Choa chu kang mummy club

hwee, k i sms her
yah i like all this kind of girly stuff
yah loh my icing failure leh
tink me gg to buy those ready make 1 & try

caramum, lok nice & taste nice
coz i buy those pre mix chocolate sponge cake flour
just add eggs, water & butter. hehehehe
veri easy to make
i heard those ready made icing very sweet. so now i wanna try to make my own.

next time no need to buy those pre-mix la. sometimes dunno what's inside. normal sponge cake is not difficult to make.
hello mummies
I'm staying in CCK also.
I have 3 kids, age 12, 9 and 6.
I'm very new to this thread.
Serene Ng gave me this link.

Did u use anything to seal the pooh cake mould at the botom? Won't the cake batter flow out from the bottom?
dun be lazy la. its not that difficult. its just flour, sugar and cocoa powder that you need besides the milk, eggs and butter.

you still have the donut recipe right? go try and do it. very easy one.
almost fail proof.

Welcome Emily!
Wow, you kids so big laio, you must be very 'senang'.
emily, hi hi welcome to join us here
i secure the bottom using tracing papper

hwee, oh yes
will try out that recipe during the wkend
Your cinderella II is here with me liao. How to pass you?

When you passing things to that needy mum?
she dun want my playpen liao. Then never give me contact to pass over other things.

I will email again and then pack my things for her. If she still wants, then I will bring for her
let me know how much to pay you. i'll probably collect from you after my trip from japan. too busy these few nights, many errands to run before my trip. thanks!

you also passing something to that mummy in cck? i won't be able to do it before my trip liao. will do it after i come back.
Ya got the number for that shirley. If want then consolidate at 1 point then pass to shirley lor. Consolidate at my plac on 23 Mar if gathering confirmed then
ok. will see what i can pack for her. i was initially going to buy diapers, but the lady, darling precious or something told me that she already has quite a number of 's' size diapers. so for diapers, 'm' size onwards. hopefully the gathering on 23 Mar materialise.
lyn, u interested in baking???
we organise baking class leh
the 1st one will be at CL's hse
coming gd fri that sun
hi mummies

i'm new to this thread but i'm interested in baking too though i'm not gd at it. i hv 2 kids, 3yr and 16mth. hope to join u gals
maybe i meet you to pass you the milk powder that i buy for Joanna? dun wan to hang on for too long until after my trip. and cannot send over this evening lei. maybe i bring over to your place tonight?
I'm working fulltime.
Pardon my ignorance...what is SAHM?
My dream is to become a 'tai-tai' hehehe.

hi hi mummy2
welcome welcome
I like to bake too...but i'm always too tired/lazy (after working hours) to bake...sianz
anyway, i would like to share my blog that capture my bakes.
Hi Emily

Tks for the warm welcome. SAHM is "Stay At Home Mom". Wow.... from yr blog, u bake alot leh... all so nice...
so far I only try to bake donut and cookie lor... as what u said, i'm also always so tired and lazy to bake afer work. Need to learn from u and try to bake more as my kids enjoy doing that with me
mummy2 already explained that.
well, one day i'm sure you'll be a tai-tai. its just that you need many tai-tai frens too if not very boring. you can try taking a long leave and you know what i mean.

nice blog! and nice bakes! very nice photography too!
mus learn from you.

welcome mummy2

you wanna leave your baby in infant care?
mummy2 & hwee
thanks...but most of the photos have been touch up.
the reason why i could bake is because i got a domestic helper who did all the dirty work (like grating, chopping and washing up)
mummy2, then come join us at CL's HSH lah

Emily, i test out the egg liao
try to take the photo show u but not clear leh
i will try out the 3d agar agar then c if can take pix
c i told u ur cakes are lovely rite
not only i praise even hwee also say that

hwee, yi lu soon feng hor(my han yu pin yin correct anot??)
do enjoy & remember to take many many photo show me
me also full time working mum (FTWM). no time to bake until the kids are in bed.

Thanks! no problem will take tons of photos.
hwee & serene, tks for the warm welcome

i love to join u gals but a bit pai say 'cos i don't any of u leh... so u gals r going to CL's hse on 23 mar? wat time r u going? i will try to join u gals if i can make lor... is hubby and kids welcome too??
emily, how i wish i can be a SAHM lor.... but cannot so still need to work. may become a SAHM next year but don't know yet still discussing with my hubby as there is alot of things to take into consideration especially financial part. still working on it...
Hi Hwee

thinking abt it. lots of issues now with gal at mum's care. hubby not too pleased with certain arrangements.. but i'm a bit apprehensive abt infant care also.

Also, just heard from my colleague abt the CCK mummy Joanne. Apparantly, its fake. Do not be taken by her.
ya, she's been exposed liao. hope nobody got cheated here since we all stay in cck.

my advice to you is: no matter how, care given by own relative will be different from infant care. its your decision after all.

i will prefer to become ptwm. if i can have flexi hours with same pay, best! haha! i will want to continue to work. i dun think i can stay home all the time, will go crazy. hee hee....

btw, CL's house is at blk 547? correct me if i'm wrong. where are you staying?
I agree with you. I would choose to be a PTWM or a SAHM with a maid. Ha ha. Last time when I work from home, the 2 days that I report to work are my more decent days of the week. ha ha

mummy 2 and Emily
Welcome WElcome to this thread.

23 Mar
ha ha my house got open house. ha ha feel free to come. Sunday is family day of course all welcome lah but living room no air con lah.

Not baking class lah. Just some mummies from baking thread coming to kai zhang for my new oven and to teach me this new new dunno how to bake person lah. See I must ask A - Z what to prepare
you got say something very harsh meh? missed that one lei. muz be from the phoebe's new thread huh? hee hee... didn't read that one lor. sigh!

hey, she still email me on the donation items lor!
CL, tks for the welcome. Wat time r u opening yr hse? what things to bring then? if i can make it on the timing, i will definitely be there with my 2 kids and hubby

hwee, if can find a job which allow me to work from home that will be the best as i can look after my kids and at the same time earn some income lor... but hor... very difficult to find such a job in S'pore as many company still not really ready to let their employees work from home..
dun think working from home is good. i know somebody who works from home. very poor thing one, sick also muz go online to check and work, after dinner also must log on etc. no off days lor. at least now when we're out of office, can switch off a bit. my bro-in-law also working from home but no frens and colleagues also. not very ideal to me la.

the session starts like 11+ onwards till approx 4 or 5?

correct bo? you gotta let me know your addy hor. i only know your blk lor. anyway, still a long way la.
I opening from 11 but I think most mummy will be coming around 12. Just pop by if you can.

I dunno leh. I never direct anything at the nancy when she first appear. I just say focus on helping joanne leh. Got fierce meh ? I oso puzzled woh. New thread i never contribute any comment

Ya man, just now i talking to Meow. Ha ha she still tell me to pass or not to pass for the diaper that CLY bought. Alamak. I wonder how those mummies in dover who met up with her felt when they know about this
Hee hee sms you lor. Juz need to know the floor only. Come out from lift my place liao. Mummies who are coming just pm me for addy hor

I thot you busy with japan trip where got time to take down my addy.
Ask meow and CLY to sell the diapers away la. no point giving to her lor. sigh! so far nothing mentioned in the doer thread.

ok, noted your addy liao. thanks!
yeah me too busy never catch up le. FIrst of all, welcome all the new comers

That darling aka Shirley aka whatelse bought the S size diapers from me, hence need M size mah. But that i carton wont last long either lah. I still have her number. Was shock when CL sms me the day before yesterday not to donate things to her. Cheater man...i even initiate to tell her i will deliver to the needy mum since she stay far. I saw 2 children in the taxi when i met up with her last sunday
