be due to dust. Dun worry my son oso have bronchitis then now slowly oso cut down.

Hey sms me to arrange pick up of my ergo carrier to try before the weekend comes ha ha then I will need again
HI CCK Mummies,

Wonder any kind mummy knows whether there is a private bus from CCK/Yew Tee to Shenton Way? I have been struggling on the train station every day...let me know if anybody knows.

Thanks in advance!
hey all, long time no log in.. so many postings!

hey hwee, you back from Japan.. nice pix..

and how did the "age" issue come about?? all discussing on age haha.. sensitive issue leh.. :p

gemini: now cough & flu spreading like nobody biz.. sigh... yup, if hv flu, don sleep aircon room... I tink the other time the virus did not fully disappear so it re-surface again... must take care..

KC: I have no idea wor...
how are you? we haven't had lunch since we were talking abt it and now 2008 some more chinese new year also over long long ago liao...hee hee....

yr boy is sooooo cute!

dun think there's any....
Hwee, u wana do lunch tmr? @ 12pm.. Bring photos and show mi leh...

U talking abt my ah boi har.. hehe.. so fast 5mths plus le leh.. time flies wor... we all oso old le.. sobx
yes, do a mass cleanup of my room yesterday.
Problem is my gal is so afraid of hot. Will perspire like nobody biz. change her so many times in a day. too hot, she also cannot sleep. hopefully dun rain, if rain, my room very stuffy as no ventilation when i close the window.

Thanks CL. Maybe this weekend cannot go out already. My hubby says must fully recover than can bring her out. I'll let you know when I need it ok?

RE: Gathering

Calling all mummies at CCK, I've booked the function room on the 12th April from 9 am to think 3 pm.

Pls let me know who can make it.

can't do lunch tmr. wed can? tmr bring my mama to doc. photos ar....hee know la, these days take digital photo no develop la. go to my kids' blog la.

ok. i'm ok for 12th Apr. Let me know what food to prepare.
wah liao a few day nvr login the thread getting longer everyday

toking abt photo i develop all my kids photo
their album is more than mine
thanks! but hor it will take me ery long to link others cos i not computer savvy. can post in blog already very good liao. haha!

wa, you very hardworking. i very long didn't update their albums liao....hee hee....
HI for all cck mum,
may i check which PD in CCK is good? My son had been coughing badly for weeks. He got bronchitis had been seeing this GP at yew tee mrt for 3 times but not recovering.
Any one can advise?

Some mummies here goes to Dr Winston Ng at Kidslink at HDB centre beside lot 1. For me I go to GP at blk 601, Healthmark, Dr Siaw is good. So far some of the mummies whom I have recommended has no complaint about him.

Note that they currently can take appt so better to call and make appt otherwise q is very very long

I'm using Dr Winston Ng. Must really make appointment, I waited abt 2 hours before without appointment. He's ok, quite detailed.
My kids go to company-specified GP at Healing Light in Limbang (Dr Delvin Ng).

Re the gathering, I'll probably come b4 11am
hwee, have to. else i 4get & lost touch to update their photo
will give them as a gift when they turn 21st
just ordered some scrapbooking materials from CL. hope to get started to do something for them. at least on a yealy basis. lwt's see..... :p
ha ha hwee,
my gal keep asking about your gal kelly. ha ha sama sama age and size and so much princess talk so actually these few weeks her teacher on MC so i dun have chinese class, can drop by my place , I let the gals scrap before kelly goes for her swimming lah
Date: 12th April (Sat)
Time: 9am - 3pm
Venue: Quintet Function Room

1) hwee + 2 kids (will be there ard 11+)
i owaz develop pix oso and put into album then my girl will flip the albums when she is free... then we can chat about wat happen that time oso.. nice nice

Gemini: I cannot make it to the gathering.. alot alot of things to do on that day... 3 functions to go wor.. faint
Date: 12th April (Sat)
Time: 9am - 3pm
Venue: Quintet Function Room

1) hwee + 2 kids (will be there ard 11+)
2) emily + 3 kids (will be there ard 10+)
hello mummies

finally got time to come in and chat. was busy with my year end closing....

talking abt the photos, i also got alot of photos which i did not develop at all. just wonder how u gals backup all the photos?? 'cos mine is all in the computer harddisk. worried if my computer crash then all my photos will gone liao...

i hv missed the gathering at CL's hse, shld be able to join u gals on the 12th.
Gemini19, can u pls pm me yr address? also can i know if u hv a pool there 'cos my boy will definitely want to swim if he sees the pool so thgt maybe my hubby can bring him for a swim whereas I can chat with the mummies with just my girl ard

Date: 12th April (Sat)
Time: 9am - 3pm
Venue: Quintet Function Room

1) hwee + 2 kids (will be there ard 11+)
2) emily + 3 kids (will be there ard 10+
3) mummy2 + 2 kids + hubby (will be there ard 10+)

hihi mummies,
Used to visit this thread long time ago but has since lost touch. I'm staying at cck loop, nearer to cck mrt. But my 2-yr old girl is going to the playgroup in yew tee.

hi hwee,
are u the one who send your girl to Glory kindergarten? I'm interested to send my girl there & wants to find out more info. Can share?
Coincidentally my family also went to tokyo f&e, that was last yr Dec. Thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it & wanting more!

Re: "I Can Read" at cck, the bldg beside Lot1
Anyone tried that?
